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  3. author ={M. A. Alexander and C. Penland},
  4. title ={Variability in a mixed layer ocean model driven by stochastic atmospheric forcing},
  5. journal ={J. Climate},
  6. volume =9,
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  12. title ={Decadal Climate variability},
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  17. @Article{Appenzeller:1998_1,
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  25. @Article{Appenzeller:1998_2,
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  27. title ={North {A}tlantic Oscillation dynamics recorded in {G}reenland ice cores},
  28. journal ={Science},
  29. volume =282,
  30. pages ={446--449},
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  33. @TechReport{Bacher:1996,
  34. author = {A. Bacher and J. M. Oberhuber and E. Roeckner},
  35. title = {{ENSO} dynamics and seasonal cycle in the tropical {P}acific as simulated by the {ECHAM}4/{OPYC}3 coupled general circulation model},
  36. institution = {Max-Planck-Institut},
  37. year = {1996},
  38. number = {199},
  39. }
  40. @PhdThesis{Bacher:1998,
  41. author = {A. Bacher},
  42. title = {Variability on decadal scales in {P}acific sea surface temperatures and atmosphere ocean interaction in the coupled general circulation model {ECHAM}4/{OPYC}3},
  43. school = {Universit{\"a}t Hamburg},
  44. year = {1998},
  45. }
  46. @Article{Baliunas:1997,
  47. author ={S. Baliunas and P. Frick and D. Sokoloff and W. Soon},
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  57. journal ={Mon. Wea. Rev.},
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  64. title ={The basic effects of atmosphere-ocean thermal coupling on midlatitude variability},
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  71. author ={A. G. Barnston and R. E. Livezey},
  72. title ={Classification, seasonality and persistence of lo- frequency atmospheric circulation patterns},
  73. journal ={Mon. Wea. Rev.},
  74. volume =115,
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  78. @Article{Battisti:1995,
  79. author ={D. S. Battisti and U. S. Bhatt and M. A. Alexander},
  80. title ={A modeling study of the interannual variability in the {N}orth {A}tlantic ocean},
  81. journal ={J. Climate},
  82. volume =8,
  83. pages ={3067--3083},
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  86. @Article{Bene:1999,
  87. author ={N. Bene},
  88. title ={The {N}orth {A}tlantic Oscillation},
  89. journal ={Science},
  90. volume =283,
  91. pages ={948--949},
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  94. @Article{Bhatt:1998,
  95. author ={U. S. Bhatt and M. A. Alexander and D. S. Battisti and D. D. Houghton and L. M. Keller},
  96. title ={Atmosphere-Ocean Interaction in the {N}orth {A}tlantic: Near-Surface Climate Variability},
  97. journal ={J. Climate},
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  104. title ={Synoptic survey of the interaction between sea and atmosphere in the {N}orth {A}tlantic},
  105. journal ={Geophys. Publ.},
  106. volume =24,
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  120. title ={A climatological spectral study of the 500 mb geopotential height of the {N}orthern {H}emisphere},
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  122. volume =33,
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  128. title ={A general circulation model study of January climate
  129. anomaly patterns associated with interannual
  130. variation of equatorial Pacific sea surface temperatures},
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  132. volume =40,
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  136. @Article{Blade:1997,
  137. author ={I. Blade},
  138. title ={The influence of midlatitude ocean/atmosphere coupling on the low-frequency variability of a {GCM}. {P}art {I}: No tropical {SST} forcing},
  139. journal ={J. Climate},
  140. volume =10,
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  145. author ={I. Blade},
  146. title ={The influence of midlatitude ocean/atmosphere coupling on the low-frequency variability of a {GCM}. {P}art {II}: Interannual variability induced by tropical {SST} forcing},
  147. journal ={J. Climate},
  148. volume =9999,
  149. pages ={accepted},
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  152. @Article{Boettger:1980,
  153. author ={H. B\"ottger and K. Fraedrich},
  154. title ={Disturbances in the wavenumber-frequency domain observed
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  156. journal ={Contr. Atmos. Phys.},
  157. volume =53,
  158. pages ={90--105},
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  160. }
  161. @PhdThesis{Bresch:1998,
  162. author = {D. N. Bresch},
  163. title = {Coupled Flow and {SST} Patterns of the {N}orth {A}tlantic: A statistical and dynamical study},
  164. school = {ETH Z\"urich},
  165. year = {1998},
  166. }
  167. @Article{Bresch:1999,
  168. author ={D. N. Bresch and H. C. Davies},
  169. title ={Recent Co-variations and Trends of the {SST} and mid-troposphere flow signatures in the extratropical {N}orth {A}tlantic},
  170. journal ={J. Climate},
  171. volume =12,
  172. pages ={submitted},
  173. year ={1999}
  174. }
  175. @Article{Bryan:1991,
  176. author ={K. Bryan and R. Stouffer},
  177. title ={A note on {B}jerknes' hypothesis for {N}orth {A}tlantic variability},
  178. journal ={J. Mar. Sys.},
  179. volume =1,
  180. pages ={229--241},
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  183. @Article{Casdagli:1997,
  184. author ={M. C. Casdagli},
  185. title ={Recurrence plots revisited},
  186. journal ={Physica D},
  187. volume =108,
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  191. @Article{Chen:1996,
  192. author ={C. T. Chen and E. Roeckner},
  193. title ={Validation of the earth radiation budget as simulated y the {M}ax {P}lanck {I}nstitute for {M}eteorology general circulation model {ECHAM4} using satellite observations of the {E}arth {R}adiation {B}udget {E}xperiment},
  194. journal ={J. Geophys. Res.},
  195. volume =101,
  196. pages ={4269-4287},
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  199. @Article{Chervin:1976,
  200. author ={R. M. Chervin and S. H. Schneider},
  201. title ={A study of the response of the {NCAR} {GCM} climatological statistics to random perturbations: Estimating noise levels},
  202. journal ={J. Atmos. Sci.},
  203. volume =33,
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  205. year =1976
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  207. @Article{Christoph:1999,
  208. author ={M. Christoph and U. Ulbrich and J. M. Oberhuber and E. Roeckner},
  209. title ={The role of Ocean Dynamics for low-frequency fluctuations of the {NAO} in a coupled ocean-atmosphere {GCM}},
  210. journal ={J. Climate},
  211. volume =999,
  212. pages ={9999},
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  214. }
  215. @TechReport{Christoph:1998,
  216. author = {M. Christoph and U. Ulbrich and J. M. Oberhuber and E. Roeckner},
  217. title = {The role of Ocean Dynamics for low-frequency fluctuations of the {NAO} in a coupled ocean-atmosphere {GCM}},
  218. institution = {Max-Planck-Institut},
  219. year = {1998},
  220. number = {285},
  221. }
  222. @Article{Corby:1972,
  223. author ={G. A. Corby and A. Glichrist and R. L. Newson},
  224. title ={A general circulation model of the atmosphere suitable for
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  226. journal ={Quart. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc.},
  227. volume =98,
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  231. @Article{Cubasch:1997,
  232. author ={U. Cubasch and R. Voss and G. C. Hegerl and J. Waszkewitz and T. J. Crowley},
  233. title ={Simulation of the influence of solar radiation variations on the global climate with an ocean-atmosphere general circulation model},
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  235. volume =13,
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  240. author ={G. A. Corby and A. Gilchrist and R. L. Newson},
  241. title ={A general circulation model of the atmosphere suitable for long period integrations},
  242. journal ={Quart. J. R. Met Soc.},
  243. volume =98,
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  247. @Article{Curry:1998,
  248. author ={R. G. Curry and M. S. McCartney and Terrence M. Joyce},
  249. title ={Oceanic transport of subpolar climate signals to mid-depth subtropical waters},
  250. journal ={Nature},
  251. volume =391,
  252. pages ={575-577},
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  255. @Article{Davis:1976,
  256. author ={R. E. Davis},
  257. title ={Predictability of sea surface temperature and sea level pressure anomalies over the {N}orth {P}acific Ocean},
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  259. volume =6,
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  272. author ={T. Deland},
  273. title ={Travelling planetary waves},
  274. journal ={Tellus},
  275. volume =16,
  276. pages ={271--273},
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  279. @Article{Delworth:1996,
  280. author ={T. Delworth},
  281. title ={North {A}tlantic interannual, variability in a coupled ocean-atmosphere model},
  282. journal ={J. Climate},
  283. volume =9,
  284. pages ={2356--2375},
  285. year ={1996}
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  287. @Article{Deser:1993,
  288. author ={Clara Deser and Maurice L. Blackmon},
  289. title ={Surface Climate Variations over the {N}orth {A}tlantic Ocean during Winter:1900-1989},
  290. journal ={J. Climate},
  291. volume =6,
  292. pages ={1743--1753},
  293. year ={1993}
  294. }
  295. @Article{Deser:1997,
  296. author ={Clara Deser and Michael S. Timlin},
  297. title ={Atmosphere-Ocean Interaction on Weekly Timescales in the {N}orth {A}tlantic and {P}acific},
  298. journal ={J. Climate},
  299. volume =10,
  300. pages ={393-408},
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  303. @Article{Dickson:1996,
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  305. title ={Longterm coordinated changes in the convective activity of the North Atlantic},
  306. journal ={Prog. Oceangr.},
  307. volume =38,
  308. pages ={241--295},
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  310. }
  311. @Article{Dickson:1997,
  312. author ={B. Dickson},
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  314. journal ={Nature},
  315. volume =386,
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  319. @Article{Dickson:9999,
  320. author ={B. Dickson},
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  322. journal ={white paper},
  323. volume =999,
  324. pages ={173--200},
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  327. @TechReport{DKRZ:1994,
  328. author = {DKRZ},
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  330. institution = {Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum, Hamburg},
  331. year = {1994},
  332. number = {6},
  333. }
  334. @TechReport{Dommenget:1998,
  335. author = {D. Dommenget and M. Latif},
  336. title = {Interannual to decadal variability in the tropical {A}tlantic},
  337. institution = {Max-Planck-Institut},
  338. year = {1998},
  339. number = {277},
  340. }
  341. @TechReport{Dommenget:2000,
  342. author = {D. Dommenget and M. Latif},
  343. title = {Generation of {SST} anomalies in the midlatitudes},
  344. institution = {Max-Planck-Institut},
  345. year = {2000},
  346. number = {304},
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  350. title ={Synchronized chaos in extended systems and meteorological teleconnections},
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  352. volume =56,
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  356. @Article{Eden:2000,
  357. author ={Eden and T. Jung},
  358. title ={On the mechanism of North Atlantic interdecadal variability},
  359. journal ={J. Climate},
  360. volume =13,
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  363. }
  364. @Article{Edmon:1980,
  365. author ={H. J. Edmon{ }Jr. and B. J. Hoskins and M. E. McIntyre},
  366. title ={Eliassen-{P}alm cross sections for the troposphere},
  367. journal ={J. Atmos. Sci.},
  368. volume =37,
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  372. @Book{Eliasen:1970,
  373. author ={E. Eliasen and B. Machenhauer and E. Rasmusson},
  374. title ={On a numerical method for integration of the hydrodynamical
  375. equations with a spectral representaion of the
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  377. publisher ={Inst. of Theor. Met., Univ. Copenhagen},
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  380. @Article{Ferranti:1994,
  381. author ={L. Ferranti and F. Molteni and T. N. Palmer},
  382. title ={Impact of localized tropical and extratropical {SST} anomalies in ensembles of seasonal {GCM} integrations},
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  384. volume =120,
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  389. author ={K. Fraedrich and H. B\"ottger},
  390. title ={A wavenumber-frequency analysis of the 500 mb
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  392. journal ={J. Atmos. Sci.},
  393. volume =35,
  394. pages ={745--750},
  395. year ={1978}
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  397. @Article{Fraedrich:1987,
  398. author ={K. Fraedrich and M. Lutz},
  399. title ={A modified time-longitude diagram applied to 500 mb heights along $50^{\circ}$ north and south},
  400. journal ={Tellus},
  401. volume =39,
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  405. @Article{Fraedrich:1992,
  406. author ={K. Fraedrich and K. M\"uller},
  407. title ={Climate anomalies in {E}urope associated with {ENSO} extremes},
  408. journal ={Int. J. Climatol.},
  409. volume =12,
  410. pages ={25-31},
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  413. @Article{Fraedrich:1993,
  414. author ={K. Fraedrich and C. Bantzer and U. Burkhardt},
  415. title ={Winter climate anomalies in {E}urope and their associated criculation at 500 h{P}a},
  416. journal ={Clim. Dym.},
  417. volume =8,
  418. pages ={161-175},
  419. year ={1993}
  420. }
  421. @Article{Fraedrich:1994,
  422. author ={K. Fraedrich},
  423. title ={An {ENSO} impact in {E}urope? {A} review},
  424. journal ={Tellus},
  425. volume =46,
  426. pages ={541--552},
  427. year ={1994}
  428. }
  429. @TechReport{Fraedrich:1998,
  430. author = {K. Fraedrich and E. Kirk and F. Lunkeit},
  431. title = {Portable {U}niversity {M}odel of the {A}tmosphere},
  432. institution = {Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum},
  433. year = {1998},
  434. number = {16},
  435. pages = {37pp}
  436. }
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  438. author ={C. Frankignoul},
  439. title ={Sea surface temperature anomalies, planetary waves and air-sea feedback in the middle latitudes},
  440. journal ={Rev. Geophys.},
  441. volume =23,
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  445. @Article{Frankignoul:1997,
  446. author ={C. Frankignoul and P. M\"uller and E. Zorita},
  447. title ={A simple Model of the Decadal Response of the Ocean to Stochastic Wind Forcing},
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  453. @Article{Franzke:2000,
  454. author ={C. Franzke and F. Lunkeit and K. Fraedrich},
  455. title ={Low-frequency variability in a simplified atmospheric {GCM}: Stormtack induced 'spatial resonance'},
  456. journal ={Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc.},
  457. volume =126,
  458. pages ={in press},
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  461. @TechReport{Friederichs:1998,
  462. author ={P. Friederichs and A. Hense},
  463. title ={{MILLENNIA}: Numerical simulation and analysis of climate variability on decadal and centennial timescales},
  464. institution = {Meteorologisches Institut Bonn},
  465. year ={1998},
  466. pages ={1--37},
  467. number = {1}
  468. }
  469. @Article{Frisius:1998,
  470. author ={T. Frisius and F. Lunkeit and K. Fraedrich and I. N. James},
  471. title ={Storm-track organization and variability in a simplified atmospheric global circulation model},
  472. journal ={Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc.},
  473. volume =124,
  474. pages ={1019--1043},
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  479. title ={Modeling the seasonal cycle of the upper ocean},
  480. journal ={J. Phys. Oceanogr.},
  481. volume =18,
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  485. @Article{Glowienka:1990,
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  488. journal ={Tellus},
  489. volume =42,
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  494. author ={Stephane Goyette and J. P. Rene Laprise},
  495. title ={Numerical Investigations with a Physically Based Regional Interpolator for Off-Line Downscaling of {GCM}'s: {FIZR}},
  496. journal ={J. Climate},
  497. volume =9,
  498. pages ={3464--3495},
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  501. @Article{Graham:1994,
  502. author ={N. E. Graham and T. P. Barnett and R. Wilde and M. Ponater and S. Schubert},
  503. title ={On the roles of tropical and midlatitude {SST}s in forcing interannual to interdecadal variability in the winter {N}orthern {H}emisphere circulation},
  504. journal ={J. Climate},
  505. volume =7,
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  510. author ={H.-F. Graf},
  511. title ={Northern hemisphere tropospheric mid-latitude circulation after violent volcanic eruptions},
  512. journal ={Contrib. Atmos. Phys.},
  513. volume =67,
  514. pages ={3--13},
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  516. }
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  518. author ={S. M. Griffies and E. Tziperman},
  519. title ={A linear thermohaline oscillator driven by stochastic atmospheric forcing},
  520. journal ={J. Climate},
  521. volume =8,
  522. pages ={2440--2453},
  523. year ={1995}
  524. }
  525. @Article{Griffies:1997,
  526. author ={S. M. Griffies and K. Bryan},
  527. title ={Predictability of the {N}orth {A}tlantic multidecadal climate variability},
  528. journal ={Science},
  529. volume =10,
  530. pages ={181--184},
  531. year ={1997}
  532. }
  533. @Article{Groetzner:1996,
  534. author ={A. Gr\"otzner and R. Sausen and M. Clausen},
  535. title ={The impact of sub-grid scale sea-ice inhomogeneities on the performance of the atmospheric general circulation model {ECHAM3}},
  536. journal ={Clim. Dym.},
  537. volume =12,
  538. pages ={477--496},
  539. year ={1996}
  540. }
  541. @Article{Groetzner:1998_1,
  542. author ={A. Gr\"otzner and M. Latif and T. P. Barnett},
  543. title ={A decadal cycle in the {N}orth {A}tlantic ocean as simulated by the {ECHO} coupled {GCM}},
  544. journal ={J. Climate},
  545. volume =11,
  546. pages ={831--847},
  547. year ={1998}
  548. }
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