request-overview-ISMIP6-ism-1pctCO2to4x-self-including-EC-EARTH-GrisIS-preferences.txt 23 KB

  1. table variable dimensions long_name unit comment
  2. Amon clivi longitude latitude time Ice Water Path kg m-2 ifs code name = 79.128
  3. Amon clt longitude latitude time Total Cloud Cover Percentage % ifs code name = 164.128
  4. Amon clwvi longitude latitude time Condensed Water Path kg m-2 ifs code name = 116.129, expression = var78+var79
  5. Amon evspsbl longitude latitude time Evaporation Including Sublimation and Transpiration kg m-2 s-1 ifs code name = 182.128
  6. Amon hfls longitude latitude time Surface Upward Latent Heat Flux W m-2 ifs code name = 147.128
  7. Amon hfss longitude latitude time Surface Upward Sensible Heat Flux W m-2 ifs code name = 146.128
  8. Amon hurs longitude latitude time height2m Near-Surface Relative Humidity % ifs code name = 80.129, expression = 100.*exp(17.62*((var168-273.15)/(var168-30.03)-(var167-273.15)/(var167-30.03)))
  9. Amon huss longitude latitude time height2m Near-Surface Specific Humidity 1 ifs code name = 81.129, expression = 1./(1.+1.608*(var134*exp(-17.62*(var168-273.15)/(var168-30.03))/611.-1.))
  10. Amon pr longitude latitude time Precipitation kg m-2 s-1 ifs code name = 228.128
  11. Amon prc longitude latitude time Convective Precipitation kg m-2 s-1 ifs code name = 143.128
  12. Amon prsn longitude latitude time Snowfall Flux kg m-2 s-1 ifs code name = 144.128
  13. Amon prw longitude latitude time Water Vapor Path kg m-2 ifs code name = 137.128
  14. Amon rlds longitude latitude time Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation W m-2 ifs code name = 175.128
  15. Amon rldscs longitude latitude time Surface Downwelling Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation W m-2 ifs code name = 104.129, expression = var211-var177+var175
  16. Amon rlus longitude latitude time Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation W m-2 ifs code name = 96.129, expression = var177-var175
  17. Amon rlut longitude latitude time TOA Outgoing Longwave Radiation W m-2 ifs code name = 179.128
  18. Amon rlutcs longitude latitude time TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation W m-2 ifs code name = 209.128
  19. Amon rsds longitude latitude time Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation W m-2 ifs code name = 169.128
  20. Amon rsdscs longitude latitude time Surface Downwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation W m-2 ifs code name = 132.129, expression = (var176<=1e-10)*var210+(var176>1e-10)*var210*var169/var176
  21. Amon rsdt longitude latitude time TOA Incident Shortwave Radiation W m-2 ifs code name = 212.128
  22. Amon rsus longitude latitude time Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation W m-2 ifs code name = 95.129, expression = var176-var169
  23. Amon rsuscs longitude latitude time Surface Upwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation W m-2 ifs code name = 131.129, expression = (var176>1e-10)*var210*(1-var169/var176)
  24. Amon rsut longitude latitude time TOA Outgoing Shortwave Radiation W m-2 ifs code name = 97.129, expression = var178-var212
  25. Amon rsutcs longitude latitude time TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation W m-2 ifs code name = 103.129, expression = var208-var212
  26. Amon rtmt longitude latitude time Net Downward Radiative Flux at Top of Model W m-2 ifs code name = 98.129, expression = var178+var179
  27. Amon sbl longitude latitude time Surface Snow and Ice Sublimation Flux kg m-2 s-1 ifs code name = 44.128
  28. Amon sfcWind longitude latitude time height10m Near-Surface Wind Speed m s-1 ifs code name = 214.129, expression = sqrt(sqr(var165)+sqr(var166))
  29. Amon tas longitude latitude time height2m Near-Surface Air Temperature K ifs code name = 167.128
  30. Amon tasmax longitude latitude time height2m Daily Maximum Near-Surface Air Temperature K ifs code name = 201.128
  31. Amon tasmin longitude latitude time height2m Daily Minimum Near-Surface Air Temperature K ifs code name = 202.128
  32. Amon ts longitude latitude time Surface Temperature K ifs code name = 139.128
  33. Amon uas longitude latitude time height10m Eastward Near-Surface Wind m s-1 ifs code name = 165.128
  34. Amon vas longitude latitude time height10m Northward Near-Surface Wind m s-1 ifs code name = 166.128
  35. Omon bigthetao longitude latitude olevel time Sea Water Conservative Temperature degC nemo code name = bigthetao
  36. Omon so longitude latitude olevel time Sea Water Salinity 0.001 nemo code name = so
  37. Omon soga time Global Mean Sea Water Salinity 0.001 nemo code name = soga
  38. Omon thetao longitude latitude olevel time Sea Water Potential Temperature degC nemo code name = thetao
  39. Omon thetaoga time Global Average Sea Water Potential Temperature degC nemo code name = thetaoga
  40. Omon thkcello longitude latitude olevel time Ocean Model Cell Thickness m nemo code name = thkcello
  41. Omon zos longitude latitude time Sea Surface Height Above Geoid m nemo code name = zos
  42. Omon zostoga time Global Average Thermosteric Sea Level Change m nemo code name = zostoga
  43. IyrGre orog xgre ygre time Surface Altitude m ifs code name = 129.128
  44. IyrGre snc xgre ygre time Snow Area Percentage % ifs code name = 119.129, expression = 100*(var141>0)
  45. ImonGre hfls xgre ygre time Surface Upward Latent Heat Flux W m-2 ifs code name = 147.128
  46. ImonGre hfss xgre ygre time Surface Upward Sensible Heat Flux W m-2 ifs code name = 146.128
  47. ImonGre prra xgre ygre time Rainfall Flux over Land Ice kg m-2 s-1 ifs code name = 126.129, expression = var142+var143-var144
  48. ImonGre prsn xgre ygre time Snowfall Flux kg m-2 s-1 ifs code name = 144.128
  49. ImonGre rlds xgre ygre time Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation W m-2 ifs code name = 175.128
  50. ImonGre rlus xgre ygre time Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation W m-2 ifs code name = 96.129, expression = var177-var175
  51. ImonGre rsds xgre ygre time Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation W m-2 ifs code name = 169.128
  52. ImonGre rsus xgre ygre time Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation W m-2 ifs code name = 95.129, expression = var176-var169
  53. ImonGre sbl xgre ygre time Surface Snow and Ice Sublimation Flux kg m-2 s-1 ifs code name = 44.128
  54. ImonGre snc xgre ygre time Snow Area Percentage % ifs code name = 119.129, expression = 100*(var141>0)
  55. ImonGre snm xgre ygre time Surface Snow Melt kg m-2 s-1 ifs code name = 45.128
  56. ImonGre tas time height2m Near-Surface Air Temperature K ifs code name = 167.128
  57. ImonGre ts xgre ygre time Surface Temperature K ifs code name = 139.128
  58. ImonGre tsn xgre ygre time Snow Internal Temperature K ifs code name = 238.128
  59. Emon flandice longitude latitude time Water Flux into Sea Water from Land Ice kg m-2 s-1 nemo code name = flandice
  60. ImonAnt hfls xant yant time Surface Upward Latent Heat Flux W m-2 ifs code name = 147.128
  61. ImonAnt hfss xant yant time Surface Upward Sensible Heat Flux W m-2 ifs code name = 146.128
  62. ImonAnt prsn xant yant time Snowfall Flux kg m-2 s-1 ifs code name = 144.128
  63. ImonAnt rlds xant yant time Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation W m-2 ifs code name = 175.128
  64. ImonAnt rlus xant yant time Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation W m-2 ifs code name = 96.129, expression = var177-var175
  65. ImonAnt rsds xant yant time Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation W m-2 ifs code name = 169.128
  66. ImonAnt rsus xant yant time Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation W m-2 ifs code name = 95.129, expression = var176-var169
  67. ImonAnt sbl xant yant time Surface Snow and Ice Sublimation Flux kg m-2 s-1 ifs code name = 44.128
  68. ImonAnt snc xant yant time Snow Area Percentage % ifs code name = 119.129, expression = 100*(var141>0)
  69. ImonAnt snm xant yant time Surface Snow Melt kg m-2 s-1 ifs code name = 45.128
  70. ImonAnt tas time height2m Near-Surface Air Temperature K ifs code name = 167.128
  71. ImonAnt ts xant yant time Surface Temperature K ifs code name = 139.128
  72. ImonAnt tsn xant yant time Snow Internal Temperature K ifs code name = 238.128
  73. LImon hflsIs longitude latitude time Ice Sheet Surface Upward Latent Heat Flux W m-2 ifs code name = 147.128
  74. LImon hfssIs longitude latitude time Ice Sheet Surface Upward Sensible Heat Flux W m-2 ifs code name = 146.128
  75. LImon mrroIs longitude latitude time Ice Sheet Total Runoff kg m-2 s-1 ifs code name = 205.128
  76. LImon orogIs longitude latitude time Ice Sheet Surface Altitude m ifs code name = 129.128
  77. LImon prraIs longitude latitude time Ice Sheet Rainfall Rate kg m-2 s-1 ifs code name = 122.129, expression = var142+var143-var144
  78. LImon prsnIs longitude latitude time Ice Sheet Snowfall Flux kg m-2 s-1 ifs code name = 144.128
  79. LImon rldsIs longitude latitude time Ice Sheet Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation W m-2 ifs code name = 175.128
  80. LImon rlusIs longitude latitude time Ice Sheet Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation W m-2 ifs code name = 96.129, expression = var177-var175
  81. LImon rsdsIs longitude latitude time Ice Sheet Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation W m-2 ifs code name = 169.128
  82. LImon rsusIs longitude latitude time Ice Sheet Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation W m-2 ifs code name = 95.129, expression = var176-var169
  83. LImon sbl longitude latitude time Surface Snow and Ice Sublimation Flux kg m-2 s-1 ifs code name = 44.128
  84. LImon sblIs longitude latitude time Ice Sheet Surface Snow and Ice Sublimation Flux kg m-2 s-1 ifs code name = 182.128
  85. LImon snc longitude latitude time Snow Area Percentage % ifs code name = 119.129, expression = 100*(var141>0)
  86. LImon snm longitude latitude time Surface Snow Melt kg m-2 s-1 ifs code name = 45.128
  87. LImon snmIs longitude latitude time Ice Sheet Surface Snow Melt kg m-2 s-1 ifs code name = 45.128
  88. LImon tasIs longitude latitude time Ice Sheet Near-Surface Air Temperature K ifs code name = 167.128
  89. LImon tsIs longitude latitude time Ice Sheet Surface Temperature K ifs code name = 139.128
  90. LImon tsn longitude latitude time Snow Internal Temperature K ifs code name = 238.128
  91. LImon tsnIs longitude latitude time Ice Sheet Snow Internal Temperature K ifs code name = 238.128
  92. IyrAnt orog xant yant time Surface Altitude m ifs code name = 129.128
  93. IyrAnt snc xant yant time Snow Area Percentage % ifs code name = 119.129, expression = 100*(var141>0)
  94. Heuristic volume estimate for the raw EC-Earth3 IFS output on the T255L91 grid: 12.4 GB per year
  95. Heuristic volume estimate for the raw EC-Earth3 IFS output on the T511L91 grid: 47.6 GB per year
  96. Heuristic volume estimate for the raw EC-Earth3 NEMO output on the ORCA1L75 grid: 1.3 GB per year
  97. Heuristic volume estimate for the raw EC-Earth3 NEMO output on the ORCA025L75 grid: 17.6 GB per year
  98. Heuristic volume estimate for the raw EC-Earth3 TM5 output on the TM5 3x2 deg grid: 0.0 GB per year
  99. Heuristic volume estimate for the raw EC-Earth3 LPJG output on the T255 grid: 0.1 GB per year