guide.tex 2.2 KB

  1. \documentclass[12pt,twoside,a4paper]{book}
  2. \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx}
  3. \usepackage[pdftex]{hyperref}
  4. \usepackage{a4}
  5. \usepackage[margin=2cm]{geometry}
  6. \pagestyle{headings}
  7. % module description makros
  8. \newcommand{\module}{\sf}
  9. \newcommand{\modules}{\sf}
  10. \newcommand{\sub}{\it}
  11. \newcommand{\nam}{\it}
  12. \newcommand{\modu}{\it}
  13. \newcommand{\file}{\bf}
  14. % miscellaneous
  15. \newcommand{\e}[1]{\! \cdot \! 10^{#1}}
  16. \newcommand{\plasim}{\bf Planet Simulator}
  17. \newcommand{\most}{\bf Most16}
  18. \newcommand{\model}{\bf Planet Simulator}
  19. \newcommand{\modir}{plasim}
  20. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  21. \begin{document}
  22. \begin{titlepage}
  23. \begin{figure}
  24. \includegraphics[width=3cm]{Pics/uhhlogo}
  25. {\textsf{\huge University of Hamburg}}
  26. \end{figure}
  27. \vspace*{1cm}
  28. \begin{center}
  29. {\Huge\bf \plasim} \\
  30. \vspace*{1cm}
  31. \includegraphics[width=13cm]{Pics/snaplasim} \\
  32. \vspace*{1cm}
  33. {\huge \bf User's Guide } \\
  34. \vspace*{1cm}
  35. {\huge \bf Version 16.0}
  36. \vspace*{1cm}
  37. Frank Lunkeit \\
  38. Simon Blessing \\
  39. Klaus Fraedrich \\
  40. Heiko Jansen \\
  41. Edilbert Kirk \\
  42. Ute Luksch \\
  43. Frank Sielmann \\
  44. \end{center}
  45. \end{titlepage}
  46. \begin{verbatim}
  47. The Planet Simulator User's Guide is a publication of the
  48. Theoretical Meteorology at the Meteorological Institute of
  49. the University of Hamburg.
  50. Address:
  51. Prof. Dr. Klaus Fraedrich
  52. Meteorological Institute
  53. University of Hamburg
  54. Bundesstrasse 55
  55. D-20146 Hamburg
  56. Contact:
  60. \end{verbatim}
  61. \tableofcontents
  62. \chapter{Installation}
  63. \input{install.tex}
  64. \chapter{Modules}
  65. \input{modules}
  66. \input{modules_heiko}
  67. \chapter{Parallel Program Execution}
  68. \input{parallel.tex}
  69. \chapter{Graphical User Interface}
  70. \label{chap_GUI}
  71. \input{gui.tex}
  72. \chapter{Postprocessor Pumaburner}
  73. \label{Pumaburner}
  74. \input{pumaburn}
  75. \chapter{Graphics}
  76. \section{Grads}
  77. \input{graphics_grads}
  78. \section{Vis5D}
  79. \input{graphics_vis5d}
  80. \chapter{Column Mode and Soundings}
  81. \input{column_mode}
  82. % \chapter{Diagnostics}
  83. % \section{Fluxes}
  84. % \chapter{Reference Simulation}
  85. \begin{appendix}
  86. \chapter{List of Constants and Symbols}
  87. \input{symb}
  88. \chapter{Planet Simulator Codes for Variables}
  89. \label{Pumacodes}
  90. \input{puma_codes}
  91. \chapter{Namelists}
  92. \label{Namelist}
  93. \input{namelist}
  94. \end{appendix}
  95. \end{document}