nice_article.yaml 578 B

  1. ---
  2. # Names of Input and Output Files
  3. input-file:
  4. output-file: nice_article.pdf # Change to .docx to make a Word file
  5. # Addition to LaTeX Template
  6. include-in-header: tex_templates/report-header.tex
  7. include-after-body: tex_templates/report-footer.tex
  8. # LaTeX Specifications
  9. pdf-engine: xelatex
  10. variables:
  11. documentclass: article
  12. classoption:
  13. - twocolumn
  14. - 11pt # 10pt, 12pt
  15. listings: true
  16. number-sections: true
  17. # References and Reference Style
  18. csl: assets/citation.csl
  19. bibliography: assets/bibliography.bib
  20. citeproc: true # required in pandoc 2.14