README.mac 2.9 KB

  1. ======================== Recipe 2 : using anaconda =========================
  2. # install packages using macports
  3. sudo port install openmpi
  4. # activate what we have just installed (mandatory)
  5. sudo port select mpi openmpi-mp-fortran
  6. # my anaconda is in my $HOME - no need for sudo
  7. pip install mpi4py
  8. conda install netcdf4
  9. compile the remap library
  10. run the script
  11. ==================== Checking which libraries are loaded ======================
  12. Useful to make sure that mpirun, remap and python use the same MPI library.
  13. sudo dtruss -f -t open sudo -u $(whoami) mpirun -np 1 python 2>out
  14. grep mpich out
  15. grep openmpi out
  16. where contains
  17. from mpi4py import MPI
  18. import netCDF4
  19. import ctypes as ct
  20. import os
  21. test = ct.cdll.LoadLibrary(os.path.realpath(''))
  22. If grep finds both mpich and openmpi, something is wrong !
  23. ====================== Various ways to mess up python/netCDF/MPI on MacOS ====================
  24. Anaconda vs macports python
  25. ===========================
  26. I have several pythons installed : 3 from Apple, one from macports and one from the Anaconda distribution, which is the default on my path.
  27. * find whether we use python from MacPorts or anaconda
  28. which python
  29. the one from macports is in /opt/local/bin
  30. * check active macports python version
  31. port select python
  32. (mine : python27)
  33. * if desired, set the path to avoid anaconda
  34. echo $PATH
  35. result : /Users/dubos/anaconda/bin:/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/X11/bin:/usr/texbin
  36. export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/X11/bin:/usr/texbin
  37. Below, [with macports] assumes that « which python » finds /opt/local/bin/python » while [with anaconda] assumes it finds the anaconda-provided python.
  38. Python-netCDF
  39. =============
  40. [with macports] :
  41. sudo port install py-netcdf4
  42. [with anaconda] :
  43. conda install netcdf4
  44. Notice that this will also compile its own instance of netCDF.
  45. Notice that in principle one could install python-netcdf using pip or easy_install. In my case it fails - there is a version mismatch for the HDF library at runtime
  46. MPI
  47. ===
  48. Macports can install openmpi, mpich or both (I have both). If both are installed one is activated by « port select ».
  49. It will install it for a specific compiler.
  50. * checking your active compiler
  51. port select gcc
  52. * installing openmpi
  53. sudo port install openmpi
  54. * checking for which gcc openmpi has been compiled
  55. port installed openmpi-default
  56. * checking your active mpi
  57. port select mpi
  58. * selecting openmpi (for example)
  59. sudo port select mpi openmpi-mp-fortran
  60. MPI4py
  61. ======
  62. It is important to compile the mapper library with the same MPI as mpi4py !
  63. easy_install fails on my Mac so I must use pip
  64. [with MacPorts] :
  65. sudo port install py-pip
  66. sudo port select pip pip27
  67. sudo pip install mpi4py
  68. [with anaconda] : pip is already installed,
  69. which pip
  70. pip install mpi4py