trd_oce.F90 6.1 KB

  1. MODULE trd_oce
  2. !!======================================================================
  3. !! *** MODULE trd_oce ***
  4. !! Ocean trends : set tracer and momentum trend variables
  5. !!======================================================================
  6. !! History : 1.0 ! 2004-08 (C. Talandier) Original code
  7. !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. USE par_oce ! ocean parameters
  9. USE trdmxl_oce ! ocean active mixed layer tracers trends variables
  10. USE trdvor_oce ! ocean vorticity trends variables
  12. PUBLIC
  13. ! !!* Namelist namtrd: diagnostics on dynamics/tracer trends *
  14. LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_dyn_trd = .FALSE. !: (T) 3D momentum trends or (F) not
  15. LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_tra_trd = .FALSE. !: (T) 3D tracer trends or (F) not
  16. LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_KE_trd = .FALSE. !: (T) 3D Kinetic Energy trends or (F) not
  17. LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_PE_trd = .FALSE. !: (T) 3D Potential Energy trends or (F) not
  18. LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_vor_trd = .FALSE. !: (T) 3D barotropic vorticity trends or (F) not
  19. LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_glo_trd = .FALSE. !: (T) global domain averaged diag for T, T^2, KE, and PE
  20. LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_dyn_mxl = .FALSE. !: (T) 2D tracer trends averaged over the mixed layer
  21. LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_tra_mxl = .FALSE. !: (T) 2D momentum trends averaged over the mixed layer
  22. INTEGER , PUBLIC :: nn_trd = 10 !: time step frequency for ln_glo_trd=T only
  23. LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: l_trdtra !: tracers trend flag (set from namelist in trdini)
  24. LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: l_trddyn !: momentum trend flag (set from namelist in trdini)
  25. # if ( defined key_trdtrc && defined key_iomput ) || defined key_trdmxl_trc
  26. LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: l_trdtrc = .TRUE. !: tracers trend flag
  27. # else
  28. LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: l_trdtrc = .FALSE. !: tracers trend flag
  29. # endif
  30. ! !!!* Active tracers trends indexes
  31. INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jptot_tra = 20 !: Total trend nb: change it when adding/removing one indice below
  32. ! =============== !
  33. INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jptra_xad = 1 !: x- horizontal advection
  34. INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jptra_yad = 2 !: y- horizontal advection
  35. INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jptra_zad = 3 !: z- vertical advection
  36. INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jptra_sad = 4 !: z- vertical advection
  37. INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jptra_totad = 5 !: total advection
  38. INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jptra_ldf = 6 !: lateral diffusion
  39. INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jptra_zdf = 7 !: vertical diffusion
  40. INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jptra_zdfp = 8 !: "PURE" vert. diffusion (ln_traldf_iso=T)
  41. INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jptra_evd = 9 !: EVD term (convection)
  42. INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jptra_bbc = 10 !: Bottom Boundary Condition (geoth. heating)
  43. INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jptra_bbl = 11 !: Bottom Boundary Layer (diffusive and/or advective)
  44. INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jptra_npc = 12 !: non-penetrative convection treatment
  45. INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jptra_dmp = 13 !: internal restoring (damping)
  46. INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jptra_qsr = 14 !: penetrative solar radiation
  47. INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jptra_nsr = 15 !: non solar radiation / C/D on salinity (+runoff if ln_rnf=T)
  48. INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jptra_atf = 16 !: Asselin time filter
  49. INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jptra_tot = 17 !: Model total trend
  50. !
  51. ! !!!* Passive tracers trends indices (use if "key_top" defined)
  52. INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jptra_sms = 18 !: sources m. sinks
  53. INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jptra_radn = 19 !: corr. trn<0 in trcrad
  54. INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jptra_radb = 20 !: corr. trb<0 in trcrad (like atf)
  55. !
  56. ! !!!* Momentum trends indices
  57. INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jptot_dyn = 16 !: Total trend nb: change it when adding/removing one indice below
  58. ! =============== !
  59. INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jpdyn_hpg = 1 !: hydrostatic pressure gradient
  60. INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jpdyn_spg = 2 !: surface pressure gradient
  61. INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jpdyn_keg = 3 !: kinetic energy gradient or horizontal advection
  62. INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jpdyn_rvo = 4 !: relative vorticity or metric term
  63. INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jpdyn_pvo = 5 !: planetary vorticity
  64. INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jpdyn_zad = 6 !: vertical advection
  65. INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jpdyn_ldf = 7 !: horizontal diffusion
  66. INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jpdyn_zdf = 8 !: vertical diffusion
  67. INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jpdyn_bfr = 9 !: bottom stress
  68. INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jpdyn_atf = 10 !: Asselin time filter
  69. INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jpdyn_tau = 11 !: surface stress
  70. INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jpdyn_bfri = 12 !: implicit bottom friction (ln_bfrimp=.TRUE.)
  71. INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jpdyn_ken = 13 !: use for calculation of KE
  72. INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jpdyn_spgflt = 14 !: filter contribution to surface pressure gradient (spg_flt)
  73. INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jpdyn_spgexp = 15 !: explicit contribution to surface pressure gradient (spg_flt)
  74. !
  75. !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
  76. !! NEMO/OPA 3.3 , NEMO Consortium (2010)
  77. !! $Id: trd_oce.F90 5424 2018-04-27 07:03:10Z ufla $
  78. !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (NEMOGCM/NEMO_CeCILL.txt)
  79. !!======================================================================
  80. END MODULE trd_oce