Tk-8.6.11-GCCcore-11.2.0-o.eb 1.2 KB

  1. easyblock = 'ConfigureMake'
  2. name = 'Tk'
  3. version = '8.6.11'
  4. versionsuffix = '-o'
  5. homepage = ''
  6. description = """Tk is an open source, cross-platform widget toolchain that provides a library of basic elements for
  7. building a graphical user interface (GUI) in many different programming languages."""
  8. toolchain = {'name': 'GCCcore', 'version': '11.2.0'}
  9. source_urls = [""]
  10. sources = ['%(namelower)s%(version)s-src.tar.gz']
  11. patches = ['Tk-8.6.4_different-prefix-with-tcl.patch']
  12. checksums = [
  13. '5228a8187a7f70fa0791ef0f975270f068ba9557f57456f51eb02d9d4ea31282', # tk8.6.11-src.tar.gz
  14. '7a6daa8349393af3d340e774aebf07c7410c51e01bc654ceb3679877063b961d', # Tk-8.6.4_different-prefix-with-tcl.patch
  15. ]
  16. builddependencies = [('binutils', '2.37')]
  17. dependencies = [
  18. ('Tcl', version),
  19. ('X11', '20210518'),
  20. ('zlib', '1.2.11'),
  21. ]
  22. configopts = '--enable-threads --with-tcl=$EBROOTTCL/lib CFLAGS="-I$EBROOTTCL/include"'
  23. installopts = "&& make install-private-headers"
  24. postinstallcmds = ["ln -s wish%(version_major_minor)s %(installdir)s/bin/wish"]
  25. sanity_check_paths = {
  26. 'files': ["bin/wish", "lib/", "include/tkInt.h"],
  27. 'dirs': [],
  28. }
  29. start_dir = 'unix'
  30. moduleclass = 'vis'