123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329 |
- #define TRACEBACK write (gol,'("in ",a," (",a,i6,")")') rname, __FILE__, __LINE__ ; call goErr
- #define IF_NOTOK_RETURN(action) if (status/=0) then; TRACEBACK; action; return; end if
- #define IF_ERROR_RETURN(action) if (status> 0) then; TRACEBACK; action; return; end if
- #include "tm5.inc"
- !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- !
- ! PM module to calculate particulate matter (PM1, PM2.5, PM10, ...)
- ! For station output
- ! Implemented by Joost Aan de Brugh
- !
- !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- module PM ! {{{
- use GO, only : gol, goErr, goPr
- ! You can specifiy which PM instances you want in your station output.
- ! For instance: PM2.5 and PM10
- ! You will get SO4, BC, POM, SS, DU, NO3, NH4 and water
- ! Where NO3 and NH4 come from EQSAM, and are considered to be in the accumulation mode.
- implicit none
- private
- Public :: PM_Init
- Public :: PM_Done
- Public :: PM_Step
- Public :: PM_Write
- integer :: nsizelimits
- Real, Dimension(:), Allocatable :: sizelimits ! Length: Number of size limits (~2)
- Integer, Dimension(:), Allocatable :: stations_count ! Length: Number of stations (~20)
- Real, Dimension(:,:,:), Allocatable :: stations_pm ! Length: Size limits, PM tracers, stations (~2,8,~20)
- Real, Dimension(:,:,:,:), Allocatable :: stations_pm_tobewritten ! Length: Size limits, PM tracers, stations, one. This is for the HDF, using start=(/0,0,0,io_record) (~2,8,~20,1)
- Real, Dimension(:,:), Allocatable :: modfrac ! Length: Number of M7 modes, number of size limits (7,~2)
- Integer :: io_record
- Integer :: io_nrecords
- character(len=*), parameter :: mname = 'PM'
- Integer, Parameter :: npmtracers = 9
- Real, Parameter :: hr2 = 0.5*sqrt(2.0)
- ! }}}
- contains
- Subroutine PM_Init(pmsizelimits,status) ! {{{
- Use user_output_station, only : io_hdf,sds_station_pm,n_stat,n_stat2 ! To put in the PM attributes.
- Use mo_aero_m7, only : nmod
- use file_hdf, only : WriteAttribute, Init, Done, SetDim
- Use Dims, Only : itaue,itaui,ndyn_max
- Use Partools, only : myid,root
- ! --- in/out --------------------------------
- Character (len=200) :: pmsizelimits
- Integer, Intent(out) :: status
- ! --- var ------------------------------
- Integer :: ipos,i,cnt,idx,wlidx
- Character(len=200) :: checkstring
- Logical :: last
- Integer :: j
- ! --- const ------------------------------
- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname
- io_nrecords = abs(itaue-itaui)/ndyn_max ! Like in the station file
- ipos = 1
- last = .False.
- cnt = 0
- Do While (.Not. last)
- i = index(pmsizelimits(ipos:),' ')
- If (i == 0) Then
- last = .True. ! This last sizelimit has to be counted.
- Else
- checkstring = pmsizelimits(ipos:ipos+i-1)
- if(trim(checkstring) == '') Exit ! If you have trailing spaces, you do not want to count this one.
- ipos = ipos + i
- End If
- cnt = cnt + 1
- End Do
- ! Okay, we counted the number of sizelimits, not very nice, but I do not know how it can be done nice, like
- nsizelimits = cnt
- ! Allocate all stuff. The stations_count could have been allocated beforehand, but this looks more logical, having all Allocate-statements in one batch.
- Allocate(sizelimits(cnt))
- Allocate(stations_count(n_stat+n_stat2))
- Allocate(stations_pm(nsizelimits,npmtracers,n_stat+n_stat2))
- Allocate(stations_pm_tobewritten(nsizelimits,npmtracers,n_stat+n_stat2,1))
- Allocate(modfrac(nmod,nsizelimits))
- stations_count = 0
- stations_pm = 0.0
- ! Fill up the sizelimits array. I will be surprised if it works.
- ipos = 1
- Do idx=1,cnt
- i = index(pmsizelimits(ipos:),' ')
- If (i == 0) Then
- Read(pmsizelimits(ipos:),*) sizelimits(idx)
- Else
- Read(pmsizelimits(ipos:ipos+i-1),*) sizelimits(idx)
- ipos = ipos + i
- End If
- End Do
- If (myid .eq. root) Then
- io_record = 0
- call Init(sds_station_pm, io_hdf, 'PM', (/nsizelimits,npmtracers,n_stat+n_stat2,io_nrecords/), 'real(8)', status)
- IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1)
- call SetDim(sds_station_pm, 0, 'nsizelimits', 'Size limit', (/ (j, j=1,nsizelimits) /) , status)
- IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1)
- call SetDim(sds_station_pm, 1, 'npmtracers', 'PM tracer number', (/ (j, j=1,npmtracers) /) , status)
- IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1)
- call SetDim(sds_station_pm, 2, 'n_stations', 'station number', (/ (j, j=1,n_stat+n_stat2) /) , status)
- IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1)
- call SetDim(sds_station_pm, 3, 'n_records', 'time slot #', (/ (j, j=1,io_nrecords) /) , status)
- IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1)
- call WriteAttribute(sds_station_pm, 'Unit', 'ug/m3, with size limits in um', status)
- IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1)
- Call WriteAttribute(sds_station_pm, 'Size limits', sizelimits,status)
- IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1)
- Call WriteAttribute(sds_station_pm, 'Tracers', 'SO4, BC, POM, SS, DU, NO3, NH4, H2O',status)
- IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1)
- End If
- ! Now the micrometers are written down, we can convert micrometers diameter to meters radius. One micrometer diameter is 7.e-6 meter radius.
- sizelimits = sizelimits * 5.e-7
- ! ok
- status = 0
- End Subroutine PM_Init
- ! ================================================================ }}}
- subroutine PM_Done(status ) ! {{{
- Use user_output_station, only : sds_station_pm
- Use Partools, only : myid,root
- Use file_hdf, only : Done
- Implicit None
- ! --- in/out --------------------------------
- integer, intent(out) :: status
- ! --- var ------------------------------
- ! --- const ------------------------------
- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname
- ! --- begin --------------------------------
- ! Deallocate a hell of a lot of disastrous things.
- Deallocate(sizelimits)
- Deallocate(stations_count)
- Deallocate(stations_pm)
- Deallocate(stations_pm_tobewritten)
- Deallocate(modfrac)
- If (myid .eq. root) Then
- call Done(sds_station_pm, status)
- IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1)
- End If
- ! ok
- status = 0
- end subroutine PM_Done ! }}}
- Subroutine PM_Step(region,status) ! {{{
- Use user_output_station, only : stat,n_stat,n_stat2
- Use tracer_data, only : mass_dat
- ! I need to convert (/kg air) to (/m3 air)
- Use chem_param, only : iso4nus, isoanus, iso4ais, ibcais, ipomais, iso4acs, ibcacs, ipomacs, issacs, iduacs, iso4cos, ibccos, &
- ipomcos, isscos, iducos, ibcaii, ipomaii, iduaci, iducoi, ino3_a, inh4
- Use mo_aero_m7, only : nmod, cmedr2mmedr, sigma
- Use m7_data, only : h2o_mode, rw_mode
- ! To rewrite ug / cell to ug/m3
- Use global_data, only : region_dat
- Use Meteodata, only : gph_dat
- Use Dims, only : im,jm,lm
- ! --- in/out --------------------------------
- Integer, Intent(In) :: region
- Integer, Intent(out) :: status
- ! --- var ------------------------------
- Integer :: isl,imod,i_stat
- Real :: z,rad
- ! For converting mass to mass/volume
- Real :: volume
- ! --- const ------------------------------
- Integer, Parameter :: ipm_so4 = 1
- Integer, Parameter :: ipm_bc = 2
- Integer, Parameter :: ipm_pom = 3
- Integer, Parameter :: ipm_ss = 4
- Integer, Parameter :: ipm_du = 5
- Integer, Parameter :: ipm_no3 = 6
- Integer, Parameter :: ipm_nh4 = 7
- Integer, Parameter :: ipm_h2o = 8
- Integer, Parameter :: ipm_soa = 9
- Real, Dimension(nmod) :: lnsigma = log(sigma)
- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname
- ! Fraction belonging to the PM class for each mode, modfrac
- Do i_stat = 1,n_stat+n_stat2
- If (stat(i_stat)%region /= region) Cycle ! This method is evaluated per region, so stations not in the right region can go cycling.
- stations_count(i_stat) = stations_count(i_stat) + 1
- Do imod=1,nmod
- ! Calculate the median radius of the volume weighted distribution.
- rad = rw_mode(region,imod)%d3(stat(i_stat)%is,stat(i_stat)%js,stat(i_stat)%ls)*cmedr2mmedr(imod)
- If (rad .eq. 0.0) Then
- modfrac(imod,:) = 1.0 ! Should not matter, because if the radius is zero, there are no aerosols. But in principle, it would mean that all aerosols are infinitely small, so they would fit in any PM-class.
- Else
- Do isl=1,nsizelimits
- ! Uses the normal distribution formula. We know the Z-value of the size limit.
- z = (log(sizelimits(isl)) - log(rad)) / lnsigma(imod)
- modfrac(imod,isl) = 0.5 + 0.5 * ERF(z*hr2)
- End Do
- End If
- End Do
- ! And the volume. This is the nicest and cleanest line of code of this whole module.
- volume = (gph_dat(region)%data(stat(i_stat)%is,stat(i_stat)%js,stat(i_stat)%ls+1) - &
- gph_dat(region)%data(stat(i_stat)%is,stat(i_stat)%js,stat(i_stat)%ls ) ) * region_dat(region)%dxyp(stat(i_stat)%js)
- ! First each processor gathers their own contributions, then we allreduce all output and write it down.
- ! Without MPI, we strip the If-statement and always resolve the 'tracer' way.
- ! Parallel over tracers: we need the rm_t, which is over i,j, l from 1 to lm and t from 1 to ntracetloc. We check whether the tracer is active on this processor.
- stations_pm(:,ipm_so4,i_stat) = stations_pm(:,ipm_so4,i_stat) + mass_dat(region)%rm_t(stat(i_stat)%is,stat(i_stat)%js,stat(i_stat)%ls,iso4nus-offsetn) * modfrac(1,:) / volume
- stations_pm(:,ipm_so4,i_stat) = stations_pm(:,ipm_so4,i_stat) + mass_dat(region)%rm_t(stat(i_stat)%is,stat(i_stat)%js,stat(i_stat)%ls,iso4ais-offsetn) * modfrac(2,:) / volume
- stations_pm(:,ipm_so4,i_stat) = stations_pm(:,ipm_so4,i_stat) + mass_dat(region)%rm_t(stat(i_stat)%is,stat(i_stat)%js,stat(i_stat)%ls,iso4acs-offsetn) * modfrac(3,:) / volume
- stations_pm(:,ipm_so4,i_stat) = stations_pm(:,ipm_so4,i_stat) + mass_dat(region)%rm_t(stat(i_stat)%is,stat(i_stat)%js,stat(i_stat)%ls,iso4cos-offsetn) * modfrac(4,:) / volume
- stations_pm(:,ipm_bc,i_stat) = stations_pm(:,ipm_bc,i_stat) + mass_dat(region)%rm_t(stat(i_stat)%is,stat(i_stat)%js,stat(i_stat)%ls,ibcais-offsetn) * modfrac(2,:) / volume
- stations_pm(:,ipm_bc,i_stat) = stations_pm(:,ipm_bc,i_stat) + mass_dat(region)%rm_t(stat(i_stat)%is,stat(i_stat)%js,stat(i_stat)%ls,ibcacs-offsetn) * modfrac(3,:) / volume
- stations_pm(:,ipm_bc,i_stat) = stations_pm(:,ipm_bc,i_stat) + mass_dat(region)%rm_t(stat(i_stat)%is,stat(i_stat)%js,stat(i_stat)%ls,ibccos-offsetn) * modfrac(4,:) / volume
- stations_pm(:,ipm_bc,i_stat) = stations_pm(:,ipm_bc,i_stat) + mass_dat(region)%rm_t(stat(i_stat)%is,stat(i_stat)%js,stat(i_stat)%ls,ibcaii-offsetn) * modfrac(5,:) / volume
- stations_pm(:,ipm_pom,i_stat) = stations_pm(:,ipm_pom,i_stat) + mass_dat(region)%rm_t(stat(i_stat)%is,stat(i_stat)%js,stat(i_stat)%ls,ipomais-offsetn) * modfrac(2,:) / volume
- stations_pm(:,ipm_pom,i_stat) = stations_pm(:,ipm_pom,i_stat) + mass_dat(region)%rm_t(stat(i_stat)%is,stat(i_stat)%js,stat(i_stat)%ls,ipomacs-offsetn) * modfrac(3,:) / volume
- stations_pm(:,ipm_pom,i_stat) = stations_pm(:,ipm_pom,i_stat) + mass_dat(region)%rm_t(stat(i_stat)%is,stat(i_stat)%js,stat(i_stat)%ls,ipomcos-offsetn) * modfrac(4,:) / volume
- stations_pm(:,ipm_pom,i_stat) = stations_pm(:,ipm_pom,i_stat) + mass_dat(region)%rm_t(stat(i_stat)%is,stat(i_stat)%js,stat(i_stat)%ls,ipomaii-offsetn) * modfrac(5,:) / volume
- stations_pm(:,ipm_ss,i_stat) = stations_pm(:,ipm_ss,i_stat) + mass_dat(region)%rm_t(stat(i_stat)%is,stat(i_stat)%js,stat(i_stat)%ls,issacs-offsetn) * modfrac(3,:) / volume
- stations_pm(:,ipm_ss,i_stat) = stations_pm(:,ipm_ss,i_stat) + mass_dat(region)%rm_t(stat(i_stat)%is,stat(i_stat)%js,stat(i_stat)%ls,isscos-offsetn) * modfrac(4,:) / volume
- stations_pm(:,ipm_du,i_stat) = stations_pm(:,ipm_du,i_stat) + mass_dat(region)%rm_t(stat(i_stat)%is,stat(i_stat)%js,stat(i_stat)%ls,iduacs-offsetn) * modfrac(3,:) / volume
- stations_pm(:,ipm_du,i_stat) = stations_pm(:,ipm_du,i_stat) + mass_dat(region)%rm_t(stat(i_stat)%is,stat(i_stat)%js,stat(i_stat)%ls,iducos-offsetn) * modfrac(4,:) / volume
- stations_pm(:,ipm_du,i_stat) = stations_pm(:,ipm_du,i_stat) + mass_dat(region)%rm_t(stat(i_stat)%is,stat(i_stat)%js,stat(i_stat)%ls,iduaci-offsetn) * modfrac(6,:) / volume
- stations_pm(:,ipm_du,i_stat) = stations_pm(:,ipm_du,i_stat) + mass_dat(region)%rm_t(stat(i_stat)%is,stat(i_stat)%js,stat(i_stat)%ls,iducoi-offsetn) * modfrac(7,:) / volume
- stations_pm(:,ipm_no3,i_stat) = stations_pm(:,ipm_no3,i_stat) + mass_dat(region)%rm_t(stat(i_stat)%is,stat(i_stat)%js,stat(i_stat)%ls,ino3_a-offsetn) * modfrac(3,:) / volume
- stations_pm(:,ipm_nh4,i_stat) = stations_pm(:,ipm_nh4,i_stat) + mass_dat(region)%rm_t(stat(i_stat)%is,stat(i_stat)%js,stat(i_stat)%ls,inh4-offsetn) * modfrac(3,:) / volume
- stations_pm(:,ipm_h2o,i_stat) = stations_pm(:,ipm_h2o,i_stat) + h2o_mode(region,1)%d3(stat(i_stat)%is,stat(i_stat)%js,stat(i_stat)%ls) * modfrac(1,:) / volume
- stations_pm(:,ipm_h2o,i_stat) = stations_pm(:,ipm_h2o,i_stat) + h2o_mode(region,2)%d3(stat(i_stat)%is,stat(i_stat)%js,stat(i_stat)%ls) * modfrac(2,:) / volume
- stations_pm(:,ipm_h2o,i_stat) = stations_pm(:,ipm_h2o,i_stat) + h2o_mode(region,3)%d3(stat(i_stat)%is,stat(i_stat)%js,stat(i_stat)%ls) * modfrac(3,:) / volume
- stations_pm(:,ipm_h2o,i_stat) = stations_pm(:,ipm_h2o,i_stat) + h2o_mode(region,4)%d3(stat(i_stat)%is,stat(i_stat)%js,stat(i_stat)%ls) * modfrac(4,:) / volume
- stations_pm(:,ipm_soa,i_stat) = stations_pm(:,ipm_soa,i_stat) + mass_dat(region)%rm_t(stat(i_stat)%is,stat(i_stat)%js,stat(i_stat)%ls,isoanus-offsetn) * modfrac(1,:) / volume
- stations_pm(:,ipm_soa,i_stat) = stations_pm(:,ipm_soa,i_stat) + mass_dat(region)%rm_t(stat(i_stat)%is,stat(i_stat)%js,stat(i_stat)%ls,isoaais-offsetn) * modfrac(2,:) / volume
- stations_pm(:,ipm_soa,i_stat) = stations_pm(:,ipm_soa,i_stat) + mass_dat(region)%rm_t(stat(i_stat)%is,stat(i_stat)%js,stat(i_stat)%ls,isoaacs-offsetn) * modfrac(3,:) / volume
- stations_pm(:,ipm_soa,i_stat) = stations_pm(:,ipm_soa,i_stat) + mass_dat(region)%rm_t(stat(i_stat)%is,stat(i_stat)%js,stat(i_stat)%ls,isoacos-offsetn) * modfrac(4,:) / volume
- stations_pm(:,ipm_soa,i_stat) = stations_pm(:,ipm_soa,i_stat) + mass_dat(region)%rm_t(stat(i_stat)%is,stat(i_stat)%js,stat(i_stat)%ls,isoaaii-offsetn) * modfrac(5,:) / volume
- End Do
- ! ok
- status = 0
- End Subroutine PM_Step
- ! ================================================================ }}}
- Subroutine PM_Write(status) ! {{{
- use file_hdf, only : WriteData
- Use user_output_station, only : sds_station_pm,stat,n_stat,n_stat2
- Use Partools, only : myid, root, tracer_active,offsetn,offsetl,lmloc
- ! --- in/out --------------------------------
- Integer, Intent(out) :: status
- ! --- var ------------------------------
- Integer :: i_stat ! Just because I do not have Rebin. I want to divide a 3d object by a 1d object. It is possible to repeat dividing a 2d object by a scalar.
- ! --- const ------------------------------
- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname
- stations_pm(:,:,:) = 1.e9*stations_pm(:,:,:)
- Do i_stat=1,n_stat+n_stat2
- stations_pm(:,:,i_stat) = stations_pm(:,:,i_stat) / stations_count(i_stat)
- End Do
- stations_pm_tobewritten(:,:,:,1) = stations_pm(:,:,:)
- ! Now the root continues. The rest only resets its values.
- If (myid .eq. root) then
- Call Writedata(sds_station_pm,stations_pm_tobewritten,status,start=(/0,0,0,io_record/))
- IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1)
- io_record = io_record + 1
- End If ! myid .eq. root
- ! Reset all output fields.
- stations_count = 0.0
- stations_pm = 0.0
- status = 0
- End Subroutine PM_Write
- ! ================================================================ }}}
- end module PM