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- ece2evt : the EC-EARTH 3 to ESMValTool converter
- ================================================
- ece2evt is a simplified cmorisation tool that reads EC-EARTH output
- and creates netCDF files that in many aspects follow CMIP5 conventions
- yet not entirely. The output format, filename and variable names fit
- exactly the needs of the ESMValTool. The intention behind ece2evt is
- to have a fast interface between EC-EARTH 3 output and ESMValTool.
- Author: Klaus Wyser, SMHI
- Usage
- -----
- 1. copy conf-example.txt and create your own conf-<my_conf>.txt
- 2. Edit conf-<my_conf>.txt to fit your experiments
- 3. Run ./ece2evt-master.sh <expname> conf-<my_conf>.txt
- that then launches 2 batch jobs, one for processing IFS and one
- for processing NEMO
- <expname> is the 4-letter name of your experiment.
- Requirements
- ------------
- needs CDO and NCO
- Notes
- -----
- - ece2evt computes only monthly means for selected variables
- - ece2evt works with global NEMO files (default for EC-EARTH >= 3.2)
- for older experiments with NEMO output per processor you will first need
- to apply rebuild_nemo
- - one output file is created for each variable, don't process excessively
- long periods (10 years is fine, 100 years isn't)
- - ece2evt can make use of multiple processors by processing several months
- or variables simultaneously. Currently this feature is implemented for
- SLURM, for other batch job schedulers you will need to modify the code
- - best performance is obtained when a local disc on the computing node can
- be used for temporary storage (tmpdir_root in conf-example.txt)
- - only IFS or only NEMO ouutput can be rocessed by setting nprocs_ifs=0
- (or simila for nprocs_nemo) in the conf file