request-overview-OMIP-omip1-including-EC-EARTH-CC-preferences.txt 29 KB

  1. table variable dimensions long_name unit comment
  2. Omon bigthetao longitude latitude olevel time Sea Water Conservative Temperature degC nemo code name = bigthetao
  3. Omon bigthetaoga time Global Average Sea Water Conservative Temperature degC nemo code name = bigthetaoga
  4. Omon chlos longitude latitude time Surface Mass Concentration of Total Phytoplankton Expressed as Chlorophyll in Sea Water kg m-3 nemo code name = chlos
  5. Omon dfeos longitude latitude time Surface Dissolved Iron Concentration mol m-3 nemo code name = dfeos
  6. Omon dissicnatos longitude latitude time Surface Natural Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Concentration mol m-3 nemo code name = dissicnatos
  7. Omon dissicos longitude latitude time Surface Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Concentration mol m-3 nemo code name = dissicos
  8. Omon epc100 longitude latitude time depth100m Downward Flux of Particulate Organic Carbon mol m-2 s-1 nemo code name = epc100
  9. Omon epcalc100 longitude latitude time depth100m Downward Flux of Calcite mol m-2 s-1 nemo code name = epcalc100
  10. Omon fgco2 longitude latitude time depth0m Surface Downward Mass Flux of Carbon as CO2 [kgC m-2 s-1] kg m-2 s-1 nemo code name = fgco2
  11. Omon fgo2 longitude latitude time depth0m Surface Downward Flux of O2 mol m-2 s-1 nemo code name = fgo2
  12. Omon fsitherm longitude latitude time Water Flux into Sea Water Due to Sea Ice Thermodynamics kg m-2 s-1 nemo code name = fsitherm
  13. Omon hfbasin latitude basin time Northward Ocean Heat Transport W nemo code name = hfbasin
  14. Omon hfbasinpmadv latitude basin time Northward Ocean Heat Transport Due to Parameterized Mesoscale Advection W nemo code name = hfbasinpmadv
  15. Omon hfds longitude latitude time Downward Heat Flux at Sea Water Surface W m-2 nemo code name = hfds
  16. Omon intpp longitude latitude time Primary Organic Carbon Production by All Types of Phytoplankton mol m-2 s-1 nemo code name = intpp
  17. Omon masscello longitude latitude olevel time Ocean Grid-Cell Mass per Area kg m-2 nemo code name = masscello
  18. Omon masso time Sea Water Mass kg nemo code name = masso
  19. Omon mlotst longitude latitude time Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Sigma T m nemo code name = mlotst
  20. Omon mlotstmax longitude latitude time Maximum Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Sigma T m nemo code name = mlotstmax
  21. Omon mlotstmin longitude latitude time Minimum Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Sigma T m nemo code name = mlotstmin
  22. Omon msftbarot longitude latitude time Ocean Barotropic Mass Streamfunction kg s-1 nemo code name = msftbarot
  23. Omon msftyz gridlatitude olevel basin time Ocean Y Overturning Mass Streamfunction kg s-1 nemo code name = msftyz
  24. Omon no3os longitude latitude time Surface Dissolved Nitrate Concentration mol m-3 nemo code name = no3os
  25. Omon o2os longitude latitude time Surface Dissolved Oxygen Concentration mol m-3 nemo code name = o2os
  26. Omon obvfsq longitude latitude olevel time Square of Brunt Vaisala Frequency in Sea Water s-2 nemo code name = obvfsq
  27. Omon pbo longitude latitude time Sea Water Pressure at Sea Floor Pa nemo code name = pbo
  28. Omon phos longitude latitude time Surface pH 1 nemo code name = phos
  29. Omon po4os longitude latitude time Surface Total Dissolved Inorganic Phosphorus Concentration mol m-3 nemo code name = po4os
  30. Omon pso longitude latitude time Sea Water Pressure at Sea Water Surface Pa nemo code name = pso
  31. Omon sfdsi longitude latitude time Downward Sea Ice Basal Salt Flux kg m-2 s-1 nemo code name = sfdsi
  32. Omon sios longitude latitude time Surface Total Dissolved Inorganic Silicon Concentration mol m-3 nemo code name = sios
  33. Omon so longitude latitude olevel time Sea Water Salinity 0.001 nemo code name = so
  34. Omon sob longitude latitude time Sea Water Salinity at Sea Floor 0.001 nemo code name = sob
  35. Omon soga time Global Mean Sea Water Salinity 0.001 nemo code name = soga
  36. Omon sos longitude latitude time Sea Surface Salinity 0.001 nemo code name = sos
  37. Omon sosga time Global Average Sea Surface Salinity 0.001 nemo code name = sosga
  38. Omon spco2 longitude latitude time depth0m Surface Aqueous Partial Pressure of CO2 Pa nemo code name = spco2
  39. Omon talknatos longitude latitude time Surface Natural Total Alkalinity mol m-3 nemo code name = talknatos
  40. Omon talkos longitude latitude time Surface Total Alkalinity mol m-3 nemo code name = talkos
  41. Omon tauuo longitude latitude time Sea Water Surface Downward X Stress N m-2 nemo code name = tauuo
  42. Omon tauvo longitude latitude time Sea Water Surface Downward Y Stress N m-2 nemo code name = tauvo
  43. Omon thetao longitude latitude olevel time Sea Water Potential Temperature degC nemo code name = thetao
  44. Omon thetaoga time Global Average Sea Water Potential Temperature degC nemo code name = thetaoga
  45. Omon tob longitude latitude time Sea Water Potential Temperature at Sea Floor degC nemo code name = tob
  46. Omon tos longitude latitude time Sea Surface Temperature degC nemo code name = tos
  47. Omon tosga time Global Average Sea Surface Temperature degC nemo code name = tosga
  48. Omon umo longitude latitude olevel time Ocean Mass X Transport kg s-1 nemo code name = umo
  49. Omon uo longitude latitude olevel time Sea Water X Velocity m s-1 nemo code name = uo
  50. Omon vmo longitude latitude olevel time Ocean Mass Y Transport kg s-1 nemo code name = vmo
  51. Omon vo longitude latitude olevel time Sea Water Y Velocity m s-1 nemo code name = vo
  52. Omon volo time Sea Water Volume m3 nemo code name = volo
  53. Omon wfo longitude latitude time Water Flux into Sea Water kg m-2 s-1 nemo code name = wfo
  54. Omon wfonocorr longitude latitude time Water Flux into Sea Water Without Flux Correction kg m-2 s-1 nemo code name = wfonocorr
  55. Omon wmo longitude latitude olevel time Upward Ocean Mass Transport kg s-1 nemo code name = wmo
  56. Omon wo longitude latitude olevel time Sea Water Vertical Velocity m s-1 nemo code name = wo
  57. Omon zhalfo longitude latitude olevhalf time Depth Below Geoid of Interfaces Between Ocean Layers m nemo code name = zhalfo
  58. Omon zos longitude latitude time Sea Surface Height Above Geoid m nemo code name = zos
  59. Omon zostoga time Global Average Thermosteric Sea Level Change m nemo code name = zostoga
  60. Oyr cfc12 longitude latitude olevel time Mole Concentration of CFC12 in Sea Water mol m-3 nemo code name = cfc12
  61. Oyr chl longitude latitude olevel time Mass Concentration of Total Phytoplankton Expressed as Chlorophyll in Sea Water kg m-3 nemo code name = chl
  62. Oyr dfe longitude latitude olevel time Dissolved Iron Concentration mol m-3 nemo code name = dfe
  63. Oyr dissic longitude latitude olevel time Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Concentration mol m-3 nemo code name = dissic
  64. Oyr dissicnat longitude latitude olevel time Natural Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Concentration mol m-3 nemo code name = dissicnat
  65. Oyr fgco2 longitude latitude time Surface Downward Mass Flux of Carbon as CO2 [kgC m-2 s-1] kg m-2 s-1 nemo code name = fgco2
  66. Oyr no3 longitude latitude olevel time Dissolved Nitrate Concentration mol m-3 nemo code name = no3
  67. Oyr o2 longitude latitude olevel time Dissolved Oxygen Concentration mol m-3 nemo code name = o2
  68. Oyr ph longitude latitude olevel time pH 1 nemo code name = ph
  69. Oyr po4 longitude latitude olevel time Total Dissolved Inorganic Phosphorus Concentration mol m-3 nemo code name = po4
  70. Oyr si longitude latitude olevel time Total Dissolved Inorganic Silicon Concentration mol m-3 nemo code name = si
  71. Oyr talk longitude latitude olevel time Total Alkalinity mol m-3 nemo code name = talk
  72. Oyr talknat longitude latitude olevel time Natural Total Alkalinity mol m-3 nemo code name = talknat
  73. Emon cLand longitude latitude time Total Carbon in All Terrestrial Carbon Pools kg m-2 lpjg code name = cLand
  74. Emon cLitterCwd longitude latitude time Carbon Mass in Coarse Woody Debris kg m-2 lpjg code name = cLitterCwd
  75. Emon cLitterSubSurf longitude latitude time Carbon Mass in Below-Ground Litter kg m-2 lpjg code name = cLitterSubSurf
  76. Emon cLitterSurf longitude latitude time Carbon Mass in Above-Ground Litter kg m-2 lpjg code name = cLitterSurf
  77. Emon cOther longitude latitude time Carbon Mass in Vegetation Components Other than Leaves, Stems and Roots kg m-2 lpjg code name = cOther
  78. Emon cSoil longitude latitude time Carbon Mass in Model Soil Pool kg m-2 lpjg code name = cSoil
  79. Emon cStem longitude latitude time Carbon Mass in Stem kg m-2 lpjg code name = cStem
  80. Emon fBNF longitude latitude time Biological Nitrogen Fixation kg m-2 s-1 lpjg code name = fBNF
  81. Emon fCLandToOcean longitude latitude time Lateral Transfer of Carbon out of Grid Cell That Eventually Goes into Ocean kg m-2 s-1 lpjg code name = fCLandToOcean
  82. Emon fFireNat longitude latitude time Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to CO2 Emission from Natural Fire [kgC m-2 s-1] kg m-2 s-1 lpjg code name = fFireNat
  83. Emon fLuc longitude latitude time Net Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to Land-Use Change [kgC m-2 s-1] kg m-2 s-1 lpjg code name = fLuc
  84. Emon fNLandToOcean longitude latitude time Lateral Transfer of Nitrogen out of Grid Cell That Eventually Goes into Ocean kg m-2 s-1 lpjg code name = fNLandToOcean
  85. Emon fNdep longitude latitude time Dry and Wet Deposition of Reactive Nitrogen onto Land kg m-2 s-1 lpjg code name = fNdep
  86. Emon fNfert longitude latitude time Total Nitrogen Added for Cropland Fertilisation (Artificial and Manure) kg m-2 s-1 lpjg code name = fNfert
  87. Emon fNloss longitude latitude time Total Nitrogen Lost (Including NHx, NOx, N2O, N2 and Leaching) kg m-2 s-1 lpjg code name = fNloss
  88. Emon fNnetmin longitude latitude time Net Nitrogen Release from Soil and Litter as the Outcome of Nitrogen Immobilisation and Gross Mineralisation kg m-2 s-1 lpjg code name = fNnetmin
  89. Emon fNup longitude latitude time Total Plant Nitrogen Uptake (Sum of Ammonium and Nitrate) Irrespective of the Source of Nitrogen kg m-2 s-1 lpjg code name = fNup
  90. Emon fProductDecomp longitude latitude time Decomposition out of Product Pools to CO2 in Atmosphere as Carbon Mass Flux [kgC m-2 s-1] kg m-2 s-1 lpjg code name = fProductDecomp
  91. Emon nLand longitude latitude time Total Nitrogen in All Terrestrial Nitrogen Pools kg m-2 lpjg code name = nLand
  92. Emon nLeaf longitude latitude time Nitrogen Mass in Leaves kg m-2 lpjg code name = nLeaf
  93. Emon nLitter longitude latitude time Nitrogen Mass in Litter Pool kg m-2 lpjg code name = nLitter
  94. Emon nLitterCwd longitude latitude time Nitrogen Mass in Coarse Woody Debris kg m-2 lpjg code name = nLitterCwd
  95. Emon nLitterSubSurf longitude latitude time Nitrogen Mass in Below-Ground Litter (non CWD) kg m-2 lpjg code name = nLitterSubSurf
  96. Emon nLitterSurf longitude latitude time Nitrogen Mass in Above-Ground Litter (non CWD) kg m-2 lpjg code name = nLitterSurf
  97. Emon nMineral longitude latitude time Mineral Nitrogen in the Soil kg m-2 lpjg code name = nMineral
  98. Emon nOther longitude latitude time Nitrogen Mass in Vegetation Components Other than Leaves, Stem and Root kg m-2 lpjg code name = nOther
  99. Emon nProduct longitude latitude time Nitrogen Mass in Products of Land-Use Change kg m-2 lpjg code name = nProduct
  100. Emon nRoot longitude latitude time Nitrogen Mass in Roots kg m-2 lpjg code name = nRoot
  101. Emon nSoil longitude latitude time Nitrogen Mass in Soil Pool kg m-2 lpjg code name = nSoil
  102. Emon nStem longitude latitude time Nitrogen Mass in Stem kg m-2 lpjg code name = nStem
  103. Emon nVeg longitude latitude time Nitrogen Mass in Vegetation kg m-2 lpjg code name = nVeg
  104. Emon nep longitude latitude time Net Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmosphere Due to Net Ecosystem Productivity on Land [kgC m-2 s-1] kg m-2 s-1 lpjg code name = nep
  105. Eyr cLitter longitude latitude time1 Carbon Mass in Litter Pool kg m-2 lpjg code name = cLitter
  106. Eyr cProduct longitude latitude time1 Carbon Mass in Products of Land-Use Change kg m-2 lpjg code name = cProduct
  107. Eyr cSoil longitude latitude time1 Carbon Mass in Model Soil Pool kg m-2 lpjg code name = cSoil
  108. Eyr cVeg longitude latitude time1 Carbon Mass in Vegetation kg m-2 lpjg code name = cVeg
  109. Lmon burntFractionAll longitude latitude time typeburnt Percentage of Entire Grid Cell That Is Covered by Burnt Vegetation (All Classes) % lpjg code name = burntFractionAll
  110. Lmon cLeaf longitude latitude time Carbon Mass in Leaves kg m-2 lpjg code name = cLeaf
  111. Lmon cLitter longitude latitude time Carbon Mass in Litter Pool kg m-2 lpjg code name = cLitter
  112. Lmon cProduct longitude latitude time Carbon Mass in Products of Land-Use Change kg m-2 lpjg code name = cProduct
  113. Lmon cRoot longitude latitude time Carbon Mass in Roots kg m-2 lpjg code name = cRoot
  114. Lmon cVeg longitude latitude time Carbon Mass in Vegetation kg m-2 lpjg code name = cVeg
  115. Lmon gpp longitude latitude time Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmosphere Due to Gross Primary Production on Land [kgC m-2 s-1] kg m-2 s-1 lpjg code name = gpp
  116. Lmon nbp longitude latitude time Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmosphere Due to Net Biospheric Production on Land [kgC m-2 s-1] kg m-2 s-1 lpjg code name = nbp
  117. Lmon npp longitude latitude time Net Primary Production on Land as Carbon Mass Flux [kgC m-2 s-1] kg m-2 s-1 lpjg code name = npp
  118. Lmon ra longitude latitude time Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to Autotrophic (Plant) Respiration on Land [kgC m-2 s-1] kg m-2 s-1 lpjg code name = ra
  119. Lmon rh longitude latitude time Total Heterotrophic Respiration on Land as Carbon Mass Flux [kgC m-2 s-1] kg m-2 s-1 lpjg code name = rh
  120. Ofx areacello longitude latitude Grid-Cell Area for Ocean Variables m2 nemo code name = areacello
  121. Ofx basin longitude latitude Region Selection Index 1 nemo code name = basin
  122. Ofx deptho longitude latitude Sea Floor Depth Below Geoid m nemo code name = Bathymetry
  123. Ofx hfgeou longitude latitude Upward Geothermal Heat Flux at Sea Floor W m-2 nemo code name = hfgeou
  124. Ofx sftof longitude latitude Sea Area Percentage % nemo code name = sftof
  125. Heuristic volume estimate for the raw EC-Earth3 NEMO output on the ORCA1L75 grid: 4.7 GB per year
  126. Heuristic volume estimate for the raw EC-Earth3 NEMO output on the ORCA025L75 grid: 63.2 GB per year
  127. Heuristic volume estimate for the raw EC-Earth3 TM5 output on the TM5 3x2 deg grid: 0.0 GB per year
  128. Heuristic volume estimate for the raw EC-Earth3 LPJG output on the T255 grid: 0.1 GB per year