@online{macfarlane:pandoc, author = {John MacFarlane}, title = {About pandoc}, url = {http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/}, urldate = {2015-02-03}, } @online{macfarlane:pandocreadme, author = {John MacFarlane}, title = {Pandoc User’s Guide}, url = {http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/README.html}, urldate = {2015-02-03}, } @online{ wiki:latexerrors, author = {Wikibooks}, title = {LaTeX/Errors and Warnings --- Wikibooks The Free Textbook Project}, year = 2014, url = {http://en.wikibooks.org/w/index.php?title=LaTeX/Errors_and_Warnings&oldid=2739496}, note = {Online; accessed 3-February-2015} } @online{ wiki:lorem, author = {Wikisource}, title = {Lorem ipsum --- Wikisource}, year = 2013, url = {http://la.wikisource.org/w/index.php?title=Lorem_ipsum&oldid=61677}, note = {[Online; accessed 3-februarii-2015]}, } @online{wiki:kitten, author = {Wikimedia Commons, André Karwath}, title = {Six weeks old cat}, year = 2005, urlseen = {2015-02-03}, url = {http://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Six_weeks_old_cat_%28aka%29.jpg&oldid=141863103}, } @online{ctan:listings, author = {Brooks Moses, Jobst Hoffmann}, title = {listings – Typeset source code listings using LaTeX}, url = {http://www.ctan.org/pkg/listings}, urldate = {2015-02-03}, }