manuscript-pd.tex 1.3 KB

  1. % Alt master file to be processed with Pandoc
  2. % Requires pandoc version 2.11+
  3. % Documentclass
  4. \documentclass[9pt, twocolumn, lineno]{templates/pi/pi-article}
  5. % Graphics
  6. \graphicspath{ {figs/} }
  7. \DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.png}
  8. % Metadata
  9. \input{templates/metadata}
  10. % Preamble
  11. \input{templates/pi/pi-preamble}
  12. % Fixes for Pandoc conversion
  13. %
  14. % Chemical equations are surrounded by math
  15. \renewcommand{\ce}[1]{\(\\ce{#1}\)}
  16. %
  17. % copyright added
  18. \renewcommand{\textcopyright}[0]{©}
  19. %
  20. % Remaking the figure* environment to a regular figure environment
  21. \newenvironment{widefigure}{\begin{figure}}{\end{figure}}
  22. %
  23. % Remaking the table* environment to a regular table environment
  24. \newenvironment{widetable}{\begin{table}}{\end{table}}
  25. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  26. \begin{document}
  27. % Doc input
  28. \input{templates/pi/pi-doc}
  29. % Abstract
  30. \section{Abstract}
  31. \input{docs/0-abstract.tex}
  32. % Content
  33. \input{docs/.content.tex}
  34. % Doc end input
  35. \section*{Acknowledgements}
  36. \input{docs/x-acknowledgements}
  37. \section*{Author contributions}
  38. \input{docs/y-contributions}
  39. % SI at the end
  40. \input{docs/SI/.si-content.tex}
  41. \section{References}
  42. \bibliography{refs/biblio}
  43. % End doc
  44. \end{document}
  45. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%