submit_tm5_step_done 19 KB

  1. #! /usr/bin/env python
  2. # -----------------------------------------------
  3. # help
  4. # -----------------------------------------------
  5. """
  6. NAME
  7. submit_tm5_step_done
  9. Script to post process run output:
  10. o store output files in an archive
  11. o touch output files
  12. o run special user output scripts
  14. Specify space seperated list with store tasks:
  15. store.tasks : task1 task2
  16. For each task, an number of task specific settings is defined in the
  17. rest of this file; some values are initialized below using a dummy
  18. task 'default' :
  19. ! from where ? leave empty for run directory, use '<output.dir>' for output directory:
  20. <task>.store.from : <output.dir>
  21. ! copy some extra files to output subdirectory for storage:
  22. <task>.store.copy : station-list.txt
  23. <task> : STATION/
  24. ! name(s) of target file(s) for storage;
  25. ! if only one file is specified with extension '.tar'
  26. ! then an archive file is created. Default is a *.tar defined by
  27. ! in pycasso-tm5-expert.rc file.
  28. <task>.store.files : all.tar
  29. ! if a tarfile has to be created, specify which files to archive
  30. ! through a filter:
  31. <task>.store.tarfilter : STATION/*.hdf STATION/*.txt
  32. ! zip files before archiving ? empty, or a zipper command (gzip, bzip2, compress, ...) :
  33. default.zipper : gzip
  34. ! archive in:
  35. : ec:/xxx/MAIN_ARCHIVE/
  36. <task>.store.arch : ec:/xxx/SPECIAL_OUTPUT/
  37. ! If the 'arch' does not contain any ':' characters it is assumed to be
  38. ! a local directory. In this case, a 'cp' command is used to archive
  39. ! the files rather than the 'gss' script, and the files might therefore
  40. ! include filters:
  41. <task>.store.files : save*.hdf
  42. <task>.store.arch : ${SCRATCH}/savefiles/
  43. ! store in archive even if already present ?
  44. ! by default probably True, but might not be necessary for some precomputed data:
  45. : True
  46. : False
  47. ! extra shell command to be called at the end of the task;
  48. ! for example to cleanup or do other important stuff:
  49. <task>.store.extra.command : rm -f STATION/*.hdf STATION/*.txt
  50. Storage might be subject to a special condition, e.g. end of iteration in a 4D-var run.
  51. Specifiy a condition line that could be evaluated by python.
  52. If not specified, the default condition is True .
  53. Keys '%{..}' in the condition line are expanded with the values in the restart file
  54. if present; this file is written by the main program and has the same name as
  55. the rcfile but with extension '.rs' instead of '.rc' .
  56. Note the '%' instead of '$', otherwise the line is evaluated too early!
  57. store.condition : %{m1qn3.finished} == 1
  59. To avoid that output files are removed from scratch
  60. during long, long runs.
  61. Enable this flag to touch recursively the access time
  62. of all files in 'output.dir' .
  63. ! touch files to prevent removal (True|False) ?
  64. output.touch : False
  66. For more elaborate post-processing, you can write your own
  67. script. Then add the full command (including options and arguments)
  68. to the output.user.script key, so it will automatically be executed:
  69. output.user.scripts : <bindir>/myscript <rcfile>
  70. More than one command can be specified: use ';' to separate them.
  71. The path should be either absolute or relative to the run directory.
  72. For scripts in any of the 'bin' subdirectories of the source, use
  73. <bindir>. Arguments/options can use <rcfile>, which is replaced by
  74. the name of the runtime rcfile.
  75. Conditional call is possible. Just specifiy a condition line
  76. that can be evaluated with python eval() function.
  77. Set with the `user.script.condition` key,
  78. and default to True if not set or empty.
  79. The same condition apply to all listed scripts.
  80. ! condition line:
  81. output.user.scripts.condition : %{m1qn3.finished} == 1
  82. """
  83. # -----------------------------------------------
  84. # external
  85. # -----------------------------------------------
  86. # standard modules:
  87. import sys
  88. import os
  89. import shutil
  90. import go
  91. import optparse
  92. import logging
  93. # -----------------------------------------------
  94. # logging
  95. # -----------------------------------------------
  96. # setup messages:
  97. logging.basicConfig( format='%(lineno)-4s:%(filename)-30s [%(levelname)-8s] %(message)s', level=logging.INFO, stream=sys.stdout )
  98. # -----------------------------------------------
  99. # default values
  100. # -----------------------------------------------
  101. # location of auxilary scripts:
  102. bindir_default = os.curdir
  103. # -----------------------------------------------
  104. # arguments
  105. # -----------------------------------------------
  106. # set text for 'usage' help line:
  107. usage = "%prog <rcfile>"
  108. # initialise the option parser:
  109. parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)
  110. # define options:
  111. parser.add_option( "--bindir",
  112. help="location of auxilary scripts (%s)" % bindir_default,
  113. dest="bindir", action="store", default=bindir_default )
  114. # now parse the actual arguments;
  115. # return an object 'opts' with fields 'verbose' etc,
  116. # and the unnamed arguments in the list 'args' :
  117. opts,args = parser.parse_args()
  118. # only one argument ...
  119. if len(args) != 1 :
  120. if opts.verbose : logging.error( 'single argument command should be specified, found : %i' % len(args) )
  121. parser.print_usage()
  122. sys.exit(1)
  123. #endif
  124. # extract ...
  125. rcfile = args[0]
  126. # -----------------------------------------------
  127. # toolboxes
  128. # -----------------------------------------------
  129. # location of scripts:
  130. scriptdir = opts.bindir
  131. # prepend locations of python modules to search path:
  132. sys.path.insert( 0, scriptdir )
  133. # local modules:
  134. import rc
  135. # -----------------------------------------------
  136. # begin
  137. # -----------------------------------------------
  138. # info ...
  139. 'start' )
  140. # read settings:
  141. rcf = rc.RcFile( rcfile )
  142. # ===============
  143. # store output
  144. # ===============
  145. # info ...
  146. 'store output files if necessary ...' )
  147. # condition line:
  148. condition_line = rcf.get( 'store.condition', default='None' )
  149. # no condition specified ? then apply:
  150. if condition_line == 'None' :
  151. # info
  152. ' no storage condition found, thus apply ...' )
  153. # apply by default:
  154. do_store = True
  155. else :
  156. # info
  157. ' conditional storage : %s' % condition_line )
  158. # name of restart file that might be present: rcfile with '.rs' instead of '.rc' :
  159. bname,ext = os.path.splitext(rcfile)
  160. rsfile = bname+'.rs'
  161. # present ?
  162. if os.path.exists(rsfile) :
  163. # read restart settings:
  164. rsf = rc.RcFile( rsfile )
  165. # evaluate '%{..}' keys in line:
  166. condition_line = rsf.substitute( condition_line, marks=('%{','}') )
  167. else:
  168. # If no RS file, try to use the current RC file
  169. ' RS file not found, try current RC file to evaluate condition' )
  170. condition_line = rcf.substitute( condition_line, marks=('%{','}') )
  171. # info
  172. ' condition expanded to : %s' % condition_line )
  173. # evaluate condition line:
  174. try :
  175. do_store = eval( condition_line )
  176. except :
  177. logging.error( 'could not evaluate storage condition ...' )
  178. sys.exit(1)
  179. #endtry
  180. # info
  181. ' condition evaluated to : %s' % do_store )
  182. #endif
  183. # list with store tasks:
  184. store_tasks = rcf.get( 'store.tasks' ).split()
  185. # apply ?
  186. if do_store and (len(store_tasks) > 0) :
  187. # name of output directory:
  188. output_dir = rcf.get( 'output.dir' )
  189. # zipper command ?
  190. default_zipper = rcf.get( '' )
  191. # destination ...
  192. default_dest = rcf.get( '' )
  193. # renew files in archvie ?
  194. default_renew = rcf.get( '', 'bool' )
  195. # loop over all types:
  196. for store_task in store_tasks :
  197. # info ...
  198. ' task %s ...' % store_task )
  199. # from where ?
  200. from_dir = rcf.get( '' % store_task, default='' )
  201. # replace some keys:
  202. from_dir = from_dir.replace('<output.dir>',output_dir)
  203. # if specified ...
  204. if len(from_dir) > 0 :
  205. # go to it:
  206. owd = os.getcwd()
  207. os.chdir(from_dir)
  208. #endif
  209. # extra files:
  210. extras = rcf.get( '' % store_task, default='None' )
  211. # specified ?
  212. if extras != 'None' :
  213. # destination:
  214. copy_to = rcf.get( '' % store_task )
  215. # loop over extra files:
  216. for extra in extras.split() :
  217. # info ...
  218. ' copy %s ...' % extra )
  219. # check ...
  220. if not os.path.exists(extra) :
  221. logging.error( ' file not found ...' )
  222. sys.exit(1)
  223. #endif
  224. # copy:
  225. shutil.copy( extra, copy_to )
  226. #endif # loop over extra files
  227. #endif # extra files specified
  228. # destinations:
  229. dests = rcf.get( '' % store_task, default=default_dest ).split()
  230. # info ...
  231. ' store in:' )
  232. for dest in dests : ' %s' % dest )
  233. # files to be stored:
  234. store_files = rcf.get( '' % store_task ).split()
  235. # flag to check if a tarfile is to be created:
  236. do_tar = False
  237. # check if a single file should be stored; could be an archive file ...
  238. if len(store_files) == 1 :
  239. # short name ...
  240. tarfile = store_files[0]
  241. # extension of archive file ?
  242. do_tar = tarfile.endswith('.tar')
  243. #endif
  244. # create a tar file ?
  245. if do_tar :
  246. # file filter:
  247. tarfilter = rcf.get( '' % store_task )
  248. # info ...
  249. ' create %s ...' % tarfile )
  250. # collection command;
  251. # do not use the gnu form 'tar c -f', this is not supported on all machines;
  252. # call in a shell since the tarfilter might contain '*' etc:
  253. command = 'tar cf %s %s' % (tarfile,tarfilter)
  254. # execute:
  255. try :
  256. p = go.subprocess.log_call( command, shell=True )
  257. except Exception, err :
  258. logging.error( err )
  259. sys.exit(1)
  260. #endtry
  261. #endif
  262. # zipper command ?
  263. zipper = rcf.get( '' % store_task, default=default_zipper )
  264. # renew file if already present ?
  265. renew = rcf.get( '' % store_task, 'bool', default=default_renew )
  266. # loop over files to be stored (could be the single archive file):
  267. for store_file in store_files :
  268. # destination name in archive:
  269. afile = store_file
  270. # extend the name with the zipping extension if necessary:
  271. if len(zipper) > 0 :
  272. # store original:
  273. afile_unzipped = afile
  274. # new name:
  275. if zipper == 'gzip' : afile = afile+'.gz'
  276. if zipper == 'bzip2' : afile = afile+'.bz2'
  277. if zipper == 'compress' : afile = afile+'.Z'
  278. # could be the tarfile ...
  279. if do_tar : tarfile = afile
  280. #endif
  281. # loop over destinations:
  282. for dest in dests :
  283. # check on presence ?
  284. if not renew :
  285. # flag ...
  286. found = True
  287. # command to check precence:
  288. command = [ os.path.join(scriptdir,'gss'), 'exist', os.path.join(dest,afile) ]
  289. # execute:
  290. try :
  291. p = go.subprocess.log_call( command )
  292. except Exception, err :
  293. logging.error( err )
  294. sys.exit(1)
  295. #endtry
  296. # skip ?
  297. if found :
  298. # info ...
  299. ' %s already present in archive; skip ...' % afile )
  300. # next:
  301. continue
  302. #endif
  303. #endif
  304. # now apply zipping if necessary:
  305. if len(zipper) > 0 :
  306. # info ...
  307. ' %s ...' % zipper )
  308. # zipping command:
  309. command = [ zipper, afile_unzipped ]
  310. # execute:
  311. try :
  312. p = go.subprocess.log_call( command )
  313. except Exception, err :
  314. logging.error( err )
  315. sys.exit(1)
  316. #endtry
  317. #endif
  318. # info ...
  319. ' store %s in %s ...' % (afile,dest) )
  320. # destination could be location to be interpreted by gss scripts;
  321. # just check on ':' to decide on this:
  322. if ':' in dest :
  323. # gss command to copy to archive, create directories if necessary:
  324. command = [ os.path.join(scriptdir,'gss'), 'copy', '--mkdir', afile, os.path.join(dest,afile) ]
  325. # execute:
  326. try :
  327. p = go.subprocess.log_call( command )
  328. except Exception, err :
  329. logging.error( err )
  330. sys.exit(1)
  331. #endtry
  332. else :
  333. # check if destination exists:
  334. if not os.path.isdir(dest) : os.makedirs(dest)
  335. # use a simple copy command; execute in a shell, the source file might be a filename filter:
  336. command = 'cp %s %s' % (afile,dest)
  337. # execute:
  338. try :
  339. p = go.subprocess.log_call( command, shell=True )
  340. except Exception, err :
  341. logging.error( err )
  342. sys.exit(1)
  343. #endtry
  344. #endif
  345. #endfor # destinations
  346. # if this is (the) tarfile, remove it:
  347. if do_tar :
  348. # not necessary anymore ...
  349. os.remove( tarfile )
  350. else :
  351. # unzip the stored file since might be needed for re-start:
  352. if len(zipper) > 0 :
  353. # unzipper:
  354. if zipper == 'gzip' : unzipper = 'gunzip'
  355. if zipper == 'bzip2' : unzipper = 'bunzip2'
  356. if zipper == 'compress' : unzipper = 'uncompress'
  357. # unzipping command:
  358. command = [ unzipper, afile ]
  359. # execute:
  360. try :
  361. p = go.subprocess.log_call( command )
  362. except Exception, err :
  363. logging.error( err )
  364. sys.exit(1)
  365. #endtry
  366. #endif # files were zipped
  367. #endif # tarred
  368. #endfor # files to be stored
  369. # back ?
  370. if len(from_dir) > 0 : os.chdir(owd)
  371. # extra shell command ?
  372. command = rcf.get( '' % store_task, default='None' )
  373. if command != 'None' :
  374. # info ...
  375. ' call shell command : %s' % command )
  376. # call subprocess, log output:
  377. try :
  378. p = go.subprocess.log_call( command, shell=True )
  379. except Exception, err :
  380. logging.error( err )
  381. sys.exit(1)
  382. #endtry
  383. #endif
  384. #endfor # output tasks
  385. #endif # store tasks specified
  386. # ===============
  387. # touch (to avoid removal from scratch)
  388. # ===============
  389. # info ...
  390. 'touch output files if necessary ...' )
  391. # touch files to prevent removal ?
  392. output_touch = rcf.get( 'output.touch', 'bool', default=False )
  393. # touch output ?
  394. if output_touch :
  395. # info ...
  396. ' touch all files (access time) ...' )
  397. # main output directory:
  398. output_dir = rcf.get( 'output.dir' )
  399. # goto output directory:
  400. owd = os.getcwd()
  401. os.chdir( owd )
  402. # command to find all files, and touch access time:
  403. command = [ 'find', '.', '-type', 'f', '-exec', 'touch', '-a', '{}', '\;' ]
  404. # execute:
  405. try :
  406. p = go.subprocess.log_call( command )
  407. except Exception, err :
  408. logging.error( err )
  409. sys.exit(1)
  410. #endtry
  411. # back ...
  412. os.chdir( owd )
  413. #endif # touch ?
  414. # ===============
  415. # user scripts
  416. # ===============
  417. # info ...
  418. 'call user scripts if necessary ...' )
  419. # condition line:
  420. condition_line = rcf.get( 'output.user.scripts.condition', default='None' )
  421. # no condition specified ? then apply:
  422. if condition_line == 'None' :
  423. # info
  424. ' no condition on user script, thus apply if any...' )
  425. # apply by default:
  426. do_store = True
  427. else :
  428. # info
  429. ' condition for calling user script : %s' % condition_line )
  430. # name of "rs" file : rcfile with '.rs' instead of '.rc' :
  431. bname,ext = os.path.splitext(rcfile)
  432. rsfile = bname+'.rs'
  433. if os.path.exists(rsfile) :
  434. # read restart settings:
  435. rsf = rc.RcFile( rsfile )
  436. # evaluate '%{..}' keys in line:
  437. condition_line = rsf.substitute( condition_line, marks=('%{','}') )
  438. else:
  439. # If no RS file, try to use the current RC file
  440. ' RS file not found, will use current RC file to evaluate condition' )
  441. condition_line = rcf.substitute( condition_line, marks=('%{','}') )
  442. # info
  443. ' condition expanded to : %s' % condition_line )
  444. # evaluate condition line:
  445. try :
  446. do_store = eval( condition_line )
  447. except :
  448. logging.error( 'could not evaluate storage condition ...' )
  449. sys.exit(1)
  450. #endtry
  451. # info
  452. ' condition evaluated to : %s' % do_store )
  453. #endif
  454. # apply ?
  455. if do_store :
  456. # ";"-seperated list with script calls; might be empty:
  457. user_scripts = rcf.get( 'output.user.scripts' )
  458. # any specified ?
  459. if len(user_scripts) > 0 :
  460. # loop over sripts:
  461. for user_script in user_scripts.split(';') :
  462. # info ...
  463. ' call script "%s" ...' % user_script )
  464. # command to call the script; replace some keywords:
  465. command = user_script
  466. command = command.replace('<bindir>',opts.bindir)
  467. command = command.replace('<rcfile>',rcfile)
  468. # execute as a shell command:
  469. try :
  470. p = go.subprocess.watch_call( command, shell=True )
  471. except Exception, err :
  472. logging.error( err )
  473. sys.exit(1)
  474. #endtry
  475. #endfor # user uscripts
  476. #endif # list of scripts specified
  477. #endif # call user scripts
  478. # ===============
  479. # Done
  480. # ===============
  481. 'end' )
  482. # -----------------------------------------------
  483. # end
  484. # -----------------------------------------------