123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579 |
- import "landcover.ins"
- param "file_sdates" (str "")
- param "file_hdates" (str "")
- param "file_Nfert" (str "")
- param "file_Nfert_st" (str "")
- file_npool_forest ""
- file_yield "yield.out"
- file_yield1 "yield1.out"
- file_yield2 "yield2.out"
- file_sdate1 "sdate1.out"
- file_sdate2 "sdate2.out"
- file_hdate1 "hdate1.out"
- file_hdate2 "hdate2.out"
- file_lgp "lgp.out"
- file_phu "phu.out"
- file_fphu "fphu.out"
- file_fhi "fhi.out"
- file_irrigation "irrigation.out"
- file_seasonality "seasonality.out"
- minimizecftlist 0 ! Checks st fraction file for st:s with fractions>0.0 at any time or place; other st:s are exluded from the stlist
- frac_fixed_default_crops 0 ! whether to use all active crop stand types (0) or only stand types with suitable rainfed crops
- nyears_cropland_ramp 0 ! Number of years to increase cropland fraction linearly from 0 to first year's value
- ifintercropgrass 1 ! Whether to grow grass as cover crop between growing periods
- iftillage 1 ! Whether to simulate tillage by increasing soil respiration
- ifcalcdynamic_phu 1 ! Whether to calculate dynamic potential heat units
- ifdyn_phu_limit 0 ! Whether to limit dynamic phu calculation to a period specified by nyear_dyn_phu
- nyear_dyn_phu 50 ! Number of years to calculate dynamic phu if dynamic_phu_limit is 1
- group "crop" (
- include 1
- phenology "cropgreen"
- rootdist 0.9 0.1 ! Fraction of fine roots in the upper and lower soil layers.
- fireresist 0.5
- respcoeff 1
- gmin 0.5
- turnover_leaf 1
- turnover_root 0.7
- intc 0.01
- leaflong 1
- frootstart 0.40
- frootend 0.20
- tcmin_surv -1000
- tcmin_est -1000
- tcmax_est 1000
- twmin_est -1000
- gdd5min_est 0
- parff_min 0
- landcover "cropland"
- sd_adjust 0
- ifsdautumn 0
- tempautumn 12
- tempspring 12
- maxtemp_sowing 60
- vern_lag 0
- phu_calc_quad 0
- phu_calc_lin 0
- harv_eff 0.9 ! Part of harvestable organs actually harvested
- harvest_slow_frac 0 ! Part of harvest that goes into patchpft.harvested_products_slow, the rest goes into fluxes.acflux_harvest
- turnover_harv_prod 1 ! Turnover rate for long-lived harvested products (wood) : 1-year turnover time for crops
- res_outtake 0.75 ! Part of residues after harvest removed from stand; goes into fluxes.acflux_harvest
- aboveground_ho 1
- isintercropgrass 0
- )
- group "crop_c3" (
- crop
- eps_iso 16.0
- seas_iso 1
- eps_mon 0.37 0.2 0.23 0.1 0.1 0.09 0.1 0.22 0.19
- storfrac_mon 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.2 0.5
- )
- group "crop_c4" (
- crop
- eps_iso 8.0
- seas_iso 0
- eps_mon 0.48 0.19 0.67 0.14 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.29 0.24
- storfrac_mon 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.2 0.5
- )
- group "CC3G" (
- C3G
- landcover "cropland"
- laimax 4
- isintercropgrass 0
- harv_eff 0.5
- harv_eff_ic 0.0
- res_outtake 0.0 ! not used by crop grass
- )
- group "CC4G" (
- C4G
- landcover "cropland"
- laimax 4
- isintercropgrass 0
- harv_eff 0.5 ! old value; intensive grazing: 90% grazed, 25-60 % returned to soil as faeces (0.36-0.675 removed, 0.5 OK average)
- harv_eff_ic 0.0
- res_outtake 0.0 ! not used by crop grass
- )
- group "TeW" (
- grass
- crop_c3
- include 1
- pathway "c3"
- phengdd5ramp 500
- pstemp_min -5
- pstemp_low 10
- pstemp_high 30
- pstemp_max 45
- sdatenh 330
- sdatesh 150
- lgp_def 230
- tb 0 ! base temperature
- trg 12 ! temperatures have a vernalizing effect until trg
- pvd 0
- psens 0.5
- pb 8
- ps 20
- phu 2900
- phu_calc_quad 1
- phu_min 1700
- phu_max 2876.9
- phu_red_spring_sow 0.8
- hlimitdatenh 269
- hlimitdatesh 89
- fphusen 0.7 ! SWAT 0.9
- shapesenescencenorm 1
- flaimaxharvest 0
- hiopt 0.5 ! FAO/IIASA AEZ
- himin 0.2
- ifsdautumn 1
- tempautumn 12
- tempspring 5
- forceautumnsowing 0 ! 0 No forcing, 1 Autumn, 2 Spring
- )
- group "TrRi" (
- grass
- crop_c3
- include 1
- pathway "c3"
- pstemp_min -5
- pstemp_low 10
- pstemp_high 30
- pstemp_max 45
- sdatenh 120 ! for initialization, otherwise calculated, possibly several growing seasons in one year
- sdatesh 300 ! idem
- lgp_def 230
- tb 10 ! base temperature
- trg 10 ! temperatures have a vernalizing effect until trg
- pvd 0
- psens 1
- pb 24
- ps 0
- phu 1800
- hlimitdatenh 60
- hlimitdatesh 240
- fphusen 0.80 ! SWAT 0.9
- shapesenescencenorm 1
- flaimaxharvest 0
- hiopt 0.5
- himin 0.25
- tempspring 18
- )
- group "TeCo" (
- grass
- crop_c4
- include 1
- pathway "c4"
- phengdd5ramp 500
- pstemp_min 6
- pstemp_low 20
- pstemp_high 45
- pstemp_max 55
- respcoeff 0.15 ! 110301
- sdatenh 140
- sdatesh 320
- lgp_def 220
- sd_adjust 1
- sd_adjust_par1 60.0
- sd_adjust_par2 85.0
- sd_adjust_par3 29.5
- tb 8 ! SWAT
- trg 8 ! temperatures have a vernalizing effect until trg
- pvd 0
- psens 1
- pb 0
- ps 24
- phu 1400
- hlimitdatenh 360 ! for initialization
- hlimitdatesh 176 ! idem; changed from 175 111115
- fphusen 0.75 ! SWAT 0.9
- shapesenescencenorm 1
- flaimaxharvest 0
- hiopt 0.5 ! SWAT (silage 0.9)
- himin 0.3
- tempspring 14
- )
- group "TrMi" (
- grass
- crop_c4
- include 1
- pathway "c4"
- phengdd5ramp 500
- pstemp_min 6
- pstemp_low 20
- pstemp_high 45
- pstemp_max 55
- respcoeff 0.15
- sdatenh 150
- sdatesh 330
- lgp_def 245
- tb 10 ! base temperature
- trg 10 ! temperatures have a vernalizing effect until trg
- pvd 0
- psens 1
- pb 0
- ps 24
- phu 2000
- hlimitdatenh 50
- hlimitdatesh 230
- fphusen 0.85 ! SWAT 0.9
- shapesenescencenorm 1
- flaimaxharvest 0
- hiopt 0.25 ! SWAT
- himin 0.1
- tempspring 12
- )
- group "TePu" (
- grass
- crop_c3
- include 1
- pathway "c3"
- phengdd5ramp 500
- pstemp_min -5
- pstemp_low 10
- pstemp_high 30
- pstemp_max 45
- sdatenh 100
- sdatesh 280
- lgp_def 245
- tb 3 ! base temperature
- trg 3 ! temperatures have a vernalizing effect until trg
- pvd 0
- psens 1
- pb 0
- ps 24
- phu 2000
- hlimitdatenh 364
- hlimitdatesh 180
- fphusen 0.90
- shapesenescencenorm 2
- flaimaxharvest 0
- hiopt 0.6 ! SWAT 0.61
- himin 0.01
- tempspring 10
- )
- group "TeSb" (
- grass
- crop_c3
- include 1
- pathway "c3"
- phengdd5ramp 500
- pstemp_min -5
- pstemp_low 10
- pstemp_high 30
- pstemp_max 45
- sdatenh 90
- sdatesh 270
- lgp_def 240
- tb 3 ! base temperature
- trg 3 ! temperatures have a vernalizing effect until trg
- pvd 0
- psens 1
- pb 0
- ps 24
- phu 2700
- hlimitdatenh 330
- hlimitdatesh 146
- fphusen 0.75 ! SWAT 0.9
- shapesenescencenorm 0
- flaimaxharvest 0.75
- hiopt 2.0 ! SWAT (Achtung below-ground) ! 0.15 AEZ (fraction of total biomass)
- himin 1.1
- tempspring 8
- aboveground_ho 0
- )
- group "TrMa" (
- grass
- crop_c3
- include 1
- pathway "c3"
- phengdd5ramp 500
- pstemp_min -5
- pstemp_low 10
- pstemp_high 30
- pstemp_max 45
- sdatenh 100
- sdatesh 280
- lgp_def 230
- tb 15 ! base temperature
- trg 15 ! temperatures have a vernalizing effect until trg
- pvd 0
- psens 1
- pb 0
- ps 24
- phu 2000
- hlimitdatenh 330
- hlimitdatesh 146
- fphusen 0.75
- shapesenescencenorm 0
- flaimaxharvest 0.75
- hiopt 2.0
- himin 1.1
- tempspring 22
- aboveground_ho 0
- )
- group "TeSf" (
- grass
- crop_c3
- include 1
- pathway "c3"
- phengdd5ramp 500
- pstemp_min -5
- pstemp_low 10
- pstemp_high 30
- pstemp_max 45
- sdatenh 120
- sdatesh 300
- lgp_def 180
- tb 6 ! base temperature
- trg 6 ! temperatures have a vernalizing effect until trg
- pvd 0
- psens 1
- pb 0
- ps 24
- phu 1500
- phu_calc_lin 1
- phu_min 1300
- phu_max 2000
- ndays_ramp_phu 90.0
- phu_interc 2460.0
- hlimitdatenh 300
- hlimitdatesh 116
- fphusen 0.7 ! SWAT 0.9
- shapesenescencenorm 1
- flaimaxharvest 0
- hiopt 0.3 ! SWAT
- himin 0.2 ! SWAT 0.18
- tempspring 15
- )
- group "TeSo" (
- grass
- crop_c3
- include 1
- pathway "c3"
- phengdd5ramp 500
- pstemp_min -5
- pstemp_low 10
- pstemp_high 30
- pstemp_max 45
- sdatenh 140
- sdatesh 320
- lgp_def 190
- tb 10 ! base temperature
- trg 10 ! temperatures have a vernalizing effect until trg
- pvd 0
- psens 1
- pb 0
- ps 24
- phu 1500
- hlimitdatenh 330
- hlimitdatesh 146
- fphusen 0.6 ! SWAT 0.9
- shapesenescencenorm 0
- flaimaxharvest 0
- hiopt 0.3 ! SWAT 0.31
- himin 0.01
- tempspring 13
- )
- group "TrPe" (
- grass
- crop_c3
- include 1
- pathway "c3"
- pstemp_min -5
- pstemp_low 10
- pstemp_high 30
- pstemp_max 45
- sdatenh 140
- sdatesh 320
- lgp_def 190
- tb 14 ! base temperature
- trg 14 ! temperatures have a vernalizing effect until trg
- pvd 0
- psens 1
- pb 0
- ps 24
- phu 1500
- hlimitdatenh 330
- hlimitdatesh 146
- fphusen 0.75 ! SWAT 0.9
- shapesenescencenorm 0
- flaimaxharvest 0
- hiopt 0.4 ! SWAT
- himin 0.3
- tempspring 15
- )
- group "TeRa" (
- grass
- crop_c3
- include 1
- pathway "c3"
- phengdd5ramp 500
- pstemp_min -5
- pstemp_low 10
- pstemp_high 30
- pstemp_max 45
- sdatenh 300
- sdatesh 120
- lgp_def 230
- tb 0 ! base temperature
- trg 12 ! temperatures have a vernalizing effect until trg
- pvd 0
- psens 1
- pb 8
- ps 20
- phu 2500
- phu_calc_quad 1
- phu_min 2100
- phu_max 3279.7
- phu_red_spring_sow 1.0
- hlimitdatenh 240
- hlimitdatesh 60
- fphusen 0.85 ! SWAT 0.9
- shapesenescencenorm 1
- flaimaxharvest 0
- hiopt 0.3 ! SWAT Argentina ; winter rapeseed 0.4 (Frick et al. 1994)
- himin 0.15 ! SWAT 0.01
- ifsdautumn 1
- tempautumn 17
- tempspring 5
- vern_lag 20
- forceautumnsowing 0 ! 0 No forcing, 1 Autumn, 2 Spring
- )