!/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// !// LPJ-GUESS INSTRUCTION SCRIPT FOR COHORT/INDIVIDUAL MODE !// Global PFTs !// !// LPJ-GUESS 3.0 !// !/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// !/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ! Output files ! ! outputdirectory is mandatory. Should be "./" for parallel runs. outputdirectory "./output/" ! ecev3, was "./" ! Prefined yearly output ! These files may be outcommented if their output is not required. file_cmass "cmass.out" file_anpp "anpp.out" file_agpp "agpp.out" file_fpc "fpc.out" file_aaet "aaet.out" file_lai "lai.out" file_cflux "cflux.out" file_doc "doc.out" file_dens "dens.out" file_runoff "tot_runoff.out" file_cpool "cpool.out" file_clitter "clitter.out" file_firert "firert.out" !file_aiso "aiso.out" !file_amon "amon.out" !file_amon_mt1 "amon_mt1.out" !file_amon_mt2 "amon_mt2.out" !file_speciesheights "height.out" file_nmass "nmass.out" file_cton_leaf "cton_leaf.out" file_ngases "ngases.out" file_nsources "nsources.out" file_npool "npool.out" file_nlitter "nlitter.out" file_nuptake "nuptake.out" file_nflux "nflux.out" file_vmaxnlim "vmaxnlim.out" !file_wflux "wflux.out" !file_wpool "wpool.out" ! Monthly outputs file_mnpp "mnpp.out" file_mlai "mlai.out" file_mrh "mrh.out" file_mgpp "mgpp.out" file_mra "mra.out" file_mnee "mnee.out" file_maet "maet.out" file_mpet "mpet.out" file_mevap "mevap.out" file_mintercep "mintercep.out" file_mrunoff "mrunoff.out" file_mwcont_upper "mwcont_upper.out" file_mwcont_lower "mwcont_lower.out" file_miso "miso.out" !file_mmon "mmon.out" file_mmon_mt1 "mmon_mt1.out" file_mmon_mt2 "mmon_mt2.out" !/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// !// Add CMIP6 output import "lpjg_cmip6_output.ins" !/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// !// RUN PARAMETERS AND OPTIONS ! ! Settings recognised by Plib ! Run GUESS with -help option for list of keywords and their meanings title 'LPJ-GUESS cohort mode - global pfts' vegmode "cohort" ! "cohort", "individual" or "population" nyear_spinup 500 ! number of years to spin up the simulation for ifcalcsla 1 ! whether to calculate SLA from leaf longevity ! (PFT-specific value can be specified in this file instead) ifcalccton 1 ! whether to calculate leaf C:N min from leaf longevity ! (PFT-specific value can be specified in this file instead) iffire 1 ! whether to implement fire (1) or not (0) npatch 20 ! number of replicate patches to simulate patcharea 1000 ! patch area (m2) estinterval 5 ! years between establishment events in cohort mode ifdisturb 1 ! whether generic patch-destroying disturbances enabled distinterval 100 ! average return time for generic patch-destroying disturbances ! Hickler et al. (2011) used 200 ifbgestab 1 ! whether background establishment enabled ifsme 1 ! whether spatial mass effect enabled ifstochestab 1 ! whether establishment stochastic ifstochmort 1 ! whether mortality stochastic ifcdebt 1 ! whether to allow vegetation C storage (1) or not (0) wateruptake "rootdist" ! "wcont", "rootdist", "smart" or "speciesspecific", ! see documentation for water_uptake() textured_soil 1 ! whether to use silt/sand fractions specific to soiltype !/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ! PROCESS SETTINGS SPECIFIC TO NITROGEN !/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ifcentury 1 ! whether to use CENTURY SOM dynamics (mandatory for N cycling) ifnlim 1 ! whether plant growth limited by available N freenyears 100 ! number of years to spin up without N limitation (needed to build up a N pool) nfix_a 0.102 ! first term in N fixation eqn (Conservative 0.102, Central 0.234, Upper 0.367) nfix_b 0.524 ! second term in N fixation eqn (Conservative 0.524, Central -0.172, Upper -0.754) nrelocfrac 0.5 ! fraction of N retranslocated prior to leaf and root shedding !/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ! SERIALIZATION SETTINGS !/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// !state_year 500 ! year to save/start state file (no setting = after spinup) !restart 0 ! wheter to start from a state file ! ecev3 - outcommented !save_state 0 ! wheter to save a state file ! ecev3 - outcommented !state_path "" ! directory to put state files in ifsmoothgreffmort 1 ! whether to vary mort_greff smoothly with growth efficiency (1) ! or to use the standard step-function (0) ! greff_min values below calibrated for the smooth (1) option ifdroughtlimitedestab 0 ! whether establishment is limited by growing season drought ! guess2008 - species version has 1 ifrainonwetdaysonly 1 ! whether to rain on wet days only (1), or to rain a bit every day (0) ifbvoc 1 ! ecev3 - 1 now - whether to include BVOC calculations (1) or not (0) !!!!!!!!!!!! landcover parameters !!!!!!!!!!!!!! run_landcover 1 ! whether to use (and change) landcover fractions (1) or not (0) !/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// !/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// !// PARAMETERS FOR PFTS !// Run GUESS with -help option for list of keywords and their meanings group "common" ( ! Parameters common to all PFTs lambda_max 0.8 emax 5 reprfrac 0.1 wscal_min 0.35 drought_tolerance 0.0001 ! default value - ensures that this has little effect even if ! ifdroughtlimitedestab is turned on landcover "natural" harv_eff 0 res_outtake 0 ) group "tree" ( ! Parameters common to all trees common lifeform "tree" crownarea_max 50 ltor_max 1 turnover_root 0.7 rootdist 0.6 0.4 k_allom2 60 k_allom3 0.67 k_rp 1.6 wooddens 200 cton_root 29 cton_sap 330 nuptoroot 0.0028 km_volume 0.000001477 pathway "c3" respcoeff 1.0 ! utkommenterad hos Thomas ! kest_repr 200 ! 200 kest_bg 0.1 ! 1 i guess2008 kest_pres 1 ! 0 i guess2008 k_chilla 0 k_chillb 100 k_chillk 0.05 litterme 0.3 harv_eff 0.95 res_outtake 0.75 turnover_harv_prod 0.04 ! Turnover rate for long-lived harvested products (wood) : 0.04 corresponds to a 25-year turnover time (as in Bondeau 2007) harvest_slow_frac 0.33 ! Bondeau 0.33 ) group "shrub" ( ! Unchanged from species version common lifeform "tree" leafphysiognomy "broadleaf" crownarea_max 10 ltor_max 1 k_allom1 100 k_allom2 5 k_allom3 0.67 k_rp 1.6 wooddens 250 !cton_leaf_min 16 cton_root 29 cton_sap 330 nuptoroot 0.0028 km_volume 0.000001477 fnstorage 0.3 pathway "c3" kest_repr 200 kest_bg 0.1 kest_pres 1 litterme 0.3 rootdist 0.6 0.4 longevity 100 turnover_harv_prod 1 ! Turnover rate for long-lived harvested products (wood) : 1-year turnover time harvest_slow_frac 0 ) group "grass" ( ! Parameters common to all grasses common lifeform "grass" leafphysiognomy "broadleaf" ltor_max 0.5 rootdist 0.9 0.1 !Sitch et al give 0.9 0.1 Fraction of fine roots in the upper and lower soil layers. gmin 0.5 phenology "any" phengdd5ramp 100 ! C3 har 50 hos Thomas leaflong 0.5 ! Leaf longevity (years) turnover_leaf 1 turnover_root 0.7 ! 0.5 hos guess2008 !cton_leaf_min 16 cton_root 29 nuptoroot 0.00551 km_volume 0.000001876 fnstorage 0.3 litterme 0.2 parff_min 1000000 ! 2500000 i guess2008 fireresist 0.5 ! 1.0 hos Thomas intc 0.01 ga 0.030 turnover_harv_prod 1 ! Turnover rate for long-lived harvested products (wood) : 1-year turnover time for GRASS harvest_slow_frac 0 ) group "broadleaved" ( ! Parameters common to all broadleaved trees leafphysiognomy "broadleaf" !cton_leaf_min 16 k_allom1 250 k_latosa 6000 gmin 0.5 intc 0.02 ga 0.040 ) group "needleleaved" ( ! Parameters common to all needleleaved trees leafphysiognomy "needleleaf" !cton_leaf_min 28 k_allom1 150 k_latosa 5000 gmin 0.3 intc 0.06 ga 0.140 ) group "evergreen" ( ! Parameters common to all evergreen trees phenology "evergreen" fnstorage 0.05 phengdd5ramp 0 ) group "summergreen" ( ! Parameters common to all summergreen trees phenology "summergreen" fnstorage 0.15 phengdd5ramp 200 leaflong 0.5 turnover_leaf 1 ) group "boreal" ( ! Parameters common to all boreal trees pstemp_min -4 pstemp_low 10 pstemp_high 25 pstemp_max 38 respcoeff 1.0 ) group "temperate" ( ! Parameters common to all temperate trees pstemp_min -2 pstemp_low 15 pstemp_high 25 pstemp_max 38 respcoeff 1.0 ) group "tropical" ( ! Parameters common to all tropical trees tcmin_surv 15.5 tcmin_est 15.5 tcmax_est 1000 ! no limit twmin_est -1000 ! no limit gdd5min_est 0 ! no limit pstemp_min 2 pstemp_low 25 pstemp_high 30 pstemp_max 55 respcoeff 0.15 ) ! greff_min values below calibrated for the smooth (ifsmoothgreffmort 1) option group "shade_tolerant" ( est_max 0.05 parff_min 350000 alphar 3.0 greff_min 0.04 turnover_sap 0.05 ) ! So far only trial values; not used in this global version group "intermediate_shade_tolerant" ( est_max 0.15 parff_min 2000000 alphar 7.0 greff_min 0.06 turnover_sap 0.075 ) ! From global version; values from orginal European version after "!" group "shade_intolerant" ( est_max 0.2 parff_min 2500000 alphar 10.0 greff_min 0.08 turnover_sap 0.1 ) pft "BNE" ( ! Boreal needleleaved evergreen tree include 1 tree needleleaved shade_tolerant evergreen boreal leaflong 3 turnover_leaf 0.33 tcmin_surv -31 tcmin_est -30 tcmax_est -1 twmin_est 5 gdd5min_est 500 longevity 500 fireresist 0.3 eps_iso 8.0 seas_iso 0 eps_mon 1.7 0.7 0.4 0.24 0.24 0.2 0.84 0.26 0.22 storfrac_mon 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.2 0.5 ) pft "BINE" ( ! Boreal needleleaved evergreen tree include 1 tree needleleaved shade_intolerant evergreen boreal leaflong 3 turnover_leaf 0.33 tcmin_surv -31 tcmin_est -30 tcmax_est -1 twmin_est 5 gdd5min_est 500 longevity 500 fireresist 0.3 eps_iso 8.0 seas_iso 0 eps_mon 1.7 0.7 0.4 0.24 0.24 0.2 0.84 0.26 0.22 storfrac_mon 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.2 0.5 ) pft "BNS" ( ! Boreal needleleaved summergreen tree include 1 tree needleleaved shade_intolerant summergreen boreal alphar 3.0 ! ecev3 update greff_min 0.04 ! ecev3 update tcmin_surv -1000 ! no limit tcmin_est -1000 ! no limit tcmax_est -2 twmin_est -1000 ! no limit twminusc 43 ! AA from TH 03-11 added this gdd5min_est 350 ! Stefan added new value, old 500 phengdd5ramp 100 ! Stefan added new value, old 200 longevity 300 fireresist 0.3 eps_iso 8.0 seas_iso 1 eps_mon 3.18 0.72 0.18 0.12 0.14 0.11 0.2 0.13 0.02 storfrac_mon 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.2 0.5 ) pft "TeNE" ( ! Temperate needleleaved evergreen tree include 1 tree needleleaved shade_intolerant ! cf Jun_oxy, Pin_hal in europe.ins evergreen temperate leaflong 3 turnover_leaf 0.33 tcmin_surv -2 ! As in Sitch et al. (2003), a little lower than TeBE tcmin_est -2 ! As in Sitch et al. (2003), a little lower than TeBE tcmax_est 10 ! Hickler et al. (2012) have 9 degC for Pin_hal twmin_est 5 ! low, since Hickler et al. (2012) have -1000 for Jun_oxy gdd5min_est 2000 !(Stefans value 900)2000 ! As TeBE, a little lower than Jun_oxy, Pin_hal in europe.ins longevity 300 ! Hickler et al. (2012) have 350 for Pin_hal fireresist 0.3 ! Hickler et al. (2012) have 0.2 for Pin_hal and 0.4 for Jun_oxy eps_iso 8.0 ! assumed equal to BINE seas_iso 0 ! assumed equal to BINE eps_mon 1.7 0.7 0.4 0.24 0.24 0.2 0.84 0.26 0.22 !????? storfrac_mon 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.2 0.5 !????? ) pft "TeBS" ( ! Shade-tolerant temperate broadleaved summergreen tree include 1 tree broadleaved shade_tolerant summergreen temperate tcmin_surv -14 tcmin_est -13 tcmax_est 6 twmin_est 5 gdd5min_est 1100 longevity 400 fireresist 0.1 eps_iso 45.0 seas_iso 1 eps_mon 0.52 0.14 0.1 0.04 0.49 0.01 0.04 0.18 0.08 storfrac_mon 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.2 0.5 ) pft "IBS" ( ! Shade-intolerant broadleaved summergreen tree include 1 tree broadleaved shade_intolerant summergreen boreal tcmin_surv -30 tcmin_est -30 tcmax_est 7 twmin_est -1000 !no limit gdd5min_est 350 !from TH 2010-03-10 AA longevity 300 !from TH 2010-04-07 was 300 AA fireresist 0.1 eps_iso 45.0 seas_iso 1 eps_mon 0.52 0.14 0.1 0.04 0.49 0.01 0.04 0.18 0.08 storfrac_mon 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.2 0. ) pft "TeBE" ( ! Temperate broadleaved evergreen tree include 1 tree broadleaved shade_tolerant evergreen temperate leaflong 3 turnover_leaf 0.33 tcmin_surv -1 tcmin_est 0 tcmax_est 18.8 twmin_est 5 gdd5min_est 2000 longevity 300 !from TH 2010-04-07 was 350 AA fireresist 0.3 eps_iso 24.0 seas_iso 0 eps_mon 0.74 0.2 0.2 0.09 0.13 0.08 0.02 0.08 0.08 storfrac_mon 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.2 0.5 ) pft "TrBE" ( ! Tropical broadleaved evergreen tree include 1 tree broadleaved shade_tolerant evergreen tropical leaflong 2 turnover_leaf 0.5 longevity 500 !from Thomas H 2010-03-30 new 500 instead of 600 2010-04-07 fireresist 0.1 eps_iso 24.0 seas_iso 0 eps_mon 0.32 0.09 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.07 0.05 storfrac_mon 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.2 0.5 ) pft "TrIBE" ( ! Tropical broadleaved evergreen tree include 1 tree broadleaved shade_intolerant evergreen tropical leaflong 2 turnover_leaf 0.5 longevity 200 fireresist 0.1 eps_iso 24.0 seas_iso 0 eps_mon 0.32 0.09 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.07 0.05 storfrac_mon 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.2 0.5 ) pft "TrBR" ( ! Tropical broadleaved raingreen tree include 1 tree broadleaved shade_intolerant tropical phenology "raingreen" fnstorage 0.15 leaflong 0.5 turnover_leaf 1 longevity 400 ! from Thomas h 2010-03-30 fireresist 0.3 eps_iso 45.0 seas_iso 0 eps_mon 0.95 0.26 0.22 0.18 0.18 0.13 0.12 0.22 0.14 storfrac_mon 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.2 0.5 ) group "C3G" ( ! Cool (C3) grass include 1 grass pathway "c3" respcoeff 1.0 pstemp_min -5 pstemp_low 10 pstemp_high 30 pstemp_max 45 tcmin_surv -1000 !no limit tcmin_est -1000 !no limit tcmax_est 1000 !no limit twmin_est -1000 !no limit gdd5min_est 0 !no limit eps_iso 16.0 seas_iso 1 eps_mon 0.37 0.2 0.23 0.1 0.1 0.09 0.1 0.22 0.19 storfrac_mon 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.2 0.5 harv_eff 0.5 ) pft "C3G" ( C3G ) group "C4G" ( ! Warm (C3) grass include 1 grass pathway "c4" respcoeff 0.15 pstemp_min 6 pstemp_low 20 pstemp_high 45 pstemp_max 55 tcmin_surv 15.5 tcmin_est 15.5 tcmax_est 1000 !no limit twmin_est -1000 !no limit gdd5min_est 0 !no limit eps_iso 8.0 seas_iso 0 eps_mon 0.48 0.19 0.67 0.14 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.29 0.24 storfrac_mon 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.2 0.5 harv_eff 0.5 ) pft "C4G" ( C4G )