Released 2020-12-01
Turned example
dir into standalone example. The example is now
clearer about how pandoc-scholar can be used when it was installed
in a central location.
Provide Docker images. Each new release is now accompanied by Docker images bundling all basic requirements into a single container. See the README for more info.
Updated the LaTeX template. The template incorporates improvements from the latest pandoc version and will now also work with pandoc 2.11.
Renamed class given to the <div>
wrapper around author
affiliations. The class was named author_affiliations
, but the
CSS styles assumed author-affiliations
. The HTML markup has been
updated to match the CSS.
Removed unneeded files from lua-filters. Files for testing have
been dropped; only the filter files and docs are kept. The next
major version will also change the directory structure below
and get rid of the separate subdirectories for each
Released 2020-06-17
Released 2020-04-25
Fixed incorrect path in JATS target: a file in the dependency list of the JATS target was missing was missing a path prefix, causing make to fail the Makefile was included in a different directory.
Fixed bibliography and citation handling in JATS: citations
were formatted incorrectly if no CSL file was given. We also
are respected for JATS.
Simplify bibliography handling for JSON-LD: it is now
sufficient to define a bibliography field in the article
metadata. Previously, JSON-LD generation failed unless the
variable was set; the requirement for this
variable has been removed.
Released 2020-04-21
Running make clean
is now ensured to only remove generated
files (Sam Hiatt).
JATS support has been improved and produces valid JATS 1.2 documents using the Journal Archiving and Interchange tag set. Bibliography entries in the documents are formatted with the given CSL style.
The default LaTeX template has been updated to work with pandoc 2.9.
The options for the natbib package can be passed via the
A new environment cslreferences
is defined. It is used to
contain pandoc-citeproc generated bibliographies.
New make target default
has been introduced. It is run
instead of target all
when make is called a specific target.
The example is now generated with links between examples and references. Furthermore, the CSL file is explicitly defined to make it clearer how an alternative style can be used.
The pandoc and pandoc-citeproc executables can now be set via
variables, respectively.
The default is to use the binaries in the user's PATH.
Released 2019-04-16
Released 2019-01-16.
Removed a newline in the HTML template which caused an extra space be inserted before institute addresses (Benjamin Lee).
Include subtitle in PDF output (solution taken from pandoc, courtesy of Andrew Dunning).
Released 2018-12-26.
Fix option for docx reference documents. (Mitchell Paulus)
Fix option for odt reference documents.
Fix filters for pandoc 2.3 and later; older versions should continue to work.
Fix LaTeX output, surround \dagger
with dollars.
Keep authors as a list instead of joining them into a single entry when the output is LaTeX. This fixes LaTeX layout issues when many authors are given.
pagebreak: New filter to convert \newpage
commands into
target-format appropriate page breaks. Not enabled by default.
multiple-bibliographies: a filter which allows the creation of
multiple bibliographies using pandoc-citeproc
Not enabled by default.
Update to pandoc 2. Pandoc scholar now requires pandoc 2.1 or later.
The internal document transformation system has been mostly rewritten. Instead of custom writers based on panlunatic, the new version now uses pandoc Lua filters. This builds on a well-tested system and removes some bugs due caused by panlunatic. Lua filters are also easier to use separately. E.g., using Lua filters allows to integrate desired functionality into a RMarkdown workflow.
Added support for CiTO property cites_as_recommended_reading.
Add missing author affiliations in HTML output (Thomas Sibley).
JATS support no longer relies on a custom writer; output is generated directly via pandoc.
Fixed sub/sup styling in HTML output