123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146 |
- module Agrif_Variables
- !
- use Agrif_CurgridFunctions
- !
- implicit none
- !
- contains
- !
- !===================================================================================================
- ! subroutine Agrif_Declare_Variable
- !
- !> Declare a new variable profile
- !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- subroutine Agrif_Declare_Variable ( posvar, firstpoint, raf, lb, ub, varid, torestore )
- !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: posvar !< position of the variable on the cell
- !! (1 for the border of the edge, 2 for the center)
- integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: firstpoint !< index of the first point in the real domain
- character(1), dimension(:), intent(in) :: raf !< Array indicating the type of dimension (space or not)
- !! for each of them
- integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: lb !< Lower bounds of the array
- integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: ub !< Upper bounds of the array
- integer, intent(out) :: varid !< Id number of the newly created variable
- logical, optional, intent(in) :: torestore !< Indicates if the array restore is used
- !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- type(Agrif_Variables_List), pointer :: new_varlist
- type(Agrif_Variable), pointer :: var
- integer :: nbdim, i
- logical :: restore
- restore = .FALSE.
- if ( Agrif_Mygrid % ngridstep /= 0 ) then
- if (present(torestore)) restore = torestore
- endif
- !
- nbdim = SIZE(posvar)
- !
- allocate(new_varlist)
- allocate(new_varlist % var)
- var => new_varlist % var
- allocate(var % posvar(nbdim))
- allocate(var % interptab(nbdim))
- allocate(var % coords(nbdim))
- !
- var % nbdim = nbdim
- var % interptab = raf(1:nbdim)
- var % posvar = posvar(1:nbdim)
- var % point(1:nbdim) = firstpoint(1:nbdim)
- var % restore = restore
- !
- do i = 1,nbdim
- select case( raf(i) )
- case('x') ; var % coords(i) = 1
- case('y') ; var % coords(i) = 2
- case('z') ; var % coords(i) = 3
- case('N') ; var % coords(i) = 0
- case default ; var % coords(i) = 0
- end select
- enddo
- !
- var % lb(1:nbdim) = lb(1:nbdim)
- var % ub(1:nbdim) = ub(1:nbdim)
- if ( restore ) then
- select case(nbdim)
- case(1)
- allocate(var % Restore1D(lb(1):ub(1)))
- var % Restore1D = 0
- case(2)
- allocate(var % Restore2D(lb(1):ub(1), &
- lb(2):ub(2)))
- var % Restore2D = 0
- case(3)
- allocate(var % Restore3D(lb(1):ub(1), &
- lb(2):ub(2), &
- lb(3):ub(3)))
- var % Restore3D = 0
- case(4)
- allocate(var % Restore4D(lb(1):ub(1), &
- lb(2):ub(2), &
- lb(3):ub(3), &
- lb(4):ub(4)))
- var % Restore4D = 0
- case(5)
- allocate(var % Restore5D(lb(1):ub(1), &
- lb(2):ub(2), &
- lb(3):ub(3), &
- lb(4):ub(4), &
- lb(5):ub(5)))
- var % Restore5D = 0
- end select
- endif
- new_varlist % next => Agrif_Curgrid % variables
- Agrif_Curgrid % variables => new_varlist
- Agrif_Curgrid % Nbvariables = Agrif_Curgrid % Nbvariables + 1
- varid = -Agrif_Curgrid % Nbvariables
- var % parent_var => Agrif_Search_Variable(Agrif_Curgrid % parent, Agrif_Curgrid % nbvariables)
- var % root_var => Agrif_Search_Variable(Agrif_Mygrid, Agrif_Curgrid % nbvariables)
- !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- end subroutine Agrif_Declare_Variable
- !===================================================================================================
- !
- !===================================================================================================
- ! function Agrif_Search_Variable
- !
- !> Returns a pointer to the variable varid for the grid grid.
- !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Agrif_Search_Variable ( grid, varid ) result(outvar)
- !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- type(Agrif_Grid), pointer :: grid !< Pointer on the current grid.
- integer, intent(in) :: varid !< ID number of the variable we are looking for.
- !
- type(Agrif_Variable), pointer :: outvar
- type(Agrif_Variables_List), pointer :: parcours
- integer :: nb, varidinv
- !
- if ( .not.associated(grid) ) then
- outvar => NULL()
- return
- endif
- !
- parcours => grid % variables
- if (.not. associated(parcours)) then ! can occur on the grand mother grid
- outvar => NULL() ! during the first call by agrif_mygrid
- return
- endif
- varidinv = 1 + grid % nbvariables - varid
- do nb = 1,varidinv-1
- parcours => parcours % next
- enddo
- outvar => parcours % var
- !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- end function Agrif_Search_variable
- !===================================================================================================
- !
- end module Agrif_Variables