meteo-tm5-ecearth3.rc 22 KB

  1. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. !
  3. ! Include this METEO rc file in your main rcfile:
  4. !
  5. ! #include /path/to/thisfile.rc
  6. !
  7. ! The following variables are used and should have been defined:
  8. !
  9. ! * in the main rcfile:
  10. !
  11. ! ! short names for regions:
  12. ! my.region1 : glb600x400
  13. ! my.region2 : eur300x200
  14. ! my.region3 : eur100x100
  15. !
  16. ! ! grid names for meteo input:
  17. ! my.region1m : ${my.region1}
  18. ! my.region2m : ${my.region2}
  19. ! my.region3m : eux100x100
  20. !
  21. ! ! Number of model levels:
  22. ! my.levs : all | tropo25 | tropo31 | tropo34
  23. !
  24. ! ! ECMWF meteo class ('ei' or 'od')
  25. ! my.meteo.class : ei
  26. !
  27. ! ! what kind of meteo archive ? One of the following two:
  28. ! my.meteo.resol : glb100x100 ! main archive with all ECMWF layers and 1.00x1.00 grid
  29. ! my.meteo.resol : coarsened ! coarsened to ${LEVS} and regions
  30. !
  31. ! ! file format: "tm5-nc" for netcdf, "tm5-hdf" for hdf
  32. ! my.meteo.format : tm5-nc
  33. !
  34. ! ! call meteo setup script (T|F) ?
  35. ! my.tmm.setup.apply : F
  36. !
  37. ! * in the machine rc file:
  38. !
  39. ! ! local directory with unpacked meteo files:
  40. ! my.meteo.dir : /scratch/shared/meteo
  41. !
  42. ! ! where to search of missing files ?
  43. ! : ec:ecfs[nlh]:TM/meteo
  44. !
  45. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  46. !
  47. ! The keys that define meteo usage have the form:
  48. !
  49. ! <key(s)>.<name(s)>
  50. !
  51. ! or, if the property depends on the zoom region:
  52. !
  53. ! <key(s)>.<region_name>.<name(s)>
  54. !
  55. ! The region_name is either a '*' or names like 'glb300x200' etc.
  56. !
  57. ! Multipe names could apply to the same field; see the table below.
  58. ! A '*' applies to all fields.
  59. ! If more than name applies to a field, the last one defines the value.
  60. ! For example, the following 3 keys all apply to the 'oro' field,
  61. ! but the resulting temporal interpolation will be 'const' :
  62. !
  63. ! meteo.tinterp.* : interp3
  64. ! : interp6
  65. ! meteo.tinterp.oro : const
  66. !
  67. ! Summary of possible name(s) :
  68. !
  69. ! field name(s) that apply to this field
  70. ! -------- ------------------------------------------------------
  71. ! sp ml sp
  72. ! mfw ml mflux_w
  73. ! tsp ml mflux_w
  74. ! mfu ml mflux_uv
  75. ! mfv ml mflux_uv
  76. ! T ml temper
  77. ! Q ml humid
  78. ! CLWC ml cloud
  79. ! CIWC ml cloud
  80. ! CC ml cloud
  81. ! CCO ml cloud
  82. ! CCU ml cloud
  83. ! eu ml convec
  84. ! ed ml convec
  85. ! du ml convec
  86. ! dd ml convec
  87. ! oro sfc sfc.const oro
  88. ! lsm sfc sfc.const lsm
  89. ! ci sfc sfc.inst sfc.fc ci
  90. ! sst sfc sfc.inst sfc.fc sst
  91. ! u10m sfc sfc.inst sfc.fc u10m
  92. ! v10m sfc sfc.inst sfc.fc u10m
  93. ! g10m sfc sfc.inst sfc.fc g10m
  94. ! src sfc sfc.inst sfc.fc src
  95. ! d2m sfc sfc.inst sfc.fc d2m
  96. ! t2m sfc sfc.inst sfc.fc t2m
  97. ! skt sfc sfc.inst sfc.fc blh
  98. ! blh sfc sfc.inst sfc.fc skt
  99. ! sshf sfc sfc.aver sfc.fc sshf
  100. ! slhf sfc sfc.aver sfc.fc slhf
  101. ! ewss sfc sfc.aver sfc.fc ewss
  102. ! nsss sfc sfc.aver sfc.fc nsss
  103. ! cp sfc sfc.aver sfc.fc cp
  104. ! lsp sfc sfc.aver sfc.fc lsp
  105. ! sf sfc sfc.aver sfc.fc sf
  106. ! ssr sfc sfc.aver sfc.fc ssr
  107. ! sd sfc sfc.inst sfc.fc sd
  108. ! swvl1 sfc sfc.inst sfc.fc swvl1
  109. ! tv sfc sfc.inst veg
  110. ! cvl sfc sfc.inst veg
  111. ! cvh sfc sfc.inst veg
  112. ! albedo sfc sfc.inst albedo
  113. ! sr sfc sfc.inst sr
  114. ! srols sfc sfc.inst srols
  115. !
  116. ! Background:
  117. ! o 'ml' and 'sfc' indicate model levels and surface level
  118. ! o surface fields could have a constant value (sfc.const),
  119. ! have instananeous values (sfc.inst),
  120. ! or averaged over an accumulation interval (sfc.aver).
  121. ! o when meteo was produced by TMPP, some fields were stored
  122. ! as daily averages (
  123. ! o surface fields could originate from an ecmwf forecast (sfc.fc)
  124. ! or from the analysis (
  125. ! o group names apply to fields that usually belong together,
  126. ! for example the vegation fields (veg)
  127. !
  128. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  129. tiedtke:F
  131. !----------------------------------------------------------
  132. ! ** get number of meteo levels,
  133. ! and set class variable for filenames
  134. !----------------------------------------------------------
  135. #if "${my.meteo.class}" == "ifs62" :
  136. my.meteo.nlev : 62
  137. my.ecclass_ecl : ei
  138. #elif "${my.meteo.class}" == "ifs91" :
  139. my.meteo.nlev : 91
  140. my.ecclass_ecl : ei
  141. #elif "${my.meteo.class}" == "ifs34" :
  142. my.meteo.nlev : 34
  143. my.ecclass_ecl : ei
  144. #elif "${my.meteo.class}" == "ifs10" :
  145. my.meteo.nlev : 10
  146. my.ecclass_ecl : ei
  147. #elif "${my.meteo.class}" == "ifs4" :
  148. my.meteo.nlev : 4
  149. my.ecclass_ecl : ei
  150. #else :
  151. #error "unsupported meteo class : ${my.meteo.class} (choose: ifs62 or ifs91)"
  152. #endif
  153. !previously ECLEVS:
  154. my.eclevs : ml${my.meteo.nlev}
  155. !----------------------------------------------------------
  156. ! ** name for choice of number of model levels (previously LEVS)
  157. !----------------------------------------------------------
  158. #if "${my.levs}" in ["all",""] :
  159. my.mlevs : ml${my.meteo.nlev}
  160. #elif "${my.levs}" in ["tropo25","tropo31","tropo34","ml40"] :
  161. my.mlevs : ${my.levs}
  162. #else :
  163. #error "unsupported number of model levels : ${my.levs} (choose: all or tropo34 or tropo31)"
  164. #endif
  165. !----------------------------------------------------------
  166. ! ** which files should be read ?
  167. !----------------------------------------------------------
  168. ! by default, load nothing; processes will set flags if meteo is needed:
  169.*.* : F
  170. !----------------------------------------------------------
  171. ! ** temporal interpolation
  172. !----------------------------------------------------------
  173. !
  174. ! Temporal interpolation is defined first by general key:
  175. !
  176. ! meteo.tinterp.* : const6
  177. !
  178. ! Optionally, different settings might be chosen for specific meteo:
  179. !
  180. ! sp mflux_uv mflux_w temper humid cloud convec surf.inst surf.aver albedo sr
  181. !
  182. ! Possible time interpolations:
  183. ! o month : constant in month
  184. ! o const : constant
  185. ! o const24 : constant in 24hr intervals [00:00,24:00]
  186. ! o const6 : constant in 6hr intervals [21:00,03:00] [03:00,09:00] ...
  187. ! o const3 : constant in 3hr intervals [22:30,01:30] [01:30,04:30] ...
  188. ! o interp6 : interpoloated between 00, 06, 12, 18
  189. ! o interp6_3 : interpoloated between 03, 09, 15, 21
  190. ! o interp3 : interpoloated between 00, 03, 06, 09, 12, 15, 18, 21
  191. ! o aver6 : time averages over intervals ]00,06], [06,12], ...
  192. ! o aver3 : time averages over intervals [00,03], [03,06], ...
  193. ! o aver24 : time averages over interval [00,24]
  194. ! o aver24_3 : time averages over interval [21,21]
  195. !
  196. !
  197. ! ~~~ od meteo processed by TM5
  198. !
  199. ! ~ fc fields are 3 hourly instantaneous,
  200. ! except for the accumulated fields which have been averaged over 3 hour:
  201. meteo.tinterp.* : interp3
  202. meteo.tinterp.sfc.aver : aver3
  203. ! ~ an fields 6 hourly instantaneous,
  204. ! except oro and lsm which are constant:
  205. : interp6
  206. ! ~ constant
  207. !-ECE- meteo.tinterp.oro : const
  208. !-ECE- meteo.tinterp.lsm : const
  209. ! ~ surface roughness Olsson/Ganzeveld is per month:
  210. meteo.tinterp.srols : month
  211. !----------------------------------------------------------
  212. ! ** source keys : how to form a file name ?
  213. !----------------------------------------------------------
  214. !
  215. ! TMM requires keys on how to form a meteo filename.
  216. ! A key should be defined for each region (names are in 'dims_grid.F90'):
  217. !
  218. ! tmm.sourcekey.glb600x400.* : tmpp:class=od;type=fc;levs=ml60;grid=glb3x2;tres=_21p06
  219. !
  220. ! Optionally, some specific fields might be read from a different set:
  221. !
  222. ! tmm.sourcekey.glb600x400.sp : ecmwf:form=3hr;class=od;type=fc;nlev=60;sh=159;tres=_fc012up2tr3
  223. !
  224. ! Possible specific fields:
  225. !
  226. ! sp mflux_uv mflux_w temper humid cloud convec
  227. ! surf oro lsm albedo sr
  228. !
  229. ! Examples of source keys:
  230. !
  231. ! * tmpp:class=od;type=fc;levs=ml60;grid=glb3x2;tres=_21p06
  232. !
  233. ! Identifies the regular TMPP hdf files:
  234. ! xxxx/od-fc-2000-01-ml60-glb3x2-uvsp_20000101_21p06.hdf
  235. ! etc
  236. !
  237. ! * tmpp:class=od;type=fc;levs=ml60;grid=glb3x2;tres=_21p06;pathsep=\;namesep=\
  238. !
  239. ! Idem, but then for full Windows path names:
  240. ! xxxx\od\fc\2000\01\ml60\glb3x2\uvsp_20000101_21p06.hdf
  241. ! etc
  242. !
  243. ! * tm5-hdf:mdir=ec-fc012up2-ml60-tropo25-glb600x400;tres=_00p06
  244. !
  245. ! TM5 produced meteo files, hdf format.
  246. !
  247. ! * tm5-nc:mdir=ec-fc012up2-ml60-tropo25-glb600x400-<yyyy>;tres=_00p06
  248. !
  249. ! TM5 produced meteo files, netcdf format.
  250. ! The '<yyyy>' key will be replaced by the year.
  251. !
  252. ! * msc-data:nlev=71;sh=47;mdir=cmam;type=iau;tres=_6hrly;sp_unit=hPa
  253. !
  254. ! * ncep-gfs:
  255. ! * ncep-cdc:
  256. !
  257. #if "${my.meteo.format}" == "tm5-nc" :
  258. my.mext : -<yyyy>
  259. #else :
  260. my.mext :
  261. #endif
  262. ! Use 1x1 climatology
  263. tmm.sourcekey.*.srols : ecmwf-tmpp:
  264. !tm5-hdf:ec-ei-an0tr6-sfc-glb100x100-srols_200002.hdf
  265. !
  266. ! ~~~ TM5 produced
  267. !
  268. #if "${my.meteo.resol}" == "glb100x100" :
  269. !
  270. ! From global 1.00x1.00 set on all layers:
  271. tmm.sourcekey.*.* : ${my.meteo.format}:mdir=ec-${my.ecclass_ecl}-fc012up2tr3-${my.eclevs}-glb100x100${my.mext};tres=_00p03
  272. tmm.sourcekey.*.sfc.fc : ${my.meteo.format}:mdir=ec-${my.ecclass_ecl}-fc012up2tr3-sfc-glb100x100${my.mext};tres=_00p03
  273. tmm.sourcekey.* : ${my.meteo.format}:mdir=ec-${my.ecclass_ecl}-an0tr6-sfc-glb100x100${my.mext};tres=_00p06
  274. !
  275. #elif "${my.meteo.resol}" == "coarsened" :
  276. !
  277. ! Coarsened to zoom regions and combined layers:
  278. tmm.sourcekey.${my.region1}.ml : ${my.meteo.format}:mdir=ec-${my.ecclass_ecl}-fc012up2tr3-${my.mlevs}-${my.region1m}${my.mext};tres=_00p03
  279. tmm.sourcekey.*.sfc.fc : ${my.meteo.format}:mdir=ec-${my.ecclass_ecl}-fc012up2tr3-sfc-${region.glbsfc}${my.mext};tres=_00p03
  280. tmm.sourcekey.* : ${my.meteo.format}:mdir=ec-${my.ecclass_ecl}-an0tr6-sfc-${region.glbsfc}${my.mext};tres=_00p06
  281. !
  282. #else
  283. #error "unsupported value of my.meteo.resol : ${my.meteo.resol}"
  284. #endif
  285. !----------------------------------------------------------------------
  286. ! ** temporal interpolation & sourcekey for fields received thru OASIS3
  287. !----------------------------------------------------------------------
  288. ! fields 'SPRES' (surface pressure only used for gridded 3d conversion) and 'SPINF' (information field) : nothing to specify
  289. ! field 'LNSP_' (compute sp from lnsp)
  290. meteo.tinterp.sp : interp${cpl.ifs.period}
  291. tmm.sourcekey.*.sp : prism:
  292. ! 'VOR00' (assume that both VOR and DIV are specied such that both the uv and the w flux can be computed)
  293. meteo.tinterp.mflux_uv : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  294. tmm.sourcekey.*.mflux_uv : prism:
  295. ! 'DIV00'
  296. meteo.tinterp.mflux_w : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  297. tmm.sourcekey.*.mflux_w : prism:
  298. ! 'OROG_'
  299. meteo.tinterp.oro : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  300. tmm.sourcekey.*.oro : prism:
  301. ! 'TMP00'
  302. meteo.tinterp.temper : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  303. tmm.sourcekey.*.temper : prism:
  304. ! 'HUM00'
  305. meteo.tinterp.humid : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  306. tmm.sourcekey.*.humid : prism:
  307. ! 'CLW00' (use 'cloud' only once!!)
  308. : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  309. tmm.sourcekey.*.cloud : prism:
  310. ! 'CIW00'
  311. : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  312. tmm.sourcekey.*.iwc : prism:
  313. ! 'CC_00'
  314. : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  315. tmm.sourcekey.*.cc : prism:
  316. ! 'CCO00'
  317. meteo.tinterp.cco : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  318. tmm.sourcekey.*.cco : prism:
  319. ! 'CCU00'
  320. meteo.tinterp.ccu : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  321. tmm.sourcekey.*.ccu : prism:
  322. ! 'UMF00' (use 'convec' only once!!)
  323. meteo.tinterp.convec : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  324. tmm.sourcekey.*.convec : prism:
  325. ! 'DMF00'
  326. meteo.tinterp.ddmf : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  327. tmm.sourcekey.*.ddmf : prism:
  328. ! 'UDR00'
  329. meteo.tinterp.uddr : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  330. tmm.sourcekey.*.uddr : prism:
  331. ! 'DDR00'
  332. meteo.tinterp.dddr : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  333. tmm.sourcekey.*.dddr : prism:
  334. ! 'LSMSK'
  335. meteo.tinterp.lsm : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  336. tmm.sourcekey.*.lsm : prism:
  337. ! 'ALB__'
  338. meteo.tinterp.albedo : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  339. tmm.sourcekey.*.albedo : prism:
  340. ! 'SR___'
  341. : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  342. tmm.sourcekey.*.sr : prism:
  343. ! 'CI___'
  344. : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  345. tmm.sourcekey.*.ci : prism:
  346. ! 'SST__'
  347. meteo.tinterp.sst : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  348. tmm.sourcekey.*.sst : prism:
  349. ! 'U10M_'
  350. meteo.tinterp.u10m : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  351. tmm.sourcekey.*.u10m : prism:
  352. ! 'V10M_'
  353. meteo.tinterp.v10m : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  354. tmm.sourcekey.*.v10m : prism:
  355. ! 'WSPD_'
  356. meteo.tinterp.wspd : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  357. tmm.sourcekey.*.wspd : prism:
  358. ! 'SRC__'
  359. meteo.tinterp.src : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  360. tmm.sourcekey.*.src : prism:
  361. ! 'D2M__'
  362. meteo.tinterp.d2m : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  363. tmm.sourcekey.*.d2m : prism:
  364. ! 'T2M__'
  365. meteo.tinterp.t2m : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  366. tmm.sourcekey.*.t2m : prism:
  367. ! 'SLHF_'
  368. meteo.tinterp.slhf : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  369. tmm.sourcekey.*.slhf : prism:
  370. ! 'SSHF_'
  371. meteo.tinterp.sshf : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  372. tmm.sourcekey.*.sshf : prism:
  373. ! 'EWSS_'
  374. meteo.tinterp.ewss : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  375. tmm.sourcekey.*.ewss : prism:
  376. ! 'NSSS_'
  377. meteo.tinterp.nsss : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  378. tmm.sourcekey.*.nsss : prism:
  379. ! 'CP___'
  380. meteo.tinterp.cp : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  381. tmm.sourcekey.*.cp : prism:
  382. ! 'LSP__'
  383. meteo.tinterp.lsp : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  384. tmm.sourcekey.*.lsp : prism:
  385. ! 'SSR__'
  386. meteo.tinterp.ssr : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  387. tmm.sourcekey.*.ssr : prism:
  388. ! 'SKT__'
  389. meteo.tinterp.skt : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  390. tmm.sourcekey.*.skt : prism:
  391. ! 'SF___'
  392. meteo.tinterp.sf : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  393. tmm.sourcekey.*.sf : prism:
  394. ! 'SD___'
  395. : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  396. tmm.sourcekey.*.sd : prism:
  397. ! 'SWVL1'
  398. meteo.tinterp.swvl1 : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  399. tmm.sourcekey.*.swvl1 : prism:
  400. ! 'TV01_' (use 'veg' only once!!)
  401. meteo.tinterp.veg : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  402. tmm.sourcekey.*.veg : prism:
  403. ! 'TV02_'
  404. meteo.tinterp.tv02 : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  405. tmm.sourcekey.*.tv02 : prism:
  406. ! 'TV03_'
  407. meteo.tinterp.tv03 : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  408. tmm.sourcekey.*.tv03 : prism:
  409. ! 'TV04_'
  410. meteo.tinterp.tv04 : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  411. tmm.sourcekey.*.tv04 : prism:
  412. ! 'TV05_'
  413. meteo.tinterp.tv05 : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  414. tmm.sourcekey.*.tv05 : prism:
  415. ! 'TV06_'
  416. meteo.tinterp.tv06 : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  417. tmm.sourcekey.*.tv06 : prism:
  418. ! 'TV07_'
  419. meteo.tinterp.tv07 : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  420. tmm.sourcekey.*.tv07 : prism:
  421. ! 'TV09_'
  422. meteo.tinterp.tv09 : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  423. tmm.sourcekey.*.tv09 : prism:
  424. ! 'TV10_'
  425. meteo.tinterp.tv10 : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  426. tmm.sourcekey.*.tv10 : prism:
  427. ! 'TV11_'
  428. meteo.tinterp.tv11 : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  429. tmm.sourcekey.*.tv11 : prism:
  430. ! 'TV13_'
  431. meteo.tinterp.tv13 : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  432. tmm.sourcekey.*.tv13 : prism:
  433. ! 'TV16_'
  434. meteo.tinterp.tv16 : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  435. tmm.sourcekey.*.tv16 : prism:
  436. ! 'TV17_'
  437. meteo.tinterp.tv17 : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  438. tmm.sourcekey.*.tv17 : prism:
  439. ! 'TV18_'
  440. meteo.tinterp.tv18 : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  441. tmm.sourcekey.*.tv18 : prism:
  442. ! 'TV19_'
  443. meteo.tinterp.tv19 : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  444. tmm.sourcekey.*.tv19 : prism:
  445. ! 'CVL__'
  446. meteo.tinterp.cvl : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  447. tmm.sourcekey.*.cvl : prism:
  448. ! 'CVH__'
  449. meteo.tinterp.cvh : cpl${cpl.ifs.period}
  450. tmm.sourcekey.*.cvh : prism:
  451. !----------------------------------------------------------
  452. ! ** install meteo files
  453. !----------------------------------------------------------
  454. ! location of meteo files;
  455. ! either a permanent archive, or a temporary scratch:
  456. tmm.dir : ${}/SR_OLSSON
  457. ! Clean up the temporary meteo ?
  458. ! o Set the clean flag (T|F) such that files that have not been accessed
  459. ! for a long time are removed if a maximum buffer usage is exceeded.
  460. ! o specify a maximum size: 500k, 1M, 2G
  461. !
  462. tmm.dir.clean : F
  463. tmm.dir.size : 4G
  464. !
  465. ! Meteo files could be setup before the actual program is started.
  466. ! First set the main switch to apply this or not.
  467. ! If to be applied, specify details for a number of sets;
  468. ! each set can be applied by a seperate flag.
  469. !
  470. tmm.setup.apply : F
  471. !${my.tmm.setup.apply}
  472. ! display progress ?
  473. tmm.setup.verbose : F
  474. ! file permission mode for newly created files:
  475. ! o user archive : 644
  476. ! o archive shared by group : 664
  477. tmm.setup.mode : 664
  478. ! number of sets defined below:
  479. !tmm.setup.nset : 5
  480. ! ** TM5 produced hdf/nc files:
  481. !
  482. tmm.setup.001.apply : F
  483. tmm.setup.001.files : oro lsm
  484. !tmm.setup.001.sources : ${my.meteo.format}:mdir=ec-${my.ecclass_ecl}-an0tr6-sfc-${region.glbsfc}${my.mext};tres=_00p06
  485. tmm.setup.001.sources : ${my.meteo.format}:mdir=ec-${my.ecclass_ecl}-an0tr6-sfc-glb100x100${my.mext};tres=_00p06
  486. : ${}
  487. !
  488. tmm.setup.002.apply : F
  489. tmm.setup.002.files : ci cp d2m lsp sd skt blh slhf src sshf ssr sst ewss nsss swvl1 t2m u10m v10m
  490. !tmm.setup.002.sources : ${my.meteo.format}:mdir=ec-${my.ecclass_ecl}-fc012up2tr3-sfc-${region.glbsfc}${my.mext};tres=_00p03
  491. tmm.setup.002.sources : ${my.meteo.format}:mdir=ec-${my.ecclass_ecl}-fc012up2tr3-sfc-glb100x100${my.mext};tres=_00p03
  492. : ${}
  493. !
  494. #if "${my.meteo.resol}" == "glb100x100" :
  495. !
  496. ! number of sets defined below:
  497. tmm.setup.nset : 3
  498. !
  499. tmm.setup.003.apply : F
  500. tmm.setup.003.files : sp mfuv mfw t q cld sub
  501. tmm.setup.003.sources : ${my.meteo.format}:mdir=ec-${my.ecclass_ecl}-fc012up2tr3-${my.eclevs}-glb100x100${my.mext};tres=_00p03
  502. : ${}
  503. !
  504. #elif "${my.meteo.resol}" == "coarsened" :
  505. !
  506. ! number of sets defined below:
  507. tmm.setup.nset : 3
  508. !
  509. tmm.setup.003.apply : F
  510. tmm.setup.003.files : sp mfuv mfw t q cld sub
  511. tmm.setup.003.sources : ${my.meteo.format}:mdir=ec-${my.ecclass_ecl}-fc012up2tr3-${my.mlevs}-${my.region1m}${my.mext};tres=_00p03
  512. : ${}
  513. !
  514. #else
  515. #error "unsupported value of my.meteo.resol : ${my.meteo.resol}"
  516. #endif
  517. !================================================
  518. ! ** output meteo
  519. !================================================
  520. ! Write output (T/F)?
  521. tmm.output : F
  522. ! Write all fields (T/F)?
  523. tmm.output.*.* : F
  524. ! Write all fields (T/F)?
  525. tmm.output.*.ml : F
  526. ! ~ surface fields on global surface region:
  527. tmm.output.${my.region1}.sfc : F
  528. tmm.destkey.${my.region1}.ml : ${my.meteo.format}:mdir=ec-${my.ecclass_ecl}-fc012up2tr3-${my.mlevs}-${my.region1}${my.mext};tres=_00p03
  529. tmm.destkey.${my.region1}.sfc : ${my.meteo.format}:mdir=ec-${my.ecclass_ecl}-fc012up2tr3-sfc-${my.region1}${my.mext};tres=_00p03
  530. tmm.destkey.${my.region1} : ${my.meteo.format}:mdir=ec-${my.ecclass_ecl}-an0tr6-sfc-${my.region1}${my.mext};tres=_00p06
  531. tmm.destkey.glb100x100.sfc : ${my.meteo.format}:mdir=ec-${my.ecclass_ecl}-fc012up2tr3-sfc-glb100x100${my.mext};tres=_00p03
  532. : ${my.meteo.format}:mdir=ec-${my.ecclass_ecl}-an0tr6-sfc-glb100x100${my.mext};tres=_00p06
  533. tmm.output.*.sp : F
  534. tmm.output.*.mflux_uv : F
  535. tmm.output.*.mflux_w : F
  536. tmm.output.*.temper : F
  537. tmm.output.*.humid : F
  538. tmm.output.*.cloud : F
  539. tmm.output.*.convec : F
  540. tmm.output.*.oro : F
  541. tmm.output.*.lsm : F
  542. tmm.output.*.albedo : F
  543. tmm.output.*.sr : F
  544. tmm.output.*.ci : F
  545. tmm.output.*.sst : F
  546. tmm.output.*.u10m : F
  547. tmm.output.*.wspd : F
  548. tmm.output.*.v10m : F
  549. tmm.output.*.src : F
  550. tmm.output.*.d2m : F
  551. tmm.output.*.t2m : F
  552. tmm.output.*.slhf : F
  553. tmm.output.*.sshf : F
  554. tmm.output.*.ewss : F
  555. tmm.output.*.nsss : F
  556. tmm.output.*.cp : F
  557. tmm.output.*.lsp : F
  558. tmm.output.*.ssr : F
  559. tmm.output.*.sd : F
  560. tmm.output.*.swvl1 : F
  561. tmm.output.*.veg : F
  562. ! TM5 writes new meteo files to:
  563. tmm.output.dir : ${}/tm5_meteo_out
  564. ! ensure creation via 'install' facilty:
  565. tmm.output.install.dir : ${tmm.output.dir}
  566. !----------------------------------------------------------
  567. ! ** CF conventions
  568. !----------------------------------------------------------
  569. ! file with standard name table:
  570. #if "${my.meteo.format}" == "tm5-nc"
  571. cf-standard-name-table : ${PWD}/tools/cf/data/cf-standard-name-table-v15.xml
  572. !cf-standard-name-table : /scratch/ms/nl/nm6/cf-standard-name-table-v15.xml
  573. #endif