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Pierre-Yves Barriat před 4 měsíci
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-marp: true
-title: An introduction to Linux
-author: P.Y. Barriat
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-footer: 13/04/2023 | An introduction to Linux | PY Barriat
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-An introduction to Linux<!--fit-->
-**Pierre-Yves Barriat**
-ACELI Training Sessions `April 13th, 2023`
-# What is UNIX ?
-- Operating System
-  > Windows 10 (Microsoft), MacOSX (Apple), Android (Google), etc
-- UNIX is a (family of) Operating System
-- Invented by AT&T Bell Labs in late 60's
-- Currently there are different versions and variants of UNIX 
-  > Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, etc.
-- UNIX is **not** free or Open Source: "GNU is Not UNIX"
-# What is Linux ?
-- GNU (80's) is a free, open source version of the UNIX OS, but without the most important element: the **kernel**
-- Linux kernel was developed in 1991 by Linus Torvalds, a Finnish graduate student
-- The association GNU/Linux is an operating system (say just "Linux") and provides an alternative to commercial operating systems
-- Linux exists without GNU (eg Android) : used to power a multitude of systems... from your phone to your smart fridge
-# What is a Linux distribution ?
-- Many versions of Linux
-  > Red Hat, Debian, Suse, etc
-- But one common linux kernel: **kernel** is like an **engine**. A distribution is an actual car that hosts the engine
-- Distributions differ from
-  - the application/management layer
-  - GUI (Graphical User Interface = desktop environment)
-  - software packages
-  - help-desk, support, language
-# Why Linux ?
-- **Linux is free**
-- Linux is supported on older computers (perf & updates)
-- Linux has many more free applications
-`Security`: there are very few viruses for Linux
-`Privacy`: most Linux distributions don't collect your data at all
-`Reliability`: if you want to stop something, you really can
-`Updates`: package manager
-`Customisation`: you can make Linux look, feel and behave as you want it to
-`Command Line Interface:` faster & efficient 
-![bg left 100%](assets/win_mac.png)
-# Linux Statistics
-![bg right 100%](assets/OS_developers.png)
-- 47% of professional **developers** use Linux-based operating systems (Statista)
-- Linux powers 39.2% of **websites** whose operating system is known (W3Techs)
-- Linux powers 85% of **smartphones** (Hayden James)
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-![bg right 95%](assets/Distrib.png)
-<!-- _footer: "" -->
-# Why not Linux ?
-1. Hardware compatibility (printers, etc)
-2. Missing famous software (MS Office, Adobe, CAO, etc)
-3. Gaming
-### Workarounds
-1. Many devices "Linux compatible"
-2. Emulation (eg virtualbox), online usage, alternatives (GIMP)
-3. Difficult, but it exists emulation and Steam
-# Distribution: why Ubuntu ?
-- easy to install and easy to use
-- easy to maintain and update
-- useful applications
-- looks nice
-- wide variety of supported applications
-- strong community support
-- better driver support
-- LTS and staging releases available as per user needs
-> get the latest Ubuntu LTS : [ubuntu-22.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso](
-# Test Linux inside Windows: how ?
-Using a virtual machine: test Linux without changing anything to your computer
-You need to install a VM and then install the Linux inside
-- Get a Virtual Machine:
-  > VirtualBox + Extension Pack
-- Install Linux in a VM: [Install Linux Inside Windows Using VirtualBox](
-  > Step by Step Guide
-# Linux GUI
-![bg right 95%](assets/GUI.png)
-A Linux distribution contains a [display server](, a [window manager]( (manage windows, panel, menus, dash interfaces and core applications), and a [desktop environment]( (eg status bars, drag-and-drop capabilities, etc)
-These 3 items are **bundled together** to make what is known as a `GUI environment`
-# Using Linux
-**Using Linux through a GUI environment is similar to Windows or MacOSX**
-Linux users do not install software the same way that Windows users do: Linux has a tool known as a `package manager`
-A package manager provides a way to search for software, install software, keep the software up to date and remove the software
-> Similar to Google or Apple store
-# Linux CLUI
-Using Linux with GUI, it's already great ! 
-**Using CLUI = unlock the power of Linux !**
-Each Linux system contains a terminal
-A terminal is where you enter Linux commands
-It's called the **C**ommand **L**ine **U**ser **I**nterface
-CLUI is one of the many strengths of Linux and can be more efficient than using the GUI
-# Linux CLUI
-- CLUI allows users to be independent of distros (or UNIX systems like OSX)
-- CLUI saves system resources which are consumed by GUIs
-- CLUI allows users to easily work at distance (SSH)
-- CLUI allows developers to join together simple (and less simple) commands to do complex things and automate... whatever you want to
-> People tend to think command line is difficult. It's not.
-# Linux Shell
-A **shell** is a program that takes commands from the keyboard and gives them to the operating system to perform
-The main function is to interpret your commands **= language**
-The **bash** shell is one of several shells available for Linux
-Learning the shell:
-> *"When you are a child you use a computer by looking at the pictures. When you grow up, you learn to read and write"*
-It's more or less like SMSing to your PC, telling it what to do
-# Linux Shell
-Shells have some built-in commands
-A shell also supports programming constructs, allowing complex commands to be built from smaller parts **= scripts**
-Scripts can be saved as files to become new commands
-> many commands on a typical Linux system are scripts
-An open terminal show you a **PROMPT** waiting for your commands
-Commands can have **options** and parameters
-All your commands are saved in a **history**
-# Linux Shell Demo
-Rename many files at once ? 
-mmv '*.JPG' '#1.jpg'
-Download a youtube video ?
-Convert color pictures in BW at once ? 
-for file in *.jpg
-  convert ${file} -colorspace Gray "${file%.*}_bw.jpg"
-  echo "${file}... converted"
-# Online Linux Demo
-- [Run Linux or other Operating Systems in your browser](
-- [Run bash (and others) scripts online ](
-- [Free online containers and virtual machines that run full Linux systems](
-- [Free GNU/Linux Online Terminal learning platform ](
-- [CISM/ELIC Jupyter portal](
-  > you need a UCLouvain/CISM account: see [here](
-# What you'll learn
-- Navigating the File System
-  > Get up and running with the CLUI by navigating directories and files
-- Viewing and Changing Files and Directories
-  > Learn to manipulate directories and files from the CLUI
-- Configuring the Environment
-  > Learn to configure the environment using the CLUI
-- Accessing Linux remotely
-  > Learn to use SSH  (basics)
-# Navigating the File System
-A file system is a section of hard disk that has been allocated to contain files
-> it's arranged like hierarchical tree structure
-Files are grouped in the directory structure
-The top of the tree is called `root` and `/` is used to present the `root`
-### Absolute paths
-In the tree `/users/usern/file1` is an absolute pathname
-### Relative paths
-If you are already in the `users` directory, the relative pathname for `file1` is `usern/file1`
-- `~` (tilda) points to the user's **home directory**. Useful if you are logging into a workstation with many users. It's the **default working directory** when you log in. If you are user `usern`, then `/users/usern/file1` is the same as `~/file1`
-- `.` refers to the current directory
-- `..` refers to the parent directory
-# Basic commands
-- `ls` : lists folders/files in a directory
-- `cd` : change directory
-  > use `cd name` to navigate to directory name
-- `pwd` : print working directory.  Prints the path of the current directory
-- `du` : disk usage. Shows the disk usage of the current directory
-- `man` : manual  
-  > use `man name` to bring up a manual entry for command or program called `name`
-### Creation
-- `mkdir` : use `mkdir name` to create a new directory named `name` in the current directory
-- `cp` : use ```cp file1 file2``` to create `file2` which is a copy of `file1`
-  > can also use `cp -r` to copy whole directories
-- `mv` : move = same as copy, but deletes the original file
-### Deletion
-- `rm` : delete files ( cannot recover your files after removed them ! )
-  > can also use `rm -rf` to remove whole directories
-**Be careful : there is no trash in CLUI**
-- `tab` is used for auto-complete ![h:80](assets/tab.png)
-  > If a file/directory name was partly typed in, **tab will auto-complete** it
-  > If there are multiple options, tab will auto-complete up to the point where the options branch and show you a list of possible options
-- `*` is used as a wild card
-  > `rm blah*` removes all files which start with `blah`: eg `blah1`, `blah2`, and `blahblah` would all be removed
-  > using `cp public/* private/` copies all files in a `public` directory into a `private` directory, and keeps all file names intact
-# File permissions
-### Groups
-Each file and directory has three user based permission groups
-- **owner** :the `owner` permissions apply only the owner of the file or directory, they will not impact the actions of other users
-- **group** : the `group` permissions apply only to the group that has been assigned to the file or directory, they will not effect the actions of other users
-- **all users** : the `all users` permissions apply to all other users on the system, this is the permission group that you want to watch the most
-### Types
-Each file or directory has three basic permission types
-- **read** : the `read` permission refers to a user's capability to read the contents of the file
-- **write** : the `write` permission refer to a user's capability to write or modify a file or directory
-- **execute** : the `execute` permission affects a user's capability to execute a file or view the contents of a directory
-The following command :
-ls -l
-gives :
-|  1  |  2 |   3  | 4  | 5 |   6   | 7        |
-| --------------- | --------------- | ------------ | ------- |----------- | ------- | ---------- |
-|  `-rwxr-xr-x`  |  `1`  |  `dupont`  |  `grpelic` | `3528`  |  `2022-08-04`   |  `file_1` |
-|  `drwxr-xr-x`  |  `3`  |  `dupont`  |  `grpelic` | `512`  |  `2022-01-02`   |  `dir_1` |
-|  `lrwxr-xr-x`  |  `2`  |  `dupont`  |  `grpelic` | `210`  |  `2020-12-16`   |  `short -> /data` |
-|  `-rw-------`  |  `1`  |  `dupont`  |  `grpelic` | `4587`  |  `2022-12-04`   |  `file_2` |
-# Linux privileges
-![bg right 70%](assets/sandwich.png)
-Linux has a robust permissions system: this is a very good thing, as it enables a **clear separation** of roles among users
-Especially between the `root` user and your `standard` user
-Sometimes, though, you might want your standard user to have **some** or **all** of root's privileges : this is accomplished with `sudo`
-# Shell syntax rules
-Shells use three **"standard I/O streams"**
-- `stdin` is the standard input stream, which provides input to commands.
-- `stdout` is the standard output stream, which displays output from commands.
-- `stderr` is the standard error stream, which displays error output from commands.
-Shell has several **meta-characters** and **control operators** 
-> `|`, `&`, `>`, `;` , etc.
-# Environment
-In a bash shell many things constitute your environment
-- the form of your prompt
-- your home directory and your working directory
-- the name of your shell
-- functions that you have defined
-- etc.
-Environment includes many variables that may have been set **by bash** or **by you**
-> Access the value of a variable by prefixing its name with `$`
-# Environment variables
-- `USER` : 	the name of the logged-in user
-- `UID` 	: the numeric user id of the logged-in user
-- `HOME` : 	the user's home directory (similar to `~` )
-- `PWD` 	: the current working directory
-- `SHELL` :  the name of the shell
-Set a shell variable : typing a name followed immediately by an equal sign ( `=` )
-> if the variable exists, you will modify it to assign the new value
-You can use special files to control bash variables : `$HOME/.bashrc`
-# Remote Linux Access
-`SSH` (or **S**ecure **SH**ell) is a **protocol** used to securely log onto remote systems
-> the most common way to access remote Linux and Unix-like servers
-`VNC` (or **V**irtual **N**etwork **C**omputing) is a **software** that allows a personal computer's desktop environment to be run 
-Aside from bandwidth, latency and security issues (which can vary a bit), the big differences are the functionality
-- VNC exports a whole session, desktop and all (GUI)
-- SSH runs a single program (CLUI) and show its windows on your machine
-# Remote Linux using SSH
-You need:
-- an access to the distant machine : login/password 
-  > or a login with SSH keys (with passphrase)
-- the hostname or the IP address of the distant machine
-- and (of course) a UNIX terminal
-ssh -X
-ssh -X -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.ceci
-# Remote Linux from Windows
-Using a SSH client to reach a distant Linux Workstation
-**mobaXTerm** is free and easy to use
-> allow you to test a Linux environmment but in CLUI only
-Get a SSH client
-How to use a SSH client
-# Linux text editors
-### GUI
-- nedit (simple text editor available in most distributions)
-- Kate, Gedit (KDE, Gnome)
-### CLUI
-- vi (available in all Unix systems) and **vim** (vi improved)
-  > Difficult to learn for beginners used to graphical text editors
-  > Very productive for power users
-  > [Vim Cheatsheet](assets/vim-cheatsheet.pdf)
-- nano (friendly and easier to learn)
-# Scripting
-How to do a backup ?
-- with Dropbox or Google Drive ?
-- with a private cloud such as Nextcloud ?
-- with an other drive and/or an external drive ?
-Backup on external drive ?
-- manually ?
-- with Windows tools ? 
-- with external softwares ?
-**Why don't do that with a simple linux script ?**
-# Conclusions
-|  Advantages of Linux  |  Disadvantages of Linux |
-| --------------------- | ---------------------------------- |
-|  Cost                 | Not easy to master ( **CLUI only** )  |
-|  Security and robustness | Hardware compatibility issues ( sometimes ) |
-|  Freedom | Not compatible with some Windows software |
-|  Software ||
-|  Development ||
-### Need to know more about available Linux applications ?
-[Check out the list of the best Linux software](
-### Need help with bash scripting ?
-- [Bash Scripting Tutorial for Beginners](
-- [My favorite CLUI cheatsheet](assets/Linux_CLI_Cheat_Sheet.pdf)
-- [Bash scripting cheatsheet](
-### Need help with Ubuntu ?
-The massive community is one of Ubuntu's biggest strengths
-> Visit or


+ 1 - 484

@@ -1,486 +1,3 @@
 # learning-linux
-This is the repository for the training Learning Linux
-### Instructor
-**Pierre-Yves Barriat**
-###### ACELI Training Sessions
-# What is UNIX ?
-- Operating System
-  > Windows 10 (Microsoft), MacOSX (Apple), Android (Google), etc
-- UNIX is a (family of) Operating System
-- Invented by AT&T Bell Labs in late 60's
-- Currently there are different versions and variants of UNIX 
-  > Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, etc.
-- UNIX is **not** free or Open Source: "GNU is Not UNIX"
-# What is Linux ?
-- GNU (80's) is a free, open source version of the UNIX OS, but without the most important element: the **kernel**
-- Linux kernel was developed in 1991 by Linus Torvalds, a Finnish graduate student
-- The association GNU/Linux is an operating system (say just "Linux") and provides an alternative to commercial operating systems
-- Linux exists without GNU (eg Android) : used to power a multitude of systems... from your phone to your smart fridge
-# What is a Linux distribution ?
-- Many versions of Linux
-  > Red Hat, Debian, Suse, etc
-- But one common linux kernel: **kernel** is like an **engine**. A distribution is an actual car that hosts the engine
-- Distributions differ from
-  - the application/management layer
-  - GUI (Graphical User Interface = desktop environment)
-  - software packages
-  - help-desk, support, language
-# Why Linux ?
-- **Linux is free**
-- Linux is supported on older computers (perf & updates)
-- Linux has many more free applications
-`Security`: there are very few viruses for Linux
-`Privacy`: most Linux distributions don't collect your data at all
-`Reliability`: if you want to stop something, you really can
-`Updates`: package manager
-`Customisation`: you can make Linux look, feel and behave as you want it to
-`Command Line Interface:` faster & efficient 
-# Linux Statistics
-![bg right 100%](assets/OS_developers.png)
-- 47% of professional **developers** use Linux-based operating systems (Statista)
-- Linux powers 39.2% of **websites** whose operating system is known (W3Techs)
-- Linux powers 85% of **smartphones** (Hayden James)
-# Why not Linux ?
-1. Hardware compatibility (printers, etc)
-2. Missing famous software (MS Office, Adobe, CAO, etc)
-3. Gaming
-### Workarounds
-1. Many devices "Linux compatible"
-2. Emulation (eg virtualbox), online usage, alternatives (GIMP)
-3. Difficult, but it exists emulation and Steam
-# Distribution: why Ubuntu ?
-- easy to install and easy to use
-- easy to maintain and update
-- useful applications
-- looks nice
-- wide variety of supported applications
-- strong community support
-- better driver support
-- LTS and staging releases available as per user needs
-> get the latest Ubuntu LTS : [ubuntu-22.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso](
-# Test Linux inside Windows: how ?
-Using a virtual machine: test Linux without changing anything to your computer
-You need to install a VM and then install the Linux inside
-- Get a Virtual Machine:
-  > VirtualBox + Extension Pack
-- Install Linux in a VM: [Install Linux Inside Windows Using VirtualBox](
-  > Step by Step Guide
-# Linux GUI
-![bg right 95%](assets/GUI.png)
-A Linux distribution contains a [display server](, a [window manager]( (manage windows, panel, menus, dash interfaces and core applications), and a [desktop environment]( (eg status bars, drag-and-drop capabilities, etc)
-These 3 items are **bundled together** to make what is known as a `GUI environment`
-# Using Linux
-**Using Linux through a GUI environment is similar to Windows or MacOSX**
-Linux users do not install software the same way that Windows users do: Linux has a tool known as a `package manager`
-A package manager provides a way to search for software, install software, keep the software up to date and remove the software
-> Similar to Google or Apple store
-# Linux CLUI
-Using Linux with GUI, it's already great ! 
-**Using CLUI = unlock the power of Linux !**
-Each Linux system contains a terminal
-A terminal is where you enter Linux commands
-It's called the **C**ommand **L**ine **U**ser **I**nterface
-CLUI is one of the many strengths of Linux and can be more efficient than using the GUI
-# Linux CLUI
-- CLUI allows users to be independent of distros (or UNIX systems like OSX)
-- CLUI saves system resources which are consumed by GUIs
-- CLUI allows users to easily work at distance (SSH)
-- CLUI allows developers to join together simple (and less simple) commands to do complex things and automate... whatever you want to
-> People tend to think command line is difficult. It's not.
-# Linux Shell
-A **shell** is a program that takes commands from the keyboard and gives them to the operating system to perform
-The main function is to interpret your commands **= language**
-The **bash** shell is one of several shells available for Linux
-Learning the shell:
-> *"When you are a child you use a computer by looking at the pictures. When you grow up, you learn to read and write"*
-It's more or less like SMSing to your PC, telling it what to do
-# Linux Shell
-Shells have some built-in commands
-A shell also supports programming constructs, allowing complex commands to be built from smaller parts **= scripts**
-Scripts can be saved as files to become new commands
-> many commands on a typical Linux system are scripts
-An open terminal show you a **PROMPT** waiting for your commands
-Commands can have **options** and parameters
-All your commands are saved in a **history**
-# Linux Shell Demo
-Rename many files at once ? 
-mmv '*.JPG' '#1.jpg'
-Download a youtube video ?
-Convert color pictures in BW at once ? 
-for file in *.jpg
-  convert ${file} -colorspace Gray "${file%.*}_bw.jpg"
-  echo "${file}... converted"
-# What you'll learn
-- Navigating the File System
-  > Get up and running with the CLUI by navigating directories and files
-- Viewing and Changing Files and Directories
-  > Learn to manipulate directories and files from the CLUI
-- Configuring the Environment
-  > Learn to configure the environment using the CLUI
-- Accessing Linux remotely
-  > Learn to use SSH  (basics)
-# Navigating the File System
-A file system is a section of hard disk that has been allocated to contain files
-> it's arranged like hierarchical tree structure
-Files are grouped in the directory structure
-The top of the tree is called `root` and `/` is used to present the `root`
-### Absolute paths
-In the tree `/users/usern/file1` is an absolute pathname
-### Relative paths
-If you are already in the `users` directory, the relative pathname for `file1` is `usern/file1`
-- `~` (tilda) points to the user's **home directory**. Useful if you are logging into a workstation with many users. It's the **default working directory** when you log in. If you are user `usern`, then `/users/usern/file1` is the same as `~/file1`
-- `.` refers to the current directory
-- `..` refers to the parent directory
-# Basic commands
-- `ls` : lists folders/files in a directory
-- `cd` : change directory
-  > use `cd name` to navigate to directory name
-- `pwd` : print working directory.  Prints the path of the current directory
-- `du` : disk usage. Shows the disk usage of the current directory
-- `man` : manual  
-  > use `man name` to bring up a manual entry for command or program called `name`
-### Creation
-- `mkdir` : use `mkdir name` to create a new directory named `name` in the current directory
-- `cp` : use ```cp file1 file2``` to create `file2` which is a copy of `file1`
-  > can also use `cp -r` to copy whole directories
-- `mv` : move = same as copy, but deletes the original file
-### Deletion
-- `rm` : delete files ( cannot recover your files after removed them ! )
-  > can also use `rm -rf` to remove whole directories
-**Be careful : there is no trash in CLUI**
-- `tab` is used for auto-complete ![h:80](assets/tab.png)
-  > If a file/directory name was partly typed in, **tab will auto-complete** it
-  > If there are multiple options, tab will auto-complete up to the point where the options branch and show you a list of possible options
-- `*` is used as a wild card
-  > `rm blah*` removes all files which start with `blah`: eg `blah1`, `blah2`, and `blahblah` would all be removed
-  > using `cp public/* private/` copies all files in a `public` directory into a `private` directory, and keeps all file names intact
-# File permissions
-### Groups
-Each file and directory has three user based permission groups
-- **owner** :the `owner` permissions apply only the owner of the file or directory, they will not impact the actions of other users
-- **group** : the `group` permissions apply only to the group that has been assigned to the file or directory, they will not effect the actions of other users
-- **all users** : the `all users` permissions apply to all other users on the system, this is the permission group that you want to watch the most
-### Types
-Each file or directory has three basic permission types
-- **read** : the `read` permission refers to a user's capability to read the contents of the file
-- **write** : the `write` permission refer to a user's capability to write or modify a file or directory
-- **execute** : the `execute` permission affects a user's capability to execute a file or view the contents of a directory
-The following command :
-ls -l
-gives :
-|  1  |  2 |   3  | 4  | 5 |   6   | 7        |
-| --------------- | --------------- | ------------ | ------- |----------- | ------- | ---------- |
-|  `-rwxr-xr-x`  |  `1`  |  `dupont`  |  `grpelic` | `3528`  |  `2022-08-04`   |  `file_1` |
-|  `drwxr-xr-x`  |  `3`  |  `dupont`  |  `grpelic` | `512`  |  `2022-01-02`   |  `dir_1` |
-|  `lrwxr-xr-x`  |  `2`  |  `dupont`  |  `grpelic` | `210`  |  `2020-12-16`   |  `short -> /data` |
-|  `-rw-------`  |  `1`  |  `dupont`  |  `grpelic` | `4587`  |  `2022-12-04`   |  `file_2` |
-# Linux privileges
-![bg right 70%](assets/sandwich.png)
-Linux has a robust permissions system: this is a very good thing, as it enables a **clear separation** of roles among users
-Especially between the `root` user and your `standard` user
-Sometimes, though, you might want your standard user to have **some** or **all** of root's privileges : this is accomplished with `sudo`
-# Shell syntax rules
-Shells use three **"standard I/O streams"**
-- `stdin` is the standard input stream, which provides input to commands.
-- `stdout` is the standard output stream, which displays output from commands.
-- `stderr` is the standard error stream, which displays error output from commands.
-Shell has several **meta-characters** and **control operators** 
-> `|`, `&`, `>`, `;` , etc.
-# Environment
-In a bash shell many things constitute your environment
-- the form of your prompt
-- your home directory and your working directory
-- the name of your shell
-- functions that you have defined
-- etc.
-Environment includes many variables that may have been set **by bash** or **by you**
-> Access the value of a variable by prefixing its name with `$`
-# Environment variables
-- `USER` : 	the name of the logged-in user
-- `UID` 	: the numeric user id of the logged-in user
-- `HOME` : 	the user's home directory (similar to `~` )
-- `PWD` 	: the current working directory
-- `SHELL` :  the name of the shell
-Set a shell variable : typing a name followed immediately by an equal sign ( `=` )
-> if the variable exists, you will modify it to assign the new value
-You can use special files to control bash variables : `$HOME/.bashrc`
-# Remote Linux Access
-`SSH` (or **S**ecure **SH**ell) is a **protocol** used to securely log onto remote systems
-> the most common way to access remote Linux and Unix-like servers
-`VNC` (or **V**irtual **N**etwork **C**omputing) is a **software** that allows a personal computer's desktop environment to be run 
-Aside from bandwidth, latency and security issues (which can vary a bit), the big differences are the functionality
-- VNC exports a whole session, desktop and all (GUI)
-- SSH runs a single program (CLUI) and show its windows on your machine
-# Remote Linux using SSH
-You need:
-- an access to the distant machine : login/password 
-  > or a login with SSH keys (with passphrase)
-- the hostname or the IP address of the distant machine
-- and (of course) a UNIX terminal
-ssh -X
-ssh -X -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.ceci
-# Remote Linux from Windows
-Using a SSH client to reach a distant Linux Workstation
-**mobaXTerm** is free and easy to use
-> allow you to test a Linux environmment but in CLUI only
-Get a SSH client
-How to use a SSH client
-# Scripting
-How to do a backup ?
-- with Dropbox or Google Drive ?
-- with a private cloud such as Nextcloud ?
-- with an other drive and/or an external drive ?
-Backup on external drive ?
-- manually ?
-- with Windows tools ? 
-- with external softwares ?
-**Why don't do that with a simple linux script ?**
-# Conclusions
-|  Advantages of Linux  |  Disadvantages of Linux |
-| --------------------- | ---------------------------------- |
-|  Cost                 | Not easy to master ( **CLUI only** )  |
-|  Security and robustness | Hardware compatibility issues ( sometimes ) |
-|  Freedom | Not compatible with some Windows software |
-|  Software ||
-|  Development ||
-### Need to know more about available Linux applications ?
-[Check out the list of the best Linux software](
-### Need help with bash scripting ?
-- [Bash Scripting Tutorial for Beginners](
-- [Bash scripting cheatsheet](
-### Need help with Ubuntu ?
-The massive community is one of Ubuntu's biggest strengths
-> Visit or
+This repository has been moved to [the UCLouvain forge](












+ 0 - 5

@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-const marpKrokiPlugin = require('./kroki-plugin')
-module.exports = {
-  engine: ({ marp }) => marp.use(marpKrokiPlugin)




+ 0 - 55

@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
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-# PY Barriat, March 2023
-# Download and install marp (MarkDown slides extension) from here:
-marp --allow-local-files --theme ./assets/tum.css -o Linux_ACELI.pdf
-marp --template bespoke --bespoke.progress --allow-local-files --theme ./assets/tum.css -o Linux_ACELI.html