main-tm5-produce-glb100x100__ea.rc 8.9 KB

  1. !
  3. ! TM5 GLOBAL 1X1 GRID.
  4. !
  5. !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. ! Only the following keys need to be regularly modified. They are here
  7. ! at the top of the file for quick access.
  8. ! Operational Data (od) or ERA Interim (ei) ?
  9. !my.meteo.class : ei
  10. !~ new ERA5:
  11. my.meteo.class : ea
  12. !! TEST: CAMS-CH4 demo month 2017-07
  13. !timerange.start : 2015-06-30 00:00:00
  14. !timerange.end : 2015-08-01 00:00:00
  15. !! TEST: single day:
  16. !timerange.start : 2015-07-01 00:00:00
  17. !timerange.end : 2015-07-02 00:00:00
  18. ! TEST: rest of month:
  19. timerange.start : 2015-07-01 00:00:00
  20. timerange.end : 2016-01-01 00:00:00
  21. ! extra run to producec "sub" files?
  22. my.convec.ext :
  23. !my.convec.ext : __sub
  24. !=====================================================================!
  25. ! Run main specifications
  26. !=====================================================================!
  27. ! [id] basename for executable, runtime rcfile, job script (hence logfiles too), ${my.basename}__sources.tar
  28. my.basename : meteo_${my.meteo.class}
  29. jobstep.length : 1
  30. ! autorun
  31. : True
  32. ! main directories
  33. my.project.dir : ${my.scratch}/TM5-RUNS/${my.meteo.class}-tm5-nc-1x1-prod-others${my.convec.ext}
  34. : ${my.project.dir}/rundir
  35. ! dir of standard input files (read in model init)
  36. inputdir : ${}
  37. ! run time meteo dir (not use for meteo pre-processing)
  38. !my.meteo.dir :
  39. !=====================================================================!
  40. ! Environment (compiler, libraries, job manager, //, ...)
  41. !=====================================================================!
  42. #if "${PE_ENV}" == "CRAY"
  43. #include rc/machine-ecmwf-cca-cray.rc
  44. #elif "${PE_ENV}" == "INTEL"
  45. #include rc/machine-ecmwf-cca-ifort.rc
  46. #else
  47. #error could not load machine settings for PE_ENV "${PE_ENV}"
  48. #endif
  49. !my.queue.account : nlchekli
  50. !my.queue.account : ${ECACCOUNT}
  51. my.queue.account : nlcko
  52. my.queue.make : F
  53. ! : optim-none check-all
  54. : optim-strict
  55. par.mpi : T
  56. par.nx : 1
  57. par.ny : 2
  58. !par.mpi : T
  59. !par.nx : 1
  60. !par.ny : 1
  61. !=====================================================================!
  62. ! Grids & Levels
  63. !=====================================================================!
  64. my.levs : all
  65. ! regions name
  66. my.region1 : glb100x100
  67. ! grid names for meteo input (allows on the flight regridding):
  68. my.region1m : ${my.region1}
  69. #include rc/regions-${my.region1}.rc
  70. !=====================================================================!
  71. ! Source code
  72. !=====================================================================!
  73. my.source.proj : proj/inert1
  74. !=====================================================================!
  75. ! C-preprocessors
  76. !=====================================================================!
  77. !my.df.define : with_hdf4 with_hdf5_par with_netcdf4_par
  78. my.df.define : with_hdf5_par with_netcdf4_par
  79. ! macro to output pre-processed meteo
  80. my.tmm.write : with_tmm_tm5 with_udunits2
  81. ! macro for input meteo from MARS @ ECMWF
  82. : with_tmm_ecmwf with_grib_api
  83. my.without : without_advection without_convection without_diffusion without_dry_deposition without_wet_deposition without_chemistry without_emission without_photolysis
  84. ! meteo production requires
  85. my.def_advec : slopes
  86. #if "sub" in "${my.convec.ext}"
  87. my.tmm.define : ${} ${my.tmm.write}
  88. my.def_misc : with_tmm_convec_raw without_lmax_conv
  89. tiedtke : T
  90. #else
  91. !my.tmm.define : ${} ${my.tmm.write} with_tmm_convec_ec
  92. ! era5 features enabled by "with_ec_aver"
  93. ! - avaraged fields (instead of accumulated); see "tmm.F90"
  94. ! - forecast albedo and surface roughness (instead of constant?); see "grib_table.F90"
  95. my.tmm.define : ${} ${my.tmm.write} with_tmm_convec_ec with_ec_aver
  96. my.def_misc : without_lmax_conv
  97. tiedtke : F
  98. #endif
  99. my.tm5.define : ${my.without} ${my.def_advec} ${my.def_misc}
  100. !=====================================================================!
  101. ! Model tuning
  102. !=====================================================================!
  103. ! model timestep
  104. time.ntimestep : 3600
  105. time.ndyn_max : 3600
  106. ! processes
  107. proces.advection.reduced : F
  108. proces.wet_removal.cp_scale : 0.5
  109. ! read diffusion coefficients (instead of calculate) (also: write if does not exist)
  110. diffusion.write : F
  111. diffusion.dir : ${}/output
  112. !(diffusion dir is parent dir of diffusion files)
  113. !=====================================================================!
  114. ! Restart files
  115. !=====================================================================!
  116. ! initial fields
  117. istart : 2
  118. ! Directory (case of istart=33)
  119. : ${my.scratch}/TM-restart
  120. ! File (case of istart=4, 30, 31, 5)
  121. start.31.glb100x100 : ${my.scratch}/TM-restart/save_2005010100_glb300x200.hdf
  122. start.31.glb600x400 : ${my.scratch}/TM-restart/save_2005010100_glb300x200.hdf
  123. ! write restart file at end of run (T|F) ?
  124. restart.write : F
  125. ! extra restart files (T|F) ?
  126. restart.write.extra : F
  127. restart.write.extra.hour : 00
  128. restart.write.extra.dhour : 24
  129. ! where to write restart files:
  130. restart.write.dir : ${}/restart
  131. ! ensure creation of directory;
  132. restart.install.dir : ${restart.write.dir}
  133. ! adhoc: for meteo production, ignore restarts, do not start from hdf save files, ...
  134. ! used in "bin/"
  135. restart.ignore : T
  136. !=====================================================================!
  138. !=====================================================================!
  139. ! - see top of the file - my.meteo.class : ei
  140. my.meteo.resol : glb100x100
  141. ! - see top of the file - my.meteo.format : tm5-nc
  142. time.fc : F
  143. time.fc.day0 :
  144. my.tmm.setup.apply : T
  145. !#include rc/meteo-tm5-produce-glb100x100.rc
  146. !#include proj/cams73/rc/meteo-tm5-produce-glb100x100__${my.meteo.class}${my.convec.ext}.rc
  147. #include meteo-tm5-produce-glb100x100__${my.meteo.class}${my.convec.ext}.rc
  148. !=====================================================================!
  149. ! Extra ressources
  150. !=====================================================================!
  151. #include rc/expert-default.rc
  152. !=====================================================================!
  153. ! Log & output dir
  154. !=====================================================================!
  155. ! Log
  156. okdebug : F
  157. go.print.all : F
  158. : F
  159. go.print.trace : F
  160. go.print.file : F
  161. go.print.file.base : log.tm6
  162. output.dir : ${my.project.dir}/output
  163. output.overwrite : T
  164. ! alternative output dir
  165. output.dir.base :
  166. output.dir.extensions :
  167. output.types : timing
  168. !=====================================================================!
  169. ! Optional output from 'base' code
  170. !=====================================================================!
  171. ! mean mixing ratio
  172. output.mmix : F
  173. ! budget fluxes through boundaries
  174. : F
  175. : -12
  176. : 36
  177. : 34
  178. : 62
  179. ! profiling
  180. timing.output : F
  181. timing.output.subdir : profile
  182. !=====================================================================!
  183. ! Optional output from 'proj/user_output' code
  184. !=====================================================================!
  185. ! none
  186. !=====================================================================!
  187. ! PRE-Processing
  188. !=====================================================================!
  189. ! I - Installation of input files ("install" keys)
  190. install.tasks : ${my.install.tasks} tmm.output
  191. ! II - User scripts to setup run
  192. input.user.scripts : <bindir>/tm5-tmm-setup <rcfile>
  193. !=====================================================================!
  194. ! POST-Processing
  195. !=====================================================================!
  196. ! I - Archive output ("store" keys)
  197. :
  198. : ${my.project.dir}/ARCHIVE
  199. : True
  200. !----------------------------------------------------------
  201. store.condition : False
  202. store.tasks :
  203. :
  204. ! II - Touch files
  205. output.touch : False
  206. ! III - Run user scripts
  207. !output.user.scripts.condition : "%{jobstep.timerange.end}" == "%{timerange.end}"
  208. output.user.scripts.condition : True
  209. output.user.scripts : <bindir>/tm5-tmm-store <rcfile>
  210. ! IV - DIADEM
  211. !#include tools/diadem/rc/diadem.rc
  212. !=====================================================================!
  213. ! Miscelleaneous (do not modify!) !
  214. !=====================================================================!
  215. par.ntask : 2