references.bib 21 KB

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  4. Title="{{E}ffects of knee joint angle on global and local strains within human triceps surae muscle: {M}{R}{I} analysis indicating in vivo myofascial force transmission between synergistic muscles}",
  5. Journal="Surg. Radiol. Anat.",
  6. Year="2011",
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  24. Title="{{E}ffects of inter-synergistic mechanical interactions on the mechanical behaviour of activated spastic semitendinosus muscle of patients with cerebral palsy}",
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  209. Title="{{E}ffects of inter-synergistic mechanical interactions on the mechanical behaviour of activated spastic semitendinosus muscle of patients with cerebral palsy}",
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  413. Title="{{E}ffects of knee joint angle on global and local strains within human triceps surae muscle: {M}{R}{I} analysis indicating in vivo myofascial force transmission between synergistic muscles}",
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  466. Title="{{H}istory-dependence of muscle slack length in humans: effects of contraction intensity, stretch amplitude and time}",
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