123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310 |
- MODULE prtctl_trc
- !!======================================================================
- !! *** MODULE prtctl_trc ***
- !! TOP : print all SUM trends for each processor domain
- !!======================================================================
- !! History : - ! 2005-07 (C. Talandier) original code for OPA
- !! 1.0 ! 2005-10 (C. Ethe ) adapted to passive tracer
- !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
- #if defined key_top
- !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
- !! 'key_top' TOP models
- !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
- !! prt_ctl_trc : control print in mpp for passive tracers
- !! prt_ctl_trc_info : ???
- !! prt_ctl_trc_init : ???
- !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
- USE par_trc ! TOP parameters
- USE oce_trc ! ocean space and time domain variables
- USE prtctl ! print control for OPA
- INTEGER , DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: numid_trc !: logical unit
- INTEGER , DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: nlditl , nldjtl !: first, last indoor index for each i-domain
- INTEGER , DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: nleitl , nlejtl !: first, last indoor index for each j-domain
- INTEGER , DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: nimpptl, njmpptl !: i-, j-indexes for each processor
- INTEGER , DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: nlcitl , nlcjtl !: dimensions of every subdomain
- INTEGER , DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: ibonitl, ibonjtl
- REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: tra_ctl !: previous trend values
- PUBLIC prt_ctl_trc ! called by all subroutines
- PUBLIC prt_ctl_trc_info !
- PUBLIC prt_ctl_trc_init ! called by opa.F90
- SUBROUTINE prt_ctl_trc( tab4d, mask, clinfo, ovlap, kdim, clinfo2 )
- !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
- !! *** ROUTINE prt_ctl ***
- !!
- !! ** Purpose : - print sum control 3D arrays over the same area
- !! in mono and mpp case. This way can be usefull when
- !! debugging a new parametrization in mono or mpp.
- !!
- !! ** Method : 2 possibilities exist when setting the ln_ctl parameter to
- !! .true. in the ocean namelist:
- !! - to debug a MPI run .vs. a mono-processor one;
- !! the control print will be done over each sub-domain.
- !! The nictl[se] and njctl[se] parameters in the namelist must
- !! be set to zero and [ij]splt to the corresponding splitted
- !! domain in MPI along respectively i-, j- directions.
- !! - to debug a mono-processor run over the whole domain/a specific area;
- !! in the first case the nictl[se] and njctl[se] parameters must be set
- !! to zero else to the indices of the area to be controled. In both cases
- !! isplt and jsplt must be set to 1.
- !! - All arguments of the above calling sequence are optional so their
- !! name must be explicitly typed if used. For instance if the mask
- !! array tmask(:,:,:) must be passed through the prt_ctl subroutine,
- !! it must looks like: CALL prt_ctl( mask=tmask ).
- !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
- REAL(wp) , DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: tab4d ! 4D array
- REAL(wp) , DIMENSION(:,:,:) , INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: mask ! 3D mask to apply to the tab4d array
- CHARACTER (len=*), DIMENSION(:) , INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: clinfo ! information about the tab3d array
- CHARACTER (len=*) , INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: clinfo2 ! ???
- INTEGER , INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: ovlap ! overlap value
- INTEGER , INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: kdim ! k- direction for 4D arrays
- !!
- INTEGER :: overlap, jn, js, sind, eind, kdir, j_id
- REAL(wp) :: zsum, zvctl
- CHARACTER (len=20), DIMENSION(jptra) :: cl
- CHARACTER (len=10) :: cl2
- REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: zmask, ztab3d
- !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CALL wrk_alloc( jpi, jpj, jpk, zmask, ztab3d )
- ! ! Arrays, scalars initialization
- overlap = 0
- kdir = jpkm1
- zsum = 0.e0
- zvctl = 0.e0
- cl(:) = ''
- cl2 = ''
- ztab3d(:,:,:) = 0.e0
- zmask (:,:,:) = 1.e0
- ! ! Control of optional arguments
- IF( PRESENT(ovlap) ) overlap = ovlap
- IF( PRESENT(kdim) ) kdir = kdim
- IF( PRESENT(clinfo ) ) cl(:) = clinfo(:)
- IF( PRESENT(clinfo2) ) cl2 = clinfo2
- IF( PRESENT(mask) ) zmask (:,:,:) = mask(:,:,:)
- IF( lk_mpp ) THEN ! processor number
- sind = narea
- eind = narea
- ELSE ! processors total number
- sind = 1
- eind = ijsplt
- ! Loop over each sub-domain, i.e. the total number of processors ijsplt
- DO js = sind, eind
- !
- ! Set logical unit
- j_id = numid_trc( js - narea + 1 )
- ! Set indices for the SUM control
- IF( .NOT. lsp_area ) THEN
- IF (lk_mpp ) THEN
- nictls = MAX( 1, nlditl(js) - overlap )
- nictle = nleitl(js) + overlap * MIN( 1, nlcitl(js) - nleitl(js))
- njctls = MAX( 1, nldjtl(js) - overlap )
- njctle = nlejtl(js) + overlap * MIN( 1, nlcjtl(js) - nlejtl(js))
- ! Do not take into account the bound of the domain
- IF( ibonitl(js) == -1 .OR. ibonitl(js) == 2 ) nictls = MAX( 2, nictls )
- IF( ibonitl(js) == 1 .OR. ibonitl(js) == 2 ) nictle = MIN( nictle, nleitl(js) - 1 )
- IF( ibonjtl(js) == -1 .OR. ibonjtl(js) == 2 ) njctls = MAX( 2, njctls )
- IF( ibonjtl(js) == 1 .OR. ibonjtl(js) == 2 ) njctle = MIN( njctle, nlejtl(js) - 1 )
- nictls = MAX( 1, nimpptl(js) + nlditl(js) - 1 - overlap )
- nictle = nimpptl(js) + nleitl(js) - 1 + overlap * MIN( 1, nlcitl(js) - nleitl(js) )
- njctls = MAX( 1, njmpptl(js) + nldjtl(js) - 1 - overlap )
- njctle = njmpptl(js) + nlejtl(js) - 1 + overlap * MIN( 1, nlcjtl(js) - nlejtl(js) )
- ! Do not take into account the bound of the domain
- IF( ibonitl(js) == -1 .OR. ibonitl(js) == 2 ) nictls = MAX( 2, nictls )
- IF( ibonjtl(js) == -1 .OR. ibonjtl(js) == 2 ) njctls = MAX( 2, njctls )
- IF( ibonitl(js) == 1 .OR. ibonitl(js) == 2 ) nictle = MIN( nictle, nimpptl(js) + nleitl(js) - 2 )
- IF( ibonjtl(js) == 1 .OR. ibonjtl(js) == 2 ) njctle = MIN( njctle, njmpptl(js) + nlejtl(js) - 2 )
- !
- IF( PRESENT(clinfo2) ) THEN
- DO jn = 1, jptra
- zvctl = tra_ctl(jn,js)
- ztab3d(:,:,:) = tab4d(:,:,:,jn)
- zsum = SUM( ztab3d(nictls:nictle,njctls:njctle,1:kdir) &
- & * zmask(nictls:nictle,njctls:njctle,1:kdir) )
- WRITE(j_id,FMT="(3x,a,' : ',D23.16)") cl(jn), zsum-zvctl
- tra_ctl(jn,js) = zsum
- DO jn = 1, jptra
- ztab3d(:,:,:) = tab4d(:,:,:,jn)
- zsum = SUM( ztab3d(nictls:nictle,njctls:njctle,1:kdir) &
- & * zmask(nictls:nictle,njctls:njctle,1:kdir) )
- WRITE(j_id,FMT="(3x,a,' : ',D23.16)") cl(jn), zsum
- !
- !
- CALL wrk_dealloc( jpi, jpj, jpk, zmask, ztab3d )
- !
- END SUBROUTINE prt_ctl_trc
- SUBROUTINE prt_ctl_trc_info( clinfo )
- !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
- !! *** ROUTINE prt_ctl_trc_info ***
- !!
- !! ** Purpose : - print information without any computation
- !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CHARACTER (len=*), INTENT(in) :: clinfo ! information to print
- !!
- INTEGER :: js, sind, eind, j_id
- !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
- IF( lk_mpp ) THEN ! processor number
- sind = narea
- eind = narea
- ELSE ! total number of processors
- sind = 1
- eind = ijsplt
- ! Loop over each sub-domain, i.e. number of processors ijsplt
- DO js = sind, eind
- j_id = numid_trc(js - narea + 1)
- WRITE(j_id,*) clinfo
- !
- END SUBROUTINE prt_ctl_trc_info
- SUBROUTINE prt_ctl_trc_init
- !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
- !! *** ROUTINE prt_ctl_trc_init ***
- !!
- !! ** Purpose : open ASCII files & compute indices
- !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
- INTEGER :: js, sind, eind, j_id
- CHARACTER (len=31) :: clfile_out
- CHARACTER (len=27) :: clb_name
- CHARACTER (len=19) :: cl_run
- !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! ! Allocate arrays
- ALLOCATE( nlditl (ijsplt) )
- ALLOCATE( nldjtl (ijsplt) )
- ALLOCATE( nleitl (ijsplt) )
- ALLOCATE( nlejtl (ijsplt) )
- ALLOCATE( nimpptl(ijsplt) )
- ALLOCATE( njmpptl(ijsplt) )
- ALLOCATE( nlcitl (ijsplt) )
- ALLOCATE( nlcjtl (ijsplt) )
- ALLOCATE( tra_ctl(jptra,ijsplt) )
- ALLOCATE( ibonitl(ijsplt) )
- ALLOCATE( ibonjtl(ijsplt) )
- tra_ctl(:,:) = 0.e0 ! Initialization to zero
- IF( lk_mpp ) THEN
- sind = narea
- eind = narea
- clb_name = "('mpp.top.output_',I3.3)"
- cl_run = 'MULTI processor run'
- ! use indices for each area computed by mpp_init subroutine
- nlditl(1:jpnij) = nldit(:)
- nleitl(1:jpnij) = nleit(:)
- nldjtl(1:jpnij) = nldjt(:)
- nlejtl(1:jpnij) = nlejt(:)
- !
- nimpptl(1:jpnij) = nimppt(:)
- njmpptl(1:jpnij) = njmppt(:)
- !
- nlcitl(1:jpnij) = nlcit(:)
- nlcjtl(1:jpnij) = nlcjt(:)
- !
- ibonitl(1:jpnij) = ibonit(:)
- ibonjtl(1:jpnij) = ibonjt(:)
- sind = 1
- eind = ijsplt
- clb_name = "('mono.top.output_',I3.3)"
- cl_run = 'MONO processor run '
- ! compute indices for each area as done in mpp_init subroutine
- CALL sub_dom
- ALLOCATE( numid_trc(eind-sind+1) )
- DO js = sind, eind
- WRITE(clfile_out,FMT=clb_name) js-1
- CALL ctl_opn( numid_trc(js -narea + 1), clfile_out, 'REPLACE', 'FORMATTED', 'SEQUENTIAL', -1, numout, .FALSE. )
- j_id = numid_trc(js -narea + 1)
- WRITE(j_id,*)
- WRITE(j_id,*) ' L O D Y C - I P S L'
- WRITE(j_id,*) ' N E M 0 '
- WRITE(j_id,*) ' Ocean General Circulation Model'
- WRITE(j_id,*) ' version TOP 1.0 (2005) '
- WRITE(j_id,*)
- WRITE(j_id,*) ' PROC number: ', js
- WRITE(j_id,*)
- WRITE(j_id,FMT="(19x,a20)") cl_run
- ! Print the SUM control indices
- IF( .NOT. lsp_area ) THEN
- IF ( lk_mpp ) THEN
- nictls = nlditl(js)
- nictle = nleitl(js)
- njctls = nldjtl(js)
- njctle = nlejtl(js)
- nictls = nimpptl(js) + nlditl(js) - 1
- nictle = nimpptl(js) + nleitl(js) - 1
- njctls = njmpptl(js) + nldjtl(js) - 1
- njctle = njmpptl(js) + nlejtl(js) - 1
- WRITE(j_id,*)
- WRITE(j_id,*) 'prt_tra_ctl : Sum control indices'
- WRITE(j_id,*) '~~~~~~~'
- WRITE(j_id,*)
- WRITE(j_id,9000)' nlej = ', nlejtl(js), ' '
- WRITE(j_id,9000)' ------------- njctle = ', njctle, ' -------------'
- WRITE(j_id,9001)' | |'
- WRITE(j_id,9001)' | |'
- WRITE(j_id,9001)' | |'
- WRITE(j_id,9002)' nictls = ', nictls, ' nictle = ', nictle
- WRITE(j_id,9002)' nldi = ', nlditl(js), ' nlei = ', nleitl(js)
- WRITE(j_id,9001)' | |'
- WRITE(j_id,9001)' | |'
- WRITE(j_id,9001)' | |'
- WRITE(j_id,9004)' njmpp = ',njmpptl(js),' ------------- njctls = ', njctls, ' -------------'
- WRITE(j_id,9003)' nimpp = ', nimpptl(js), ' nldj = ', nldjtl(js), ' '
- WRITE(j_id,*)
- WRITE(j_id,*)
- 9000 FORMAT(a41,i4.4,a14)
- 9001 FORMAT(a59)
- 9002 FORMAT(a20,i4.4,a36,i3.3)
- 9003 FORMAT(a20,i4.4,a17,i4.4)
- 9004 FORMAT(a11,i4.4,a26,i4.4,a14)
- !
- END SUBROUTINE prt_ctl_trc_init
- #else
- !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
- !! Dummy module : NO passive tracer
- !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
- #endif
- !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
- !! NEMO/TOP 3.3 , NEMO Consortium (2010)
- !! $Id: prtctl_trc.F90 4520 2014-02-28 11:44:02Z acc $
- !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (NEMOGCM/NEMO_CeCILL.txt)
- !!======================================================================
- END MODULE prtctl_trc