@@ -0,0 +1,4320 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <Translation name="nemo_arch_ecconf_fcm">
+ <Description>Nemo 3.6 config file</Description>
+ <Template>nemo-3.6/ARCH/arch-ecconf.fcm.tmpl</Template>
+ <Target>nemo-3.6/ARCH/arch-ecconf.fcm</Target>
+ <Properties></Properties>
+ </Translation>
+ <Translation name="xios2_arch_ecconf_fcm">
+ <Description>XIOS2 config file for FCM</Description>
+ <Template>xios-2/arch/arch-ecconf.fcm.tmpl</Template>
+ <Target>xios-2/arch/arch-ecconf.fcm</Target>
+ <Properties></Properties>
+ </Translation>
+ <Translation name="xios2_arch_ecconf_env">
+ <Description>XIOS2 config file: env</Description>
+ <Template>xios-2/arch/arch-ecconf.env.tmpl</Template>
+ <Target>xios-2/arch/arch-ecconf.env</Target>
+ <Properties></Properties>
+ </Translation>
+ <Translation name="xios2_arch_ecconf_path">
+ <Description>XIOS2 config file: path</Description>
+ <Template>xios-2/arch/arch-ecconf.path.tmpl</Template>
+ <Target>xios-2/arch/arch-ecconf.path</Target>
+ <Properties></Properties>
+ </Translation>
+ <Translation name="ifs36r4_makefile_config">
+ <Description>IFS/36r4 makefile configuration</Description>
+ <Template>ifs-36r4/Makefile.d/Makefile.config.ecconf.tmpl</Template>
+ <Target>ifs-36r4/Makefile.d/Makefile.config.ecconf</Target>
+ <Properties></Properties>
+ </Translation>
+ <Translation name="oasis_makefile_config">
+ <Description>OASIS makefile configuration</Description>
+ <Template>oasis3-mct/util/make_dir/Makefile.d/Makefile.config.ecconf.tmpl</Template>
+ <Target>oasis3-mct/util/make_dir/Makefile.d/Makefile.config.ecconf</Target>
+ <Properties></Properties>
+ </Translation>
+ <Translation name="runoff-mapper_makefile">
+ <Description>Runoff-mapper Makefile</Description>
+ <Template>runoff-mapper/src/Makefile.tmpl</Template>
+ <Target>runoff-mapper/src/Makefile</Target>
+ <Properties></Properties>
+ </Translation>
+ <Translation name="amip-forcing_makefile">
+ <Description>AMIP-forcing Makefile</Description>
+ <Template>amip-forcing/src/Makefile.tmpl</Template>
+ <Target>amip-forcing/src/Makefile</Target>
+ <Properties></Properties>
+ </Translation>
+ <Translation name="tm5_rcfile_config">
+ <Description>TM5MP rcfile configuration</Description>
+ <Template>tm5mp/rc/pycasso-config-ecearth3.rc.tmpl</Template>
+ <Target>tm5mp/ecconfig-ecearth3.rc</Target>
+ <Properties></Properties>
+ </Translation>
+ <Platform name="zenobe-intel-intelmpi">
+ <Description>
+ HOST: zenobe.hpc.cenaero.be
+ ARCH: linux_x86_64
+ CPU MODEL: Intel IvyBridge
+ MAINTAINER: PY Barriat [pierre-yves.barriat@uclouvain.be]
+ COMPILER: i-compilers (icc+ifort,
+ MPI: Intel MPI
+ </Description>
+ <Parameter name="ECEARTH_SRC_DIR">
+ <Description>Base directory for EC-Earth sources</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>$(HOME)/modeles/ecearth_3.2.2/sources</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>MPI base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/softs/intel/impi/</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>MPI include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>MPI lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>MPI libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>mpi mpiif mpigf</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LAPACK_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>LAPACK base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/softs/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2016.2.181/linux/mkl</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>LAPACK lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib/intel64</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>LAPACK libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>mkl_intel_lp64 mkl_core mkl_sequential</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>NetCDF base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/projects/acad/ecearth/opt/netcdf/</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>NetCDF include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>NetCDF lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>NetCDF libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>netcdff netcdf</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>GRIB API base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/projects/acad/ecearth/opt/grib_api</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>GRIB API include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>GRIB API lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>GRIB_API libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>grib_api_f90 grib_api</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBEX_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>GRIBEX base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/projects/acad/ecearth/opt/gribex</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>GRIBEX lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>GRIBEX libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>gribexR64</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="JPEG_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>JPEG base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/projects/acad/ecearth/opt/openjpeg</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="JPEG_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>JPEG include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/projects/acad/ecearth/opt/openjpeg/include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="JPEG_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>JPEG lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/projects/acad/ecearth/opt/openjpeg/lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="JPEG_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>JPEG libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>openjpeg</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="SZIP_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>SZIP base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="SZIP_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>SZIP include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="SZIP_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>SZIP lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="SZIP_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>SZIP libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF4_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>HDF4 base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF4_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>HDF4 include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF4_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>HDF4 lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF4_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>HDF4 libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>HDF5 base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/softs/hdf5/1.8.18-el6/intel/2016.2.181/intelmpi/</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>HDF5 include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>HDF5 lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>HDF5 libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>hdf5_hl hdf5</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MAKE">
+ <Description>Make command (GNU make >3.81 needed!)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>make</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FC">
+ <Description>F90 Compiler</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>ifort</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS">
+ <Description>General F90 flags for compiling</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -xHost -r8</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FREEFORM">
+ <Description>Allow for free format Fortran</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-free</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FIXEDFORM">
+ <Description>Expect fixed Fortran format</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-fixed</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FPP_PREFIX">
+ <Description>Fortran preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-D</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CC">
+ <Description>C Compiler</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>icc</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CXX">
+ <Description>C++ Compiler</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>icc</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CFLAGS">
+ <Description>General C flags for compiling</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -xHost</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CFLAGS_CPP_PREFIX">
+ <Description>C preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-D</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LD">
+ <Description>Linker</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>ifort</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>General flags for linking</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -xHost</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="AR">
+ <Description>Command for building libraries from object files (usually ar)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>ar</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="ARFLAGS">
+ <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>curv</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="ARFLAGS_EXTRACT">
+ <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>p</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CPP">
+ <Description>C preprocessor command</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>cpp</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FPP">
+ <Description>C preprocessor command</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>fpp</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CPPFLAGS">
+ <Description>C preprocessor flags</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-P -C</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="XIOS_CFLAGS">
+ <Description>CFLAGS flags for XIOS</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-ansi -w</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="XIOS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>More LD flags for XIOS</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-lstdc++</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>More F90 flags for Oasis</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-132 -check pointers -check uninit</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_PPDEFS">
+ <Description>More CPP/FPP macros for Oasis</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>More LD flags for Oasis</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>More F90 flags for Nemo</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-check pointers -check uninit -fpe0</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>More LD flags for Nemo</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-lstdc++</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="IFS_PPDEFS">
+ <Description>Preprocessor defs for IFS sources</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="IFSAUX_ADD_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>More F90 flags for ifs/ifsaux</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MAKEDEPF90">
+ <Description>F90 dependency generator</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>$(ECEARTH_SRC_DIR)/util/makedepf90/bin/makedepf90</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ </Platform>
+ <Platform name="voima-intel">
+ <Description>
+ HOST: Voima (voima.fmi.fi)
+ ARCH: linux_x86_64
+ CPU MODEL: Intel Sandy Bridge (Ivy Bridge?)
+ MAINTAINER: Declan O'Donnell [declan.odonnell@fmi.fi]
+ COMPILER: Intel Compilers (icc+ifort)
+ MPI: Intel MPI
+ BLAS/LAPACK: Cray scilib
+ </Description>
+ <Parameter name="ECEARTH_SRC_DIR">
+ <Description>EC-Earth base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/stornext/field/users/odonnell/models/ec-earth/branches/r2617/sources</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>MPI base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/opt/cray/mpt/6.1.0/gni/mpich2-intel/130</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>MPI include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>MPI lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>MPI libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>mpich mpichf90 fmpich</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LAPACK_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>LAPACK base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/opt/cray/libsci/12.1.01/INTEL/130/ivybridge</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>LAPACK lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>LAPACK libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>sci_intel</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="JPEG_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>JPEG base directory (used for compression in HDF)</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="JPEG_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>JPEG include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="JPEG_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>JPEG lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="JPEG_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>JPEG libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>jpeg</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="SZIP_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>SZIP base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="SZIP_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>SZIP include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="SZIP_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>SZIP lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="SZIP_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>SZIP libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type></Type>
+ <Value>sz</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF4_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>Hdf4 base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/opt/hdf4.2.10</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF4_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>Hdf4 include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF4_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>Hdf4 lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF4_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>Hdf4 libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>mfhdf df</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>Hdf5 base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/opt/cray/hdf5-parallel/1.8.11/INTEL/130</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>Hdf5 include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>Hdf5 lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>Hdf5 libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>hdf5_hl hdf5</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>NetCDF base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/opt/cray/netcdf-hdf5parallel/4.3.0/INTEL/130</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>NetCDF include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>NetCDF lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>NetCDF libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>netcdff netcdf</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>GRIB API base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/stornext/field/users/odonnell/models/ec-earth/grib_api/1.12.3/intel</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>GRIB API include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>GRIB API lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>GRIB_API libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>grib_api_f90 grib_api</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBEX_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>GRIBEX base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/stornext/field/users/odonnell/models/ec-earth/gribex</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>GRIBEX lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>GRIBEX libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>gribexR64</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MAKE">
+ <Description>Make command (GNU make >3.81 needed!)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>make</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FC">
+ <Description>F90 Compiler</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>ftn</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS">
+ <Description>General F90 flags for compiling</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-O2 -r8 -g -traceback -vec-report0 -xAVX -fp-model strict</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FREEFORM">
+ <Description>Allow for free format Fortran</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-free</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FIXEDFORM">
+ <Description>Expect fixed Fortran format</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-fixed</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FPP_PREFIX">
+ <Description>Fortran preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-D</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CC">
+ <Description>C Compiler</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>cc</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CXX">
+ <Description>C++ Compiler</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>cc</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CFLAGS">
+ <Description>General C flags for compiling</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-O2 -r8 -g -traceback -xAVX -fp-model strict</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CFLAGS_CPP_PREFIX">
+ <Description>C preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-D</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LD">
+ <Description>Linker</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>ftn</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>General flags for linking</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-O2 -g -traceback -lsz -lz -L/opt/cray/hdf5-parallel/1.8.11/INTEL/130/lib -lhdf5 -lhdf5_hl</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="AR">
+ <Description>Command for building libraries from object files (usually ar)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>ar</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="ARFLAGS">
+ <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>curv</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="ARFLAGS_EXTRACT">
+ <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>p</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FPP">
+ <Description>Fortran preprocessor command</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>fpp</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CPP">
+ <Description>C preprocessor command</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>cpp</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CPPFLAGS">
+ <Description>C preprocessor flags</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-P -C</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>More F90 flags for Oasis</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-132 -check pointers -check uninit</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_PPDEFS">
+ <Description>More CPP/FPP macros for Oasis</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>use_oasis_para</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>More LD flags for Oasis</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>More F90 flags for Nemo</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-check pointers -check uninit</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>More LD flags for Nemo</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-cxxlib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="XIOS_CFLAGS">
+ <Description>CFLAGS flags for XIOS</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-ansi -w</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="XIOS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>More LD flags for XIOS</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-lstdc++</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="IFS_PPDEFS">
+ <Description>Preprocessor defs for IFS sources</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="IFSAUX_ADD_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>More F90 flags for ifs/ifsaux</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="TM5_DEFAULT_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>Default F90 flags for TM5 (ie without optimization)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-O2 -r8 -g -traceback -xAVX</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="TM5_OPTIM_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>F90 optimization flags for TM5</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-fp-model strict</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="TM5_MDEFS_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>Model preprocessor defs. Set to with_ecearth_optics if aerosols feedback will be switch on.</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>with_ecearth_optics</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MAKEDEPF90">
+ <Description>F90 dependency generator</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>$(ECEARTH_SRC_DIR)/util/makedepf90/bin/makedepf90</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ </Platform>
+ <Platform name="bi-intel-intelmpi">
+ <Description>
+ HOST: bi.nsc.liu.se
+ ARCH: linux_x86_64
+ CPU MODEL: Intel E5-2660
+ MAINTAINER: Uwe Fladrich [uwe.fladrich@smhi.se]
+ COMPILER: i-compilers (icc+ifort,
+ MPI: Intel MPI
+ </Description>
+ <Parameter name="ECEARTH_SRC_DIR">
+ <Description>Base directory for EC-Earth sources</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>$(HOME)/Projects/ecearth3/sources</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>MPI base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/software/apps/intel/impi/</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>MPI include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include64</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>MPI lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib64</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>MPI libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>mpi mpiif mpigi</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LAPACK_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>LAPACK base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/software/apps/intel/composer_xe_2015.1.133/mkl</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>LAPACK lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib/intel64</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>LAPACK libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>mkl_intel_lp64 mkl_core mkl_sequential</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>NetCDF base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/software/apps/netcdf/4.3.2/i1501-impi-</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>NetCDF include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>NetCDF lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>NetCDF libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>netcdff netcdf</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>GRIB API base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/software/apps/grib_api/1.12.3/i1501</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>GRIB API include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>GRIB API lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib64</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>GRIB_API libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>grib_api_f90 grib_api</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBEX_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>GRIBEX base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/software/apps/gribex/000370/i1501</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>GRIBEX lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>GRIBEX libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>gribexR64</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="JPEG_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>JPEG base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="JPEG_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>JPEG include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="JPEG_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>JPEG lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="JPEG_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>JPEG libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="SZIP_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>SZIP base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="SZIP_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>SZIP include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="SZIP_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>SZIP lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="SZIP_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>SZIP libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF4_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>HDF4 base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF4_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>HDF4 include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF4_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>HDF4 lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF4_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>HDF4 libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>HDF5 base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/software/apps/hdf5/1.8.14/i1501</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>HDF5 include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>HDF5 lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>HDF5 libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>hdf5_hl hdf5 z</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MAKE">
+ <Description>Make command (GNU make >3.81 needed!)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>make</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FC">
+ <Description>F90 Compiler</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>ifort</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS">
+ <Description>General F90 flags for compiling</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -xHost -g -traceback -r8</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FREEFORM">
+ <Description>Allow for free format Fortran</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-free</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FIXEDFORM">
+ <Description>Expect fixed Fortran format</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-fixed</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FPP_PREFIX">
+ <Description>Fortran preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-D</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CC">
+ <Description>C Compiler</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>icc</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CXX">
+ <Description>C++ Compiler</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>icc</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CFLAGS">
+ <Description>General C flags for compiling</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -xHost -g -traceback</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CFLAGS_CPP_PREFIX">
+ <Description>C preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-D</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LD">
+ <Description>Linker</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>ifort</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>General flags for linking</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -xHost -g -traceback</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="AR">
+ <Description>Command for building libraries from object files (usually ar)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>ar</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="ARFLAGS">
+ <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>curv</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="ARFLAGS_EXTRACT">
+ <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>p</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CPP">
+ <Description>C preprocessor command</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>cpp</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FPP">
+ <Description>C preprocessor command</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>fpp</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CPPFLAGS">
+ <Description>C preprocessor flags</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-P -C</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="XIOS_CFLAGS">
+ <Description>CFLAGS flags for XIOS</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-ansi -w</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="XIOS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>More LD flags for XIOS</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-lstdc++</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>More F90 flags for Oasis</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-132 -check pointers -check uninit</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_PPDEFS">
+ <Description>More CPP/FPP macros for Oasis</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>More LD flags for Oasis</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>More F90 flags for Nemo</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-check pointers -check uninit -fpe0</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>More LD flags for Nemo</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-lstdc++</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="IFS_PPDEFS">
+ <Description>Preprocessor defs for IFS sources</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="IFSAUX_ADD_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>More F90 flags for ifs/ifsaux</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MAKEDEPF90">
+ <Description>F90 dependency generator</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>$(ECEARTH_SRC_DIR)/util/makedepf90/bin/makedepf90</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ </Platform>
+ <Platform name="triolith-intel-intelmpi">
+ <Description>
+ HOST: triolith.nsc.liu.se
+ ARCH: linux_x86_64
+ CPU MODEL: Intel E5-2660
+ MAINTAINER: Uwe Fladrich [uwe.fladrich@smhi.se]
+ COMPILER: i-compilers (icc+ifort,
+ MPI: Intel MPI
+ </Description>
+ <Parameter name="ECEARTH_SRC_DIR">
+ <Description>Base directory for EC-Earth sources</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>$(HOME)/Projects/ecearth3/sources</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>MPI base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/software/apps/intel/impi/</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>MPI include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>MPI lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>MPI libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>mpi mpiif mpigi</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LAPACK_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>LAPACK base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/software/apps/intel/composer_xe_2015.3.187/mkl</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>LAPACK lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib/intel64</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>LAPACK libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>mkl_intel_lp64 mkl_core mkl_sequential</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>NetCDF base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/software/apps/netcdf/4.3.2/i1403-impi-</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>NetCDF include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>NetCDF lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>NetCDF libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>netcdff netcdf</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>GRIB API base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/software/apps/grib_api/1.12.1/i1214</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>GRIB API include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>GRIB API lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>GRIB_API libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>grib_api_f90 grib_api</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBEX_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>GRIBEX base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/software/apps/gribex/000370/i1214</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>GRIBEX lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>GRIBEX libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>gribexR64</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="JPEG_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>JPEG base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="JPEG_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>JPEG include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="JPEG_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>JPEG lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="JPEG_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>JPEG libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="SZIP_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>SZIP base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="SZIP_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>SZIP include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="SZIP_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>SZIP lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="SZIP_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>SZIP libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF4_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>HDF4 base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF4_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>HDF4 include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF4_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>HDF4 lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF4_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>HDF4 libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>HDF5 base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/software/apps/hdf5/1.8.14/i1403-impi-</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>HDF5 include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>HDF5 lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>HDF5 libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>hdf5_hl hdf5 z</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MAKE">
+ <Description>Make command (GNU make >3.81 needed!)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>make</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FC">
+ <Description>F90 Compiler</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>ifort</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS">
+ <Description>General F90 flags for compiling</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -xHost -g -traceback -r8</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FREEFORM">
+ <Description>Allow for free format Fortran</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-free</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FIXEDFORM">
+ <Description>Expect fixed Fortran format</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-fixed</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FPP_PREFIX">
+ <Description>Fortran preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-D</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CC">
+ <Description>C Compiler</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>icc</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CXX">
+ <Description>C++ Compiler</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>icc</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CFLAGS">
+ <Description>General C flags for compiling</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -xHost -g -traceback</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CFLAGS_CPP_PREFIX">
+ <Description>C preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-D</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LD">
+ <Description>Linker</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>ifort</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>General flags for linking</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -xHost -g -traceback</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="AR">
+ <Description>Command for building libraries from object files (usually ar)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>ar</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="ARFLAGS">
+ <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>curv</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="ARFLAGS_EXTRACT">
+ <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>p</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CPP">
+ <Description>C preprocessor command</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>cpp</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FPP">
+ <Description>C preprocessor command</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>fpp</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CPPFLAGS">
+ <Description>C preprocessor flags</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-P -C</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="XIOS_CFLAGS">
+ <Description>CFLAGS flags for XIOS</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-ansi -w</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="XIOS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>More LD flags for XIOS</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-lstdc++</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>More F90 flags for Oasis</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-132 -check pointers -check uninit</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_PPDEFS">
+ <Description>More CPP/FPP macros for Oasis</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>More LD flags for Oasis</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>More F90 flags for Nemo</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-fpe0 -check pointers -check uninit</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>More LD flags for Nemo</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-lstdc++</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="IFS_PPDEFS">
+ <Description>Preprocessor defs for IFS sources</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="IFSAUX_ADD_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>More F90 flags for ifs/ifsaux</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MAKEDEPF90">
+ <Description>F90 dependency generator</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>$(ECEARTH_SRC_DIR)/util/makedepf90/bin/makedepf90</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ </Platform>
+ <Platform name="neuron-intel-intelmpi">
+ <Description>
+ HOST: bxshpc01.knmi.nl
+ ARCH: linux_x86_64
+ CPU MODEL: Intel Xeon X5675 3.07GHz
+ MAINTAINER: Philippe Le Sager [sager@knmi.nl]
+ COMPILER: i-compilers (icc+ifort)
+ MPI: Intel MPI
+ </Description>
+ <Parameter name="ECEARTH_SRC_DIR">
+ <Description>EC-Earth base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>$(HOME)/Projects/ecearth3/sources</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>MPI base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/nfs_stc/project/sw/intel/impi/</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>MPI include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>MPI lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>MPI libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>mpi mpiif mpigi</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LAPACK_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>LAPACK base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/nfs_stc/project/sw/intel/composer_xe_2011_sp1.7.256/mkl</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>LAPACK lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib/intel64</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>LAPACK libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>mkl_intel_lp64 mkl_core mkl_sequential</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="JPEG_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>JPEG base directory (used for compression in HDF)</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/nfs_ltc/tm5_test/users/sager/BACKUP/LIBS/JPEG-6B/COMPILATION_intel_c12.0.4_impi4.0.2.003/jpeg-6b</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="JPEG_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>JPEG include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="JPEG_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>JPEG lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="JPEG_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>JPEG libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>jpeg</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="SZIP_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>SZIP base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/nfs_ltc/tm5_test/users/sager/BACKUP/LIBS/SZIP.2.1/COMPILATION_intel_c12.0.4_impi4.0.2.003/szip-2.1</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="SZIP_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>SZIP include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="SZIP_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>SZIP lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="SZIP_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>SZIP libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>sz</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF4_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>Hdf4 base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/nfs_ltc/tm5_test/users/sager/BACKUP/LIBS/HDF.4.2.9/hdf4.2.9</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF4_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>Hdf4 include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF4_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>Hdf4 lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF4_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>Hdf4 libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>mfhdf df</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>Hdf5 base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/nfs_ltc/tm5_test/users/sager/BACKUP/LIBS/HDF5.1.8.11/COMPILATION_intel_c12.0.3_impi4.0.2.003/hdf5-1.8.11</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>Hdf5 include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>Hdf5 lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>Hdf5 libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>hdf5_hl hdf5 z</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>NetCDF base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/nfs_ltc/ecearth/users/severijn/installed/netcdf-4.3.0</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>NetCDF include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>NetCDF lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>NetCDF libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>netcdff</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>GRIB API base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/nfs_ltc/ecearth/users/severijn/installed/grib_api-1.9.9</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>GRIB API include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>GRIB API lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>GRIB_API libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>grib_api_f90 grib_api</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBEX_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>GRIBEX base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/nfs_ltc/ecearth/users/severijn/installed/gribex</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>GRIBEX lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>GRIBEX libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>gribexR64</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MAKE">
+ <Description>Make command (GNU make >3.81 needed!)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>make</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FC">
+ <Description>F90 Compiler</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>ifort</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS">
+ <Description>General F90 flags for compiling</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-O2 -g -traceback -r8 -fp-model precise -xHost</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FREEFORM">
+ <Description>Allow for free format Fortran</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-free</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FIXEDFORM">
+ <Description>Expect fixed Fortran format</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-fixed</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FPP_PREFIX">
+ <Description>Fortran preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-D</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CC">
+ <Description>C Compiler</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>icc</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CXX">
+ <Description>C++ Compiler</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>g++</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CFLAGS">
+ <Description>General C flags for compiling</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-O2 -g</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CFLAGS_CPP_PREFIX">
+ <Description>C preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-D</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LD">
+ <Description>Linker</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>ifort</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>General flags for linking</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -xHost -g -traceback -r8 -lstdc++</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="AR">
+ <Description>Command for building libraries from object files (usually ar)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>ar</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="ARFLAGS">
+ <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>curv</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="ARFLAGS_EXTRACT">
+ <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>p</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CPP">
+ <Description>C preprocessor command</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>cpp</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FPP">
+ <Description>C preprocessor command</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>fpp</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CPPFLAGS">
+ <Description>C preprocessor flags</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-P -C</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>More F90 flags for Oasis</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-132 -check pointers -check uninit</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_PPDEFS">
+ <Description>More CPP/FPP macros for Oasis</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>More LD flags for Oasis</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="XIOS_CFLAGS">
+ <Description>CFLAGS flags for XIOS</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-ansi -w</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="XIOS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>More LD flags for XIOS</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-lstdc++</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>More F90 flags for Nemo</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-check pointers -check uninit -fpe0</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>More LD flags for Nemo</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-lstdc++</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="IFS_PPDEFS">
+ <Description>Preprocessor defs for IFS sources</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="IFSAUX_ADD_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>More F90 flags for ifs/ifsaux</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="TM5_DEFAULT_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>Default F90 flags for TM5 (ie without optimization)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-warn declarations -traceback -r8</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="TM5_OPTIM_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>F90 optimization/debug flags for TM5</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-O3 -fp-model strict -g</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MAKEDEPF90">
+ <Description>F90 dependency generator</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>$(ECEARTH_SRC_DIR)/util/makedepf90/bin/makedepf90</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ </Platform>
+ <Platform name="beskow-intel-craympi">
+ <Description>
+ HOST: beskow.pdc.kth.se
+ ARCH: linux_x86_64
+ MAINTAINER: Hamish Struthers [struthers@nsc.liu.se]
+ COMPILER: Intel compiler
+ MPI: Cray MPI
+ NOTE: Use modules PrgEnv-intel/5.2.56 and cray-hdf5-parallel/1.8.13
+ </Description>
+ <Parameter name="ECEARTH_SRC_DIR">
+ <Description>Base directory for EC-Earth sources</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>$(HOME)/Projects/ecearth3/sources</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>MPI base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>MPI include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>MPI lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>MPI libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LAPACK_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>LAPACK base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>LAPACK lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>LAPACK libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>NetCDF base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/opt/cray/netcdf-hdf5parallel/4.3.2/intel/140</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>NetCDF include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>NetCDF lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>NetCDF libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>netcdff netcdf stdc++</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>NetCDF base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/opt/cray/hdf5-parallel/1.8.13/intel/140</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>HDF include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>HDF lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>HDF libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>hdf5_hl hdf5</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>GRIB API base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/pdc/vol/grib_api/1.12.1-intel</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>GRIB API include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>GRIB API lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>GRIB_API libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>grib_api_f90 grib_api</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBEX_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>GRIBEX base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/pdc/vol/gribex/000370/intel</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>GRIBEX lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>GRIBEX libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>gribexR64</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MAKE">
+ <Description>Make command (GNU make >3.81 needed!)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>make</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FC">
+ <Description>F90 Compiler</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>ftn</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS">
+ <Description>General F90 flags for compiling</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -xHost -g -traceback -r8</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FREEFORM">
+ <Description>Allow for free format Fortran</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-free</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FIXEDFORM">
+ <Description>Expect fixed Fortran format</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-fixed</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FPP_PREFIX">
+ <Description>Fortran preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-D</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CC">
+ <Description>C Compiler</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>cc</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CFLAGS">
+ <Description>General C flags for compiling</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-O2 -g -traceback -xHost</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CFLAGS_CPP_PREFIX">
+ <Description>C preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-D</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CXX">
+ <Description>C++ Compiler</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>CC</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LD">
+ <Description>Linker</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>ftn</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>General flags for linking</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-O2 -g -traceback -L/opt/cray/hdf5-parallel/1.8.13/intel/140/lib -lhdf5hl_fortran -lhdf5_fortran -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="AR">
+ <Description>Command for building libraries from object files (usually ar)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>ar</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="ARFLAGS">
+ <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>curv</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="ARFLAGS_EXTRACT">
+ <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>p</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CPP">
+ <Description>C preprocessor command</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>cpp</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FPP">
+ <Description>Fortran preprocessor command</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>fpp</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CPPFLAGS">
+ <Description>C preprocessor flags</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-P -C</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="XIOS_CFLAGS">
+ <Description>CFLAGS flags for XIOS</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-ansi -w</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="XIOS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>More LD flags for XIOS</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-lstdc++</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>More F90 flags for Oasis</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_PPDEFS">
+ <Description>More CPP/FPP macros for Oasis</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>More LD flags for Oasis</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>More F90 flags for Nemo</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>More LD flags for Nemo</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="IFS_PPDEFS">
+ <Description>Preprocessor defs for IFS sources</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="IFSAUX_ADD_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>More F90 flags for ifs/ifsaux</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MAKEDEPF90">
+ <Description>F90 dependency generator</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>$(ECEARTH_SRC_DIR)/util/makedepf90/bin/makedepf90</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ </Platform>
+ <Platform name="cca-intel-mpi">
+ <Description>
+ HOST: ccb/cca at ECMWF
+ ARCH: linux_x86_64
+ CPU MODEL: 36-core Intel(R) Broadwell
+ USER: Philippe Le Sager (sager@knmi.nl)
+ COMPILER: i-compilers (icc+ifort, 15.0.1)
+ </Description>
+ <Parameter name="ECEARTH_SRC_DIR">
+ <Description>Base directory for EC-Earth sources</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>${PERM}/ece-3.2b/sources</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>MPI base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/opt/cray/mpt/default/gni/mpich-intel/150</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>MPI include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>MPI lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>MPI libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>mpich</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LAPACK_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>LAPACK base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/opt/intel/composer_xe_2015.1.133/mkl</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>LAPACK lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib/intel64</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>LAPACK libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>mkl_intel_lp64 mkl_core mkl_sequential</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>NetCDF base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/opt/cray/netcdf-hdf5parallel/4.4.0/intel/150/</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>NetCDF include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>NetCDF lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>NetCDF libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>netcdff netcdf</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>GRIB API base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/usr/local/apps/grib_api/1.12.3/INTEL/140</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>GRIB API include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include64</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>GRIB API lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib64</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>GRIB_API libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>grib_api_f90 grib_api jasper</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBEX_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>GRIBEX base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/usr/local/apps/libemos/000394/INTEL/140</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>GRIBEX lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>GRIBEX libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>emosR64</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="JPEG_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>JPEG base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="JPEG_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>JPEG include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="JPEG_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>JPEG lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="JPEG_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>JPEG libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>jpeg</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="SZIP_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>SZIP base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="SZIP_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>SZIP include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="SZIP_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>SZIP lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="SZIP_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>SZIP libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF4_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>HDF4 base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/usr/local/apps/hdf/4.2.10/INTEL/140</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF4_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>HDF4 include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF4_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>HDF4 lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF4_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>HDF4 libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>mfhdf df</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>HDF5 base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/opt/cray/hdf5-parallel/1.8.16/intel/150</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>HDF5 include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>HDF5 lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>HDF5 libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>hdf5_hl hdf5 z</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MAKE">
+ <Description>Make command (GNU make >3.81 needed!)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>make</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FC">
+ <Description>F90 Compiler</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>ifort</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS">
+ <Description>General F90 flags for compiling</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-O2 -g -traceback -r8 -fp-model strict -xHost</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FREEFORM">
+ <Description>Allow for free format Fortran</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-free</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FIXEDFORM">
+ <Description>Expect fixed Fortran format</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-fixed</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FPP_PREFIX">
+ <Description>Fortran preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-D</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CC">
+ <Description>C Compiler</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>icc</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CXX">
+ <Description>C++ Compiler</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>icc</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CFLAGS">
+ <Description>General C flags for compiling</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-O2 -g -traceback -fp-model strict -xHost</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CFLAGS_CPP_PREFIX">
+ <Description>C preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-D</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LD">
+ <Description>Linker</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>ifort</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>General flags for linking</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-O2 -g -traceback -fp-model strict -xHost -L/usr/local/apps/jasper/1.900.1/lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="AR">
+ <Description>Command for building libraries from object files (usually ar)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>ar</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="ARFLAGS">
+ <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>curv</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="ARFLAGS_EXTRACT">
+ <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>p</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CPP">
+ <Description>C preprocessor command</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>cpp</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FPP">
+ <Description>C preprocessor command</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>fpp</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CPPFLAGS">
+ <Description>C preprocessor flags</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-P -C</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="XIOS_CFLAGS">
+ <Description>CFLAGS flags for XIOS</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-ansi -w</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="XIOS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>More LD flags for XIOS</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-lstdc++</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>More F90 flags for Oasis</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-132 -check pointers -check uninit</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_PPDEFS">
+ <Description>More CPP/FPP macros for Oasis</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>More LD flags for Oasis</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>More F90 flags for Nemo</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-check pointers -check uninit -fpe0</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>More LD flags for Nemo</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-lstdc++</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="IFS_PPDEFS">
+ <Description>Preprocessor defs for IFS sources</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="IFSAUX_ADD_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>More F90 flags for ifs/ifsaux</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="TM5_DEFAULT_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>Default F90 flags for TM5 (ie without optimization)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-warn declarations -traceback -real-size 64</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="TM5_OPTIM_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>F90 optimization/debug flags for TM5</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-O2 -fp-model strict -g</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="TM5_MDEFS_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>Model preprocessor defs</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="TM5_CO2_ONLY">
+ <Description>Light version of TM5 (True or False)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>False</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MAKEDEPF90">
+ <Description>F90 dependency generator</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>$(ECEARTH_SRC_DIR)/util/makedepf90/bin/makedepf90</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ </Platform>
+ <Platform name="hpcdev-intel">
+ <Description>
+ HOST: hpcdev.dmi.dk
+ ARCH: linux_x86_64
+ CPU MODEL: 16-core Intel(R)
+ USER: Shuting Yang (shuting@dmi.dk)
+ COMPILER: i-compilers (icc+ifort,
+ </Description>
+ <Parameter name="ECEARTH_SRC_DIR">
+ <Description>Base directory for EC-Earth sources</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>${HOME}/EC-Earth3_dmi/r3097-GHGs/sources</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>MPI base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>MPI include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>MPI lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>MPI libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>mpich</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LAPACK_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>LAPACK base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>LAPACK lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib/intel64</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>LAPACK libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>NetCDF base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>NetCDF include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>NetCDF lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>NetCDF libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>netcdff netcdf</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>GRIB API base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/netapp/dmisys/swrepo/grib_api/1.14.4-1/INTEL/15.0</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>GRIB API include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>GRIB API lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>GRIB_API libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>grib_api_f90 grib_api jasper</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBEX_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>GRIBEX base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/netapp/research/shuting/Libraries/gribex_000370</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>GRIBEX lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>GRIBEX libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>gribexR64</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="JPEG_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>JPEG base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="JPEG_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>JPEG include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="JPEG_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>JPEG lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="JPEG_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>JPEG libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>jpeg</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="SZIP_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>SZIP base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="SZIP_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>SZIP include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="SZIP_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>SZIP lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="SZIP_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>SZIP libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF4_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>HDF4 base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/opt/cray/hdf4/1.8.14/INTEL/140</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF4_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>HDF4 include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF4_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>HDF4 lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF4_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>HDF4 libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>mfhdf df</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>HDF5 base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>HDF5 include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>HDF5 lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>HDF5 libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>hdf5_hl hdf5 z</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MAKE">
+ <Description>Make command (GNU make >3.81 needed!)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>make</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FC">
+ <Description>F90 Compiler</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>ftn</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS">
+ <Description>General F90 flags for compiling</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -xHost -g -traceback -r8</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FREEFORM">
+ <Description>Allow for free format Fortran</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-free</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FIXEDFORM">
+ <Description>Expect fixed Fortran format</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-fixed</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FPP_PREFIX">
+ <Description>Fortran preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-D</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CC">
+ <Description>C Compiler</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>cc</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CFLAGS">
+ <Description>General C flags for compiling</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -xHost -g -traceback</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CFLAGS_CPP_PREFIX">
+ <Description>C preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-D</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LD">
+ <Description>Linker</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>CC -Wl</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>General flags for linking</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -xHost -g -traceback -L/netapp/dmisys/swrepo/jasper/1.900/intel/150/lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="AR">
+ <Description>Command for building libraries from object files (usually ar)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>ar</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="ARFLAGS">
+ <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>curv</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="ARFLAGS_EXTRACT">
+ <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>p</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CPP">
+ <Description>C preprocessor command</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>cpp</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FPP">
+ <Description>C preprocessor command</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>fpp</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CPPFLAGS">
+ <Description>C preprocessor flags</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-P -C</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="XIOS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>More LD flags for XIOS</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-lstdc++</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>More F90 flags for Oasis</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-132 -check pointers -check uninit</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_PPDEFS">
+ <Description>More CPP/FPP macros for Oasis</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>More LD flags for Oasis</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>More F90 flags for Nemo</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-check pointers -check uninit -fpe0</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>More LD flags for Nemo</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-lstdc++</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="IFS_PPDEFS">
+ <Description>Preprocessor defs for IFS sources</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="IFSAUX_ADD_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>More F90 flags for ifs/ifsaux</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MAKEDEPF90">
+ <Description>F90 dependency generator</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>$(ECEARTH_SRC_DIR)/util/makedepf90/bin/makedepf90</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ </Platform>
+ <Platform name="marenostrum-intel-intelmpi">
+ <Description>
+ HOST: mn.bsc.es
+ ARCH: linux_x86_64
+ CPU MODEL: ???
+ MAINTAINER: Uwe Fladrich [uwe.fladrich@smhi.se]
+ COMPILER: i-compilers (icc+ifort, ???)
+ MPI: Intel MPI
+ </Description>
+ <Parameter name="ECEARTH_SRC_DIR">
+ <Description>Base directory for EC-Earth sources</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>$(HOME)/Projects/ecearth3/sources</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>MPI base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/apps/INTEL/impi/</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>MPI include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include64</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>MPI lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib64</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>MPI libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>mpi mpiif mpigi</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LAPACK_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>LAPACK base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/apps/INTEL/mkl</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>LAPACK lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib/intel64</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>LAPACK libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>mkl_intel_lp64 mkl_core mkl_sequential</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>NetCDF base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/apps/NETCDF/4.3.2/INTEL/IMPI</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>NetCDF include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>NetCDF lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>NetCDF libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>netcdff netcdf</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>GRIB API base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/apps/GRIB/1.14.0</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>GRIB API include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>GRIB API lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>GRIB_API libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>grib_api_f90 grib_api</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBEX_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>GRIBEX base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/apps/GRIBEX/000370</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>GRIBEX lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>GRIBEX libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>gribexR64</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="JPEG_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>JPEG base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="JPEG_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>JPEG include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="JPEG_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>JPEG lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="JPEG_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>JPEG libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="SZIP_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>SZIP base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="SZIP_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>SZIP include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="SZIP_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>SZIP lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="SZIP_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>SZIP libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF4_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>HDF4 base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF4_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>HDF4 include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF4_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>HDF4 lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF4_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>HDF4 libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>HDF5 base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/apps/HDF5/1.8.12-mpi/IMPI</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>HDF5 include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>HDF5 lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>HDF5 libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>hdf5_hl hdf5 z</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MAKE">
+ <Description>Make command (GNU make >3.81 needed!)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>make</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FC">
+ <Description>F90 Compiler</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>ifort</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS">
+ <Description>General F90 flags for compiling</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -xHost -g -traceback -r8</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FREEFORM">
+ <Description>Allow for free format Fortran</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-free</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FIXEDFORM">
+ <Description>Expect fixed Fortran format</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-fixed</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FPP_PREFIX">
+ <Description>Fortran preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-D</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CC">
+ <Description>C Compiler</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>icc</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CFLAGS">
+ <Description>General C flags for compiling</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -xHost -g -traceback</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CFLAGS_CPP_PREFIX">
+ <Description>C preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-D</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CXX">
+ <Description>C++ Compiler</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>CC</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LD">
+ <Description>Linker</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>ifort</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>General flags for linking</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -xHost -g -traceback</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="AR">
+ <Description>Command for building libraries from object files (usually ar)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>ar</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="ARFLAGS">
+ <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>curv</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="ARFLAGS_EXTRACT">
+ <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>p</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CPP">
+ <Description>C preprocessor command</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>cpp</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FPP">
+ <Description>C preprocessor command</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>fpp</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CPPFLAGS">
+ <Description>C preprocessor flags</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-P -C</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="XIOS_CFLAGS">
+ <Description>CFLAGS flags for XIOS</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-ansi -w</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="XIOS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>More LD flags for XIOS</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-lstdc++</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>More F90 flags for Oasis</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-132 -check pointers -check uninit</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_PPDEFS">
+ <Description>More CPP/FPP macros for Oasis</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>More LD flags for Oasis</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>More F90 flags for Nemo</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-check pointers -check uninit -fpe0</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>More LD flags for Nemo</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-lstdc++</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="IFS_PPDEFS">
+ <Description>Preprocessor defs for IFS sources</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="IFSAUX_ADD_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>More F90 flags for ifs/ifsaux</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MAKEDEPF90">
+ <Description>F90 dependency generator</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>$(ECEARTH_SRC_DIR)/util/makedepf90/bin/makedepf90</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ </Platform>
+ <Platform name="cca-cray-craympi">
+ <Description>
+ HOST: cca/ccb at ECMWF
+ ARCH: linux_x86_64
+ CPU MODEL: 36-core Intel(R) Broadwell
+ COMPILER: ftn Cray compiler
+ MPI: Cray MPI
+ </Description>
+ <Parameter name="ECEARTH_SRC_DIR">
+ <Description>Base directory for EC-Earth sources</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/perm/rd/pa1/r2930-3.2beta-MACv2-SP_TM5PIAER/sources/</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>MPI base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>MPI include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>MPI lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>MPI libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LAPACK_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>LAPACK base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>LAPACK lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>LAPACK libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>NetCDF base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/opt/cray/netcdf-hdf5parallel/</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>NetCDF include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>NetCDF lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>NetCDF libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>netcdff netcdf</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>HCDF5 base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/opt/cray/hdf5-parallel/1.8.14/cray/83</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>NetCDF include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>NetCDF lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>NetCDF libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>hdf5_hl hdf5</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>GRIB API base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/usr/local/apps/grib_api/1.12.1/CRAY/82</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>GRIB API include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>GRIB API lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>GRIB_API libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>grib_api_f90 grib_api</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBEX_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>GRIBEX base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/usr/local/apps/libemos/000394/CRAY/82</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>GRIBEX lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>GRIBEX libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>emosR64</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MAKE">
+ <Description>Make command (GNU make >3.81 needed!)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>make</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FC">
+ <Description>F90 Compiler</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>ftn</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS">
+ <Description>General F90 flags for compiling</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-sreal64 -em -hnoomp -O2</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FREEFORM">
+ <Description>Allow for free format Fortran</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-ffree</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FIXEDFORM">
+ <Description>Expect fixed Fortran format</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-ffixed</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FPP_PREFIX">
+ <Description>Fortran preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-D</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CC">
+ <Description>C Compiler</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>cc</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CFLAGS">
+ <Description>General C flags for compiling</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-O3</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CFLAGS_CPP_PREFIX">
+ <Description>C preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-D</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CXX">
+ <Description>C++ Compiler</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>CC</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LD">
+ <Description>Linker</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>CC</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>General flags for linking</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-Wl,--as-needed -L/opt/cray/hdf5-parallel/1.8.14/cray/83/lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="AR">
+ <Description>Command for building libraries from object files (usually ar)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>ar</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="ARFLAGS">
+ <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>curv</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="ARFLAGS_EXTRACT">
+ <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>p</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CPP">
+ <Description>C preprocessor command</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>cpp</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FPP">
+ <Description>Fortran preprocessor command</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>cpp -P -CC</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CPPFLAGS">
+ <Description>C preprocessor flags</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-P -C</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>More F90 flags for Oasis</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_PPDEFS">
+ <Description>More CPP/FPP macros for Oasis</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>use_oasis_para</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>More LD flags for Oasis</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="XIOS_CFLAGS">
+ <Description>CFLAGS flags for XIOS</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-DMPICH_SKIP_MPICXX -h msglevel_4 -h zero -h gnu</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="XIOS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>More LD flags for XIOS</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-D__NONE__</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>More F90 flags for Nemo</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-em -sinteger32 -sreal64 -O2 -e0 -eZ -Ktrap=fp -R b</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>More LD flags for Nemo</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-L/opt/cray/hdf5/1.8.13/cray/83/lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="IFS_PPDEFS">
+ <Description>Preprocessor defs for IFS sources</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="IFSAUX_ADD_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>More F90 flags for ifs/ifsaux</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-O0</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MAKEDEPF90">
+ <Description>F90 dependency generator</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>$(ECEARTH_SRC_DIR)/util/makedepf90/bin/makedepf90</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ </Platform>
+ <Platform name="marenostrum3-intel-intelmpi">
+ <Description>
+ HOST: mn.bsc.es
+ ARCH: linux_x86_64
+ CPU MODEL: ???
+ MAINTAINER: Domingo Manubens-Gil [domingo.manubens@bsc.es]
+ COMPILER: i-compilers (icc+ifort, ???)
+ MPI: Intel MPI
+ </Description>
+ <Parameter name="ECEARTH_SRC_DIR">
+ <Description>Base directory for EC-Earth sources</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/gpfs/scratch/${GROUP}/${USER}/${exp_name}/${PROJECT_DEST}/sources</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>MPI base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/apps/INTEL/impi/</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>MPI include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include64</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>MPI lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib64</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>MPI libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>mpi mpiif mpigi</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LAPACK_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>LAPACK base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/apps/INTEL/mkl</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>LAPACK lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib/intel64</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>LAPACK libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>mkl_intel_lp64 mkl_core mkl_sequential</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>NetCDF base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/apps/NETCDF/4.3.2/INTEL/IMPI</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>NetCDF include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>NetCDF lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>NetCDF libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>netcdff netcdf</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>GRIB API base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/apps/GRIB/1.14.0</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>GRIB API include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>GRIB API lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>GRIB_API libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>grib_api_f90 grib_api</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBEX_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>GRIBEX base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/apps/GRIBEX/000370</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>GRIBEX lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>GRIBEX libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>gribexR64</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="JPEG_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>JPEG base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="JPEG_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>JPEG include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="JPEG_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>JPEG lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="JPEG_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>JPEG libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="SZIP_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>SZIP base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="SZIP_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>SZIP include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="SZIP_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>SZIP lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="SZIP_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>SZIP libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF4_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>HDF4 base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF4_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>HDF4 include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF4_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>HDF4 lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF4_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>HDF4 libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>HDF5 base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/apps/HDF5/1.8.12-mpi/IMPI</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>HDF5 include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>HDF5 lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>HDF5 libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>hdf5_hl hdf5 z</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MAKE">
+ <Description>Make command (GNU make >3.81 needed!)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>make</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FC">
+ <Description>F90 Compiler</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>ifort</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS">
+ <Description>General F90 flags for compiling</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -xHost -g -traceback -r8</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FREEFORM">
+ <Description>Allow for free format Fortran</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-free</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FIXEDFORM">
+ <Description>Expect fixed Fortran format</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-fixed</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FPP_PREFIX">
+ <Description>Fortran preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-D</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CC">
+ <Description>C Compiler</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>icc</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CFLAGS">
+ <Description>General C flags for compiling</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -xHost -g -traceback</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CFLAGS_CPP_PREFIX">
+ <Description>C preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-D</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CXX">
+ <Description>C++ Compiler</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>icc</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LD">
+ <Description>Linker</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>ifort</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>General flags for linking</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -xHost -g -traceback</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="AR">
+ <Description>Command for building libraries from object files (usually ar)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>ar</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="ARFLAGS">
+ <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>curv</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="ARFLAGS_EXTRACT">
+ <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>p</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CPP">
+ <Description>C preprocessor command</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>cpp</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FPP">
+ <Description>C preprocessor command</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>fpp</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CPPFLAGS">
+ <Description>C preprocessor flags</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-P -C</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="XIOS_CFLAGS">
+ <Description>CFLAGS flags for XIOS</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-ansi -w</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="XIOS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>More LD flags for XIOS</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-lstdc++</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>More F90 flags for Oasis</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-132 -check pointers -check uninit</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_PPDEFS">
+ <Description>More CPP/FPP macros for Oasis</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>More LD flags for Oasis</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>More F90 flags for Nemo</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-check pointers -check uninit -fpe0</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>More LD flags for Nemo</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-lstdc++</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="IFS_PPDEFS">
+ <Description>Preprocessor defs for IFS sources</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="IFSAUX_ADD_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>More F90 flags for ifs/ifsaux</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value></Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MAKEDEPF90">
+ <Description>F90 dependency generator</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>$(ECEARTH_SRC_DIR)/util/makedepf90/bin/makedepf90</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ </Platform>