import argparse import pathlib import re NEWCOMAND_RE = re.compile(r"\\newcommand{[^}]*}{[^}]*}") # a user new command ARGUMENT_RE = re.compile(r"(?<={)[^}]*(?=})") # latex arguments meta_types = { r"\pubtitle": "title", r"\pubauth": "author", r"\eqcontrib": "contribution", r"\pubaffil": "affil", r"\authemail": "email", r"\orcid": "orcid", r"\pubaddr": "institute", r"\pubemail": "contact", } def repl_input(inp_section): input_text = filename = print(filename) def read_meta(metafile): metadata = {t: {} for t in meta_types.values()} metadata['contact'] = [] with open(metafile, encoding="utf8") as f: lines = f.readlines() lines = [l.strip() for l in lines] lines = [l for l in lines if l and not l.startswith("%")] text = "".join(lines).replace("%", "") for meta in NEWCOMAND_RE.findall(text): m_typeno, m_val = ARGUMENT_RE.findall(meta) m_type = next( iter(t for t in meta_types if m_typeno.startswith(t)), None ) if not m_type: continue elif m_type in [r"\pubemail", r"\contribution"]: metadata[meta_types[m_type]].append(m_val[-1].lower()) elif m_type == r"\pubtitle": metadata[meta_types[m_type]] = m_val elif m_type == r"\pubaffil": metadata[meta_types[m_type]][m_no] = m_val.replace(" ", "").split(",") else: m_no = m_typeno[-1].lower() metadata[meta_types[m_type]][m_no] = m_val return metadata def write_meta(meta, metafile): with open("templates/pandoc/meta-base.yaml", encoding="utf8") as f: base = with open(metafile, 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: f.write("---\n") f.write(f"title: \"{meta['title']}\"\n") f.write("author:\n") for a in meta['author']: f.write(f" - {meta['author'][a]}:\n") f.write(" institute:\n") for aff in meta['affil'][a]: f.write(f" - {aff}\n") if meta['orcid'].get(a, None): f.write(f" orcid: {meta['orcid'][a]}\n") if meta['email'].get(a, None): f.write(f" email: {meta['email'][a]}\n") if a in meta['contact']: f.write(" correspondence: \"yes\"\n") if a in meta['contribution']: f.write(" equal_contributor: \"yes\"\n") f.write("institute:\n") for i in meta['institute']: f.write(f" - {i}:\n") f.write(f" name: {meta['institute'][i]}\n") f.write(base) f.write("\n---\n") if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Write metadata files.') parser.add_argument( '--tex', type=str, default=pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent / 'templates' / 'metadata.tex' ) parser.add_argument( '--yaml', type=str, default=pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent / 'templates' / 'metadata-pd.yaml' ) args = parser.parse_args() meta = read_meta(args.tex) write_meta(meta, args.yaml)