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  39. <p>Copy this file (make sure there is not problem with end-of-lines by running dos2unix on it):
  40. </p>
  41. <pre>" Copy-pasted a lot from examples of IDL.
  42. " Gives nice result for color scheme 'evening'
  43. " Feel free for hacking this file
  44. if version &lt; 600
  45. syntax clear
  46. elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
  47. finish
  48. endif
  49. syn keyword rcTodo contained TODO
  50. syn region rcString start=+"+ end=+"+
  51. syn region rcString start=+'+ end=+'+
  52. syn match rcRealNumber "\&lt;\d\+\(\.\=\d*e[+-]\=\d\+\|\.\d*d\|\.\d*\|d\)"
  53. syn match rcRealNumber "\.\d\+\(d\|e[+-]\=\d\+\)\="
  54. syn match rcNumber "\&lt;\.\@!\d\+\.\@!\(b\|u\|us\|s\|l\|ul\|ll\|ull\)\=\&gt;"
  55. syn match rcDblCommaError "\,\s*\,"
  56. syn match rcDefinition "^\s*\(.:\@!\)*.:"
  57. syn match rcVariable "\${\(\l\|\u\|\d\)*}"
  58. syn keyword rcNumber F T
  59. syn match rcStatement "#eval"
  60. syn match rcVariable "\(^\s*#eval\s*\)\@&lt;=\(\u\|\l\|\d\)*=\@="
  61. syn match rcComment "[\!].*$" contains=rcTodo
  62. " Define the default highlighting.
  63. " For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
  64. " For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
  65. if version &gt;= 508 ||&#160;!exists("did_idlang_syn_inits")
  66. if version &lt; 508
  67. let did_idlang_syn_inits = 1
  68. command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link &lt;args&gt;
  69. else
  70. command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link &lt;args&gt;
  71. endif
  72. HiLink rcDefinition Type
  73. HiLink rcStatement Statement
  74. HiLink rcContinueLine Todo
  75. HiLink rcRealNumber Float
  76. HiLink rcNumber Number
  77. HiLink rcString String
  78. HiLink rcComment Comment
  79. HiLink rcTodo Todo
  80. HiLink rcDblCommaError Error
  81. HiLink rcVariable Special
  82. delcommand HiLink
  83. endif
  84. let b:current_syntax = "idlang"
  85. " vim: ts=18
  86. </pre>
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