123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311 |
- """Condense manuscript into single files, often preferred by journals.
- Usage: condense [--output_dir=<output_dir>] [<directory>]
- """
- import argparse
- import pathlib
- import shutil
- import re
- STYLE_RE = re.compile(r"\\def\\style{\d}\s") # style statement + newline
- INPUT_RE = re.compile(r"\\input{.*}") # an input statement
- ARGUMENT_RE = re.compile(r"(?<={)[\s\S]*(?=})") # any latex argument
- IF_RE = re.compile(r"\\if[^def][\s\S]*?\\fi") # any if/fi section not ifdef
- ELSE_RE = re.compile(r"\\else[\s\S]*?\\fi") # any else/fi section
- IF_ARG_RE = re.compile(r"(?<=\\if\\style)\d") # the style if comparator
- IF_ARG_STRIP = re.compile(r"\\if\\\w*\s*|\\fi") # the if/fi edges
- ELSE_ARG_STRIP = re.compile(r"\\else|\\fi") # the else/fi edges
- META_RE = re.compile(r"% !TEX .*") # tex meta commands
- IFDEF_RE = re.compile(r"\\ifdef") # any ifdefined/fi section
- NEWCOMM_RE = re.compile(r"\\newcommand") # any ifdefined/fi section
- style_d = {
- '0': 'pi',
- '1': 'els',
- '2': 'rsc',
- '3': 'acs',
- }
- def check(directory, filename):
- for path in directory.iterdir():
- if path.name == filename:
- return True
- return False
- def get_style(text):
- """Figure out style, then remove from file."""
- style_match = STYLE_RE.search(text)
- if not style_match:
- return None, text
- style = ARGUMENT_RE.search(style_match.group()).group()
- text = STYLE_RE.sub("", text)
- return style, text
- def find_close_bracket(string):
- """finds the closing of a scope, taking into account nesting"""
- nest = 1
- for ind, char in enumerate(string):
- if char == '{':
- nest += 1
- elif char == '}':
- nest -= 1
- if nest == 0:
- return ind
- def sort_style_ifs(text, style):
- r"""
- Deal with any if/else/fi flags.
- The if/else types to replace are only '\if\style'
- """
- def repl_ifs(if_section):
- if_text = if_section.group()
- if_style = IF_ARG_RE.search(if_text) # find if in group
- if not if_style:
- raise Exception(if_text)
- else_match = ELSE_RE.search(if_text)
- if else_match:
- if_text = if_text[0:else_match.start()]
- else_text = else_match.group()
- if style == if_style.group():
- return IF_ARG_STRIP.sub("", if_text)
- else:
- if else_match:
- return ELSE_ARG_STRIP.sub("", else_text)
- return ""
- return IF_RE.sub(repl_ifs, text)
- def sort_other_ifs(text):
- r"""
- Deal with other if flags.
- # The types to replace are either \ifdef or \if@switch
- """
- def repl_ifswitch(if_section):
- if_text = if_section.group()
- if if_text.startswith("\\if@switch"):
- if text.startswith("% Master SI"):
- return ""
- else_match = ELSE_RE.search(if_text)
- if_text = if_text[0:else_match.start()]
- else_text = else_match.group()
- return ELSE_ARG_STRIP.sub("", else_text)
- else:
- raise Exception
- text = IF_RE.sub(repl_ifswitch, text)
- hit = IFDEF_RE.search(text)
- while hit:
- arg1_o = hit.end() + 1
- arg1_e = arg1_o + find_close_bracket(text[arg1_o:])
- arg2_o = arg1_e + 2
- arg2_e = arg2_o + find_close_bracket(text[arg2_o:])
- arg3_o = arg2_e + 2
- arg3_e = arg3_o + find_close_bracket(text[arg3_o:])
- if text.find(f"\\newcommand{{{text[arg1_o:arg1_e]}}}") != -1:
- text = text[:hit.start()] + text[arg2_o:arg2_e] + text[arg3_e + 1:]
- else:
- text = text[:hit.start()] + text[arg3_o:arg3_e] + text[arg3_e + 1:]
- hit = IFDEF_RE.search(text)
- return text
- def expand(text):
- def repl_input(inp_section):
- input_text = inp_section.group()
- filename = ARGUMENT_RE.search(input_text)
- if not filename:
- raise Exception
- filepath = pathlib.Path("./" + filename.group() + '.tex')
- with open(filepath, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as file:
- return file.read()
- return INPUT_RE.subn(repl_input, text)
- def expand_meta(text):
- replaced = [
- r'\pubauth',
- r'\pubaffil',
- r'\pubaddr',
- r'\orcid',
- r'\pubkeywords',
- r'\pubSI',
- r'\pubtitle',
- r'\dg',
- r'\eqcontrib',
- r'\authemail',
- r'\pubemail',
- ]
- for r in replaced:
- replaced_vals = []
- for hit in NEWCOMM_RE.finditer(text):
- arg1_o = hit.end() + 1
- arg1_e = arg1_o + find_close_bracket(text[arg1_o:])
- if text[arg1_e + 1] == "{":
- arg2_o = arg1_e + 2
- arg2_e = arg2_o + find_close_bracket(text[arg2_o:])
- command = text[arg1_o:arg1_e]
- value = text[arg2_o:arg2_e]
- if command.startswith(r):
- replaced_vals.append([command, value, hit.start(), arg2_e + 1])
- text = ''.join([
- chr for idx, chr in enumerate(text, 1) if not any(
- strt_idx <= idx <= end_idx
- for _, _, strt_idx, end_idx in replaced_vals
- )
- ])
- for val in replaced_vals:
- text = text.replace(val[0], val[1])
- return text
- def clean(text, style):
- # remove meta commands
- text = META_RE.sub("", text)
- # remove advanced tex lines
- text = re.sub(r"\\makeatletter", r'', text)
- text = re.sub(r"\\makeatother", r'', text)
- # pandoc unnecessary commands
- text = text.replace(
- r"\newenvironment{widefigure}{\begin{figure*}}{\end{figure*}}", ""
- )
- text = text.replace("widefigure", "figure*")
- text = text.replace(
- r"\newenvironment{widetable}{\begin{table*}}{\end{table*}}", ""
- )
- text = text.replace("widetable", "table*")
- # remove comment lines
- text = re.sub(r'(?<!\\)%.*', r'', text)
- # remove superfluous newlines
- text = re.sub(r'\n\s*\n', r'\n\n', text)
- # update references
- text = re.sub(r"(?<=\\bibliography{)refs/biblio(?=})", r'biblio', text)
- if style == '0' or style is None:
- text = re.sub(r"templates/pi/", r'', text)
- elif style == '2':
- text = re.sub(r"templates/rsc/", r'', text)
- return text
- def process_tex(target):
- """Process a tex file to return it to a simple 'one file' format."""
- with target.open() as file:
- # get file contents
- filetext = file.read()
- # get style
- style, filetext = get_style(filetext)
- # style if/else processing
- if style:
- filetext = sort_style_ifs(filetext, style)
- # input expansion
- expansions = 1
- while expansions > 0:
- filetext, expansions = expand(filetext)
- # second if/else processing
- filetext = sort_other_ifs(filetext)
- # replace metadata commands
- filetext = expand_meta(filetext)
- # cleaning
- filetext = clean(filetext, style)
- return filetext, style
- def copy_files(source, target, style):
- shutil.copy((source / 'refs' / 'biblio.bib'), (target / 'biblio.bib'))
- shutil.copy((source / 'manuscript-SI.aux'), (target / 'manuscript-SI.aux'))
- shutil.copy((source / 'manuscript-SI.pdf'), (target / 'manuscript-SI.pdf'))
- shutil.copytree((source / 'figs'), (target / 'figs'),
- ignore=shutil.ignore_patterns('*.md', '*.txt'))
- if style == '0':
- shutil.copy((source / 'templates' / 'pi' / 'pi-article.cls'),
- (target / 'pi-article.cls'))
- shutil.copy((source / 'templates' / 'pi' / 'pi-bib.bst'),
- (target / 'pi-bib.bst'))
- elif style == '2':
- shutil.copy((source / 'templates' / 'rsc' / 'rsc.bst'),
- (target / 'rsc.bst'))
- shutil.copytree((source / 'templates' / 'rsc' / 'head_foot'),
- (target / 'head_foot'))
- def main(source_dir, output_dir='./condensed/'):
- # define source and output dirs
- source_dir = pathlib.Path(source_dir)
- output_dir = pathlib.Path(output_dir)
- # create and clean output dir
- if output_dir.exists():
- shutil.rmtree(output_dir)
- output_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
- # the manuscript style (own, RCS, etc)
- man_style = None
- # condense the manuscript files
- files = [
- 'manuscript.tex',
- 'manuscript-SI.tex',
- ]
- for filename in files:
- if check(source_dir, filename):
- target_in = source_dir / filename
- target_out = output_dir / filename
- processed, style = process_tex(target_in)
- if style:
- man_style = style
- with open(target_out, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file:
- file.write(processed)
- # copy over other required data
- copy_files(source_dir, output_dir, man_style)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
- description='Condense manuscript to a single file.'
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- '--source', type=str, default=pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- '--dest',
- type=str,
- default=pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent / 'condensed'
- )
- args = parser.parse_args()
- main(args.source, args.dest)