123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279 |
- MODULE p4zmort
- !!======================================================================
- !! *** MODULE p4zmort ***
- !! TOP : PISCES Compute the mortality terms for phytoplankton
- !!======================================================================
- !! History : 1.0 ! 2002 (O. Aumont) Original code
- !! 2.0 ! 2007-12 (C. Ethe, G. Madec) F90
- !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
- #if defined key_pisces
- !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
- !! 'key_pisces' PISCES bio-model
- !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
- !! p4z_mort : Compute the mortality terms for phytoplankton
- !! p4z_mort_init : Initialize the mortality params for phytoplankton
- !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
- USE oce_trc ! shared variables between ocean and passive tracers
- USE trc ! passive tracers common variables
- USE sms_pisces ! PISCES Source Minus Sink variables
- USE p4zsink ! vertical flux of particulate matter due to sinking
- USE p4zprod ! Primary productivity
- USE prtctl_trc ! print control for debugging
- PUBLIC p4z_mort
- PUBLIC p4z_mort_init
- !! * Shared module variables
- REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: wchl !:
- REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: wchld !:
- REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: wchldm !:
- REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: mprat !:
- REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: mprat2 !:
- !!* Substitution
- # include "top_substitute.h90"
- !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
- !! NEMO/TOP 3.3 , NEMO Consortium (2010)
- !! $Id: p4zmort.F90 2750 2016-01-12 10:42:05Z ufla $
- !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (NEMOGCM/NEMO_CeCILL.txt)
- !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
- SUBROUTINE p4z_mort( kt )
- !!---------------------------------------------------------------------
- !! *** ROUTINE p4z_mort ***
- !!
- !! ** Purpose : Calls the different subroutine to initialize and compute
- !! the different phytoplankton mortality terms
- !!
- !! ** Method : - ???
- !!---------------------------------------------------------------------
- INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: kt ! ocean time step
- !!---------------------------------------------------------------------
- CALL p4z_nano ! nanophytoplankton
- CALL p4z_diat ! diatoms
- SUBROUTINE p4z_nano
- !!---------------------------------------------------------------------
- !! *** ROUTINE p4z_nano ***
- !!
- !! ** Purpose : Compute the mortality terms for nanophytoplankton
- !!
- !! ** Method : - ???
- !!---------------------------------------------------------------------
- INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk
- REAL(wp) :: zsizerat, zcompaph
- REAL(wp) :: zfactfe, zfactch, zprcaca, zfracal
- REAL(wp) :: ztortp , zrespp , zmortp , zstep
- CHARACTER (len=25) :: charout
- !!---------------------------------------------------------------------
- !
- IF( nn_timing == 1 ) CALL timing_start('p4z_nano')
- !
- prodcal(:,:,:) = 0. !: calcite production variable set to zero
- DO jk = 1, jpkm1
- DO jj = 1, jpj
- DO ji = 1, jpi
- zcompaph = MAX( ( trb(ji,jj,jk,jpphy) - 1e-8 ), 0.e0 )
- zstep = xstep
- # if defined key_degrad
- zstep = zstep * facvol(ji,jj,jk)
- # endif
- ! When highly limited by macronutrients, very small cells
- ! dominate the community. As a consequence, aggregation
- ! due to turbulence is negligible. Mortality is also set
- ! to 0
- zsizerat = MIN(1., MAX( 0., (quotan(ji,jj,jk) - 0.2) / 0.3) ) * trb(ji,jj,jk,jpphy)
- ! Squared mortality of Phyto similar to a sedimentation term during
- ! blooms (Doney et al. 1996)
- zrespp = wchl * 1.e6 * zstep * xdiss(ji,jj,jk) * zcompaph * zsizerat
- ! Phytoplankton mortality. This mortality loss is slightly
- ! increased when nutrients are limiting phytoplankton growth
- ! as observed for instance in case of iron limitation.
- ztortp = mprat * xstep * zcompaph / ( xkmort + trb(ji,jj,jk,jpphy) ) * zsizerat
- zmortp = zrespp + ztortp
- ! Update the arrays TRA which contains the biological sources and sinks
- zfactfe = trb(ji,jj,jk,jpnfe)/(trb(ji,jj,jk,jpphy)+rtrn)
- zfactch = trb(ji,jj,jk,jpnch)/(trb(ji,jj,jk,jpphy)+rtrn)
- tra(ji,jj,jk,jpphy) = tra(ji,jj,jk,jpphy) - zmortp
- tra(ji,jj,jk,jpnch) = tra(ji,jj,jk,jpnch) - zmortp * zfactch
- tra(ji,jj,jk,jpnfe) = tra(ji,jj,jk,jpnfe) - zmortp * zfactfe
- zprcaca = xfracal(ji,jj,jk) * zmortp
- !
- prodcal(ji,jj,jk) = prodcal(ji,jj,jk) + zprcaca ! prodcal=prodcal(nanophy)+prodcal(microzoo)+prodcal(mesozoo)
- !
- zfracal = 0.5 * xfracal(ji,jj,jk)
- tra(ji,jj,jk,jpdic) = tra(ji,jj,jk,jpdic) - zprcaca
- tra(ji,jj,jk,jptal) = tra(ji,jj,jk,jptal) - 2. * zprcaca
- tra(ji,jj,jk,jpcal) = tra(ji,jj,jk,jpcal) + zprcaca
- #if defined key_kriest
- tra(ji,jj,jk,jppoc) = tra(ji,jj,jk,jppoc) + zmortp
- tra(ji,jj,jk,jpnum) = tra(ji,jj,jk,jpnum) + ztortp * xkr_dnano + zrespp * xkr_ddiat
- tra(ji,jj,jk,jpsfe) = tra(ji,jj,jk,jpsfe) + zmortp * zfactfe
- #else
- tra(ji,jj,jk,jpgoc) = tra(ji,jj,jk,jpgoc) + zfracal * zmortp
- tra(ji,jj,jk,jppoc) = tra(ji,jj,jk,jppoc) + ( 1. - zfracal ) * zmortp
- tra(ji,jj,jk,jpsfe) = tra(ji,jj,jk,jpsfe) + ( 1. - zfracal ) * zmortp * zfactfe
- tra(ji,jj,jk,jpbfe) = tra(ji,jj,jk,jpbfe) + zfracal * zmortp * zfactfe
- #endif
- !
- IF(ln_ctl) THEN ! print mean trends (used for debugging)
- WRITE(charout, FMT="('nano')")
- CALL prt_ctl_trc_info(charout)
- CALL prt_ctl_trc(tab4d=tra, mask=tmask, clinfo=ctrcnm)
- !
- IF( nn_timing == 1 ) CALL timing_stop('p4z_nano')
- !
- SUBROUTINE p4z_diat
- !!---------------------------------------------------------------------
- !! *** ROUTINE p4z_diat ***
- !!
- !! ** Purpose : Compute the mortality terms for diatoms
- !!
- !! ** Method : - ???
- !!---------------------------------------------------------------------
- INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk
- REAL(wp) :: zfactfe,zfactsi,zfactch, zcompadi
- REAL(wp) :: zrespp2, ztortp2, zmortp2, zstep
- REAL(wp) :: zlim2, zlim1
- CHARACTER (len=25) :: charout
- !!---------------------------------------------------------------------
- !
- IF( nn_timing == 1 ) CALL timing_start('p4z_diat')
- !
- ! Aggregation term for diatoms is increased in case of nutrient
- ! stress as observed in reality. The stressed cells become more
- ! sticky and coagulate to sink quickly out of the euphotic zone
- ! ------------------------------------------------------------
- DO jk = 1, jpkm1
- DO jj = 1, jpj
- DO ji = 1, jpi
- zcompadi = MAX( ( trb(ji,jj,jk,jpdia) - 1e-9), 0. )
- ! Aggregation term for diatoms is increased in case of nutrient
- ! stress as observed in reality. The stressed cells become more
- ! sticky and coagulate to sink quickly out of the euphotic zone
- ! ------------------------------------------------------------
- zstep = xstep
- # if defined key_degrad
- zstep = zstep * facvol(ji,jj,jk)
- # endif
- ! Phytoplankton respiration
- ! ------------------------
- zlim2 = xlimdia(ji,jj,jk) * xlimdia(ji,jj,jk)
- zlim1 = 0.25 * ( 1. - zlim2 ) / ( 0.25 + zlim2 )
- zrespp2 = 1.e6 * zstep * ( wchld + wchldm * zlim1 ) * xdiss(ji,jj,jk) * zcompadi * trb(ji,jj,jk,jpdia)
- ! Phytoplankton mortality.
- ! ------------------------
- ztortp2 = mprat2 * zstep * trb(ji,jj,jk,jpdia) / ( xkmort + trb(ji,jj,jk,jpdia) ) * zcompadi
- zmortp2 = zrespp2 + ztortp2
- ! Update the arrays tra which contains the biological sources and sinks
- ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- zfactch = trb(ji,jj,jk,jpdch) / ( trb(ji,jj,jk,jpdia) + rtrn )
- zfactfe = trb(ji,jj,jk,jpdfe) / ( trb(ji,jj,jk,jpdia) + rtrn )
- zfactsi = trb(ji,jj,jk,jpdsi) / ( trb(ji,jj,jk,jpdia) + rtrn )
- tra(ji,jj,jk,jpdia) = tra(ji,jj,jk,jpdia) - zmortp2
- tra(ji,jj,jk,jpdch) = tra(ji,jj,jk,jpdch) - zmortp2 * zfactch
- tra(ji,jj,jk,jpdfe) = tra(ji,jj,jk,jpdfe) - zmortp2 * zfactfe
- tra(ji,jj,jk,jpdsi) = tra(ji,jj,jk,jpdsi) - zmortp2 * zfactsi
- tra(ji,jj,jk,jpgsi) = tra(ji,jj,jk,jpgsi) + zmortp2 * zfactsi
- #if defined key_kriest
- tra(ji,jj,jk,jppoc) = tra(ji,jj,jk,jppoc) + zmortp2
- tra(ji,jj,jk,jpnum) = tra(ji,jj,jk,jpnum) + ztortp2 * xkr_ddiat + zrespp2 * xkr_daggr
- tra(ji,jj,jk,jpsfe) = tra(ji,jj,jk,jpsfe) + zmortp2 * zfactfe
- #else
- tra(ji,jj,jk,jpgoc) = tra(ji,jj,jk,jpgoc) + zrespp2 + 0.5 * ztortp2
- tra(ji,jj,jk,jppoc) = tra(ji,jj,jk,jppoc) + 0.5 * ztortp2
- tra(ji,jj,jk,jpsfe) = tra(ji,jj,jk,jpsfe) + 0.5 * ztortp2 * zfactfe
- tra(ji,jj,jk,jpbfe) = tra(ji,jj,jk,jpbfe) + ( zrespp2 + 0.5 * ztortp2 ) * zfactfe
- #endif
- !
- IF(ln_ctl) THEN ! print mean trends (used for debugging)
- WRITE(charout, FMT="('diat')")
- CALL prt_ctl_trc_info(charout)
- CALL prt_ctl_trc(tab4d=tra, mask=tmask, clinfo=ctrcnm)
- !
- IF( nn_timing == 1 ) CALL timing_stop('p4z_diat')
- !
- SUBROUTINE p4z_mort_init
- !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
- !! *** ROUTINE p4z_mort_init ***
- !!
- !! ** Purpose : Initialization of phytoplankton parameters
- !!
- !! ** Method : Read the nampismort namelist and check the parameters
- !! called at the first timestep
- !!
- !! ** input : Namelist nampismort
- !!
- !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
- NAMELIST/nampismort/ wchl, wchld, wchldm, mprat, mprat2
- INTEGER :: ios ! Local integer output status for namelist read
- REWIND( numnatp_ref ) ! Namelist nampismort in reference namelist : Pisces phytoplankton
- READ ( numnatp_ref, nampismort, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 901)
- 901 IF( ios /= 0 ) CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'nampismort in reference namelist', lwp )
- REWIND( numnatp_cfg ) ! Namelist nampismort in configuration namelist : Pisces phytoplankton
- READ ( numnatp_cfg, nampismort, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 902 )
- 902 IF( ios /= 0 ) CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'nampismort in configuration namelist', lwp )
- IF(lwm) WRITE ( numonp, nampismort )
- IF(lwp) THEN ! control print
- WRITE(numout,*) ' '
- WRITE(numout,*) ' Namelist parameters for phytoplankton mortality, nampismort'
- WRITE(numout,*) ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
- WRITE(numout,*) ' quadratic mortality of phytoplankton wchl =', wchl
- WRITE(numout,*) ' maximum quadratic mortality of diatoms wchld =', wchld
- WRITE(numout,*) ' maximum quadratic mortality of diatoms wchldm =', wchldm
- WRITE(numout,*) ' phytoplankton mortality rate mprat =', mprat
- WRITE(numout,*) ' Diatoms mortality rate mprat2 =', mprat2
- END SUBROUTINE p4z_mort_init
- #else
- !!======================================================================
- !! Dummy module : No PISCES bio-model
- !!======================================================================
- SUBROUTINE p4z_mort ! Empty routine
- #endif
- !!======================================================================
- END MODULE p4zmort