123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275 |
- import os
- from netCDF4 import Dataset
- from argparse import ArgumentParser
- import numpy as np
- import sys
- #
- # Basic iceberg trajectory restart post-processing python script.
- # This script collects iceberg information from the distributed restarts written
- # out by each processing region and writes the information into a global restart file.
- # The global restart file must already exist and contain the collated 2D spatial fields
- # as prepared by utilities such as rebuild_nemo. This python script simply adds the
- # iceberg position and state data that is held using the unlimited dimension 'n' which
- # has been ignored by rebuild_nemo. Each processing region that contains icebergs will
- # (probably) have a different number of icebergs (indicated by differing values for the
- # current size of the unlimited dimension). This script collects all icebergs into a
- # single unordered list.
- #
- parser = ArgumentParser(description='produce a global trajectory restart file from distributed output\
- files, e.g. \n python ./icb_pp.py \
- -f icebergs_00692992_restart_ -n 480 -o icebergs_restart.nc [-O]')
- parser.add_argument('-f',dest='froot',help='fileroot_of_distrbuted_data; root name of \
- distributed trajectory restart file (usually completed with XXXX.nc, where \
- XXXX is the 4 digit processor number)',
- default='icebergs_00692992_restart_')
- parser.add_argument('-n',dest='fnum',help='number of distributed files to process',
- type=int, default=None)
- parser.add_argument('-o',dest='fout',help='global_iceberg_restart; file name to append the \
- global iceberg restart data to.', default='icebergs_restart.nc')
- parser.add_argument('-O',dest='fcre',help='Create the output file from scratch rather than \
- append to an existing file.', \
- action='store_true', default=False)
- args = parser.parse_args()
- default_used = 0
- if args.froot is None:
- pathstart = 'icebergs_00692992_restart_'
- default_used = 1
- else:
- pathstart = args.froot
- if args.fnum is None:
- procnum = 0
- default_used = 1
- else:
- procnum = args.fnum
- if args.fout is None:
- pathout = 'icebergs_restart.nc'
- default_used = 1
- else:
- pathout = args.fout
- if default_used == 1:
- print('At least one default value will be used; command executing is:')
- print('icb_combrest.py -f ',pathstart,' -n ',procnum,' -o ',pathout)
- if procnum < 1:
- print('Need some files to collate! procnum = ',procnum)
- sys.exit(11)
- icu = []
- times = []
- ntraj = 0
- nk = 0
- #
- # Loop through all distributed datasets to obtain the total number
- # of icebergs to transfer
- #
- for n in range(procnum):
- nn = '%4.4d' % n
- try:
- fw = Dataset(pathstart+nn+'.nc')
- except:
- print 'Error: unable to open input file: ' + pathstart+nn+'.nc'
- sys.exit(12)
- for d in fw.dimensions :
- if d == 'n' :
- if len(fw.dimensions['n']) > 0:
- # print 'icebergs found in: ' + pathstart+nn+'.nc'
- if len(fw.dimensions['k']) > nk :
- nk = len(fw.dimensions['k'])
- ntraj = ntraj + len(fw.dimensions['n'])
- fw.close()
- #
- print(ntraj, ' icebergs found across all datasets')
- #
- # Declare 2-D arrays to receive the data from all files
- #
- lons = np.zeros(ntraj)
- lats = np.zeros(ntraj)
- xis = np.zeros(ntraj)
- yjs = np.zeros(ntraj)
- uvs = np.zeros(ntraj)
- vvs = np.zeros(ntraj)
- mas = np.zeros(ntraj)
- ths = np.zeros(ntraj)
- wis = np.zeros(ntraj)
- les = np.zeros(ntraj)
- dys = np.zeros(ntraj)
- mss = np.zeros(ntraj)
- msb = np.zeros(ntraj)
- hds = np.zeros(ntraj)
- yrs = np.zeros(ntraj , dtype=int)
- num = np.zeros((ntraj, nk), dtype=int)
- #
- # loop through distributed datasets again, this time
- # collecting all trajectory data
- #
- nt = 0
- for n in range(procnum):
- nn = '%4.4d' % n
- fw = Dataset(pathstart+nn+'.nc')
- for d in fw.dimensions :
- if d == 'n' :
- # Note many distributed datafiles will contain no iceberg data
- # so skip quickly over these
- m = len(fw.dimensions['n'])
- if m > 0:
- # print pathstart+nn+'.nc'
- lons[nt:nt+m] = fw.variables['lon'][:]
- lats[nt:nt+m] = fw.variables['lat'][:]
- xis[nt:nt+m] = fw.variables['xi'][:]
- yjs[nt:nt+m] = fw.variables['yj'][:]
- uvs[nt:nt+m] = fw.variables['uvel'][:]
- vvs[nt:nt+m] = fw.variables['vvel'][:]
- mas[nt:nt+m] = fw.variables['mass'][:]
- ths[nt:nt+m] = fw.variables['thickness'][:]
- wis[nt:nt+m] = fw.variables['width'][:]
- les[nt:nt+m] = fw.variables['length'][:]
- dys[nt:nt+m] = fw.variables['day'][:]
- mss[nt:nt+m] = fw.variables['mass_scaling'][:]
- msb[nt:nt+m] = fw.variables['mass_of_bits'][:]
- hds[nt:nt+m] = fw.variables['heat_density'][:]
- yrs[nt:nt+m] = fw.variables['year'][:]
- num[nt:nt+m,:] = fw.variables['number'][:,:]
- nt = nt + m
- fw.close()
- # Finally create the output file and write out the collated sets
- #
- if args.fcre :
- try:
- fo = Dataset(pathout, 'w', format='NETCDF4')
- except:
- print 'Error accessing output file: ' + pathout
- print 'Check it is a writable location.'
- sys.exit(13)
- else :
- # Copy 2D variables across to output file from input file. This step avoids problems if rebuild_nemo
- # has created an "n" dimension in the prototype rebuilt file (ie. if there are icebergs on the zeroth
- # processor).
- try:
- os.rename(pathout,pathout.replace('.nc','_WORK.nc'))
- except OSError:
- print 'Error: unable to move icebergs restart file: '+pathout
- sys.exit(14)
- #
- try:
- fi = Dataset(pathout.replace('.nc','_WORK.nc'), 'r')
- except:
- print 'Error: unable to open icebergs restart file: '+pathout.replace('.nc','_WORK.nc')
- sys.exit(15)
- fo = Dataset(pathout, 'w')
- for dim in ['x','y','c','k']:
- indim = fi.dimensions[dim]
- fo.createDimension(dim, len(indim))
- for var in ['kount','calving','calving_hflx','stored_ice','stored_heat']:
- invar = fi.variables[var]
- fo.createVariable(var, invar.datatype, invar.dimensions)
- fo.variables[var][:] = invar[:]
- if "long_name" in invar.ncattrs():
- fo.variables[var].long_name = invar.long_name
- if "units" in invar.ncattrs():
- fo.variables[var].units = invar.units
- os.remove(pathout.replace('.nc','_WORK.nc'))
- #
- add_k = 1
- for d in fo.dimensions :
- if d == 'n' :
- print 'Error: dimension n already exists in output file'
- sys.exit(16)
- if d == 'k' :
- add_k = 0
- onn = fo.createDimension('n', None)
- if add_k > 0 :
- onk = fo.createDimension('k', nk)
- olon = fo.createVariable('lon', 'f8',('n'))
- olat = fo.createVariable('lat', 'f8',('n'))
- oxis = fo.createVariable('xi', 'f8',('n'))
- oyjs = fo.createVariable('yj', 'f8',('n'))
- ouvs = fo.createVariable('uvel', 'f8',('n'))
- ovvs = fo.createVariable('vvel', 'f8',('n'))
- omas = fo.createVariable('mass', 'f8',('n'))
- oths = fo.createVariable('thickness', 'f8',('n'))
- owis = fo.createVariable('width', 'f8',('n'))
- oles = fo.createVariable('length', 'f8',('n'))
- odys = fo.createVariable('day', 'f8',('n'))
- omss = fo.createVariable('mass_scaling', 'f8',('n'))
- omsb = fo.createVariable('mass_of_bits', 'f8',('n'))
- ohds = fo.createVariable('heat_density', 'f8',('n'))
- oyrs = fo.createVariable('year', 'i4',('n'))
- onum = fo.createVariable('number', 'i4',('n','k'))
- #
- olon[:] = lons
- olon.long_name = "longitude"
- olon.units = "degrees_E"
- #
- olat[:] = lats
- olat.long_name = "latitude"
- olat.units = "degrees_N"
- #
- oxis[:] = xis
- oxis.long_name = "x grid box position"
- oxis.units = "fractional"
- #
- oyjs[:] = yjs
- oyjs.long_name = "y grid box position"
- oyjs.units = "fractional"
- #
- ouvs[:] = uvs
- ouvs.long_name = "zonal velocity"
- ouvs.units = "m/s"
- #
- ovvs[:] = vvs
- ovvs.long_name = "meridional velocity"
- ovvs.units = "m/s"
- #
- omas[:] = mas
- omas.long_name = "mass"
- omas.units = "kg"
- #
- oths[:] = ths
- oths.long_name = "thickness"
- oths.units = "m"
- #
- owis[:] = wis
- owis.long_name = "width"
- owis.units = "m"
- #
- oles[:] = les
- oles.long_name = "length"
- oles.units = "m"
- #
- odys[:] = dys
- odys.long_name = "year day of calving event"
- odys.units = "days"
- #
- omss[:] = mss
- omss.long_name = "scaling factor for mass of calving berg"
- omss.units = "none"
- #
- omsb[:] = msb
- omsb.long_name = "mass of bergy bits"
- omsb.units = "kg"
- #
- ohds[:] = hds
- ohds.long_name = "heat density"
- ohds.units = "J/kg"
- #
- oyrs[:] = yrs
- oyrs.long_name = "calendar year of calving event"
- oyrs.units = "years"
- #
- onum[:,:] = num
- onum.long_name = "iceberg number on this processor"
- onum.units = "count"
- #
- fo.close()