autosubmit.cfg 2.5 KB

  1. [nemo]
  2. # Number of parallel cores for OGCM component. NUMERIC = 16, 24, 36
  3. NEM_NUMPROC = 288
  4. # Set timestep (in sec) w.r.t resolution. NUMERIC = 2700 (ORCA1)
  5. NEMO_timestep = 2700
  6. # OGCM grid resolution. STRING = ORCA1L46, ORCA1L75, ORCA025L46, ORCA025L75 (NEMO)
  7. NEMO_resolution = ORCA1L75
  8. # Sea-Ice Model [Default: Do set "LIM2"]. STRING = LIM2, LIM3
  9. ICE = LIM3
  10. # Ocean initial conditions ready to be used. [Default: leave empty].
  11. # STRING = ID found here :
  12. OCEAN_ini =
  13. # PISCES initial conditions ready to be used. [Default: leave empty].
  14. # STRING = ID found here :
  15. PISCES_ini =
  16. # Sea-ice initial conditions ready to be used. [Default: leave empty].
  17. # STRING = ID found here :
  18. ICE_ini =
  19. # Required if OCEAN_ini defined. A different IC member per EXPID member ["PERT"] or which common IC member for all EXPID members ["fc0" / "fc1"]. String = PERT/fc0/fc1...
  20. OCEAN_ini_member =
  21. # Required if ICE_ini defined. Sea-ice initial conditions ready to be used. [Default: leave empty].
  22. # STRING = ID found here :
  23. ICE_ini_member =
  24. [ifs]
  25. # Number of parallel cores for AGCM component. NUMERIC = 28, 100
  26. IFS_NUMPROC = 320
  27. # AGCM grid resolution, horizontal (truncation T) and vertical (levels L). STRING = T159L62, T255L62, T255L91, T511L91, T799L62 (IFS)
  28. IFS_resolution = T255L91
  29. # Atmospheric initial conditions ready to be used.
  30. # STRING = ID found here :
  31. ATM_ini =
  32. # Required if ATM_ini defined. A different IC member per EXPID member ["PERT"] or which common IC member for all EXPID members ["fc0" / "fc1"]. String = PERT/fc0/fc1...
  33. ATM_ini_member =
  34. # Atmospheric nudging towards reinterpolated ERA-Interim data. BOOLEAN = TRUE, FALSE
  36. # Required if ATM_NUDGING = TRUE. Atmospheric nudging reference data experiment name. [T255L91: b0ir]
  37. ATM_refnud =
  38. [common]
  39. MODEL = ecearth
  40. VERSION = v3.2beta
  41. TEMPLATE_NAME = ecearth3
  42. # Post-procssing frequency (in hours) [Default: Do set "6"]. NUMERIC = 3, 6
  43. NFRP = 6
  44. # Select the model output control class. STRING = Option listed under the section :
  45. OUTCLASS = specs
  46. # After transferring output at /esnas/exp remove a copy available at permanent storage of HPC [Default: Do set "TRUE"]. BOOLEAN = TRUE, FALSE
  47. MODEL_output_remove = TRUE