tm5-config-run.rc.tmpl 18 KB

  1. !
  2. ! RCFILE template to set up TM5-MP for an ECEARTH 3 run.
  3. !
  4. ! The following env variables should be exported by the run script :
  5. !
  6. ! ${cpl_tm_guess}, ${tm5_co2}, ${ifs_res_hor}, ${exp_name} (because used in run_dir!!)
  7. !
  8. ! WARNING: any dependency of one of these keys should also be exported by the run script.
  9. !
  10. !=====================================================================!
  11. ! Run main specifications
  12. !=====================================================================!
  13. ! [id] basename for executable & runtime rcfile
  14. my.basename : tm5v4
  15. ! timing
  16. timerange.start : 9999-99-99 99:99:99
  17. timerange.end : 9999-99-99 99:99:99
  18. jobstep.length : inf
  19. ! autorun
  20. : False
  21. ! main directories
  22. my.project.dir : [[[PLT:ACTIVE:ECEARTH_SRC_DIR]]]/tm5mp
  23. : [[[PLT:ACTIVE:RUN_DIR]]]
  24. : [[[PLT:ACTIVE:INI_DATA_DIR]]]/tm5
  25. : [[[PLT:ACTIVE:INI_DATA_DIR]]]/ifs
  26. ! dir of standard input files (read in model init)
  27. inputdir : ${}/TM5_INPUT
  28. co2only : ${tm5_co2}
  29. !=====================================================================!
  30. ! Environment (compiler, libraries, job manager, //, ...)
  31. !=====================================================================!
  32. par.mpi : T
  33. par.ntask : 1
  34. par.nx : [[[MOD:TM5:NUMPROC_X]]]
  35. par.ny : [[[MOD:TM5:NUMPROC_Y]]]
  36. !=====================================================================!
  37. ! Grids & Levels
  38. !=====================================================================!
  39. #if "${tm5_exch_nlevs}" == '91'
  40. my.levs : tropo34
  41. #elif "${tm5_exch_nlevs}" == '62'
  42. my.levs : tropo31
  43. #else
  44. my.levs : all
  45. #endif
  46. ! regions name
  47. my.region1 : glb300x200
  48. ! grid names for meteo input (allows on the flight regridding):
  49. my.region1m : glb100x100
  50. !=====================================================================!
  51. ! Model tuning
  52. !=====================================================================!
  53. ! model timestep
  54. time.ntimestep : [[[MOD:TM5:TIME_STEP_SEC]]]
  55. time.ndyn_max : 3600
  56. ! processes
  57. proces.advection.reduced : T
  58. proces.wet_removal.cp_scale : 0.5
  59. ! read diffusion coefficients (instead of calculate) (also: write if doesnot exist)
  60. diffusion.write : F
  61. diffusion.dir : ${}/output
  62. !=====================================================================!
  63. ! Restart files
  64. !=====================================================================!
  65. ! initial fields
  66. istart : 31
  67. ! Directory (case of istart=33)
  68. : ${}
  69. ! File (case of istart=4, 30, 31, 5)
  70. start.31.glb100x100 : ${}/tm5_save.hdf
  71. start.31.glb300x200 : ${}/tm5_save.hdf
  72. start.31.glb600x400 : ${}/tm5_save.hdf
  73. start.5.glb300x200 : ${}/tm5_mmix.hdf
  74. start.5.glb600x400 : ${}/tm5_mmix.hdf
  75. !
  76. restart.write : T
  77. ! extra restart files
  78. restart.write.extra : F
  79. restart.write.extra.hour : 00
  80. restart.write.extra.dhour : 24
  81. ! where to write restart files:
  82. restart.write.dir : ${}
  83. !=====================================================================!
  85. !=====================================================================!
  86. my.meteo.class : ifs${tm5_exch_nlevs}
  87. my.meteo.resol : glb100x100
  88. my.meteo.format : tm5-hdf
  89. time.fc : F
  90. time.fc.day0 :
  91. my.tmm.setup.apply : T
  92. #include ${my.project.dir}/rc/meteo-tm5-ecearth3.rc
  93. !=====================================================================!
  94. ! Coupling to ecearth
  95. !=====================================================================!
  96. ! list of variables get from ifs (comma seperated):
  97. #if "${co2only}" == '1'
  99. #else
  101. #endif
  102. ! * == 3D
  104. ! list of variables put to ifs (comma seperated):
  105. prism.put : ${tm5_to_ifs}
  106. ! number of levels for exchange with IFS:
  107. ifs.cpl.nlev : ${tm5_exch_nlevs}
  108. ! reduced number of levels for exchange with IFS,
  109. ! applied to aerosol fields
  110. ifs.cpl.nlev.cutoff : ${tm5_exch_nlevs_cutoff}
  111. ! ifs nproc:
  112. ifs.nproc : [[[MOD:IFS:NUMPROC]]]
  113. ! ifs spectral resolution:
  114. ifs.shresol : ${ifs_res_hor}
  115. ! exchange period of coupler [hrs]:
  117. ! couple TM5 to LPJ-GUESS
  118. coupled_to_lpjguess : ${cpl_tm_guess}
  119. !=====================================================================!
  120. ! Extra resources
  121. !=====================================================================!
  122. #if "${my.region1}" == "glb100x100"
  123. #include ${my.project.dir}/rc/regions-glb100x100-chem.rc
  124. #else
  125. #include ${my.project.dir}/rc/regions-${my.region1}.rc
  126. #endif
  127. #include ${my.project.dir}/rc/expert-ecearth3-run.rc
  128. !=====================================================================!
  129. ! Input for chemistry - see <sources>/tm5mp/rc/chem-input-default.rc.tmpl for details
  130. !=====================================================================!
  131. !------------------------
  132. ! Photolysis
  133. !------------------------
  134. : ${inputdir}/photolysis
  135. optics.lookuptable : ${inputdir}/photolysis/
  136. optics.refractive_indices: ${inputdir}/photolysis/
  137. !------------------------
  138. ! STRATOSPHERIC BOUNDARY : O3, O3S and CH4 are relaxed to climatology at those layers
  139. !------------------------
  140. ! ** Use CMIP6 O3..
  141. input.conc.o3.cmip6 : T
  142. ! .. specifically its pre-industrial climatology
  143. input.conc.o3.cmip6.piclim : F
  144. #if "${input.conc.o3.cmip6.piclim}" == 'T'
  145. input.conc.o3.cmip6.dir : ${}/cmip6-data/o3_pi/
  146. #else
  147. input.conc.o3.cmip6.dir : ${}/cmip6-data/o3_histo/
  148. #endif
  149. ! Alternative for O3
  150. input.climat.MSR : F
  151. input.climat.o3vmr : ${inputdir}/boundary/O3_top/MSR_O3_VMR_HDF/
  152. input.climat.use_o3du : F
  153. input.climat.o3du : ${inputdir}/boundary/O3_top/MSR_O3_VMR_HDF/
  154. ! Option to fix CMIP6 or MSR O3 mixing ratios to fixed year:
  155. ! Note that, for CMIP6, this option applied to the year 1850,
  156. ! is not the same as selecting the pre-industrial climatology
  157. ! with input.conc.o3.cmip6.piclim=T.
  158. input.o3.fixyear : F
  159. input.o3.year :
  160. ! ** CH4, use HALOE climatology...
  161. input.climat.HALOE : T
  162. input.climat.ch4vmr : ${inputdir}/boundary/CH4_top/
  163. ! ... scaled based on the CMIP6 time series of the global and annual mean
  164. ! Option to fix CMIP6 methane boundary conditions and emissions to fixed year
  165. input.ch4.fixyear : F
  166. input.ch4.year :
  167. ! ** For HNO3 and CO scaled from O3 according to ODIN:
  168. input.climat.ODIN : T
  169. input.climat.covmr : ${inputdir}/boundary/ODIN/
  170. !------------------------
  171. ! Set emissions base year (default to simulation year if commented)
  172. !------------------------
  173. #if "[[[MOD:TM5:EMISS_FIXYEAR]]]" != "0"
  174. input.emis.year : [[[MOD:TM5:EMISS_FIXYEAR]]]
  175. #endif
  176. ! ----------------------------------------
  177. ! ! Anthropogenic emis (choose ONE: CMIP6 (1850-2100) or AR5(1850-2100) or EDGAR4(1970-2005/8) )
  178. ! ----------------------------------------
  179. use_cmip6 : T
  180. input.emis.dir.CMIP6 : ${}/CMIP6
  181. use_ar5 : F
  182. input.emis.dir.AR5 : ${}/AR5
  183. ! AR5 scenario: choose b/w RCP26 (1), RCP45 (2), RCP60 (3), RCP85 (4) and 'hist' (0) for historical
  184. input.emis.AR5.RCP : [[[MOD:TM5:CMIP5_RCP]]]
  185. use_edgar4 : F
  186. input.emis.dir.ED41 : ${}/EDGAR4
  187. ! ----------------------------------------
  188. ! Biomass burning (choose one: CMIP6BMB (1850-2100), GFED3 (1997-2010), RETRO_FIRES(1960-2000) or AR5_FIRES)
  189. ! ----------------------------------------
  190. use_cmip6_fires : T
  191. use_ar5_fires : F
  192. use_retro_fires : F
  193. use_gfed3 : F
  194. input.emis.dir.gfed : ${}/GFED3
  195. input.emis.dir.retro : ${}/RETRO
  196. ! apply daily cycle to BMB in the tropics
  197. ! (based on isoprene and not applied to BC/POM)
  198. : F
  199. !--------------------------------------------------------------------
  200. ! Additional switches to fix the emissions of
  201. ! anthropogenic and biomass burning emissions to a specific year
  202. ! (as required in AerChemMIP).
  203. !
  204. ! The year of emissions can be controlled for the whole group of NTCFs,
  205. ! for the sub-groups of aerosol and ozone precursors,
  206. ! and/or for the individual species.
  207. !
  208. ! Note that settings for individual species or else the subgroup
  209. ! to which they belong are leading.
  210. ! If these are commented, input.emis.year.ntcf or
  211. ! else input.emis.year is used.
  212. ! If these are also commented,
  213. ! the actual year of simulation is used.
  214. !
  215. ! Near-Term Climate Forcers (NTCFs), excl. CH4
  216. !input.emis.year.ntcf :
  217. !
  218. ! Aerosol precursors (BC, OC, NH3, SOx)
  219. !input.emis.year.aer :
  220. !input.emis.year.bc :
  221. !input.emis.year.oc :
  222. !input.emis.year.sox :
  223. !input.emis.year.nh3 :
  224. !
  225. ! Ozone precursors (NOx, CO, NMVOCs incl. isoprene and mononterpenes)
  226. ! Note that in AerChemMIP, the year for CO should be that for NMVOCs.
  227. !input.emis.year.o3 :
  228. !input.emis.year.nox :
  229. ! :
  230. !input.emis.year.nmvoc :
  231. !------------------------------------------------------------------------
  232. ! ----------------------------------------
  233. ! Natural emissions
  234. ! ----------------------------------------
  235. use_macc : T
  236. input.emis.dir.MACC : ${}/MACC
  237. use_megan : T
  238. input.emis.dir.MEGAN : ${}/MEGAN
  239. use_lpj : T
  240. use_hymn : T
  241. input.emis.dir.natch4 : ${inputdir}/natural_emissions/reactive_gases/CH4/HYMN
  242. input.emis.dir.rn222 : ${inputdir}/natural_emissions/tracer
  243. input.emis.dir.dms : ${inputdir}/natural_emissions/reactive_gases/DMS
  244. ! Set base year for natural emissions that don't cover the full period
  245. ! 1850-2100. Use 2000 in climate integrations (CMIP6). Used for CH4
  246. ! emissions from LPJ, as well as for MACC & MEGAN.
  247. input.natemis.year : 2000
  248. ! ----------------------------------------
  249. ! Aerosols
  250. ! ----------------------------------------
  251. input.emis.dust : ONLINE
  252. input.emis.dir.dust : ${inputdir}/aerosols/Dust/${input.emis.dust}
  253. input.emis.dir.aerocom : ${inputdir}/aerosols/SOA
  254. ! ** particle formation scheme
  255. ! 1 Vehkamaki et al. 2002 (so4)
  256. ! 2 Kulmala et al. 1996 (so4)
  257. ! 3 Paasonen et al. 2010 (organic+so4) + Vehkamaki et al.
  258. ! 4 Riccobono et al. 2014 + Vehkamaki et al.
  259. input.nucleation.scheme : 4
  260. ! ** SOA scheme
  261. !0 POM AeroCom (aitkenmodes)
  262. !1 POM distribution according to volatility (5 modes) (not implemented)
  263. !2 monoterpene+isoprene oxidation + condensation
  264. input.soa.scheme : 2
  265. !Use also isoprene yields for ELVOC and SVOC production
  266. !Default value True
  267. input.soa.isoprene_on : T
  268. !Size of formed particles in KK parameterisation in nm (default: 5.0)
  269. input.KK.d_form : 5.0
  270. ! ----------------------------------------
  271. ! NOx extra sources
  272. ! ----------------------------------------
  273. input.onlinenox.dir : ${inputdir}/input/glb1x1
  274. ! ----------------------------------------
  275. ! Nudging CH4 [see emission_CH4.F90]
  276. ! ----------------------------------------
  277. ! If input.conc.ch4.cmip6 is set to T:
  278. ! - CMIP6 zonal mean surface mixing ratios used in the lower troposphere
  279. ! - HALOE climatology of stratospheric CH4 mixing ratios scaled
  280. ! based on CMIP6 time series of global annual mean mixing ratio at surface
  281. ! (input.climat.HALOE forced to T --see above--)
  282. input.conc.ch4.cmip6 : T
  283. input.conc.ch4.cmip6.dir.year : ${}/cmip6-data/
  284. input.conc.ch4.cmip6.dir.month : ${inputdir}/boundary/CMIP6/CH4/
  285. ! alternative
  286. : ${inputdir}/boundary/CH4_surf/
  287. input.emis.ch4.single : F
  288. input.emis.ch4.fixed_ppb : 1760.0
  289. input.emis.ch4.fix3d : T
  290. ! ----------------------------------------
  291. ! CO2 mixing ratio used in pH calculation for aqueous chemistry
  292. ! ----------------------------------------
  293. ! If input.conc.co2.cmip6 is set to T (RECOMMENDED),
  294. ! global annual mean mixing ratios from CMIP6 are used;
  295. ! otherwise, it is fixed to a value for the year 2000.
  296. input.conc.co2.cmip6 : T
  297. input.conc.co2.cmip6.dir : ${}/cmip6-data/
  298. ! Option to fix CMIP6 CO2 mixing ratio to fixed year:
  299. input.co2.fixyear : F
  300. input.co2.year :
  301. !=====================================================================!
  302. ! Log & output dir
  303. !=====================================================================!
  304. okdebug : F
  305. go.print.all : F
  306. : F
  307. go.print.trace : F
  308. go.print.file : T
  309. go.print.file.base : ctm.tm5.log
  310. output.dir : ${}
  311. output.overwrite : T
  312. ! alternative output dir
  313. output.dir.base :
  314. output.dir.extensions :
  315. !=====================================================================!
  316. ! Optional output from 'BASE' code
  317. !=====================================================================!
  318. ! mean mixing ratio
  319. output.mmix : T
  320. ! budget fluxes through boundaries
  321. : F
  322. : -12
  323. : 36
  324. : 34
  325. : 62
  326. ! Non-Horizontally-Aggregated-Budgets
  327. write.column.budgets : T
  328. ! profiling (subdir of output.dir)
  329. timing.output : F
  330. timing.output.subdir : tm5_profile
  331. !output.after.step :
  332. !=====================================================================!
  333. ! Optional output from 'PROJ/USER_OUTPUT' code
  334. !=====================================================================!
  335. ! Grids setting (subdir of output.dir)
  336. settings.output : F
  337. settings.output.subdir :
  338. ! Station output
  339. output.station : F
  340. inputdir.station :
  341. input.station.filename : station.emep.list
  342. input.station.filename2 :
  343. input.station.fileformat : 1
  344. station.speclist : SO2 NOy CH4 OH
  345. output.station.filename : tm5_emep.hdf
  346. ! Flight tracks
  347. output.flight : F
  348. ! All fields on root processor
  349. output.mix : F
  350. output.mix.dhour : 3
  351. ! Aerocom output (cannot do -fpe0 with Aerocom output)
  352. output.aerocom : T
  353. ! Set output frequency to "hourly", "daily" or "monthly"
  354. output.aerocom.freq : monthly
  355. output.aerocom.exper : [[[MOD:GENERAL:EXP_NAME]]]
  356. output.aerocom.dhour : 1
  357. output.aerocom.stations : F
  358. pm.sizelimits : 2 5 10
  359. ! General output
  360. output.general : T
  361. output.general.freq : monthly
  362. output.general.exper : [[[MOD:GENERAL:EXP_NAME]]]
  363. output.general.dhour : 1
  364. ! all_chemistry: all or subset of gasphase compounds
  365. output.general.all_chemistry : F
  366. output.general.2d : T
  367. output.general.3d : T
  368. ! AerChemMIP and CRESCENDO output
  369. output.aerchemmip: T
  370. output.aerchemmip.1h: T
  371. ! ** NOT IMPLEMENTED YET **
  372. ! output.aerchemmip.dhour: 1
  373. output.aerchemmip.experiment: SOMETHING
  374. output.aerchemmip.realm: atmosChem
  375. output.aerchemmip.sourcetype: AP3
  376. output.aerchemmip.experimentid: id00
  377. output.crescendo: T
  378. ! diagnostic CCN
  379. input.diagnostic.CCN : T
  380. input.supersat : 8
  381. ! supersaturation [%RH]
  382. supersat.values : 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 1.4
  383. ! NOAA output
  384. output.noaa : F
  385. ! Time Series
  386. output.pdump : F
  387. : John Doe
  388. output.pdump.dataset.institution : My Company, Somewhere
  389. output.pdump.dataset.version : ece3
  390. output.pdump.fname.model : TM5MP
  391. output.pdump.fname.expid : r240
  392. output.pdump.fname.grid.glb300x200 : glb3x2
  393. output.pdump.fname.grid.eur100x100 : eur1x1
  394. output.pdump.griddef.apply : T
  395. : F
  396. : 3
  397. output.pdump.vmr.n : 3
  398. output.pdump.vmr.001.apply : T
  399. output.pdump.vmr.001.fname : vmr3
  400. output.pdump.vmr.001.dhour : 3
  401. output.pdump.vmr.001.tracers : O3 CO NO
  402. output.pdump.vmr.002.apply : F
  403. output.pdump.vmr.002.fname : vmr1
  404. output.pdump.vmr.002.dhour : 1
  405. output.pdump.vmr.002.tracers : O3 O3s CO CH2O
  406. output.pdump.vmr.002.subreg : F
  407. output.pdump.vmr.002.minlon : -10.
  408. output.pdump.vmr.002.maxlon : 10.
  409. output.pdump.vmr.002.minlat : 23.
  410. output.pdump.vmr.002.maxlat : 57.
  411. output.pdump.vmr.003.apply : F
  412. output.pdump.vmr.003.fname : vmra
  413. output.pdump.vmr.003.dhour : 3
  414. output.pdump.vmr.003.tracers : SO4 NO3_A BC BCS POM SS1_N SS1_M SS2_N SS2_M SS3_N SS3_M DUST2_N
  415. : F
  416. : O3
  417. : 2
  418. output.pdump.lt2.apply : F
  419. output.pdump.lt2.tracers :
  420. output.pdump.lt2.localtime :
  421. output.pdump.depositions.apply : F
  422. output.pdump.depositions.dhour : 3
  423. output.pdump.depositions.tracers : O3 HNO3 NO NO2 H2O2 CH2O PAN CO NH3 NH4 SO2 NOy
  424. output.pdump.depvels.apply : F
  425. output.pdump.depvels.dhour : 3
  426. output.pdump.depvels.tracers : O3 HNO3 NO NO2 H2O2 CH2O PAN CO NH3 NH4 SO2