import numpy as np from netCDF4 import Dataset import os import sys # Inputs: # a) a set of processor-specific NEMO restart files defined with a certain domain decomposition, that you'll want to run at (2*n_proc, n_proc for oce and n_proc for ice). You can get this by doing a dummy run with the number of processors you'll eventually want. # b) a pair of rebuilt (processor-wise) NEMO restart files, which you'll want to get the actual restart data from # Outputs: # a set of processor-specific NEMO restart files, using the a) domain decomposition, with the data coming from b) # input a). The script expects the files to be, where XXXX are four numbers. geom_in_stencil = "/afast/pelletie/nemo_rs/geom_in/mpp_209_fET171-h40/so025_paraso_temoin_00000096_restart_" # Number of processors for destination geom (geom_in_stencil) n_newdisp = 209 # input b) The script expects the files to be .nc rebuilt_rs_stencil = "/afast/pelletie/nemo_rs/rs_data/h40/org/so025_fET171_spin_h40_00035040_restart_" ## WARNING: be sure that your b) files contain all the fields you'll need. ## Some NEMO options (melt ponds, iscpl) create/require new restart fields. # Output files. The script will write output_stencil = "/afast/pelletie/nemo_rs/rs_data/h40/redisp/mpp_209_fET171-h40/so025_fET171_spin_h40_00035040_remap209-mpp_restart_" nz = 75 media = ['ice', 'oce'] for medium in media: big_rs = Dataset(rebuilt_rs_stencil+medium+'.nc', mode='r') for m in range(0,n_newdisp): geom_nc = Dataset(geom_in_stencil+medium+'_%04d'%m+'.nc', mode='r') nx_nd, ny_nd = geom_nc.DOMAIN_size_local sx_beg, sy_beg = geom_nc.DOMAIN_position_first - 1 sx_end, sy_end = geom_nc.DOMAIN_position_last nx_nd, ny_nd = geom_nc.DOMAIN_size_local if( sx_end - sx_beg != nx_nd or sy_end - sy_beg != ny_nd): print('error nx, beg end') sys.exit() fmt = "%04d"%m outfile = output_stencil+medium+'_'+fmt+'.nc' out_nc = Dataset(outfile, mode='w') out_nc.createDimension('x', nx_nd) out_nc.createDimension('y', ny_nd) out_nc.createDimension('z', nz) out_nc.createDimension('t', 0) print(sx_beg,sx_end,sy_beg,sy_end) for name, variable in big_rs.variables.items(): varout = out_nc.createVariable(name, variable.datatype, variable.dimensions) len_tmp = len(variable.dimensions) if( 'x' in variable.dimensions): if(len_tmp == 2): varout[:] = big_rs.variables[name][sy_beg:sy_end,sx_beg:sx_end] elif(len_tmp == 3): varout[:] = big_rs.variables[name][:,sy_beg:sy_end,sx_beg:sx_end] elif(len_tmp == 4): varout[:] = big_rs.variables[name][:,:,sy_beg:sy_end,sx_beg:sx_end] else: varin = big_rs.variables[name][:] if(len_tmp > 0 ): varout[:] = varin[:] else: varout[:] = varin out_nc.setncatts(geom_nc.__dict__) out_nc.close() print('generated '+outfile) geom_nc.close() big_rs.close()