1. ===========================================================
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  10. This tool was developped by Eric Maisonnave (CERFACS),
  11. Uwe Fladrich, Martin Evaldsson (SMHI) and Arnaud Caubel (IPSL)
  12. to perform an analysis of the coupled components load balance
  13. v1.0 : 12/2013
  14. ===========================================================
  15. 1. Compilation
  16. --------------
  17. In $(OASIS_DIR)/oasis3-mct/util/lucia, compile main-lucia.F90 :
  18. * compile using the command : lucia -c
  19. * if your compiler is not automatically detected,
  20. specify your compiler by modifying "F90=my_compiler" in
  21. "lucia" script file
  22. * executable file "lucia.exe" is created in the same directory
  23. 2. Simulation set up
  24. --------------------
  25. Before launching your OASIS coupled model, modify your "namcouple" file: the second number on the line below $NLOGPRT must be set to -1. This option enables the production of OASIS-LUCIA log files, named "lucia.MM.PPPPP", with "MM" executable number and "PPPPP" MPI process number in local communicator. It is not possible to produce timer log files at the same time that lucia log files.
  26. 3. Post processing
  27. ------------------
  28. In your results directory (where executable and model output are located), post-treat the files produced by OASIS-LUCIA log files:
  29. $(OASIS_DIR)/oasis3-mct/util/lucia/lucia
  30. This command will post-treat the OASIS-LUCIA log files located in the directory using lucia.exe
  31. 4. Analysis
  32. -----------
  33. Several information related to the coupled simulation are provided on standard output:
  34. * Name and number of "lucia.MM.PPPPP" processed
  35. For performance reasons (ASCII file reading), LUCIA do not process all OASIS-LUCIA log files, but only a subset, displayed below the comment line "Computed log files for model MM"
  36. * Coupling field names + model exchanging them, ordered by exchange date
  37. This information is displayed below the comment line "Exchanged fields (based on first exchange)"
  38. * Load balance
  39. For each model, LUCIA gives the total time spent during calculations, the total time spent to wait information from OASIS and the number of coupling time step used to calculate those values.
  40. Time is in seconds. Information is displayed below the comment line
  41. "Component - Calculations - Waiting time (s) - # cpl step "
  42. * Additional information
  43. LUCIA also provides, for each model, the total time spent to perform OASIS interpolations during simulation, and total process jitter measured at each OASIS send/receive steps.
  44. This information is displayed below the comment line "Additional informations".
  45. Load balance information is also provided on graphical format (using gnuplot, if available) in oasis_balance.eps file.
  46. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  47. For more details about lucia, see the document: