ncregular.f90 9.5 KB

  1. PROGRAM ncregular
  2. !
  3. !$Id: ncregular.f90 2281 2010-10-15 14:21:13Z smasson $
  4. !-
  5. ! This software is governed by the CeCILL license
  6. ! See IOIPSL/IOIPSL_License_CeCILL.txt
  7. !---------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. !- This code replaces a 2D surface grid by vectors.
  9. !- Obviously it only works if you have a regular grid.
  10. !-
  11. !- Jan Polcher (
  12. !- Jacques Bellier (
  13. !---------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. USE netcdf
  15. !-
  17. !-
  18. INTEGER :: iread, if, in, iv, sz
  19. INTEGER :: ier, nb_files, iret, ndims, nvars, nb_glat
  20. INTEGER :: lon_dim_id, lat_dim_id
  21. INTEGER :: lon_len, lat_len, lon_id, lat_id
  22. INTEGER :: nav_lon_id, nav_lat_id
  23. INTEGER :: alloc_stat_lon, alloc_stat_lat
  24. !-
  25. INTEGER,ALLOCATABLE :: file_id(:), tax_id(:)
  26. CHARACTER(LEN=80),ALLOCATABLE :: names(:)
  27. CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: dim_name
  28. CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: varname
  29. CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: xname, yname, lonname, latname
  30. LOGICAL :: check, regular
  31. !-
  32. REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: lon(:), lat(:), lon2(:), lat2(:)
  33. REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: del_lon(:), del_lat(:)
  34. !-
  35. INTEGER iargc, getarg
  36. EXTERNAL iargc, getarg
  37. !---------------------------------------------------------------------
  38. alloc_stat_lon = 0
  39. alloc_stat_lat = 0
  40. !-
  41. iread = iargc()
  42. !-
  43. ALLOCATE (names(iread),stat=ier)
  44. IF (ier /= 0) THEN
  45. WRITE (*,*) ' Could not allocate names of size ', iread
  46. STOP 'nctax'
  47. ENDIF
  48. !-
  49. CALL nct_getarg (iread, nb_files, names, check, &
  50. & xname, yname, lonname, latname)
  51. !-
  52. ! Allocate space
  53. !-
  54. ALLOCATE (file_id(nb_files),stat=ier)
  55. IF (ier /= 0) THEN
  56. WRITE (*,*) ' Could not allocate file_id of size ', nb_files
  57. STOP 'nctax'
  58. ENDIF
  59. !-
  60. ALLOCATE (tax_id(nb_files),stat=ier)
  61. IF (ier /= 0) THEN
  62. WRITE (*,*) ' Could not allocate tax_id of size ', nb_files
  63. STOP 'nctax'
  64. ENDIF
  65. !-
  66. DO if=1,nb_files
  67. !---
  68. IF (check) THEN
  69. WRITE(*,*) 'ncregular : ', if, names(if)
  70. ENDIF
  71. !---
  72. iret = NF90_OPEN (names(if),NF90_WRITE,file_id(if))
  73. iret = NF90_INQUIRE (file_id(if),ndims,nvars,nb_glat,tax_id(if))
  74. !---
  75. !-- Get the IDs of the variables
  76. !---
  77. lon_len = -9999
  78. lat_len = -9999
  79. DO in=1,ndims
  80. !-----
  81. iret = NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION (file_id(if), in, dim_name, sz)
  82. !-----
  83. IF ( (LEN_TRIM(dim_name) == 1) &
  84. & .AND.(INDEX(dim_name,TRIM(xname)) == 1) ) THEN
  85. lon_dim_id = in
  86. lon_len = sz
  87. ENDIF
  88. !-----
  89. IF ( (LEN_TRIM(dim_name) == 1) &
  90. & .AND.(INDEX(dim_name,TRIM(yname)) == 1) ) THEN
  91. lat_dim_id = in
  92. lat_len = sz
  93. ENDIF
  94. !-----
  95. ENDDO
  96. !---
  97. IF ( (lon_len == -9999).OR.(lat_len == -9999) ) THEN
  98. WRITE(*,*) 'ncregular : The specified dimensions were not'
  99. WRITE(*,*) 'found in file : ',names(if)
  100. iret = NF90_CLOSE (file_id(if))
  101. STOP
  102. ENDIF
  103. !---
  104. IF (check) THEN
  105. WRITE(*,*) 'ncregular : lon_dim_id, lon_len',lon_dim_id,lon_len
  106. WRITE(*,*) 'ncregular : lat_dim_id, lat_len',lat_dim_id,lat_len
  107. ENDIF
  108. !---
  109. !-- Look for the right variables
  110. !---
  111. nav_lon_id = -9999
  112. nav_lat_id = -9999
  113. DO iv=1,nvars
  114. iret = NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE (file_id(if),iv,name=varname)
  115. IF (INDEX(varname,TRIM(lonname)) > 0) THEN
  116. nav_lon_id = iv
  117. ENDIF
  118. IF (INDEX(varname,TRIM(latname)) > 0) THEN
  119. nav_lat_id = iv
  120. ENDIF
  121. ENDDO
  122. !---
  123. IF ( (nav_lon_id == -9999).OR.(nav_lat_id == -9999) ) THEN
  124. WRITE(*,*) 'ncregular : The specified coordinate fields'
  125. WRITE(*,*) 'were not found in file : ',names(if)
  126. iret = NF90_CLOSE (file_id(if))
  127. STOP
  128. ENDIF
  129. !---
  130. IF (check) THEN
  131. WRITE(*,*) 'ncregular : nav_lon_id :', nav_lon_id
  132. WRITE(*,*) 'ncregular : nav_lat_id :', nav_lat_id
  133. ENDIF
  134. !---
  135. !-- Read variables from file and check if regular
  136. !---
  137. !-- Do we have the variable to read the
  138. !---
  139. IF ( alloc_stat_lon < lon_len) THEN
  140. IF ( alloc_stat_lon > 0) THEN
  141. deallocate(lon)
  142. deallocate(lon2)
  143. deallocate(del_lon)
  144. ENDIF
  145. allocate(lon(lon_len))
  146. allocate(lon2(lon_len))
  147. allocate(del_lon(lon_len))
  148. alloc_stat_lon = lon_len
  149. ENDIF
  150. !---
  151. IF ( alloc_stat_lat < lat_len) THEN
  152. IF ( alloc_stat_lat > 0) THEN
  153. deallocate(lat)
  154. deallocate(lat2)
  155. deallocate(del_lat)
  156. ENDIF
  157. allocate(lat(lat_len))
  158. allocate(lat2(lat_len))
  159. allocate(del_lat(lat_len))
  160. alloc_stat_lat = lat_len
  161. ENDIF
  162. !---
  163. !-- Read data
  164. !---
  165. iret = NF90_GET_VAR (file_id(if),nav_lon_id,lon, &
  166. & start=(/1,1/),count=(/lon_len,1/),stride=(/1,1/))
  167. iret = NF90_GET_VAR (file_id(if),nav_lon_id,lon2, &
  168. & start=(/1,int(lat_len/2)/),count=(/lon_len,1/),stride=(/1,1/))
  169. del_lon = lon-lon2
  170. !-
  171. iret = NF90_GET_VAR (file_id(if),nav_lat_id,lat, &
  172. & start=(/1,1/),count=(/1,lat_len/),stride=(/lon_len,1/))
  173. iret = NF90_GET_VAR (file_id(if),nav_lat_id,lat2, &
  174. & start=(/int(lon_len/2),1/),count=(/1,lat_len/),stride=(/lon_len,1/))
  175. del_lat = lat-lat2
  176. !-
  177. regular = ( (MAXVAL(del_lon) < 0.001) &
  178. & .OR.(MAXVAL(del_lat) < 0.001) )
  179. !---
  180. !-- Create the new variables
  181. !---
  182. IF (regular) THEN
  183. IF (check) THEN
  184. WRITE(*,*) 'Regular case'
  185. ENDIF
  186. iret = NF90_REDEF (file_id(if))
  187. iret = NF90_RENAME_DIM (file_id(if), lon_dim_id, 'lon')
  188. iret = NF90_RENAME_DIM (file_id(if), lat_dim_id, 'lat')
  189. IF (check) THEN
  190. WRITE(*,*) 'Dimensions renamed'
  191. ENDIF
  192. iret = NF90_DEF_VAR (file_id(if), 'lon', NF90_FLOAT, &
  193. & lon_dim_id, lon_id)
  194. iret = NF90_DEF_VAR (file_id(if), 'lat', NF90_FLOAT, &
  195. & lat_dim_id, lat_id)
  196. IF (check) THEN
  197. WRITE(*,*) 'New variables defined'
  198. ENDIF
  199. !-----
  200. !---- Copy attributes
  201. !-----
  202. iret = NF90_COPY_ATT (file_id(if),nav_lon_id,'units', &
  203. & file_id(if),lon_id)
  204. iret = NF90_COPY_ATT (file_id(if),nav_lon_id,'title', &
  205. & file_id(if),lon_id)
  206. iret = NF90_COPY_ATT (file_id(if),nav_lon_id,'valid_max', &
  207. & file_id(if),lon_id)
  208. iret = NF90_COPY_ATT (file_id(if),nav_lon_id,'valid_min', &
  209. & file_id(if),lon_id)
  210. !-----
  211. iret = NF90_COPY_ATT (file_id(if),nav_lat_id,'units', &
  212. & file_id(if),lat_id)
  213. iret = NF90_COPY_ATT (file_id(if),nav_lat_id,'title', &
  214. & file_id(if),lat_id)
  215. iret = NF90_COPY_ATT (file_id(if),nav_lat_id,'valid_max', &
  216. & file_id(if),lat_id)
  217. iret = NF90_COPY_ATT (file_id(if),nav_lat_id,'valid_min', &
  218. & file_id(if),lat_id)
  219. !-----
  220. !---- Go into write mode
  221. !-----
  222. iret = NF90_ENDDEF (file_id(if))
  223. !-----
  224. !---- Write data
  225. !-----
  226. iret = NF90_PUT_VAR (file_id(if),lon_id,lon(1:lon_len))
  227. iret = NF90_PUT_VAR (file_id(if),lat_id,lat(1:lat_len))
  228. !-
  229. iret = NF90_CLOSE (file_id(if))
  230. ELSE
  231. WRITE(*,*) 'ncregular : Your grid is not regular'
  232. WRITE(*,*) names(if), 'remains unchanged'
  233. iret = NF90_CLOSE (file_id(if))
  234. ENDIF
  235. !-
  236. ENDDO
  237. !--------------------
  238. END PROGRAM ncregular
  239. !-
  240. !===
  241. !-
  242. SUBROUTINE nct_getarg (argx, nb_files, names, check, &
  243. & xname, yname, lonname, latname)
  244. !---------------------------------------------------------------------
  245. !- Read the arguments of nctax.
  246. !---------------------------------------------------------------------
  247. INTEGER,INTENT(in) :: argx
  248. INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: nb_files
  249. CHARACTER(LEN=80),INTENT(out) :: names(argx)
  250. CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: xname, yname, lonname, latname
  251. !-
  252. CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: tmp, tmp_arg
  253. LOGICAL :: check
  254. !---------------------------------------------------------------------
  255. check = .FALSE.
  256. !-
  257. ! Get the number of arguments
  258. !-
  259. nb_files = 0
  260. !-
  261. xname = 'x'
  262. yname = 'y'
  263. lonname = 'nav_lon'
  264. latname = 'nav_lat'
  265. !-
  266. ! Go through the arguments and analyse them one by one
  267. !-
  268. IF (check) WRITE(*,*) 'Start going through the arguments'
  269. !-
  270. IF (argx == 0) THEN
  271. WRITE(*,*) 'To get usage : nctax -h '
  272. STOP
  273. ENDIF
  274. !-
  275. iread = 1
  276. DO WHILE (iread <= argx)
  277. iret = getarg(iread,tmp)
  278. IF (check) WRITE(*,*) ' iread, tmp :', iread, tmp
  279. SELECTCASE(tmp)
  280. CASE('-d')
  282. check = .TRUE.
  283. iread = iread+1
  284. CASE('-h')
  285. WRITE(*,*) 'Usage : nregular [options] file1 [file2 ...]'
  286. WRITE(*,*) ' -d : Verbose mode'
  287. WRITE(*,*) ' -h : This output'
  288. STOP
  289. CASE('-dim_lon')
  290. iread = iread+1
  291. iret = getarg(iread,tmp_arg)
  292. xname = TRIM(tmp_arg)
  293. iread = iread+1
  294. CASE('-dim_lat')
  295. iread = iread+1
  296. iret = getarg(iread,tmp_arg)
  297. yname = TRIM(tmp_arg)
  298. iread = iread+1
  299. CASE('-coo_lon')
  300. iread = iread+1
  301. iret = getarg(iread,tmp_arg)
  302. lonname = TRIM(tmp_arg)
  303. iread = iread+1
  304. CASE('-coo_lat')
  305. iread = iread+1
  306. iret = getarg(iread,tmp_arg)
  307. latname = TRIM(tmp_arg)
  308. iread = iread+1
  310. IF (check) WRITE(*,*) 'nct_getarg : CASE default'
  311. IF (INDEX(tmp,'-') /= 1) THEN
  312. nb_files = nb_files+1
  313. names(nb_files) = tmp
  314. iread = iread+1
  315. ELSE
  316. WRITE(*,*) "WARNING Unknown option ",tmp
  317. WRITE(*,*) "For ore information : nctax -h"
  318. ENDIF
  320. ENDDO
  321. !-
  322. IF (check) THEN
  323. WRITE(*,*) ' nct_getarg : output >> '
  324. WRITE(*,*) '>> nb_files : ', nb_files
  325. WRITE(*,*) '>> names :', (names(ii), ii=1,nb_files)
  326. ENDIF
  327. !------------------------
  328. END SUBROUTINE nct_getarg