123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294 |
- /******************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* CONV (converter) for Agrif (Adaptive Grid Refinement In Fortran) */
- /* */
- /* Copyright or or Copr. Laurent Debreu (Laurent.Debreu@imag.fr) */
- /* Cyril Mazauric (Cyril_Mazauric@yahoo.fr) */
- /* This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law and */
- /* abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, */
- /* modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-C */
- /* license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL */
- /* "http://www.cecill.info". */
- /* */
- /* As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, */
- /* modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only */
- /* with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the */
- /* economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited */
- /* liability. */
- /* */
- /* In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated */
- /* with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the */
- /* software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, */
- /* that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also */
- /* therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced */
- /* professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore */
- /* encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their */
- /* requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or */
- /* data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the */
- /* same conditions as regards security. */
- /* */
- /* The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had */
- /* knowledge of the CeCILL-C license and that you accept its terms. */
- /******************************************************************************/
- /* version 1.7 */
- /******************************************************************************/
- %option warn
- %option noyywrap
- %x parameter
- %s character
- %x donottreat
- %s fortran77style
- %s fortran90style
- %{
- #include <math.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- extern FILE * yyin;
- #define MAX_INCLUDE_DEPTH 30
- int line_num_input = 1;
- int newlinef90 = 0;
- char tmpc;
- #define PRINT_LINE_NUM() // { fprintf(stderr,"== Parsing l.%4d...\n", line_num_input); }
- #define INCREMENT_LINE_NUM() { line_num_input++; PRINT_LINE_NUM(); }
- /******************************************************************************/
- /**************PETITS PB NON PREVUS *******************************************/
- /******************************************************************************/
- /* NEXTLINF77 un ligne fortran 77 peut commencer par - &a=b or on */
- /* a prevu seulement & a=b avec l'espace entre le symbole */
- /* de la 7eme et le debut de la ligne de commande */
- /* le ! est aussi interdit comme symbole de la 7 eme colonne */
- /* Normalement NEXTLINEF77 \n+[ ]{5}[^ ] */
- /******************************************************************************/
- #define YY_USER_ACTION if (firstpass == 0) ECHO;
- void out_of_donottreat(void);
- %}
- REAL8 "real*8"[ \t]*"(a-h,o-z)"
- SLASH "/"
- DSLASH "/"[ \t]*"/"
- HEXA Z\'[0-9a-fA-F]+\'
- NAME [a-zA-Z\_][a-zA-Z0-9\_]*
- INTEGER [0-9]+
- EXPONENT [edq][-+]?{INTEGER}
- BEG_DNT ^[C!]"$AGRIF_DO_NOT_TREAT"[ \t]*\n
- BEG_INTERFACE ^[ \t]*interface
- END_INTERFACE ^[ \t]*end[ \t]*interface.*\n
- ASSIGNTYPE "assignment"[ \t]*"("[ \t]*[-+=]+[ \t]*")"
- COMM_F77 ^([Cc*](([ \t]*\n)|([^AaHhOo\n].*\n)))
- COMM_F90 ^[ \t]*!.*\n
- COMM_F90_2 !.*
- NEXTLINEF90 "&".*\n+
- NEXTLINEF77 [\n \t]*\n[ \t]{5}("&"|"+"|"$"|"*"|"1"|"2"|"3"|"4"|"5"|"6"|"7"|"8"|"9"|"."|"#")
- LABEL ^(((" "|[0-9]){1,5})|([ \t]{1,5}))[ &]+
- %%
- if (infixed) BEGIN(fortran77style) ;
- if (infree) BEGIN(fortran90style) ;
- {REAL8} { return TOK_REAL8; }
- subroutine { return TOK_SUBROUTINE; }
- program { return TOK_PROGRAM; }
- allocate { inallocate = 1; return TOK_ALLOCATE; }
- nullify { return TOK_NULLIFY; }
- null[ ]*\([ ]*\) { return TOK_NULL_PTR; }
- deallocate { inallocate = 1; return TOK_DEALLOCATE; }
- result { return TOK_RESULT; }
- function { return TOK_FUNCTION; }
- end[ \t]*program { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_ENDPROGRAM;}
- end[ \t]*module { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_ENDMODULE; }
- end[ \t]*subroutine { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_ENDSUBROUTINE;}
- end[ \t]*function { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_ENDFUNCTION;}
- end { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_ENDUNIT;}
- include { pos_curinclude = setposcur()-9; return TOK_INCLUDE;}
- ^[ \t]*use[ ]+ { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text);
- tmpc = (char) input(); unput(tmpc);
- if ( ( tmpc >= 'a' && tmpc <= 'z' ) ||
- ( tmpc >= 'A' && tmpc <= 'Z' ) ) return TOK_USE;
- else return TOK_NAME;
- }
- rewind { return TOK_REWIND; }
- implicit { return TOK_IMPLICIT; }
- none { return TOK_NONE; }
- call { return TOK_CALL; }
- .true. { return TOK_TRUE; }
- .false. { return TOK_FALSE; }
- \=\> { return TOK_POINT_TO; }
- {ASSIGNTYPE} { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_ASSIGNTYPE;}
- \*\* { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_DASTER; }
- \.[ \t]*eqv\. { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_EQV; }
- \.[ \t]*eq\. { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_EQ; }
- \.[ \t]*gt\. { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_GT; }
- \.[ \t]*ge\. { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_GE; }
- \.[ \t]*lt\. { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_LT; }
- \.[ \t]*le\. { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_LE; }
- \.[ \t]*neqv\. { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_NEQV;}
- \.[ \t]*ne\. { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_NE; }
- \.[ \t]*not\. { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_NOT; }
- \.[ \t]*or\. { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_OR; }
- \.[ \t]*xor\. { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_XOR; }
- \.[ \t]*and\. { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_AND; }
- module { return TOK_MODULE; }
- while { return TOK_WHILE; }
- concurrent { return TOK_CONCURRENT; }
- end[ \t]*do { return TOK_ENDDO; }
- do { return TOK_PLAINDO;}
- real { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_REAL; }
- integer { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_INTEGER; }
- logical { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_LOGICAL; }
- character { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_CHARACTER; }
- {HEXA} { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_HEXA;}
- double[ \t]*precision { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_DOUBLEPRECISION; }
- double[ \t]*complex { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_DOUBLECOMPLEX; }
- complex { return TOK_COMPLEX; }
- allocatable { return TOK_ALLOCATABLE; }
- close { return TOK_CLOSE; }
- inquire { return TOK_INQUIRE; }
- dimension { return TOK_DIMENSION; }
- pause { return TOK_PAUSE; }
- equivalence { return TOK_EQUIVALENCE; }
- stop { return TOK_STOP; }
- where { return TOK_WHERE; }
- end[ \t]*where { return TOK_ENDWHERE; }
- else[ \t]*where[ \t]*\( { return TOK_ELSEWHEREPAR; }
- else[ \t]*where { return TOK_ELSEWHERE; }
- ^[ \t]*contains { return TOK_CONTAINS; }
- only { return TOK_ONLY; }
- parameter { return TOK_PARAMETER; }
- recursive { return TOK_RECURSIVE; }
- common { return TOK_COMMON; }
- ^[ \t]*global[ \t]+ { return TOK_GLOBAL; }
- external { return TOK_EXTERNAL; }
- intent { return TOK_INTENT; }
- pointer { return TOK_POINTER; }
- optional { return TOK_OPTIONAL; }
- save { return TOK_SAVE; }
- ^[ \t]*type[ \t]*\( { pos_cur_decl = setposcur()-5; return TOK_TYPEPAR; }
- ^[ \t]*type[ \t\,]+ { return TOK_TYPE; }
- end[ \t]*type { return TOK_ENDTYPE; }
- stat { if (inallocate == 1) return TOK_STAT; else { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_NAME; } }
- open { return TOK_OPEN; }
- return { return TOK_RETURN; }
- exit[^(] { return TOK_EXIT; }
- print { return TOK_PRINT; }
- module[ \t]*procedure { return TOK_PROCEDURE; }
- read { return TOK_READ; }
- namelist { return TOK_NAMELIST; }
- write { return TOK_WRITE; }
- flush { return TOK_FLUSH; }
- target { return TOK_TARGET; }
- public { return TOK_PUBLIC; }
- private { return TOK_PRIVATE; }
- in { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_IN; }
- ^[ \t]*data[ \t]+ { pos_curdata = setposcur()-strlen(fortran_text); Init_List_Data_Var(); return TOK_DATA; }
- continue { return TOK_CONTINUE; }
- go[ \t]*to { return TOK_PLAINGOTO; }
- out { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_OUT; }
- inout { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_INOUT; }
- intrinsic { return TOK_INTRINSIC; }
- then { return TOK_THEN; }
- else[ \t]*if { return TOK_ELSEIF; }
- else { return TOK_ELSE; }
- end[ \t]*if { return TOK_ENDIF; }
- if { return TOK_LOGICALIF; }
- sum[ \t]*\( { return TOK_SUM; }
- max[ \t]*\( { return TOK_MAX; }
- tanh { return TOK_TANH; }
- maxval { return TOK_MAXVAL; }
- trim { return TOK_TRIM; }
- sqrt\( { return TOK_SQRT; }
- select[ \t]*case { return TOK_SELECTCASE; }
- ^[ \t]*case[ \t]* { return TOK_CASE; }
- default { return TOK_DEFAULT; }
- end[ \t]*select { return TOK_ENDSELECT; }
- file[ \t]*\= { return TOK_FILE; }
- unit[ \t]*\= { return TOK_UNIT; }
- fmt[ \t]*\= { return TOK_FMT; }
- nml[ \t]*\= { return TOK_NML; }
- end[ \t]*\= { return TOK_END; }
- eor[ \t]*\= { return TOK_EOR; }
- err[ \t]*\= { return TOK_ERR; }
- exist[ \t]*\= { return TOK_EXIST; }
- min[ \t]*\( { return TOK_MIN; }
- nint { return TOK_NINT; }
- float { return TOK_FLOAT; }
- exp { return TOK_EXP; }
- cos { return TOK_COS; }
- cosh { return TOK_COSH; }
- acos { return TOK_ACOS; }
- sin { return TOK_SIN; }
- sinh { return TOK_SINH; }
- asin { return TOK_ASIN; }
- log { return TOK_LOG; }
- tan { return TOK_TAN; }
- atan { return TOK_ATAN; }
- cycle { return TOK_CYCLE; }
- abs[ \t]*\( { return TOK_ABS; }
- mod { return TOK_MOD; }
- sign[ \t]*\( { return TOK_SIGN; }
- minloc { return TOK_MINLOC; }
- maxloc { return TOK_MAXLOC; }
- minval { return TOK_MINVAL; }
- backspace { return TOK_BACKSPACE; }
- :: { return TOK_FOURDOTS; }
- \({SLASH} { return TOK_LEFTAB; }
- {SLASH}\) { return TOK_RIGHTAB; }
- format[ \t]*\((.|{NEXTLINEF90}|{NEXTLINEF77})*\) {
- return TOK_FORMAT; }
- {SLASH} { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_SLASH; }
- DSLASH { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_DSLASH; }
- (\')[^']*&{0,1}\n[ \t]*&{0,1}[^']*(\') {
- strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_CHAR_CUT; }
- (\')[^']*(\') { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text);return TOK_CHAR_CONSTANT; }
- (\")[^"]*(\") { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text);return TOK_CHAR_MESSAGE; }
- {BEG_INTERFACE} { BEGIN(donottreat); }
- <donottreat>{END_INTERFACE} { out_of_donottreat(); return '\n'; }
- {NAME} { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_NAME; }
- ({INTEGER}\.[0-9]*)/[^"and."|"false."|"true."|"eq."|"or."|"gt."|"ge."|"lt."|"le."|"not."|"ne."] { // REAL1
- strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_CSTREAL; }
- (({INTEGER}\.[0-9]+|[0-9]*\.{INTEGER}){EXPONENT}?)|{INTEGER}(\.)?{EXPONENT} { // REAL2
- strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_CSTREAL; }
- {INTEGER} { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_CSTINT; }
- \$ {}
- \. {}
- \(|\)|:|\[|\]|\+|\-|\* { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return (int) *fortran_text; }
- \% { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return (int) *fortran_text; }
- \; { return TOK_SEMICOLON; }
- \, { return (int) *fortran_text; }
- \= { return (int) *fortran_text; }
- \< { return (int) *fortran_text; }
- \> { return (int) *fortran_text; }
- \n { INCREMENT_LINE_NUM() ; return '\n'; }
- ^[ ]*$ {}
- [ \t]+ {}
- {LABEL} { if (newlinef90 == 0) return TOK_LABEL; else newlinef90 = 0; }
- {NEXTLINEF90} { INCREMENT_LINE_NUM() ; newlinef90=1; }
- {BEG_DNT} { INCREMENT_LINE_NUM() ; BEGIN(donottreat); }
- <donottreat>{END_DNT} { out_of_donottreat(); return '\n'; }
- <donottreat>.*\n { INCREMENT_LINE_NUM() ; }
- <fortran77style>{COMM_F77} { INCREMENT_LINE_NUM() ; }
- {COMM_F90_2} {}
- %%
- void out_of_donottreat ( void )
- {
- if (infixed) BEGIN(fortran77style) ;
- if (infree) BEGIN(fortran90style) ;
- }