2.5 KB


  • Paul Iacomi: correspondence: yes email: mail\ equal_contributor: yes institute:
    • a
    • b orcid: 0000-0001-5477-1503
  • Someone Else: equal_contributor: yes institute:
    • a orcid: 0000-0001-5124-7052 autoEqnLabels: true bibliography:
  • refs/biblio.bib cref: false institute:
  • a: name: My current affiliation, with address and everything.
  • b: name: Long address from someone else or other affiliation link-citations: true linkReferences: true number-sections: true project: title: project title: This is the paper title xnos-capitalise: true xnos-number-by-section: false ---



Herein we refer to a table ([@tbl:example-table]), but also to a figure ([@fig:caption-1]) or a latter equation ([@eq:example]). Finally, figures ([@fig:caption-si]) from the SI can also be referenced. We can add citations as well [@example]. Units are inserted with the help of siunitx. We can have some standard data 40 kJ/mol or ranges such as 20 Å--30 Å. Finally simple unit typesetting is also possible MHz/kPa.

Chemistry is included by referring to the mhchem package. Simple molecules like $\ce{N2}$ and $\ce{C2H4}$ should be easy to include. More complex formula typesetting is possible too: $\ce{^{13}C}$ NMR, $\ce{CaCl2 * 12H2O}$ and $\ce{Fe^{II}Fe^{III}2O4}$.

Equations are in a standard Latex equation environment.


e^{i\pi} + 1 = 0$$ {#eq:example}

Materials and methods

::: {#tbl:example-table}

            Head 1                 Head 2            Head 3

          Content 1               Content 2      Long Content 2
          Content 4               Content 5   Even Longer Content 6

* Multicolmns are also possible

: An example table, with caption on top. :::

Results and discussion

 Example small figure and its caption. {#fig:caption-1 width="0.9\linewidth"}

 Example twocolumn large figure. {#fig:caption-2 width="0.9\linewidth"}


Acknowledgements {#acknowledgements .unnumbered}

Author contributions {#author-contributions .unnumbered}

Supplementary Information

SI section 1

Here is a citation. [@example]

 Example caption. {#fig:caption-si width="0.9\linewidth"}

SI section 2

We are referring to previous [@fig:caption-si].

References {#references .unnumbered}