123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771 |
- outputdirectory "./output/"
- file_cmass "cmass.out"
- file_anpp "anpp.out"
- file_agpp "agpp.out"
- file_fpc "fpc.out"
- file_aaet "aaet.out"
- file_lai "lai.out"
- file_cflux "cflux.out"
- file_dens "dens.out"
- file_runoff "tot_runoff.out"
- file_cpool "cpool.out"
- file_clitter "clitter.out"
- file_firert "firert.out"
- file_speciesheights "height.out"
- file_nmass "nmass.out"
- file_cton_leaf "cton_leaf.out"
- file_nsources "nsources.out"
- file_npool "npool.out"
- file_nlitter "nlitter.out"
- file_nuptake "nuptake.out"
- file_nflux "nflux.out"
- file_mnpp "mnpp.out"
- file_mlai "mlai.out"
- file_mrh "mrh.out"
- file_mgpp "mgpp.out"
- file_mra "mra.out"
- file_mnee "mnee.out"
- file_maet "maet.out"
- file_mrunoff "mrunoff.out"
- file_mwcont_upper "mwcont_upper.out"
- file_mwcont_lower "mwcont_lower.out"
- param "file_ndep" (str "../GlobalNitrogenDeposition.bin")
- title 'LPJ-GUESS cohort mode - global pfts'
- vegmode "cohort" ! "cohort", "individual" or "population"
- nyear_spinup 500 ! number of years to spin up the simulation for
- ifcalcsla 1 ! whether to calculate SLA from leaf longevity
- ifcalccton 1 ! whether to calculate leaf C:N min from leaf longevity
- iffire 1 ! whether to implement fire (1) or not (0)
- npatch 25 ! number of replicate patches to simulate
- patcharea 1000 ! patch area (m2)
- estinterval 5 ! years between establishment events in cohort mode
- ifdisturb 1 ! whether generic patch-destroying disturbances enabled
- distinterval 100 ! average return time for generic patch-destroying disturbances
- ifbgestab 1 ! whether background establishment enabled
- ifsme 1 ! whether spatial mass effect enabled
- ifstochestab 1 ! whether establishment stochastic
- ifstochmort 1 ! whether mortality stochastic
- ifcdebt 1 ! whether to allow vegetation C storage (1) or not (0)
- wateruptake "rootdist" ! "wcont", "rootdist", "smart" or "speciesspecific",
- ifcentury 1 ! whether to use CENTURY SOM dynamics (mandatory for N cycling)
- ifnlim 1 ! whether plant growth limited by available N
- freenyears 100 ! number of years to spin up without N limitation (needed to build up a N pool)
- nfix_a 0.102 ! first term in N fixation eqn (Conservative 0.102, Central 0.234, Upper 0.367)
- nfix_b 0.524 ! second term in N fixation eqn (Conservative 0.524, Central -0.172, Upper -0.754)
- nrelocfrac 0.5 ! fraction of N retranslocated prior to leaf and root shedding
- ifsmoothgreffmort 1 ! whether to vary mort_greff smoothly with growth efficiency (1)
- ifdroughtlimitedestab 0 ! whether establishment is limited by growing season drought
- ifrainonwetdaysonly 1 ! whether to rain on wet days only (1), or to rain a bit every day (0)
- ifbvoc 1 ! whether to include BVOC calculations (1) or not (0)
- run_landcover 1 ! whether to use (and change) landcover fractions (1) or not (0)
- run_urban 0 ! whether to simulate barren land (1) or not (0)
- run_crop 0 ! whether to simulate crop vegetation (1) or not (0)
- run_forest 0 ! whether to simulate managed forest (1) or not (0)
- run_pasture 1 ! whether to simulate pasture (1) or not (0)
- run_natural 1 ! whether to simulate natural vegetation (1) or not (0)
- run_peatland 0 ! whether to simulate peatland (1) or not (0)
- lcfrac_fixed 1 ! use landcover fractions (%) below (1) or read from input file (0)
- lc_fixed_urban 0 ! URBAN
- lc_fixed_cropland 0 ! CROPLAND
- lc_fixed_pasture 50 ! PASTURE
- lc_fixed_forest 0 ! FOREST
- lc_fixed_natural 50 ! NATURAL
- lc_fixed_peatland 0 ! PEATLAND
- equal_landcover_area 0 ! divide gridcell into equal active landcover fractions
- ifslowharvestpool 0 ! ecev3
- param "ifssoilproperties" (num 1)
- param "nrcp" (num 0)
- param "state_path" (str "..") ! directory containing the .bin state files
- param "state_name" (str "lpjg") ! state filenames
- param "restart" (num 1) ! ! 1: restart from .bin files. 0: start from bare ground
- param "ifs_spinup_dir" (str "/nobackup/rossby15/sm_paumi/ecev3/processed/daily/")
- param "ndep" (num 2)
- coordinates_precision 6
- textured_soil 1
- group "common" (
- lambda_max 0.8
- emax 5
- reprfrac 0.1
- wscal_min 0.35
- drought_tolerance 0.0001
- turnover_harv_prod 1
- )
- group "tree" (
- common
- landcover "natural" ! ecev3
- lifeform "tree"
- crownarea_max 50
- ltor_max 1
- turnover_root 0.7
- rootdist 0.6 0.4
- k_allom2 60
- k_allom3 0.67
- k_rp 1.6
- wooddens 200
- cton_root 29
- cton_sap 330
- nuptoroot 0.0028
- km_volume 0.000001477
- pathway "c3"
- respcoeff 1.0
- kest_repr 200
- kest_bg 0.1 ! 1 i guess2008
- kest_pres 1 ! 0 i guess2008
- k_chilla 0
- k_chillb 100
- k_chillk 0.05
- litterme 0.3
- harv_eff 0.7
- res_outtake 0.75
- harvest_slow_frac 0.33
- turnover_harv_prod 0.04
- )
- group "shrub" (
- common
- lifeform "tree"
- leafphysiognomy "broadleaf"
- crownarea_max 10
- ltor_max 1
- k_allom1 100
- k_allom2 5
- k_allom3 0.67
- k_rp 1.6
- wooddens 250
- cton_root 29
- cton_sap 330
- nuptoroot 0.0028
- km_volume 0.000001477
- fnstorage 0.3
- pathway "c3"
- kest_repr 200
- kest_bg 0.1
- kest_pres 1
- litterme 0.3
- rootdist 0.6 0.4
- longevity 100
- )
- group "grass" (
- common
- lifeform "grass"
- leafphysiognomy "broadleaf"
- ltor_max 0.5
- rootdist 0.9 0.1 ! Fraction of fine roots in the upper and lower soil layers.
- gmin 0.5
- phenology "any"
- phengdd5ramp 100
- leaflong 1 ! Leaf longevity (years)
- turnover_leaf 1
- turnover_root 0.7
- cton_root 29
- nuptoroot 0.00551
- km_volume 0.000001876
- fnstorage 0.3
- litterme 0.2
- parff_min 1000000
- fireresist 0.5
- intc 0.01
- ga 0.030
- )
- group "broadleaved" (
- leafphysiognomy "broadleaf"
- k_allom1 250
- k_latosa 6000
- gmin 0.5
- intc 0.02
- ga 0.040
- )
- group "needleleaved" (
- leafphysiognomy "needleleaf"
- k_allom1 150
- k_latosa 5000
- gmin 0.3
- intc 0.06
- ga 0.140
- )
- group "evergreen" (
- phenology "evergreen"
- fnstorage 0.05
- phengdd5ramp 0
- )
- group "summergreen" (
- phenology "summergreen"
- fnstorage 0.15
- phengdd5ramp 200
- leaflong 0.5
- turnover_leaf 1
- )
- group "boreal" (
- pstemp_min -4
- pstemp_low 10
- pstemp_high 25
- pstemp_max 38
- respcoeff 1.0
- )
- group "temperate" (
- pstemp_min -2
- pstemp_low 15
- pstemp_high 25
- pstemp_max 38
- respcoeff 1.0
- )
- group "tropical" (
- tcmin_surv 15.5
- tcmin_est 15.5
- tcmax_est 1000 ! no limit
- twmin_est -1000 ! no limit
- gdd5min_est 0 ! no limit
- pstemp_min 2
- pstemp_low 25
- pstemp_high 30
- pstemp_max 55
- respcoeff 0.15
- )
- group "shade_tolerant" (
- est_max 0.05
- parff_min 350000
- alphar 3.0
- greff_min 0.04
- turnover_sap 0.05
- )
- group "intermediate_shade_tolerant" (
- est_max 0.15
- parff_min 2000000
- alphar 7.0
- greff_min 0.06
- turnover_sap 0.075
- )
- group "shade_intolerant" (
- est_max 0.2
- parff_min 2500000
- alphar 10.0
- greff_min 0.08
- turnover_sap 0.1
- )
- pft "BNE" (
- include 1
- tree
- needleleaved
- shade_tolerant
- evergreen
- boreal
- leaflong 3
- turnover_leaf 0.33
- tcmin_surv -31
- tcmin_est -30
- tcmax_est -1
- twmin_est 5
- gdd5min_est 500
- longevity 500
- fireresist 0.3
- eps_iso 8.0
- seas_iso 0
- eps_mon 4.8
- storfrac_mon 0.5
- )
- pft "BINE" (
- include 1
- tree
- needleleaved
- shade_intolerant
- evergreen
- boreal
- leaflong 3
- turnover_leaf 0.33
- tcmin_surv -31
- tcmin_est -30
- tcmax_est -1
- twmin_est 5
- gdd5min_est 500
- longevity 500
- fireresist 0.3
- eps_iso 8.0
- seas_iso 0
- eps_mon 4.8
- storfrac_mon 0.5
- )
- pft "BNS" (
- include 1
- tree
- needleleaved
- shade_intolerant
- summergreen
- boreal
- tcmin_surv -1000 ! no limit
- tcmin_est -1000 ! no limit
- tcmax_est -2
- twmin_est -1000 ! no limit
- twminusc 43 ! AA from TH 03-11 added this
- gdd5min_est 350 ! Stefan added new value, old 500
- phengdd5ramp 100 ! Stefan added new value, old 200
- longevity 300
- fireresist 0.3
- eps_iso 8.0
- seas_iso 1
- eps_mon 4.8
- storfrac_mon 0.5
- )
- pft "TeNE" (
- include 0
- tree
- needleleaved
- shade_intolerant ! cf Jun_oxy, Pin_hal in europe.ins
- evergreen
- temperate
- leaflong 3
- turnover_leaf 0.33
- tcmin_surv -2 ! As in Sitch et al. (2003), a little lower than TeBE
- tcmin_est -2 ! As in Sitch et al. (2003), a little lower than TeBE
- tcmax_est 10 ! Hickler et al. (2012) have 9 degC for Pin_hal
- twmin_est 5 ! low, since Hickler et al. (2012) have -1000 for Jun_oxy
- gdd5min_est 2000 !(Stefans value 900)2000 ! As TeBE, a little lower than Jun_oxy, Pin_hal in europe.ins
- longevity 300 ! Hickler et al. (2012) have 350 for Pin_hal
- fireresist 0.3 ! Hickler et al. (2012) have 0.2 for Pin_hal and 0.4 for Jun_oxy
- eps_iso 8.0 !?????????????
- seas_iso 0 !?????????????
- eps_mon 4.8 !?????????????
- storfrac_mon 0.5 !?????
- )
- pft "TeBS" (
- include 1
- tree
- broadleaved
- shade_tolerant
- summergreen
- temperate
- tcmin_surv -14
- tcmin_est -13
- tcmax_est 6
- twmin_est 5
- gdd5min_est 1100
- longevity 400
- fireresist 0.1
- eps_iso 45.0
- seas_iso 1
- eps_mon 1.6
- storfrac_mon 0.
- )
- pft "IBS" (
- include 1
- tree
- broadleaved
- shade_intolerant
- summergreen
- boreal
- tcmin_surv -30
- tcmin_est -30
- tcmax_est 7
- twmin_est -1000 !no limit
- gdd5min_est 350 !from TH 2010-03-10 AA
- longevity 300 !from TH 2010-04-07 was 300 AA
- fireresist 0.1
- eps_iso 45.0
- seas_iso 1
- eps_mon 1.6
- storfrac_mon 0.
- )
- pft "TeBE" (
- include 1
- tree
- broadleaved
- shade_tolerant
- evergreen
- temperate
- leaflong 3
- turnover_leaf 0.33
- tcmin_surv -1
- tcmin_est 0
- tcmax_est 18.8
- twmin_est 5
- gdd5min_est 2000
- longevity 300 !from TH 2010-04-07 was 350 AA
- fireresist 0.3
- eps_iso 24.0
- seas_iso 0
- eps_mon 1.6
- storfrac_mon 0.
- )
- pft "TrBE" (
- include 1
- tree
- broadleaved
- shade_tolerant
- evergreen
- tropical
- leaflong 2
- turnover_leaf 0.5
- longevity 500 !from Thomas H 2010-03-30 new 500 instead of 600 2010-04-07
- fireresist 0.1
- eps_iso 24.0
- seas_iso 0
- eps_mon 0.8
- storfrac_mon 0.
- )
- pft "TrIBE" (
- include 1
- tree
- broadleaved
- shade_intolerant
- evergreen
- tropical
- leaflong 2
- turnover_leaf 0.5
- longevity 200
- fireresist 0.1
- eps_iso 24.0
- seas_iso 0
- eps_mon 0.8
- storfrac_mon 0.
- )
- pft "TrBR" (
- include 1
- tree
- broadleaved
- shade_intolerant
- tropical
- phenology "raingreen"
- fnstorage 0.15
- leaflong 0.5
- turnover_leaf 1
- longevity 400 ! from Thomas h 2010-03-30
- fireresist 0.3
- eps_iso 45.0
- seas_iso 0
- eps_mon 2.4
- storfrac_mon 0.
- )
- pft "C3G" (
- include 1
- landcover "natural" ! ecev3
- grass
- pathway "c3"
- respcoeff 1.0
- pstemp_min -5
- pstemp_low 10
- pstemp_high 30
- pstemp_max 45
- tcmin_surv -1000 !no limit
- tcmin_est -1000 !no limit
- tcmax_est 1000 !no limit
- twmin_est -1000 !no limit
- gdd5min_est 0 !no limit
- eps_iso 16.0
- seas_iso 1
- eps_mon 1.6
- storfrac_mon 0.5
- )
- pft "C4G" (
- include 1
- landcover "natural" ! ecev3
- grass
- pathway "c4"
- respcoeff 0.15
- pstemp_min 6
- pstemp_low 20
- pstemp_high 45
- pstemp_max 55
- tcmin_surv 15.5
- tcmin_est 15.5
- tcmax_est 1000 !no limit
- twmin_est -1000 !no limit
- gdd5min_est 0 !no limit
- eps_iso 8.0
- seas_iso 0
- eps_mon 2.4
- storfrac_mon 0.5
- )
- pft "lowC3G" (
- include 1
- landcover "pasture" ! ecev3
- grass
- pathway "c3"
- respcoeff 1.0
- pstemp_min -5
- pstemp_low 10
- pstemp_high 30
- pstemp_max 45
- tcmin_surv -1000 !no limit
- tcmin_est -1000 !no limit
- tcmax_est 1000 !no limit
- twmin_est -1000 !no limit
- gdd5min_est 0 !no limit
- eps_iso 16.0
- seas_iso 1
- eps_mon 1.6
- storfrac_mon 0.5
- )
- pft "lowC4G" (
- include 1
- landcover "pasture" ! ecev3
- grass
- pathway "c4"
- respcoeff 0.15
- pstemp_min 6
- pstemp_low 20
- pstemp_high 45
- pstemp_max 55
- tcmin_surv 15.5
- tcmin_est 15.5
- tcmax_est 1000 !no limit
- twmin_est -1000 !no limit
- gdd5min_est 0 !no limit
- eps_iso 8.0
- seas_iso 0
- eps_mon 2.4
- storfrac_mon 0.5
- )