123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119 |
- #!/bin/ksh
- #
- # script to compute a fluxcorrection (you may call it oceanic heat transport)
- # for the mixed layer and the sea ice module of the Planet Simulator
- #
- # ocean and sea ice output from a uncoupled simulation (nice=nocean=0)
- # can be used.
- #
- # service format and ascii files are generated, the latter can serve as the
- # fluxcorrection input files in the coupled run.
- #
- # to use the script, you may change the shell variable at the beginning of
- # this script according to your setup...
- #
- # at the end you may display the .srv files with GRADS using the srv2gra
- # tool
- #
- set -ex
- #
- DATA=`pwd` # dir. where the PlaSim data are
- ICEFILE=ice_ctl. # preface for ice output
- OCEANFILE=oce_ctl. # preface for ocean output
- FLUKOICE=${DATA}/N032_surf_0709_fl.sra # flux correction for ice
- FLUKOOCE=${DATA}/N032_surf_0903_fl.sra # flux correction for ocean
- FIRSTYEAR=31 # first year to be used
- LASTYEAR=40 # last year to be used
- NICE=1 # compute ice flux correction
- NOCE=1 # compute ocean flux correction
- #
- # your calls for some utilities
- #
- F90=f90 # FORTRAN
- #
- TMPDIR=${DATA}/tmpdir/FLUKO$$ # temporary dir. (will be deleted)
- #
- ########################
- mkdir -p $TMPDIR
- cd $TMPDIR
- #
- #########################
- #
- cat > form.f90 << EOF
- program form
- !
- integer ih(8)
- real,allocatable :: f(:,:)
- !
- read(10) ih
- n=ih(5)*ih(6)
- allocate(f(n,12))
- jm=1
- 1000 continue
- read(10) f(:,jm)
- read(10,end=1001) ih
- jm=jm+1
- goto 1000
- 1001 continue
- write(20,'(8I10)') ih(1:2),0,0,ih(5:8)
- write(20,'(4E16.6)') f(:,12)
- do jm=1,12
- write(20,'(8I10)') ih(1:2),jm*100,0,ih(5:8)
- write(20,'(4E16.6)') f(:,jm)
- enddo
- write(20,'(8I10)') ih(1:2),1300,0,ih(5:8)
- write(20,'(4E16.6)') f(:,1)
- !
- stop
- end
- gfortran -o form.x form.f90
- #
- while [ ${YY} -le ${LASTYEAR} ]
- do
- if [ ${YY} -lt 100 ]
- then
- YY=0${YY}
- fi
- if [ ${YY} -lt 10 ]
- then
- YY=0${YY}
- fi
- #
- ##
- #
- if [ ${NICE} -eq 1 ]
- then
- cdo selcode,709 ${INFILE} ICEYEAR709
- fi
- ###
- if [ ${NOCE} -eq 1 ]
- then
- cdo selcode,903 ${INFILE} OCEANYEAR903
- fi
- ####
- YY=`expr ${YY} + 1`
- done
- ####
- if [ ${NICE} -eq 1 ]
- then
- cdo ymonmean ICEFLUKO fort.10
- ./form.x
- mv fort.20 ${FLUKOICE}
- fi
- ####
- if [ ${NOCE} -eq 1 ]
- then
- cdo ymonmean OCEANFLUKO fort.10
- ./form.x
- mv fort.20 ${FLUKOOCE}
- fi
- ####
- cd ${DATA}
- rm -r $TMPDIR
- exit