ping_ocnBgChem_DR1.00.20.xml 44 KB

  1. <!-- Ping files generated by dr2xml 0.23 using Data Request 01.00.18 -->
  2. <!-- lrealms= ['ocnBgChem'] -->
  3. <!-- exact= False -->
  4. <!-- listof_home_vars : None
  5. tierMax : 3
  6. realms_per_context : {'lmdz': ['atmos', 'atmos land'], 'nemo': ['seaIce', 'ocean', 'ocean seaIce', 'ocnBgchem', 'seaIce ocean'], 'orchidee': ['land', 'landIce land', 'land landIce', 'landIce']}
  7. max_priority : 3
  8. max_file_size_in_floats : 20000000000.0
  9. grid_choice : {'IPSL-CM6A-LR': 'LR'}
  10. excluded_vars_file : None
  11. sizes : {'LR': [20592, 79, 32768, 91, 30, 14, 128]}
  12. ping_variables_prefix : CMIP6_
  13. source_types : {'IPSL-CM6A-LR': 'AOGCM'}
  14. path_extra_tables : None
  15. grid_policy : native
  16. path_special_defs : None
  17. mips : {'LR': set(['CORDEX', 'GMMIP', 'RFMIP', 'AerChemMIP', 'CMIP6', 'OMIP', 'GeoMIP', 'C4MIP', 'PDRMIP', 'DCPP', 'DECK', 'LUMIP', 'CMIP5', 'CFMIP', 'ScenarioMIP', 'DAMIP', 'CCMI', 'SolarMIP', 'VIACSAB', 'SIMIP', 'CMIP', 'ISMIP6', 'VolMIP', 'PMIP', 'FAFMIP', 'HighResMIP', 'LS3MIP', 'SPECS', 'DynVar'])}
  18. excluded_vars : []
  19. orphan_variables : {}
  20. -->
  21. <context id="ocnBgChem">
  22. <field_definition>
  23. <!-- for variables which realm equals one of _ocean_seaIce_ocnBgchem-->
  24. <field id="CMIP6_arag" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P2 (mol m-3) mole_concentration_of_aragonite_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water : Sum of particulate aragonite components (e.g. Phytoplankton, Detrital, etc.) -->
  25. <field id="CMIP6_bacc" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P2 (mol m-3) mole_concentration_of_bacteria_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water : Sum of bacterial carbon component concentrations -->
  26. <field id="CMIP6_bddtalk" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-3 s-1) tendency_of_sea_water_alkalinity_expressed_as_mole_equivalent_due_to_biological_processes : Net total of biological terms in time rate of change of alkalinity -->
  27. <field id="CMIP6_bddtdic" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-3 s-1) tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_dissolved_inorganic_carbon_in_sea_water_due_to_biological_processes : Net total of biological terms in time rate of change of dissolved inorganic carbon -->
  28. <field id="CMIP6_bddtdife" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-3 s-1) tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_dissolved_inorganic_iron_in_sea_water_due_to_biological_processes : Net total of biological terms in time rate of change of dissolved inorganic iron -->
  29. <field id="CMIP6_bddtdin" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-3 s-1) tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_dissolved_inorganic_nitrogen_in_sea_water_due_to_biological_processes : Net total of biological terms in time rate of change of nitrogen nutrients (e.g. NO3+NH4) -->
  30. <field id="CMIP6_bddtdip" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-3 s-1) tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_dissolved_inorganic_phosphorus_in_sea_water_due_to_biological_processes : Net of biological terms in time rate of change of dissolved phosphate -->
  31. <field id="CMIP6_bddtdisi" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-3 s-1) tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_dissolved_inorganic_silicate_in_sea_water_due_to_biological_processes : Net of biological terms in time rate of change of dissolved inorganic silicon -->
  32. <field id="CMIP6_bfe" field_ref="BFe_E3T" expr="@BFe_E3T / @e3t * 1e-3 + @SFe_E3T / @e3t * 1e-3" > BFe_E3T / e3t * 1e-3 + SFe_E3T / e3t * 1e-3 </field> <!-- P1 (mol m-3) mole_concentration_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_iron_in_sea_water : Sum of particulate organic iron component concentrations -->
  33. <field id="CMIP6_bfeos" field_ref="BFeSFC_E3T" expr="@BFeSFC_E3T / @E3TSFC * 1e-3 + @SFeSFC_E3T / @E3TSFC * 1e-3" > BFeSFC_E3T / E3TSFC * 1e-3 + SFeSFC_E3T / E3TSFC * 1e-3 </field> <!-- P3 (mol m-3) bfeos : sum of particulate organic iron component concentrations -->
  34. <field id="CMIP6_bsi" field_ref="GSi_E3T" expr="@GSi_E3T / @e3t * 1e-3" > GSi_E3T / e3t * 1e-3 </field> <!-- P2 (mol m-3) mole_concentration_of_particulate_matter_expressed_as_silicon_in_sea_water : Sum of particulate silica component concentrations -->
  35. <field id="CMIP6_bsios" field_ref="GSiSFC_E3T" expr="@GSiSFC_E3T / @E3TSFC * 1e-3" > GSiSFC_E3T / E3TSFC * 1e-3 </field> <!-- P3 (mol m-3) bsios : sum of particulate silica component concentrations -->
  36. <field id="CMIP6_calc" field_ref="CaCO3_E3T" expr="@CaCO3_E3T / @e3t * 1e-3" > CaCO3_E3T / e3t * 1e-3 </field> <!-- P1 (mol m-3) mole_concentration_of_calcite_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water : Sum of particulate calcite component concentrations (e.g. Phytoplankton, Detrital, etc.) -->
  37. <field id="CMIP6_chl" field_ref="NCHL_E3T" expr="@NCHL_E3T / @e3t * 1e-3 + @DCHL_E3T / @e3t * 1e-3" > NCHL_E3T / e3t * 1e-3 + DCHL_E3T / e3t * 1e-3 </field> <!-- P1 (kg m-3) mass_concentration_of_phytoplankton_expressed_as_chlorophyll_in_sea_water : Sum of chlorophyll from all phytoplankton group concentrations. In most models this is equal to chldiat+chlmisc, that is the sum of Diatom Chlorophyll Mass Concentration and Other Phytoplankton Chlorophyll Mass Concentration -->
  38. <field id="CMIP6_chlcalc" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P2 (kg m-3) mass_concentration_of_calcareous_phytoplankton_expressed_as_chlorophyll_in_sea_water : chlorophyll concentration from the calcite-producing phytoplankton component alone -->
  39. <field id="CMIP6_chlcalcos" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P3 (kg m-3) mass_concentration_of_calcareous_phytoplankton_expressed_as_chlorophyll_in_sea_water : chlorophyll concentration from the calcite-producing phytoplankton component alone -->
  40. <field id="CMIP6_chldiat" field_ref="DCHL_E3T" expr="@DCHL_E3T / @e3t * 1e-3" > DCHL_E3T / e3t * 1e-3 </field> <!-- P1 (kg m-3) mass_concentration_of_diatoms_expressed_as_chlorophyll_in_sea_water : Chlorophyll from diatom phytoplankton component concentration alone -->
  41. <field id="CMIP6_chldiatos" field_ref="DCHLSFC_E3T" expr="@DCHLSFC_E3T / @E3TSFC * 1e-3" > DCHLSFC_E3T / E3TSFC * 1e-3 </field> <!-- P3 (kg m-3) mass_concentration_of_diatoms_expressed_as_chlorophyll_in_sea_water : chlorophyll from diatom phytoplankton component concentration alone -->
  42. <field id="CMIP6_chldiaz" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P2 (kg m-3) mass_concentration_of_diazotrophs_expressed_as_chlorophyll_in_sea_water : Chlorophyll concentration from the diazotrophic phytoplankton component alone -->
  43. <field id="CMIP6_chldiazos" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P3 (kg m-3) mass_concentration_of_diazotrophs_expressed_as_chlorophyll_in_sea_water : chlorophyll concentration from the diazotrophic phytoplankton component alone -->
  44. <field id="CMIP6_chlmisc" field_ref="NCHL_E3T" expr="@NCHL_E3T / @e3t * 1e-3" > NCHL_E3T / e3t * 1e-3 </field> <!-- P1 (kg m-3) mass_concentration_of_miscellaneous_phytoplankton_expressed_as_chlorophyll_in_sea_water : Chlorophyll from additional phytoplankton component concentrations alone -->
  45. <field id="CMIP6_chlmiscos" field_ref="NCHLSFC_E3T" expr="@NCHLSFC_E3T / @E3TSFC * 1e-3" > NCHLSFC_E3T / E3TSFC * 1e-3 </field> <!-- P3 (kg m-3) mass_concentration_of_miscellaneous_phytoplankton_expressed_as_chlorophyll_in_sea_water : chlorophyll from additional phytoplankton component concentrations alone -->
  46. <field id="CMIP6_chlos" field_ref="NCHLSFC_E3T" expr="@NCHLSFC_E3T / @E3TSFC * 1e-3 + @DCHLSFC_E3T / @E3TSFC * 1e-3" > NCHLSFC_E3T / E3TSFC * 1e-3 + DCHLSFC_E3T / E3TSFC * 1e-3 </field> <!-- P1 (kg m-3) mass_concentration_of_phytoplankton_expressed_as_chlorophyll_in_sea_water : Sum of chlorophyll from all phytoplankton group concentrations at the sea surface. In most models this is equal to chldiat+chlmisc, that is the sum of 'Diatom Chlorophyll Mass Concentration' plus 'Other Phytoplankton Chlorophyll Mass Concentration' -->
  47. <field id="CMIP6_chlpico" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P1 (kg m-3) mass_concentration_of_picophytoplankton_expressed_as_chlorophyll_in_sea_water : chlorophyll concentration from the picophytoplankton (<2 um) component alone -->
  48. <field id="CMIP6_chlpicoos" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P3 (kg m-3) mass_concentration_of_picophytoplankton_expressed_as_chlorophyll_in_sea_water : chlorophyll concentration from the picophytoplankton (<2 um) component alone -->
  49. <field id="CMIP6_co3" field_ref="CO3" /> <!-- P2 (mol m-3) mole_concentration_of_carbonate_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water : Carbonate Ion Concentration -->
  50. <field id="CMIP6_co3abio" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P2 (mol m-3) co3abio : Abiotic Carbonate ion Concentration -->
  51. <field id="CMIP6_co3nat" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P2 (mol m-3) co3nat : Natural Carbonate ion Concentration -->
  52. <field id="CMIP6_co3satarag" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-3) mole_concentration_of_aragonite_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_at_saturation : Mole Concentration of Carbonate ion for Seawater in equilibrium with pure Aragonite -->
  53. <field id="CMIP6_co3satcalc" field_ref="CO3sat" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-3) mole_concentration_of_calcite_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_at_saturation : Mole Concentration of Carbonate ion for Seawater in equilibrium with pure Calcite -->
  54. <field id="CMIP6_darag" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-3 s-1) tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_aragonite_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_due_to_dissolution : Rate of change of Aragonite carbon mole concentration due to dissolution -->
  55. <field id="CMIP6_dcalc" field_ref="PCAL" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-3 s-1) tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_calcite_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_due_to_dissolution : Rate of change of Calcite carbon mole concentration due to dissolution -->
  56. <field id="CMIP6_detoc" field_ref="POC_E3T" expr="@POC_E3T / @e3t * 1e-3 + @GOC_E3T / @e3t * 1e-3" > POC_E3T / e3t * 1e-3 + GOC_E3T / e3t * 1e-3 </field> <!-- P1 (mol m-3) mole_concentration_of_organic_detritus_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water : Sum of detrital organic carbon component concentrations -->
  57. <field id="CMIP6_dfe" field_ref="Fer_E3T" expr="@Fer_E3T / @e3t * 1e-3" > Fer_E3T / e3t * 1e-3 </field> <!-- P1 (mol m-3) mole_concentration_of_dissolved_iron_in_sea_water : Dissolved iron in sea water, including both Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions (but not particulate detrital iron) -->
  58. <field id="CMIP6_dfeos" field_ref="FerSFC_E3T" expr="@FerSFC_E3T / @E3TSFC * 1e-3" > FerSFC_E3T / E3TSFC * 1e-3 </field> <!-- P1 (mol m-3) dfeos : dissolved iron in sea water is meant to include both Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions (but not, e.g., particulate detrital iron) -->
  59. <field id="CMIP6_dissi13c" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-3) dissi13c : Dissolved inorganic 14carbon (CO3+HCO3+H2CO3) concentration -->
  60. <field id="CMIP6_dissi13cos" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-3) dissi13cos : Dissolved inorganic 14carbon (CO3+HCO3+H2CO3) concentration -->
  61. <field id="CMIP6_dissi14c" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P2 (mol m-3) mole_concentration_of_dissolved_inorganic_c14_in_sea_water : Concentration of DI14C -->
  62. <field id="CMIP6_dissi14cabio" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P2 (mol m-3) dissi14cabio : Abiotic Dissolved inorganic 14carbon (CO3+HCO3+H2CO3) concentration -->
  63. <field id="CMIP6_dissi14cabioos" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-3) dissi14cabioos : Abiotic Dissolved inorganic 14carbon (CO3+HCO3+H2CO3) concentration -->
  64. <field id="CMIP6_dissic" field_ref="DIC_E3T" expr="@DIC_E3T / @e3t * 1e-3" > DIC_E3T / e3t * 1e-3 </field> <!-- P1 (mol m-3) mole_concentration_of_dissolved_inorganic_carbon_in_sea_water : Dissolved inorganic carbon (CO3+HCO3+H2CO3) concentration -->
  65. <field id="CMIP6_dissicabio" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-3) dissicabio : Abiotic Dissolved inorganic carbon (CO3+HCO3+H2CO3) concentration -->
  66. <field id="CMIP6_dissicabioos" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-3) dissicabioos : Abiotic Dissolved inorganic carbon (CO3+HCO3+H2CO3) concentration -->
  67. <field id="CMIP6_dissicnat" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-3) dissicnat : Dissolved inorganic carbon (CO3+HCO3+H2CO3) concentration at preindustrial atmospheric xCO2 -->
  68. <field id="CMIP6_dissicnatos" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-3) dissicnatos : Dissolved inorganic carbon (CO3+HCO3+H2CO3) concentration at preindustrial atmospheric xCO2 -->
  69. <field id="CMIP6_dissicos" field_ref="DICSFC_E3T" expr="@DICSFC_E3T / @E3TSFC * 1e-3" > DICSFC_E3T / E3TSFC * 1e-3 </field> <!-- P1 (mol m-3) dissicos : Dissolved inorganic carbon (CO3+HCO3+H2CO3) concentration -->
  70. <field id="CMIP6_dissoc" field_ref="DOC_E3T" expr="@DOC_E3T / @e3t * 1e-3" > DOC_E3T / e3t * 1e-3 </field> <!-- P2 (mol m-3) mole_concentration_of_dissolved_organic_carbon_in_sea_water : Sum of dissolved carbon component concentrations explicitly represented (i.e. not ~40 uM refractory unless explicit) -->
  71. <field id="CMIP6_dmso" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-3) mole_concentration_of_dimethyl_sulfide_in_sea_water : Mole concentration of dimethyl sulphide in water -->
  72. <field id="CMIP6_dmsos" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P3 (mol m-3) dmsos : Surface Mole Concentration of Dimethyl Sulphide in sea water -->
  73. <field id="CMIP6_dpco2" field_ref="Dpco2" > this * 0.101325 </field> <!-- P1 (Pa) surface_carbon_dioxide_partial_pressure_difference_between_sea_water_and_air : Delta PCO2 -->
  74. <field id="CMIP6_dpco2abio" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P3 (Pa) dpco2abio : Abiotic Delta PCO2 -->
  75. <field id="CMIP6_dpco2nat" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P3 (Pa) dpco2nat : Natural Delta PCO2 -->
  76. <field id="CMIP6_dpo2" field_ref="Dpo2" > this * 0.101325 </field> <!-- P3 (Pa) surface_molecular_oxygen_partial_pressure_difference_between_sea_water_and_air : Delta PO2 -->
  77. <field id="CMIP6_dpocdtcalc" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P3 (mol m-3 s-1) tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_due_to_net_primary_production_by_calcareous_phytoplankton : Primary (organic carbon) production by the calcite-producing phytoplankton component alone -->
  78. <field id="CMIP6_dpocdtdiaz" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P3 (mol m-3 s-1) tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_due_to_net_primary_production_by_diazotrophs : Primary (organic carbon) production by the diazotrophic phytoplankton component alone -->
  79. <field id="CMIP6_dpocdtpico" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P3 (mol m-3 s-1) tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_due_to_net_primary_production_by_picophytoplankton : Primary (organic carbon) production by the picophytoplankton (<2 um) component alone -->
  80. <field id="CMIP6_eparag100" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-2 s-1) sinking_mole_flux_of_aragonite_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water : Downward Flux of Aragonite -->
  81. <field id="CMIP6_epc100" field_ref="EPC100" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-2 s-1) sinking_mole_flux_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water : Downward Flux of Particle Organic Carbon -->
  82. <field id="CMIP6_epcalc100" field_ref="EPCAL100" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-2 s-1) sinking_mole_flux_of_calcite_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water : Downward Flux of Calcite -->
  83. <field id="CMIP6_epfe100" field_ref="EPFE100" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-2 s-1) sinking_mole_flux_of_particulate_iron_in_sea_water : Downward Flux of Particulate Iron -->
  84. <field id="CMIP6_epn100" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-2 s-1) epn100 : Downward Flux of Particulate Nitrogen -->
  85. <field id="CMIP6_epp100" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-2 s-1) epp100 : Downward Flux of Particulate Phosphorus -->
  86. <field id="CMIP6_epsi100" field_ref="EPSI100" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-2 s-1) sinking_mole_flux_of_particulate_silicon_in_sea_water : Downward Flux of Particulate Silica -->
  87. <field id="CMIP6_exparag" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-2 s-1) sinking_mole_flux_of_aragonite_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water : Downward flux of Aragonite -->
  88. <field id="CMIP6_expc" field_ref="EXPC" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-2 s-1) sinking_mole_flux_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water : Downward flux of particulate organic carbon -->
  89. <field id="CMIP6_expcalc" field_ref="EXPCAL" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-2 s-1) sinking_mole_flux_of_calcite_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water : Downward flux of Calcite -->
  90. <field id="CMIP6_expfe" field_ref="EXPFE" /> <!-- P2 (mol m-2 s-1) sinking_mole_flux_of_particulate_iron_in_sea_water : Sinking Particulate Iron Flux -->
  91. <field id="CMIP6_expn" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-2 s-1) sinking_mole_flux_of_particulate_organic_nitrogen_in_sea_water : Sinking Particulate Organic Nitrogen Flux -->
  92. <field id="CMIP6_expp" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-2 s-1) sinking_mole_flux_of_particulate_organic_phosphorus_in_sea_water : Sinking Particulate Organic Phosphorus Flux -->
  93. <field id="CMIP6_expsi" field_ref="EXPSI" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-2 s-1) sinking_mole_flux_of_particulate_silicon_in_sea_water : Sinking Particulate Silica Flux -->
  94. <field id="CMIP6_fbddtalk" field_ref="INTdtAlk" /> <!-- P3 (mol m-2 s-1) integral_wrt_depth_of_tendency_of_sea_water_alkalinity_expressed_as_mole_equivalent_due_to_biological_processes : vertical integral of net biological terms in time rate of change of alkalinity -->
  95. <field id="CMIP6_fbddtdic" field_ref="INTdtDIC" /> <!-- P3 (mol m-2 s-1) tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_dissolved_inorganic_carbon_due_to_biological_processes : vertical integral of net biological terms in time rate of change of dissolved inorganic carbon -->
  96. <field id="CMIP6_fbddtdife" field_ref="INTdtFer" /> <!-- P3 (mol m-2 s-1) tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_dissolved_inorganic_iron_due_to_biological_processes : vertical integral of net biological terms in time rate of change of dissolved inorganic iron -->
  97. <field id="CMIP6_fbddtdin" field_ref="INTdtDIN" /> <!-- P3 (mol m-2 s-1) tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_dissolved_inorganic_nitrogen_due_to_biological_processes : vertical integral of net biological terms in time rate of change of nitrogen nutrients (e.g. NO3+NH4) -->
  98. <field id="CMIP6_fbddtdip" field_ref="INTdtDIP" /> <!-- P3 (mol m-2 s-1) tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_dissolved_inorganic_phosphorus_due_to_biological_processes : vertical integral of net biological terms in time rate of change of phosphate -->
  99. <field id="CMIP6_fbddtdisi" field_ref="INTdtSil" /> <!-- P3 (mol m-2 s-1) tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_dissolved_inorganic_silicon_due_to_biological_processes : vertical integral of net biological terms in time rate of change of dissolved inorganic silicate -->
  100. <field id="CMIP6_fddtalk" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-2 s-1) integral_wrt_depth_of_tendency_of_sea_water_alkalinity_expressed_as_mole_equivalent : vertical integral of net time rate of change of alkalinity -->
  101. <field id="CMIP6_fddtdic" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-2 s-1) tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_dissolved_inorganic_carbon : Rate of Change of Net Dissolved Inorganic Carbon -->
  102. <field id="CMIP6_fddtdife" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P3 (mol m-2 s-1) tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_dissolved_inorganic_iron : vertical integral of net time rate of change of dissolved inorganic iron -->
  103. <field id="CMIP6_fddtdin" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P3 (mol m-2 s-1) tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_dissolved_inorganic_nitrogen : Net time rate of change of nitrogen nutrients (e.g. NO3+NH4) -->
  104. <field id="CMIP6_fddtdip" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P3 (mol m-2 s-1) tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_dissolved_inorganic_phosphorus : vertical integral of net time rate of change of phosphate -->
  105. <field id="CMIP6_fddtdisi" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P3 (mol m-2 s-1) tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_dissolved_inorganic_silicon : vertical integral of net time rate of change of dissolved inorganic silicate -->
  106. <field id="CMIP6_fediss" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P3 (mol m-3 s-1) tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_dissolved_iron_in_sea_water_due_to_dissolution_from_inorganic_particles : Dissolution, remineralization and desorption of iron back to the dissolved phase -->
  107. <field id="CMIP6_fescav" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-3 s-1) tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_dissolved_iron_in_sea_water_due_to_scavenging_by_inorganic_particles : Dissolved Fe removed through nonbiogenic scavenging onto particles -->
  108. <field id="CMIP6_fg13co2" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-2 s-1) fg13co2 : as specified by C4MIP -->
  109. <field id="CMIP6_fg14co2abio" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P1 (kg m-2 s-1) fg14co2abio : Gas exchange flux of abiotic 14CO2 (positive into ocean) -->
  110. <field id="CMIP6_fgco2" field_ref="Cflx"> this * 12 * 1e-3 </field> <!-- P1 (kg m-2 s-1) surface_downward_mass_flux_of_carbon_dioxide_expressed_as_carbon : Gas exchange flux of CO2 (positive into ocean) -->
  111. <field id="CMIP6_fgco2abio" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P1 (kg m-2 s-1) fgco2abio : Gas exchange flux of abiotic CO2 (positive into ocean) -->
  112. <field id="CMIP6_fgco2nat" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P1 (kg m-2 s-1) fgco2nat : Gas exchange flux of natural CO2 (positive into ocean) -->
  113. <field id="CMIP6_fgdms" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P3 (mol m-2 s-1) surface_upward_mole_flux_of_dimethyl_sulfide : Gas exchange flux of DMS (positive into atmosphere) -->
  114. <field id="CMIP6_fgo2" field_ref="Oflx" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-2 s-1) surface_downward_mole_flux_of_molecular_oxygen : Gas exchange flux of O2 (positive into ocean) -->
  115. <field id="CMIP6_frfe" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-2 s-1) tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_iron_due_to_sedimentation : Iron Loss to Sediments -->
  116. <field id="CMIP6_fric" field_ref="SedCal" /> <!-- P2 (mol m-2 s-1) fric : Inorganic Carbon loss to sediments -->
  117. <field id="CMIP6_froc" field_ref="SedC" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-2 s-1) froc : Organic Carbon loss to sediments -->
  118. <field id="CMIP6_fsfe" field_ref="IronSupply" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-2 s-1) tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_iron_due_to_deposition_and_runoff_and_sediment_dissolution : Iron supply through deposition flux onto sea surface, runoff, coasts, sediments, etc -->
  119. <field id="CMIP6_fsn" field_ref="NitrSupply" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-2 s-1) tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_elemental_nitrogen_due_to_deposition_and_fixation_and_runoff : Surface Downward Net Flux of Nitrogen -->
  120. <field id="CMIP6_graz" field_ref="GRAZ1" > this + GRAZ2 </field> <!-- P3 (mol m-3 s-1) graz : Total Grazing of Phytoplankton by Zooplankton -->
  121. <field id="CMIP6_intdic" field_ref="INTDIC" /> <!-- P1 (kg m-2) ocean_mass_content_of_dissolved_inorganic_carbon : Vertically integrated DIC -->
  122. <field id="CMIP6_intdoc" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P1 (kg m-2) ocean_mass_content_of_dissolved_organic_carbon : Vertically integrated DOC (explicit pools only) -->
  123. <field id="CMIP6_intparag" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-2 s-1) tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_aragonite_expressed_as_carbon_due_to_biological_production : Vertically integrated aragonite production -->
  124. <field id="CMIP6_intpbfe" field_ref="INTPBFE" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-2 s-1) tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_iron_due_to_biological_production : Vertically integrated biogenic iron production -->
  125. <field id="CMIP6_intpbn" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P3 (mol m-2 s-1) intpbn : Vertically integrated biogenic nitrogen production -->
  126. <field id="CMIP6_intpbp" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P3 (mol m-2 s-1) tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_phosphorus_due_to_biological_production : Vertically integrated biogenic phosphorus production -->
  127. <field id="CMIP6_intpbsi" field_ref="INTPBSI" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-2 s-1) tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_silicon_due_to_biological_production : Vertically integrated biogenic silica production -->
  128. <field id="CMIP6_intpcalcite" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-2 s-1) tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_calcite_expressed_as_carbon_due_to_biological_production : Vertically integrated calcite production -->
  129. <field id="CMIP6_intpn2" field_ref="INTNFIX" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-2 s-1) tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_elemental_nitrogen_due_to_fixation : Vertically integrated nitrogen fixation -->
  130. <field id="CMIP6_intpoc" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P2 (kg m-2) intpoc : Vertically integrated POC -->
  131. <field id="CMIP6_intpp" field_ref="INTPP" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-2 s-1) net_primary_mole_productivity_of_carbon_by_phytoplankton : Vertically integrated total primary (organic carbon) production by phytoplankton. This should equal the sum of intpdiat+intpphymisc, but those individual components may be unavailable in some models. -->
  132. <field id="CMIP6_intppcalc" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P3 (mol m-2 s-1) net_primary_mole_productivity_of_carbon_by_calcareous_phytoplankton : Net Primary Mole Productivity of Carbon by Calcareous Phytoplankton -->
  133. <field id="CMIP6_intppdiat" field_ref="INTPPPHY2" /> <!-- P2 (mol m-2 s-1) net_primary_mole_productivity_of_carbon_by_diatoms : Vertically integrated primary (organic carbon) production by the diatom phytoplankton component alone -->
  134. <field id="CMIP6_intppdiaz" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P3 (mol m-2 s-1) net_primary_mole_productivity_of_carbon_by_diazotrophs : Net Primary Mole Productivity of Carbon by Diazotrophs -->
  135. <field id="CMIP6_intppmisc" field_ref="INTPPPHY" /> <!-- P3 (mol m-2 s-1) net_primary_mole_productivity_of_carbon_by_miscellaneous_phytoplankton : Vertically integrated total primary (organic carbon) production by other phytoplankton components alone -->
  136. <field id="CMIP6_intppnitrate" field_ref="INTPNEW" /> <!-- P2 (mol m-2 s-1) net_primary_mole_productivity_of_biomass_expressed_as_carbon_due_to_nitrate_utilization : Vertically integrated primary (organic carbon) production by phytoplankton based on nitrate uptake alone -->
  137. <field id="CMIP6_intpppico" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P3 (mol m-2 s-1) net_primary_mole_productivity_of_carbon_by_picophytoplankton : Net Primary Mole Productivity of Carbon by Picophytoplankton -->
  138. <field id="CMIP6_limfecalc" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P2 (1.0) limfecalc : Iron limitation of Calcareous Phytoplankton -->
  139. <field id="CMIP6_limfediat" field_ref="LDFeSFC" /> <!-- P2 (1.0) limfediat : Iron limitation of Diatoms -->
  140. <field id="CMIP6_limfediaz" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P2 (1.0) limfediaz : Iron limitation of Diazotrophs -->
  141. <field id="CMIP6_limfemisc" field_ref="LNFeSFC" /> <!-- P2 (1.0) limfemisc : Iron Limitation of Other Phytoplankton -->
  142. <field id="CMIP6_limfepico" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P2 (1.0) limfepico : Iron limitation of Picophytoplankton -->
  143. <field id="CMIP6_limirrcalc" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P2 (1.0) limirrcalc : Irradiance limitation of Calcareous Phytoplankton -->
  144. <field id="CMIP6_limirrdiat" field_ref="LDlightSFC" /> <!-- P2 (1.0) limirrdiat : Irradiance limitation of Diatoms -->
  145. <field id="CMIP6_limirrdiaz" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P2 (1.0) limirrdiaz : Irradiance limitation of Diazotrophs -->
  146. <field id="CMIP6_limirrmisc" field_ref="LNlightSFC" /> <!-- P2 (1.0) limirrmisc : Irradiance Limitation of Other Phytoplankton -->
  147. <field id="CMIP6_limirrpico" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P2 (1.0) limirrpico : Irradiance limitation of Picophytoplankton -->
  148. <field id="CMIP6_limncalc" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P2 (1.0) limncalc : Nitrogen limitation of Calcareous Phytoplankton -->
  149. <field id="CMIP6_limndiat" field_ref="LDnutSFC" /> <!-- P2 (1.0) limndiat : Nitrogen limitation of Diatoms -->
  150. <field id="CMIP6_limndiaz" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P2 (1.0) limndiaz : Nitrogen limitation of Diazotrophs -->
  151. <field id="CMIP6_limnmisc" field_ref="LNnutSFC" /> <!-- P2 (1.0) limnmisc : Nitrogen Limitation of Other Phytoplankton -->
  152. <field id="CMIP6_limnpico" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P2 (1.0) limnpico : Nitrogen limitation of Picophytoplankton -->
  153. <field id="CMIP6_nh4" field_ref="NH4_E3T" expr="@NH4_E3T / @e3t * 1e-3" > NH4_E3T / e3t * 1e-3 </field> <!-- P2 (mol m-3) mole_concentration_of_ammonium_in_sea_water : Dissolved Ammonium Concentration -->
  154. <field id="CMIP6_no3" field_ref="NO3_E3T" expr="@NO3_E3T / @e3t * 1e-3" > NO3_E3T / e3t * 1e-3 </field> <!-- P1 (mol m-3) mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water : Dissolved Nitrate Concentration -->
  155. <field id="CMIP6_no3os" field_ref="NO3SFC_E3T" expr="@NO3SFC_E3T / @E3TSFC * 1e-3" > NO3SFC_E3T / E3TSFC * 1e-3 </field> <!-- P1 (mol m-3) no3os : Surface Dissolved Nitrate Concentration -->
  156. <field id="CMIP6_o2" field_ref="O2_E3T" expr="@O2_E3T / @e3t * 1e-3" > O2_E3T / e3t * 1e-3 </field> <!-- P1 (mol m-3) o2 : Dissolved Oxygen Concentration -->
  157. <field id="CMIP6_o2min" field_ref="O2MIN" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-3) mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water_at_shallowest_local_minimum_in_vertical_profile : Oxygen Minimum Concentration -->
  158. <field id="CMIP6_o2os" field_ref="O2SFC_E3T" expr="@O2SFC_E3T / @E3TSFC * 1e-3" > O2SFC_E3T / E3TSFC * 1e-3 </field> <!-- P1 (mol m-3) o2os : Surface Dissolved Oxygen Concentration -->
  159. <field id="CMIP6_o2sat" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P2 (mol m-3) o2sat : Dissolved Oxygen Concentration at Saturation -->
  160. <field id="CMIP6_o2satos" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-3) o2satos : Surface Dissolved Oxygen Concentration at Saturation -->
  161. <field id="CMIP6_ocfriver" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P3 (mol m-2 s-1) ocfriver : Organic Carbon supply to ocean through runoff (separate from gas exchange) -->
  162. <field id="CMIP6_parag" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-3 s-1) tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_aragonite_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_due_to_biological_production : Aragonite Production -->
  163. <field id="CMIP6_pbfe" field_ref="PFeN" > this + PFeD </field> <!-- P2 (mol m-3 s-1) tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_iron_in_sea_water_due_to_biological_production : Biogenic Iron Production -->
  164. <field id="CMIP6_pbsi" field_ref="PBSi" /> <!-- P2 (mol m-3 s-1) tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_silicon_in_sea_water_due_to_biological_production : Biogenic Silica Production -->
  165. <field id="CMIP6_pcalc" field_ref="PCAL" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-3 s-1) tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_calcite_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_due_to_biological_production : Calcite Production -->
  166. <field id="CMIP6_pdi" field_ref="PPPHY2" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-3 s-1) tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_due_to_net_primary_production_by_diatoms : Primary (organic carbon) production by the diatom component alone -->
  167. <field id="CMIP6_ph" field_ref="PH" /> <!-- P1 (1.0) sea_water_ph_reported_on_total_scale : negative log of hydrogen ion concentration with the concentration expressed as mol H kg-1. -->
  168. <field id="CMIP6_phabio" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P2 (1.0) phabio : negative log10 of hydrogen ion concentration with the concentration expressed as mol H kg-1 (abiotic component).. -->
  169. <field id="CMIP6_phabioos" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P2 (1.0) phabioos : negative log10 of hydrogen ion concentration with the concentration expressed as mol H kg-1. -->
  170. <field id="CMIP6_phnat" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P1 (1.0) phnat : negative log10 of hydrogen ion concentration with the concentration expressed as mol H kg-1. -->
  171. <field id="CMIP6_phnatos" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P2 (1.0) phnatos : negative log10 of hydrogen ion concentration with the concentration expressed as mol H kg-1. -->
  172. <field id="CMIP6_phyc" field_ref="PHY_E3T" expr="@PHY_E3T / @e3t * 1e-3 + @PHY2_E3T / @e3t * 1e-3" > PHY_E3T / e3t * 1e-3 + PHY2_E3T / e3t * 1e-3 </field> <!-- P1 (mol m-3) mole_concentration_of_phytoplankton_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water : sum of phytoplankton carbon component concentrations. In most (all?) cases this is the sum of phycdiat and phycmisc (i.e., "Diatom Carbon Concentration" and "Non-Diatom Phytoplankton Carbon Concentration" -->
  173. <field id="CMIP6_phycalc" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-3) mole_concentration_of_calcareous_phytoplankton_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water : carbon concentration from calcareous (calcite-producing) phytoplankton component alone -->
  174. <field id="CMIP6_phycos" field_ref="PHYSFC_E3T" expr="@PHYSFC_E3T / @E3TSFC * 1e-3 + @PHY2SFC_E3T / @E3TSFC * 1e-3" > PHYSFC_E3T / E3TSFC * 1e-3 + PHY2SFC_E3T / E3TSFC * 1e-3 </field> <!-- P2 (mol m-3) mole_concentration_of_phytoplankton_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water : sum of phytoplankton organic carbon component concentrations at the sea surface -->
  175. <field id="CMIP6_phydiat" field_ref="PHY2_E3T" expr="@PHY2_E3T / @e3t * 1e-3" > PHY2_E3T / e3t * 1e-3 </field> <!-- P1 (mol m-3) mole_concentration_of_diatoms_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water : carbon from the diatom phytoplankton component concentration alone -->
  176. <field id="CMIP6_phydiaz" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P2 (mol m-3) mole_concentration_of_diazotrophs_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water : carbon concentration from the diazotrophic phytoplankton component alone -->
  177. <field id="CMIP6_phyfe" field_ref="NFe_E3T" expr="@NFe_E3T / @e3t * 1e-3 + @DFe_E3T / @e3t * 1e-3" > NFe_E3T / e3t * 1e-3 + DFe_E3T / e3t * 1e-3 </field> <!-- P1 (mol m-3) mole_concentration_of_phytoplankton_expressed_as_iron_in_sea_water : sum of phytoplankton iron component concentrations -->
  178. <field id="CMIP6_phyfeos" field_ref="NFeSFC_E3T" expr="@NFeSFC_E3T / @E3TSFC * 1e-3 + @DFeSFC_E3T / @E3TSFC * 1e-3" > NFeSFC_E3T / E3TSFC * 1e-3 + DFeSFC_E3T / E3TSFC * 1e-3 </field> <!-- P3 (mol m-3) phyfeos : sum of phytoplankton iron component concentrations -->
  179. <field id="CMIP6_phymisc" field_ref="PHY_E3T" expr="@PHY_E3T / @e3t * 1e-3" > PHY_E3T / e3t * 1e-3 </field> <!-- P2 (mol m-3) mole_concentration_of_miscellaneous_phytoplankton_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water : carbon concentration from additional phytoplankton component alone -->
  180. <field id="CMIP6_phyn" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-3) mole_concentration_of_phytoplankton_expressed_as_nitrogen_in_sea_water : sum of phytoplankton nitrogen component concentrations -->
  181. <field id="CMIP6_phynos" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P3 (mol m-3) phynos : sum of phytoplankton nitrogen component concentrations -->
  182. <field id="CMIP6_phyp" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P2 (mol m-3) mole_concentration_of_phytoplankton_expressed_as_phosphorus_in_sea_water : sum of phytoplankton phosphorus components -->
  183. <field id="CMIP6_phypico" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-3) mole_concentration_of_picophytoplankton_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water : carbon concentration from the picophytoplankton (<2 um) component alone -->
  184. <field id="CMIP6_phypos" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P3 (mol m-3) phypos : sum of phytoplankton phosphorus components -->
  185. <field id="CMIP6_physi" field_ref="DSi_E3T" expr="@DSi_E3T / @e3t * 1e-3" > DSi_E3T / e3t * 1e-3 </field> <!-- P2 (mol m-3) mole_concentration_of_phytoplankton_expressed_as_silicon_in_sea_water : sum of phytoplankton silica component concentrations -->
  186. <field id="CMIP6_physios" field_ref="DSiSFC_E3T" expr="@DSiSFC_E3T / @E3TSFC * 1e-3" > DSiSFC_E3T / E3TSFC * 1e-3 </field> <!-- P3 (mol m-3) physios : sum of phytoplankton silica component concentrations -->
  187. <field id="CMIP6_pnitrate" field_ref="TPNEW" /> <!-- P2 (mol m-3 s-1) tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_due_to_nitrate_utilization : Primary (organic carbon) production by phytoplankton due to nitrate uptake alone -->
  188. <field id="CMIP6_po4" field_ref="PO4_E3T" expr="@PO4_E3T / @e3t * 1e-3" > PO4_E3T / e3t * 1e-3 </field> <!-- P1 (mol m-3) mole_concentration_of_phosphate_in_sea_water : Dissolved Phosphate Concentration -->
  189. <field id="CMIP6_poc" field_ref="POC_E3T" expr="@POC_E3T / @e3t * 1e-3 + @GOC_E3T / @e3t * 1e-3" > POC_E3T / e3t * 1e-3 + GOC_E3T / e3t * 1e-3 </field> <!-- (mol m-3) mole_concentration_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water : sum of particulate organic carbon component concentrations -->
  190. <field id="CMIP6_pocos" field_ref="POCSFC_E3T" expr="@POCSFC_E3T / @E3TSFC * 1e-3 + @GOCSFC_E3T / @E3TSFC * 1e-3" > POCSFC_E3T / E3TSFC * 1e-3 + GOCSFC_E3T / E3TSFC * 1e-3 </field> <!-- (mol m-3) pocos : sum of Surface particulate organic carbon component concentrations -->
  191. <field id="CMIP6_pon" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-3) mole_concentration_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_nitrogen_in_sea_water : sum of particulate organic nitrogen component concentrations -->
  192. <field id="CMIP6_ponos" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P3 (mol m-3) ponos : sum of particulate organic nitrogen component concentrations -->
  193. <field id="CMIP6_pop" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-3) mole_concentration_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_phosphorus_in_sea_water : sum of particulate organic phosphorus component concentrations -->
  194. <field id="CMIP6_popos" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P3 (mol m-3) popos : sum of particulate organic phosphorus component concentrations -->
  195. <field id="CMIP6_pp" field_ref="TPP" /> <!-- P2 (mol m-3 s-1) tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_due_to_net_primary_production : total primary (organic carbon) production by phytoplankton -->
  196. <field id="CMIP6_ppcalc" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P3 (mol m-3 s-1) tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_due_to_net_primary_production_by_calcareous_phytoplankton : Primary (organic carbon) production by the calcite-producing phytoplankton component alone -->
  197. <field id="CMIP6_ppdiat" field_ref="PPPHY2" /> <!-- P3 (mol m-3 s-1) tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_due_to_net_primary_production_by_diatoms : Primary (organic carbon) production by the diatom component alone -->
  198. <field id="CMIP6_ppdiaz" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P3 (mol m-3 s-1) tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_due_to_net_primary_production_by_diazotrophs : Primary (organic carbon) production by the diazotrophic phytoplankton component alone -->
  199. <field id="CMIP6_ppmisc" field_ref="PPPHY" /> <!-- P3 (mol m-3 s-1) tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_due_to_net_primary_production_by_miscellaneous_phytoplankton : Primary (organic carbon) production by other phytoplankton components alone -->
  200. <field id="CMIP6_pppico" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P3 (mol m-3 s-1) tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_due_to_net_primary_production_by_picophytoplankton : Primary (organic carbon) production by the picophytoplankton (<2 um) component alone -->
  201. <field id="CMIP6_remoc" field_ref="REMIN" /> <!-- P2 (mol m-3 s-1) remoc : Remineralization of Organic Carbon -->
  202. <field id="CMIP6_si" field_ref="Si_E3T" expr="@Si_E3T / @e3t * 1e-3" > Si_E3T / e3t * 1e-3 </field> <!-- P1 (mol m-3) mole_concentration_of_silicate_in_sea_water : Total Dissolved Inorganic Silicon Concentration -->
  203. <field id="CMIP6_sios" field_ref="SiSFC_E3T" expr="@SiSFC_E3T / @E3TSFC * 1e-3" > SiSFC_E3T / E3TSFC * 1e-3 </field> <!-- P1 (mol m-3) sios : Surface Total Dissolved Inorganic Silicon Concentration -->
  204. <field id="CMIP6_spco2" field_ref="pCO2sea" > this * 0.101325 </field> <!-- P1 (Pa) surface_partial_pressure_of_carbon_dioxide_in_sea_water : Surface Aqueous Partial Pressure of CO2 -->
  205. <field id="CMIP6_spco2abio" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P1 (Pa) spco2abio : Abiotic Surface Aqueous Partial Pressure of CO2 -->
  206. <field id="CMIP6_spco2nat" field_ref="dummy_XY" /> <!-- P1 (Pa) spco2nat : Natural Surface Aqueous Partial Pressure of CO2 -->
  207. <field id="CMIP6_talk" field_ref="Alkalini_E3T" expr="@Alkalini_E3T / @e3t * 1e-3" > Alkalini_E3T / e3t * 1e-3 </field> <!-- P1 (mol m-3) sea_water_alkalinity_expressed_as_mole_equivalent : total alkalinity equivalent concentration (including carbonate, nitrogen, silicate, and borate components) -->
  208. <field id="CMIP6_talknat" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-3) talknat : total alkalinity equivalent concentration (including carbonate, borate, phosphorus, silicon, and nitrogen components) at preindustrial atmospheric xCO2 -->
  209. <field id="CMIP6_talknatos" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P1 (mol m-3) talknatos : total alkalinity equivalent concentration (including carbonate, borate, phosphorus, silicon, and nitrogen components) at preindustrial atmospheric xCO2 -->
  210. <field id="CMIP6_zmeso" field_ref="ZOO2_E3T" expr="@ZOO2_E3T / @e3t * 1e-3" > ZOO2_E3T / e3t * 1e-3 </field> <!-- P2 (mol m-3) mole_concentration_of_mesozooplankton_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water : carbon concentration from mesozooplankton (20-200 um) component alone -->
  211. <field id="CMIP6_zmicro" field_ref="ZOO_E3T" expr="@ZOO_E3T / @e3t * 1e-3" > ZOO_E3T / e3t * 1e-3 </field> <!-- P1 (mol m-3) mole_concentration_of_microzooplankton_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water : carbon concentration from the microzooplankton (<20 um) component alone -->
  212. <field id="CMIP6_zmisc" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P3 (mol m-3) mole_concentration_of_miscellaneous_zooplankton_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water : carbon from additional zooplankton component concentrations alone (e.g. Micro, meso). Since the models all have different numbers of components, this variable has been included to provide a check for intercomparison between models since some phytoplankton groups are supersets. -->
  213. <field id="CMIP6_zo2min" field_ref="ZO2MIN" /> <!-- P1 (m) depth_at_shallowest_local_minimum_in_vertical_profile_of_mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water : Depth of vertical minimum concentration of dissolved oxygen gas (if two, then the shallower) -->
  214. <field id="CMIP6_zooc" field_ref="ZOO_E3T" expr="@ZOO_E3T / @e3t * 1e-3 + @ZOO2_E3T / @e3t * 1e-3" > ZOO_E3T / e3t * 1e-3 + ZOO2_E3T / e3t * 1e-3 </field> <!-- P1 (mol m-3) mole_concentration_of_zooplankton_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water : sum of zooplankton carbon component concentrations -->
  215. <field id="CMIP6_zsatarag" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P1 (m) minimum_depth_of_aragonite_undersaturation_in_sea_water : Depth of aragonite saturation horizon (0 if undersaturated at all depths, "missing" if supersaturated at all depths; if multiple horizons exist, the shallowest should be taken). -->
  216. <field id="CMIP6_zsatcalc" field_ref="dummy_XYO" /> <!-- P1 (m) minimum_depth_of_calcite_undersaturation_in_sea_water : Depth of calcite saturation horizon (0 if undersaturated at all depths, and missing saturated through whole depth; if two or more horizons exist, then the shallowest is reported) -->
  217. </field_definition>
  218. </context>