123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- #
- # L. Brodeau, Feb.2001
- import sys
- import numpy as nmp
- from netCDF4 import Dataset
- import string
- from os.path import basename
- import barakuda_tool as bt
- import barakuda_thermo as bthermo
- cv_d2='D2M'
- cv_p0='MSL'
- cv_q2='Q2M' ; # OUTPUT !
- if len(sys.argv) != 2:
- print 'Usage: '+sys.argv[0]+' <IN_FILE_D2.nc>'
- sys.exit(0)
- cf_d2 = sys.argv[1]
- cf_p0 = string.replace(cf_d2, cv_d2, cv_p0)
- cf_q2 = basename(string.replace(cf_d2, cv_d2, cv_q2))
- # First need time length:
- bt.chck4f(cf_d2) ; f_d2_in = Dataset(cf_d2)
- vlon = f_d2_in.variables['lon'][:]
- cunt_lon = f_d2_in.variables['lon'].units
- print 'LONGITUDE: ', cunt_lon
- # Extracting the longitude 1D array:
- vlat = f_d2_in.variables['lat'][:]
- cunt_lat = f_d2_in.variables['lat'].units
- print 'LATITUDE: ', cunt_lat
- # Extracting time 1D array:
- vtime = f_d2_in.variables['time'][:] ; cunt_time = f_d2_in.variables['time'].units
- print 'TIME: ', cunt_time, '\n'
- f_d2_in.close()
- Nt = len(vtime)
- print 'Nt = ', Nt
- for jt in range(Nt):
- print ' *** jt = ', jt
- # D2M
- # ~~~
- if jt == 0:
- bt.chck4f(cf_d2)
- f_d2_in = Dataset(cf_d2)
- cunt_d2 = f_d2_in.variables[cv_d2].units
- xd2 = f_d2_in.variables[cv_d2][jt,:,:]
- if jt == Nt-1: f_d2_in.close()
- # MSL
- # ~~~
- if jt == 0:
- bt.chck4f(cf_p0)
- f_p0_in = Dataset(cf_p0)
- cunt_p0 = f_p0_in.variables[cv_p0].units
- xp0 = f_p0_in.variables[cv_p0][jt,:,:]
- if jt == Nt-1: f_p0_in.close()
- # Checking dimensions
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- if jt == 0:
- dim_d2 = xd2.shape ; dim_p0 = xp0.shape
- if dim_d2 != dim_p0:
- print 'Shape problem!!!'; print dim_d2 , dim_p0
- print '\n'
- [ nj, ni ] = dim_d2
- print 'ni, nj, nt = ', ni, nj, Nt
- xq2 = nmp.zeros(nj*ni) ; xq2.shape = dim_d2
- # Building q2
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~
- xq2 = bthermo.qa_e_p(bthermo.e_sat(xd2), xp0)
- # Creating output file
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- if jt == 0:
- f_out = Dataset(cf_q2, 'w', format='NETCDF3_CLASSIC')
- # Dimensions:
- f_out.createDimension('lon', ni)
- f_out.createDimension('lat', nj)
- f_out.createDimension('time', None)
- # Variables
- id_lon = f_out.createVariable('lon','f4',('lon',))
- id_lat = f_out.createVariable('lat','f4',('lat',))
- id_tim = f_out.createVariable('time','f4',('time',))
- id_q2 = f_out.createVariable(cv_q2,'f4',('time','lat','lon',))
- # Attributes
- id_tim.units = cunt_time
- #id_lat.long_name = clnm_lat
- id_lat.units = cunt_lat
- #id_lat.standard_name = csnm_lat
- #id_lon.long_name = clnm_lon
- id_lon.units = cunt_lon
- #id_lon.standard_name = csnm_lon
- id_tim.units = cunt_time
- id_q2.long_name = 'Surface specific humidity at 2m, built from D2M and MSL'
- id_q2.units = 'kg/kg'
- id_q2.code = '133'
- id_q2.table = '128'
- f_out.About = 'Created by L. Brodeau using MSL and D2M corresponding fields'
- # Filling variables:
- id_lat[:] = vlat[:]
- id_lon[:] = vlon[:]
- id_tim[jt] = vtime[jt]
- id_q2[jt,:,:] = xq2[:,:]
- if jt == Nt-1: f_out.close()
- print 'Bye!'