global.ins 15 KB

  1. !///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  3. !// Global PFTs
  4. !//
  5. !// LPJ-GUESS 3.0
  6. !//
  7. !///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  8. !///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  9. ! Output files
  10. !
  11. ! outputdirectory is mandatory. Should be "./" for parallel runs.
  12. outputdirectory "./output/" ! ecev3, was "./"
  13. ! Prefined yearly output
  14. ! These files may be outcommented if their output is not required.
  15. file_cmass "cmass.out"
  16. file_anpp "anpp.out"
  17. file_agpp "agpp.out"
  18. file_fpc "fpc.out"
  19. file_aaet "aaet.out"
  20. file_lai "lai.out"
  21. file_cflux "cflux.out"
  22. file_doc "doc.out"
  23. file_dens "dens.out"
  24. file_runoff "tot_runoff.out"
  25. file_cpool "cpool.out"
  26. file_clitter "clitter.out"
  27. file_firert "firert.out"
  28. !file_aiso "aiso.out"
  29. !file_amon "amon.out"
  30. !file_amon_mt1 "amon_mt1.out"
  31. !file_amon_mt2 "amon_mt2.out"
  32. !file_speciesheights "height.out"
  33. file_nmass "nmass.out"
  34. file_cton_leaf "cton_leaf.out"
  35. file_ngases "ngases.out"
  36. file_nsources "nsources.out"
  37. file_npool "npool.out"
  38. file_nlitter "nlitter.out"
  39. file_nuptake "nuptake.out"
  40. file_nflux "nflux.out"
  41. file_vmaxnlim "vmaxnlim.out"
  42. !file_wflux "wflux.out"
  43. !file_wpool "wpool.out"
  44. ! Monthly outputs
  45. file_mnpp "mnpp.out"
  46. file_mlai "mlai.out"
  47. file_mrh "mrh.out"
  48. file_mgpp "mgpp.out"
  49. file_mra "mra.out"
  50. file_mnee "mnee.out"
  51. file_maet "maet.out"
  52. file_mpet "mpet.out"
  53. file_mevap "mevap.out"
  54. file_mintercep "mintercep.out"
  55. file_mrunoff "mrunoff.out"
  56. file_mwcont_upper "mwcont_upper.out"
  57. file_mwcont_lower "mwcont_lower.out"
  58. file_miso "miso.out"
  59. !file_mmon "mmon.out"
  60. file_mmon_mt1 "mmon_mt1.out"
  61. file_mmon_mt2 "mmon_mt2.out"
  62. !///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  63. !// Add CMIP6 output
  64. import "lpjg_cmip6_output.ins"
  65. !///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  67. !
  68. ! Settings recognised by Plib
  69. ! Run GUESS with -help option for list of keywords and their meanings
  70. title 'LPJ-GUESS cohort mode - global pfts'
  71. vegmode "cohort" ! "cohort", "individual" or "population"
  72. nyear_spinup 500 ! number of years to spin up the simulation for
  73. ifcalcsla 1 ! whether to calculate SLA from leaf longevity
  74. ! (PFT-specific value can be specified in this file instead)
  75. ifcalccton 1 ! whether to calculate leaf C:N min from leaf longevity
  76. ! (PFT-specific value can be specified in this file instead)
  77. iffire 1 ! whether to implement fire (1) or not (0)
  78. npatch 20 ! number of replicate patches to simulate
  79. patcharea 1000 ! patch area (m2)
  80. estinterval 5 ! years between establishment events in cohort mode
  81. ifdisturb 1 ! whether generic patch-destroying disturbances enabled
  82. distinterval 100 ! average return time for generic patch-destroying disturbances
  83. ! Hickler et al. (2011) used 200
  84. ifbgestab 1 ! whether background establishment enabled
  85. ifsme 1 ! whether spatial mass effect enabled
  86. ifstochestab 1 ! whether establishment stochastic
  87. ifstochmort 1 ! whether mortality stochastic
  88. ifcdebt 1 ! whether to allow vegetation C storage (1) or not (0)
  89. wateruptake "rootdist" ! "wcont", "rootdist", "smart" or "speciesspecific",
  90. ! see documentation for water_uptake()
  91. textured_soil 1 ! whether to use silt/sand fractions specific to soiltype
  92. !///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  94. !///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  95. ifcentury 1 ! whether to use CENTURY SOM dynamics (mandatory for N cycling)
  96. ifnlim 1 ! whether plant growth limited by available N
  97. freenyears 100 ! number of years to spin up without N limitation (needed to build up a N pool)
  98. nfix_a 0.102 ! first term in N fixation eqn (Conservative 0.102, Central 0.234, Upper 0.367)
  99. nfix_b 0.524 ! second term in N fixation eqn (Conservative 0.524, Central -0.172, Upper -0.754)
  100. nrelocfrac 0.5 ! fraction of N retranslocated prior to leaf and root shedding
  101. !///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  103. !///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  104. !state_year 500 ! year to save/start state file (no setting = after spinup)
  105. !restart 0 ! wheter to start from a state file ! ecev3 - outcommented
  106. !save_state 0 ! wheter to save a state file ! ecev3 - outcommented
  107. !state_path "" ! directory to put state files in
  108. ifsmoothgreffmort 1 ! whether to vary mort_greff smoothly with growth efficiency (1)
  109. ! or to use the standard step-function (0)
  110. ! greff_min values below calibrated for the smooth (1) option
  111. ifdroughtlimitedestab 0 ! whether establishment is limited by growing season drought
  112. ! guess2008 - species version has 1
  113. ifrainonwetdaysonly 1 ! whether to rain on wet days only (1), or to rain a bit every day (0)
  114. ifbvoc 1 ! ecev3 - 1 now - whether to include BVOC calculations (1) or not (0)
  115. !!!!!!!!!!!! landcover parameters !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  116. run_landcover 1 ! whether to use (and change) landcover fractions (1) or not (0)
  117. !///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  118. !///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  120. !// Run GUESS with -help option for list of keywords and their meanings
  121. group "common" (
  122. ! Parameters common to all PFTs
  123. lambda_max 0.8
  124. emax 5
  125. reprfrac 0.1
  126. wscal_min 0.35
  127. drought_tolerance 0.0001
  128. ! default value - ensures that this has little effect even if
  129. ! ifdroughtlimitedestab is turned on
  130. landcover "natural"
  131. harv_eff 0
  132. res_outtake 0
  133. )
  134. group "tree" (
  135. ! Parameters common to all trees
  136. common
  137. lifeform "tree"
  138. crownarea_max 50
  139. ltor_max 1
  140. turnover_root 0.7
  141. rootdist 0.6 0.4
  142. k_allom2 60
  143. k_allom3 0.67
  144. k_rp 1.6
  145. wooddens 200
  146. cton_root 29
  147. cton_sap 330
  148. nuptoroot 0.0028
  149. km_volume 0.000001477
  150. pathway "c3"
  151. respcoeff 1.0 ! utkommenterad hos Thomas !
  152. kest_repr 200 ! 200
  153. kest_bg 0.1 ! 1 i guess2008
  154. kest_pres 1 ! 0 i guess2008
  155. k_chilla 0
  156. k_chillb 100
  157. k_chillk 0.05
  158. litterme 0.3
  159. harv_eff 0.95
  160. res_outtake 0.75
  161. turnover_harv_prod 0.04 ! Turnover rate for long-lived harvested products (wood) : 0.04 corresponds to a 25-year turnover time (as in Bondeau 2007)
  162. harvest_slow_frac 0.33 ! Bondeau 0.33
  163. )
  164. group "shrub" (
  165. ! Unchanged from species version
  166. common
  167. lifeform "tree"
  168. leafphysiognomy "broadleaf"
  169. crownarea_max 10
  170. ltor_max 1
  171. k_allom1 100
  172. k_allom2 5
  173. k_allom3 0.67
  174. k_rp 1.6
  175. wooddens 250
  176. !cton_leaf_min 16
  177. cton_root 29
  178. cton_sap 330
  179. nuptoroot 0.0028
  180. km_volume 0.000001477
  181. fnstorage 0.3
  182. pathway "c3"
  183. kest_repr 200
  184. kest_bg 0.1
  185. kest_pres 1
  186. litterme 0.3
  187. rootdist 0.6 0.4
  188. longevity 100
  189. turnover_harv_prod 1 ! Turnover rate for long-lived harvested products (wood) : 1-year turnover time
  190. harvest_slow_frac 0
  191. )
  192. group "grass" (
  193. ! Parameters common to all grasses
  194. common
  195. lifeform "grass"
  196. leafphysiognomy "broadleaf"
  197. ltor_max 0.5
  198. rootdist 0.9 0.1 !Sitch et al give 0.9 0.1 Fraction of fine roots in the upper and lower soil layers.
  199. gmin 0.5
  200. phenology "any"
  201. phengdd5ramp 100 ! C3 har 50 hos Thomas
  202. leaflong 0.5 ! Leaf longevity (years)
  203. turnover_leaf 1
  204. turnover_root 0.7 ! 0.5 hos guess2008
  205. !cton_leaf_min 16
  206. cton_root 29
  207. nuptoroot 0.00551
  208. km_volume 0.000001876
  209. fnstorage 0.3
  210. litterme 0.2
  211. parff_min 1000000 ! 2500000 i guess2008
  212. fireresist 0.5 ! 1.0 hos Thomas
  213. intc 0.01
  214. ga 0.030
  215. turnover_harv_prod 1 ! Turnover rate for long-lived harvested products (wood) : 1-year turnover time for GRASS
  216. harvest_slow_frac 0
  217. )
  218. group "broadleaved" (
  219. ! Parameters common to all broadleaved trees
  220. leafphysiognomy "broadleaf"
  221. !cton_leaf_min 16
  222. k_allom1 250
  223. k_latosa 6000
  224. gmin 0.5
  225. intc 0.02
  226. ga 0.040
  227. )
  228. group "needleleaved" (
  229. ! Parameters common to all needleleaved trees
  230. leafphysiognomy "needleleaf"
  231. !cton_leaf_min 28
  232. k_allom1 150
  233. k_latosa 5000
  234. gmin 0.3
  235. intc 0.06
  236. ga 0.140
  237. )
  238. group "evergreen" (
  239. ! Parameters common to all evergreen trees
  240. phenology "evergreen"
  241. fnstorage 0.05
  242. phengdd5ramp 0
  243. )
  244. group "summergreen" (
  245. ! Parameters common to all summergreen trees
  246. phenology "summergreen"
  247. fnstorage 0.15
  248. phengdd5ramp 200
  249. leaflong 0.5
  250. turnover_leaf 1
  251. )
  252. group "boreal" (
  253. ! Parameters common to all boreal trees
  254. pstemp_min -4
  255. pstemp_low 10
  256. pstemp_high 25
  257. pstemp_max 38
  258. respcoeff 1.0
  259. )
  260. group "temperate" (
  261. ! Parameters common to all temperate trees
  262. pstemp_min -2
  263. pstemp_low 15
  264. pstemp_high 25
  265. pstemp_max 38
  266. respcoeff 1.0
  267. )
  268. group "tropical" (
  269. ! Parameters common to all tropical trees
  270. tcmin_surv 15.5
  271. tcmin_est 15.5
  272. tcmax_est 1000 ! no limit
  273. twmin_est -1000 ! no limit
  274. gdd5min_est 0 ! no limit
  275. pstemp_min 2
  276. pstemp_low 25
  277. pstemp_high 30
  278. pstemp_max 55
  279. respcoeff 0.15
  280. )
  281. ! greff_min values below calibrated for the smooth (ifsmoothgreffmort 1) option
  282. group "shade_tolerant" (
  283. est_max 0.05
  284. parff_min 350000
  285. alphar 3.0
  286. greff_min 0.04
  287. turnover_sap 0.05
  288. )
  289. ! So far only trial values; not used in this global version
  290. group "intermediate_shade_tolerant" (
  291. est_max 0.15
  292. parff_min 2000000
  293. alphar 7.0
  294. greff_min 0.06
  295. turnover_sap 0.075
  296. )
  297. ! From global version; values from orginal European version after "!"
  298. group "shade_intolerant" (
  299. est_max 0.2
  300. parff_min 2500000
  301. alphar 10.0
  302. greff_min 0.08
  303. turnover_sap 0.1
  304. )
  305. pft "BNE" (
  306. ! Boreal needleleaved evergreen tree
  307. include 1
  308. tree
  309. needleleaved
  310. shade_tolerant
  311. evergreen
  312. boreal
  313. leaflong 3
  314. turnover_leaf 0.33
  315. tcmin_surv -31
  316. tcmin_est -30
  317. tcmax_est -1
  318. twmin_est 5
  319. gdd5min_est 500
  320. longevity 500
  321. fireresist 0.3
  322. eps_iso 8.0
  323. seas_iso 0
  324. eps_mon 1.7 0.7 0.4 0.24 0.24 0.2 0.84 0.26 0.22
  325. storfrac_mon 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.2 0.5
  326. )
  327. pft "BINE" (
  328. ! Boreal needleleaved evergreen tree
  329. include 1
  330. tree
  331. needleleaved
  332. shade_intolerant
  333. evergreen
  334. boreal
  335. leaflong 3
  336. turnover_leaf 0.33
  337. tcmin_surv -31
  338. tcmin_est -30
  339. tcmax_est -1
  340. twmin_est 5
  341. gdd5min_est 500
  342. longevity 500
  343. fireresist 0.3
  344. eps_iso 8.0
  345. seas_iso 0
  346. eps_mon 1.7 0.7 0.4 0.24 0.24 0.2 0.84 0.26 0.22
  347. storfrac_mon 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.2 0.5
  348. )
  349. pft "BNS" (
  350. ! Boreal needleleaved summergreen tree
  351. include 1
  352. tree
  353. needleleaved
  354. shade_intolerant
  355. summergreen
  356. boreal
  357. alphar 3.0 ! ecev3 update
  358. greff_min 0.04 ! ecev3 update
  359. tcmin_surv -1000 ! no limit
  360. tcmin_est -1000 ! no limit
  361. tcmax_est -2
  362. twmin_est -1000 ! no limit
  363. twminusc 43 ! AA from TH 03-11 added this
  364. gdd5min_est 350 ! Stefan added new value, old 500
  365. phengdd5ramp 100 ! Stefan added new value, old 200
  366. longevity 300
  367. fireresist 0.3
  368. eps_iso 8.0
  369. seas_iso 1
  370. eps_mon 3.18 0.72 0.18 0.12 0.14 0.11 0.2 0.13 0.02
  371. storfrac_mon 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.2 0.5
  372. )
  373. pft "TeNE" (
  374. ! Temperate needleleaved evergreen tree
  375. include 1
  376. tree
  377. needleleaved
  378. shade_intolerant ! cf Jun_oxy, Pin_hal in europe.ins
  379. evergreen
  380. temperate
  381. leaflong 3
  382. turnover_leaf 0.33
  383. tcmin_surv -2 ! As in Sitch et al. (2003), a little lower than TeBE
  384. tcmin_est -2 ! As in Sitch et al. (2003), a little lower than TeBE
  385. tcmax_est 10 ! Hickler et al. (2012) have 9 degC for Pin_hal
  386. twmin_est 5 ! low, since Hickler et al. (2012) have -1000 for Jun_oxy
  387. gdd5min_est 2000 !(Stefans value 900)2000 ! As TeBE, a little lower than Jun_oxy, Pin_hal in europe.ins
  388. longevity 300 ! Hickler et al. (2012) have 350 for Pin_hal
  389. fireresist 0.3 ! Hickler et al. (2012) have 0.2 for Pin_hal and 0.4 for Jun_oxy
  390. eps_iso 8.0 ! assumed equal to BINE
  391. seas_iso 0 ! assumed equal to BINE
  392. eps_mon 1.7 0.7 0.4 0.24 0.24 0.2 0.84 0.26 0.22 !?????
  393. storfrac_mon 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.2 0.5 !?????
  394. )
  395. pft "TeBS" (
  396. ! Shade-tolerant temperate broadleaved summergreen tree
  397. include 1
  398. tree
  399. broadleaved
  400. shade_tolerant
  401. summergreen
  402. temperate
  403. tcmin_surv -14
  404. tcmin_est -13
  405. tcmax_est 6
  406. twmin_est 5
  407. gdd5min_est 1100
  408. longevity 400
  409. fireresist 0.1
  410. eps_iso 45.0
  411. seas_iso 1
  412. eps_mon 0.52 0.14 0.1 0.04 0.49 0.01 0.04 0.18 0.08
  413. storfrac_mon 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.2 0.5
  414. )
  415. pft "IBS" (
  416. ! Shade-intolerant broadleaved summergreen tree
  417. include 1
  418. tree
  419. broadleaved
  420. shade_intolerant
  421. summergreen
  422. boreal
  423. tcmin_surv -30
  424. tcmin_est -30
  425. tcmax_est 7
  426. twmin_est -1000 !no limit
  427. gdd5min_est 350 !from TH 2010-03-10 AA
  428. longevity 300 !from TH 2010-04-07 was 300 AA
  429. fireresist 0.1
  430. eps_iso 45.0
  431. seas_iso 1
  432. eps_mon 0.52 0.14 0.1 0.04 0.49 0.01 0.04 0.18 0.08
  433. storfrac_mon 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.2 0.
  434. )
  435. pft "TeBE" (
  436. ! Temperate broadleaved evergreen tree
  437. include 1
  438. tree
  439. broadleaved
  440. shade_tolerant
  441. evergreen
  442. temperate
  443. leaflong 3
  444. turnover_leaf 0.33
  445. tcmin_surv -1
  446. tcmin_est 0
  447. tcmax_est 18.8
  448. twmin_est 5
  449. gdd5min_est 2000
  450. longevity 300 !from TH 2010-04-07 was 350 AA
  451. fireresist 0.3
  452. eps_iso 24.0
  453. seas_iso 0
  454. eps_mon 0.74 0.2 0.2 0.09 0.13 0.08 0.02 0.08 0.08
  455. storfrac_mon 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.2 0.5
  456. )
  457. pft "TrBE" (
  458. ! Tropical broadleaved evergreen tree
  459. include 1
  460. tree
  461. broadleaved
  462. shade_tolerant
  463. evergreen
  464. tropical
  465. leaflong 2
  466. turnover_leaf 0.5
  467. longevity 500 !from Thomas H 2010-03-30 new 500 instead of 600 2010-04-07
  468. fireresist 0.1
  469. eps_iso 24.0
  470. seas_iso 0
  471. eps_mon 0.32 0.09 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.07 0.05
  472. storfrac_mon 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.2 0.5
  473. )
  474. pft "TrIBE" (
  475. ! Tropical broadleaved evergreen tree
  476. include 1
  477. tree
  478. broadleaved
  479. shade_intolerant
  480. evergreen
  481. tropical
  482. leaflong 2
  483. turnover_leaf 0.5
  484. longevity 200
  485. fireresist 0.1
  486. eps_iso 24.0
  487. seas_iso 0
  488. eps_mon 0.32 0.09 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.07 0.05
  489. storfrac_mon 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.2 0.5
  490. )
  491. pft "TrBR" (
  492. ! Tropical broadleaved raingreen tree
  493. include 1
  494. tree
  495. broadleaved
  496. shade_intolerant
  497. tropical
  498. phenology "raingreen"
  499. fnstorage 0.15
  500. leaflong 0.5
  501. turnover_leaf 1
  502. longevity 400 ! from Thomas h 2010-03-30
  503. fireresist 0.3
  504. eps_iso 45.0
  505. seas_iso 0
  506. eps_mon 0.95 0.26 0.22 0.18 0.18 0.13 0.12 0.22 0.14
  507. storfrac_mon 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.2 0.5
  508. )
  509. group "C3G" (
  510. ! Cool (C3) grass
  511. include 1
  512. grass
  513. pathway "c3"
  514. respcoeff 1.0
  515. pstemp_min -5
  516. pstemp_low 10
  517. pstemp_high 30
  518. pstemp_max 45
  519. tcmin_surv -1000 !no limit
  520. tcmin_est -1000 !no limit
  521. tcmax_est 1000 !no limit
  522. twmin_est -1000 !no limit
  523. gdd5min_est 0 !no limit
  524. eps_iso 16.0
  525. seas_iso 1
  526. eps_mon 0.37 0.2 0.23 0.1 0.1 0.09 0.1 0.22 0.19
  527. storfrac_mon 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.2 0.5
  528. harv_eff 0.5
  529. )
  530. pft "C3G" (
  531. C3G
  532. )
  533. group "C4G" (
  534. ! Warm (C3) grass
  535. include 1
  536. grass
  537. pathway "c4"
  538. respcoeff 0.15
  539. pstemp_min 6
  540. pstemp_low 20
  541. pstemp_high 45
  542. pstemp_max 55
  543. tcmin_surv 15.5
  544. tcmin_est 15.5
  545. tcmax_est 1000 !no limit
  546. twmin_est -1000 !no limit
  547. gdd5min_est 0 !no limit
  548. eps_iso 8.0
  549. seas_iso 0
  550. eps_mon 0.48 0.19 0.67 0.14 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.29 0.24
  551. storfrac_mon 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.2 0.5
  552. harv_eff 0.5
  553. )
  554. pft "C4G" (
  555. C4G
  556. )