physconstants.F90 2.5 KB

  1. ! First include the set of model-wide compiler flags
  2. #include ""
  3. module physconstants
  4. !
  5. ! Reference:
  6. !
  7. ! Brasseur, G.P., J.J. Orlando, and G.S. Tyndall, 1999, Atmospheric
  8. ! Chemistry and Global Change, Oxford Univ Press, New York.
  9. !
  10. !
  11. implicit none
  12. !
  13. ! pi
  14. real, parameter :: pi = 3.141592653589793 ! none
  15. ! Earth radius (average)
  16. real, parameter :: Earth_rad = 6370000. ! m
  17. ! Earth surface area
  18. real, parameter :: Earth_area = 5.10e14 ! m^2
  19. ! Earth surface area of continents
  20. real, parameter :: Earth_areac = 1.49e14 ! m^2
  21. ! standard surface gravity
  22. real, parameter :: grav = 9.80665 ! m/s^2
  23. ! Bolzman constant
  24. real, parameter :: kbolz = 1.38066e-23 ! J/K
  25. ! Avogado number
  26. real, parameter :: Navog = 6.022137e23 ! molecules/mol
  27. ! Universal gas constant
  28. real, parameter :: Rgas = kbolz*Navog ! (=8.3143) J/mol/K
  29. ! standard surface pressure
  30. real, parameter :: ps_standard = 101325. ! Pa
  31. ! Specific heat of dry air at constant pressure
  32. real, parameter :: cp_air = 1004. ! J/K/kg
  33. ! Specific heat of dry air at constant volume
  34. real, parameter :: cv_air = 717. ! J/K/kg
  35. ! density of pure water at 0 deg C
  36. real, parameter :: rol = 1000. ! kg/m^3
  37. ! density of ice water at 0 deg C
  38. real, parameter :: roi = 917. ! kg/m^3
  39. ! von Karman constant
  40. real, parameter :: vkarman = 0.4 ! none
  41. ! Latent Heat of vaporization at 0 C
  42. real, parameter :: Lvap = 2.5e6 ! J/kg
  43. ! Calculation of kgm2tomoleccm2_no2 (Used to be done in binas.f90) JDM
  44. ! mlc/mol
  45. ! kgm2tomoleccm2_no2 = --------------- = (molec/cm2) / (kg/m2)
  46. ! kg/mol cm2/m2
  47. real, parameter :: xm_no2 = 46.0e-3 ! kg/mol
  48. real, parameter :: kgm2tomoleccm2_no2 = Navog/(xm_no2*1.0e4)
  49. ! Conversion from pressure difference (Pa = kg m-1 s-2) to 10^15 molecules of air per cm^2
  50. ! mass of air (note: g/mol instead of kg/mol)
  51. real, parameter :: xmair = 28.94 ! g/mol
  52. ! conversion factor from mixing ratio, pressure drop (in Pa) to columns (in 10^15 molec cm^-2)
  53. real, parameter :: pdiff2moleccm2 = 1.0e-15 * 0.1 * Navog / ( grav * xmair )
  54. end module physconstants