EasyBuild is a software build and installation framework that allows you to manage software in an efficient way: (http://easybuild.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Introduction.html). This repo provides additional easyconfigs for ELIC ecosystem

Pierre-Yves Barriat a2f930f8a5 Adding intel 2016.02 version 6 years ago
intel-2016.02 a2f930f8a5 Adding intel 2016.02 version 6 years ago
intel-2017.02 7ebeb0f9fd Adding intel configs 7 years ago
intel-2018 d03af8a80c New modules 6 years ago
utils a2f930f8a5 Adding intel 2016.02 version 6 years ago
README.md ca7992f25e Update 'README.md' 7 years ago



EasyBuild is a software build and installation framework that allows you to manage software in an efficient way: (http://easybuild.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Introduction.html). This repo provides additional easyconfigs for ELIC ecosystem


Go to /opt/easybuild and:

rmdir easyconfigs; git clone ssh://egit/pbarriat/easyconfigs.git


  • openSUSE : gcc-c++ patch libopenssl-devel gperf

Getting started

Check if you have the lastest easybuild version:

sudo pip install easybuild --upgrade

Then call screen and :

  • eb iccifort-2018.0.128-GCC-6.4.0-2.28.eb -r
  • eb NCL-6.4.0-intel-2018.eb -r
  • eb CDO-1.8.1-intel-2018.eb -r
  • eb ncview-2.1.7-intel-2018.eb -r
  • eb NCO-4.6.6-intel-2018.eb -r
  • eb R-3.4.1-intel-2018.eb -r
  • eb GDAL-2.2.0-intel-2018-Python-3.6.1.eb -r
  • eb MATLAB-UCL-2017a.eb -r
  • eb Python-3.6.2-foss-2017b.eb -r

Finally, run ./utils/install_modulerc.sh

Python2 packages

Fix /opt/modules/all/GEOS/3.6.1-intel-2018.lua by adding setenv("GEOS_DIR", root)

module load NCL PROJ ; pip install geos netcdf4 cdo geoval cartopy iris matplotlib ipython pyproj scikit-image pillow pandas xarray joblib six gdal shapely rasterio geopandas pytest boto3 salem motionless progressbar2 fiona geopandas configobj https://github.com/matplotlib/basemap/archive/v1.1.0.tar.gz; module purge

Python3 issue

Check if you have an issue with Python3:

module load Python/3.6.1-intel-2018

If yes:

pip install -Iv pysha3==0.3
vimdiff /opt/software/Python/3.6.1-intel-2018/lib/python3.6/hashlib.py utils/hashlib.py

Python3 packages

Fix /opt/modules/all/GEOS/3.6.1-intel-2018-Python-3.6.1.lua by adding setenv("GEOS_DIR", root)

module load GDAL/2.2.0-intel-2018-Python-3.6.1 PROJ; pip install geos netcdf4 cdo geoval cartopy matplotlib ipython pyproj scikit-image pillow pandas xarray joblib six gdal shapely rasterio geopandas pytest boto3 salem motionless progressbar2 fiona geopandas configobj https://github.com/matplotlib/basemap/archive/v1.1.0.tar.gz; module purge

Matlab 2013a

rsync -av /opt/software/MATLAB
scp /opt/modules/all/MATLAB