123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697 |
- !
- !
- !
- !
- !
- ! TM5 !
- !
- !BOP
- !
- !
- !\\
- !\\
- !
- !
- ! !USES:
- !
- USE GO, ONLY : gol, goPr, goErr
- USE PARTOOLS, ONLY : isRoot, npe_lon
- !
- !
- PUBLIC :: advectxzoom
- !
- !
- character(len=*), parameter :: mname='advectx'
- !
- ! 1 Feb 2012 - P. Le Sager - adapted for lon-lat MPI domain decomposition
- ! 9 Jan 2013 - P. Le Sager - works with reduced grid
- !
- !
- !EOP
- !
- !
- ! TM5 !
- !
- !BOP
- !
- !
- ! !DESCRIPTION: set parameters for advectx
- !\\
- !\\
- !
- ! !USES:
- !
- !
- use dims, only : lm
- use budget_global, only : sum_advection
- use global_data, only : mass_dat, wind_dat
- !
- !
- integer, intent(in) :: region
- !
- !
- integer, intent(out) :: test
- !
- ! written by patrick berkvens and mike botchev, march-june 1999
- ! updated and modified by MK, dec 2002
- ! 1 Feb 2012 - P. Le Sager - adapted for lon-lat MPI domain decomposition
- !
- !
- !EOP
- !
- !BOC
- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/advectxzoom'
- integer :: i1, j1, i2, j2, istat, lmr
- real :: sum_old, sum_new
- !
- CALL GET_DISTGRID( dgrid(region), I_STRT=i1, I_STOP=i2, J_STRT=j1, J_STOP=j2 )
- lmr = lm(region)
- ! total mass tracer
- call REDUCE( dgrid(region), mass_dat(region)%rm(:,:,:,1), mass_dat(region)%halo, 'SUM', sum_old, istat)
- CALL ADVECTX_WORK(region, j1, j2, 1, lmr, test)
- call REDUCE( dgrid(region), mass_dat(region)%rm(:,:,:,1), mass_dat(region)%halo, 'SUM', sum_new, istat)
- if( isRoot ) then
- sum_advection(region) = sum_advection(region) + sum_new - sum_old
- end if
- test=0
- !EOC
- !
- ! TM5 !
- !
- !BOP
- !
- !
- ! !DESCRIPTION: makes reduced grid pre-/postprocessing, call dynamu
- !\\
- !\\
- !
- SUBROUTINE ADVECTX_WORK( region, js, je, ls, le, test)
- !
- ! !USES:
- !
- use dims, only : im, jm, lm
- use redgridZoom, only : grid_reduced, nred, uni2red, uni2red_mf, red2uni, idle_xadv
- use global_data, only : wind_dat, mass_dat
- use meteodata , only : m_dat
- use chem_param, only : ntracet
- !
- !
- integer,intent(in) :: region
- integer,intent(in) :: js
- integer,intent(in) :: je
- integer,intent(in) :: ls
- integer,intent(in) :: le
- !
- !
- integer, intent(out) :: test
- !
- !
- ! written by mike botchev, march-june 1999
- ! 1 Feb 2012 - P. Le Sager - adapted for lon-lat MPI domain decomposition
- !
- !EOP
- !
- !BOC
- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/advectx_work'
- real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: m
- real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: am
- real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: m_uni ! for reduced grid...
- real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: am_uni ! for reduced grid...
- real :: mxval
- integer,dimension(3) :: mxloc
- integer :: imr, jmr, lmr, i1, i2, j1, j2, halo
- !
- test=1
- return
- ! Transform to the reduced grid
- if ( grid_reduced ) then
- CALL GET_DISTGRID( dgrid(region), I_STRT=i1, I_STOP=i2, J_STRT=j1, J_STOP=j2 )
- lmr = lm(region)
- imr = im(region)
- halo = m_dat(region)%halo
- allocate( m_uni( i1-halo:i2+halo, j1-halo:j2+halo, lmr ))
- halo = wind_dat(region)%halo
- allocate(am_uni( i1-halo:i2+halo, j1-halo:j2+halo, 0:lmr+1))
- am => wind_dat(region)%am
- m => m_dat(region)%data
- ! take care of BC for uniform am, so that am_uni is correct when
- ! updating m_uni after the call to dynamun
- if (npe_lon==1) then
- am(-1:0,j1:j2,:) = am(imr-1:imr,j1:j2,:)
- am(i2+1,j1:j2,:) = am( 1,j1:j2,:)
- else
- call UPDATE_HALO_JBAND(dgrid(region), am, halo, test )
- endif
- ! save non-reduced m and am in m_uni and am_uni:
- m_uni = m
- am_uni = am
- ! reduce m
- call uni2red(region,i1,i2,j1,j2,test)
- ! reduce am (and update halo of reduced zonal bands)
- call uni2red_mf( region,i1,i2,j1,j2,test )
- end if
- ! transport
- if (.not.idle_xadv) then
- CALL DYNAMU (region,js,je,ls,le, test)
- endif
- ! Transform from reduced to uniform grid
- if ( grid_reduced ) then
- ! advection on uniform grid
- m_uni(i1:i2,j1:j2,1:lmr) = m_uni(i1:i2,j1:j2,1:lmr) + &
- am_uni(i1-1:i2-1,j1:j2,1:lmr) - am_uni(i1:i2,j1:j2,1:lmr)
- ! redistribute rm,rxm,rym,rzm by using m_uni and m
- halo = m_dat(region)%halo
- call red2uni(region, i1, i2, j1, j2, halo, m_uni, test)
- ! recreate rm/rxm/rym/rzm by using equal masses (not m_uni)
- !call red2uni_em(region)
- ! recreate am:
- am = am_uni
- nullify(am)
- nullify(m)
- deallocate(am_uni)
- deallocate(m_uni)
- endif
- test=0
- !EOC
- !
- ! TM5 !
- !
- !BOP
- !
- !
- ! !DESCRIPTION: east-west tracer transport: calculate amount of tracer moved in an east-west
- ! advection substep
- !
- ! method : slopes scheme
- ! reference : Russel and Lerner, 1979
- !\\
- !\\
- !
- SUBROUTINE DYNAMU( region, js, je, ls, le, test)
- !
- ! !USES:
- !
- use dims, only : okdebug, nregions, parent
- use dims, only : im, jm, lm, xref, yref, zref, tref
- use dims, only : zero, one, xi, nxi, nloop_max, limits, xcyc
- use redgridZoom, only : grid_reduced, nred, imredj
- use redgridZoom, only : mfl_alt1, m_alt1, rm_alt1, rxm_alt1, rym_alt1, rzm_alt1
- use global_data, only : wind_dat, mass_dat
- use meteodata , only : m_dat
- use budget_global, only : budget_flux, apply_budget_global_flux
- use budget_global, only : iflux1, iflux2, jflux1, jflux2
- use chem_param, only : ntracet, ra
- use partools, only : par_reduce, isRowRoot
- !
- !
- integer,intent(in) :: region
- integer,intent(in) :: js
- integer,intent(in) :: je
- integer,intent(in) :: ls
- integer,intent(in) :: le
- !
- !
- integer, intent(out) :: test
- !
- ! programmed by mh, mpi HH 1994-1995
- ! zoom version written by mike botchev, march-june 1999
- ! 1 Feb 2012 - P. Le Sager - adapted for lon-lat MPI domain decomposition
- !
- !EOP
- !
- !BOC
- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/dynamu'
- real, dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer :: rm, rxm, rym, rzm
- real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: m, am
- real, dimension(:), allocatable :: f, pf, fy, fz, mnew, mx
- real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: wrk2
- integer, allocatable :: ie(:)
- integer :: i, is, j, l, n, offsetn
- integer :: i1, i2, j1, j2
- logical :: WestBorder, EastBorder
- integer :: imr, jmr, lmr, tref_, xref_, yref_, zref_, ic, iloop, iemax
- integer :: nloop(jm(region),lm(region))
- real :: min_one, max_one, min_all, max_all
- real :: my_alpha, alpha, max_alpha, alphamax, x, rmold
- logical :: cfl_ok
- integer, parameter :: max_nloop = 50
- integer :: ns, ne, jss, jee, iie
- real :: l_xi, g_xi, l_nl, g_nl
- character(len=2) :: sloop
- !
- !
- ! Bounds
- !
- CALL GET_DISTGRID( dgrid(region), &
- I_STRT=i1, I_STOP=i2, &
- J_STRT=j1, J_STOP=j2, &
- hasWestBorder=WestBorder, hasEastBorder=EastBorder )
- lmr = lm(region)
- imr = im(region)
- allocate(ie(j1:j2))
- !
- ! Work arrays
- !
- if ( ( grid_reduced ) .and. (npe_lon /= 1) .and. (nred(region)/=0) ) then
- am => mfl_alt1
- m => m_alt1
- rm => rm_alt1
- rxm => rxm_alt1
- rym => rym_alt1
- rzm => rzm_alt1
- is=1
- ie=imr
- iemax=maxval(imredj(j1:j2,region))
- else
- am => wind_dat(region)%am
- m => m_dat(region)%data
- rm => mass_dat(region)%rm
- rxm => mass_dat(region)%rxm
- rym => mass_dat(region)%rym
- rzm => mass_dat(region)%rzm
- is=i1
- ie=i2
- iemax=i2
- endif
- allocate( f( is-1:iemax+1 )) ! halo=1
- allocate( pf( is-1:iemax+1 )) ! halo=1
- allocate( fy( is-1:iemax+1 )) ! halo=1
- allocate( fz( is-1:iemax+1 )) ! halo=1
- allocate( mx( is-2:iemax+2 )) ! halo=2 (was 1)
- allocate(mnew( is-1:iemax+1 )) ! halo=1 (was 0)
- allocate(wrk2( is-2:iemax+2, ntracet )) ! halo=2
- !
- ! Reduced grid & halo
- !
- if ( ( grid_reduced .and. npe_lon==1 ).or.(grid_reduced .and. npe_lon/=1.and.nred(region)>0)) then
- ie = imredj(j1:j2,region)
- do j=j1,j2
- iie=ie(j)
- m( -1:0, j,:) = m(iie-1:iie,j,:)
- rm( -1:0, j,:,:) = rm(iie-1:iie,j,:,:)
- rxm( -1:0, j,:,:) = rxm(iie-1:iie,j,:,:)
- rym( -1:0, j,:,:) = rym(iie-1:iie,j,:,:)
- rzm( -1:0, j,:,:) = rzm(iie-1:iie,j,:,:)
- m(iie+1:iie+2, j,:) = m(1:2,j,:)
- rm(iie+1:iie+2, j,:,:) = rm(1:2,j,:,:)
- rxm(iie+1:iie+2, j,:,:) = rxm(1:2,j,:,:)
- rym(iie+1:iie+2, j,:,:) = rym(1:2,j,:,:)
- rzm(iie+1:iie+2, j,:,:) = rzm(1:2,j,:,:)
- end do
- ! halo of am is filled in advectx_work (thru uni2red_mf for reduced part)
- else
- CALL UPDATE_HALO_JBAND( dgrid(region), am, wind_dat(region)%halo, test)
- CALL UPDATE_HALO_JBAND( dgrid(region), m, m_dat(region)%halo, test)
- CALL UPDATE_HALO_JBAND( dgrid(region), rm, mass_dat(region)%halo, test)
- CALL UPDATE_HALO_JBAND( dgrid(region), rxm, mass_dat(region)%halo, test)
- CALL UPDATE_HALO_JBAND( dgrid(region), rym, mass_dat(region)%halo, test)
- CALL UPDATE_HALO_JBAND( dgrid(region), rzm, mass_dat(region)%halo, test)
- end if
- ! if requested limit zonal slopes such that no negative tracer masses
- ! should occur
- if ( limits ) then
- do n = 1, ntracet
- do l = ls, le
- do j = js, je
- do i = is - 1, ie(j) + 1
- rxm(i,j,l,n) = max (min (rxm(i,j,l,n), rm(i,j,l,n)), -rm(i,j,l,n))
- end do
- end do
- end do
- end do
- end if
- ! init stat holders
- l_nl = 0.0
- l_xi = 0.0 ! max alpha
- ! ================= Find number of iterations needed
- LATBAND: DO l= ls, le ! work in 1D, so final nloop can differ with latitude and levels
- DO j = js, je
- iie = ie(j)
- ! Determine number of loops required to avoid CFLs...
- nloop(j,l) = 1 ! default run the loop one time!
- alpha = 2.0
- max_alpha = 0.0
- do while ( abs(alpha) >= one .and. nloop(j,l) < max_nloop )
- ! copy initial mass to temp array
- mx(is-2:iie+2) = m(is-2:iie+2,j,l)
- xloop: do iloop = 1, nloop(j,l)
- cfl_ok = .true.
- indloop : do i=is-1,iie
- if (am(i,j,l)>=zero) then
- my_alpha=am(i,j,l)/mx(i)
- else
- my_alpha=am(i,j,l)/mx(i+1)
- end if
- max_alpha = max(max_alpha, abs(my_alpha))
- if((abs(my_alpha)>=one)) exit indloop
- end do indloop
- ! sync
- if (grid_reduced .and. npe_lon/=1.and.nred(region)>0) then
- alpha=max_alpha
- else
- call Par_Reduce(max_alpha, 'MAX', alpha, test, all=.true., row=.true.)
- endif
- if (alpha>=one) then
- cfl_ok = .false.
- exit xloop
- end if
- ! cfl ok, then update mass for next iteration if any
- if(iloop/=nloop(j,l)) then
- ! is:iie updated
- ! is-1, iie+1 are BC, and also updated (assumption that
- ! xcyc(region)==1), so we do not need to call update halo
- ! every other iteration.
- mx(is-1:iie+1) = mx(is-1:iie+1) + am(is-2:iie,j,l) - am(is-1:iie+1,j,l)
- if (modulo(iloop,2)==0) then
- if ( ( grid_reduced .and. npe_lon==1 ).or.(grid_reduced .and. npe_lon/=1.and.nred(region)>0)) then
- mx( -1:0) = mx(iie-1:iie)
- mx(iie+1:iie+2) = mx( 1:2)
- else
- call UPDATE_HALO_JBAND( dgrid(region), mx, 2, test)
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end do xloop
- ! CLF not ok : reduce mass flux
- if(.not.cfl_ok) then
- am(is-2:iie+1,j,l) = am(is-2:iie+1,j,l)*nloop(j,l)/(nloop(j,l)+1)
- nloop(j,l) = nloop(j,l) + 1
- max_alpha = 0.0
- if (nloop(j,l) == max_nloop) then
- write(gol,*)'nloop too high'; call goErr
- test=1; TRACEBACK
- return
- end if
- end if
- end do !while alpha>1
- l_xi = MAX (l_xi, alpha)
- end DO
- ! ================= UPDATE MASSES
- LATBAND2: DO l= ls, le
- DO j = js, je
- iie = ie(j)
- CFL: do iloop = 1,nloop(j,l)
- ! calculate new air mass distribution
- mnew(is-1:iie+1) = m(is-1:iie+1,j,l) + am(is-2:iie,j,l)-am(is-1:iie+1,j,l)
- ! loop over tracers
- TRAC: do n=1,ntracet
- ! calculate fluxes for rm,rxm,rym,rzm
- do i=is-1,iie
- if (am(i,j,l)>=zero) then
- alpha = am(i,j,l)/m(i,j,l)
- f(i) = alpha*(rm(i,j,l,n)+(one-alpha)*rxm(i,j,l,n))
- pf(i) = am(i,j,l)*(alpha*alpha*rxm(i,j,l,n) - 3.*f(i))
- fy(i) = alpha*rym(i,j,l,n)
- fz(i) = alpha*rzm(i,j,l,n)
- else
- alpha = am(i,j,l)/m(i+1,j,l)
- f(i) = alpha*(rm(i+1,j,l,n)-(one+alpha)*rxm(i+1,j,l,n))
- pf(i) = am(i,j,l)*(alpha*alpha*rxm(i+1,j,l,n) - 3.*f(i))
- fy(i) = alpha*rym(i+1,j,l,n)
- fz(i) = alpha*rzm(i+1,j,l,n)
- end if
- !xi(region,1)=max(xi(region,1),abs(alpha))
- end do
- !
- ! add up flux budget!
- ! FIXME: note that this woukd be wrong if grid is reduced, so set it to
- ! a quiet NaN (but possible only with F2003)
- !
- if ( apply_budget_global_flux ) then
- if ( (iflux1(region)-1 >= is) .and. (iflux1(region)-1 <= iie) ) then
- budget_flux(region)%flux_x1(j,l,n) = budget_flux(region)%flux_x1(j,l,n) &
- + f(iflux1(region)-1)*1e3/ra(n) ! moles
- endif
- if ( (iflux2(region)-1 >= is) .and. (iflux2(region)-1 <= iie) ) then
- budget_flux(region)%flux_x2(j,l,n) = budget_flux(region)%flux_x2(j,l,n) &
- + f(iflux2(region)-1)*1e3/ra(n)
- endif
- end if
- !
- ! calculate new tracer mass, and tracer mass slopes
- !
- do i=is, iie
- rm(i,j,l,n) = rm(i,j,l,n) + (f(i-1)-f(i))
- rxm(i,j,l,n) = rxm(i,j,l,n) + (pf(i-1)-pf(i) &
- - (am(i-1,j,l)-am(i,j,l))*rxm(i,j,l,n) &
- + 3.*((am(i-1,j,l)+am(i,j,l))*rm(i,j,l,n) &
- - (f(i-1)+f(i))*m(i,j,l)))/mnew(i)
- !CMK: apply limits again: might be in nloop!
- if ( limits ) rxm(i,j,l,n) = &
- max(min(rxm(i,j,l,n),rm(i,j,l,n)),-rm(i,j,l,n))
- rym(i,j,l,n) = rym(i,j,l,n) + (fy(i-1)-fy(i))
- rzm(i,j,l,n) = rzm(i,j,l,n) + (fz(i-1)-fz(i))
- end do
- end do TRAC ! end of n-loop
- ! store new air mass in m array
- m(is-1:iie+1,j,l)=mnew(is-1:iie+1)
- ! update anything that changes and may be used with +/- index shift in next iloop
- if(iloop/=nloop(j,l)) then
- if ( ( grid_reduced .and. npe_lon==1 ).or.(grid_reduced .and. npe_lon/=1.and.nred(region)>0)) then
- m( -1:0, j,:) = m(iie-1:iie,j,:)
- rm( -1:0, j,:,:) = rm(iie-1:iie,j,:,:)
- rxm( -1:0, j,:,:) = rxm(iie-1:iie,j,:,:)
- rym( -1:0, j,:,:) = rym(iie-1:iie,j,:,:)
- rzm( -1:0, j,:,:) = rzm(iie-1:iie,j,:,:)
- m(iie+1:iie+2, j,:) = m(1:2,j,:)
- rm(iie+1:iie+2, j,:,:) = rm(1:2,j,:,:)
- rxm(iie+1:iie+2, j,:,:) = rxm(1:2,j,:,:)
- rym(iie+1:iie+2, j,:,:) = rym(1:2,j,:,:)
- rzm(iie+1:iie+2, j,:,:) = rzm(1:2,j,:,:)
- else
- wrk2 = rm(:,j,l,:)
- CALL UPDATE_HALO_JBAND( dgrid(region), wrk2, mass_dat(region)%halo, test)
- rm(:,j,l,:) = wrk2
- wrk2 = rxm(:,j,l,:)
- CALL UPDATE_HALO_JBAND( dgrid(region), wrk2, mass_dat(region)%halo, test)
- rxm(:,j,l,:) = wrk2
- wrk2 = rym(:,j,l,:)
- CALL UPDATE_HALO_JBAND( dgrid(region), wrk2, mass_dat(region)%halo, test)
- rym(:,j,l,:) = wrk2
- wrk2 = rzm(:,j,l,:)
- CALL UPDATE_HALO_JBAND( dgrid(region), wrk2, mass_dat(region)%halo, test)
- rzm(:,j,l,:) = wrk2
- end if
- end if
- end do CFL ! iloop
- ! restore 'old' am
- am(is-2:iie+1,j,l) = am(is-2:iie+1,j,l)*nloop(j,l)
- enddo
- enddo LATBAND2
- ! store algo info
- l_nl = REAL(maxval(nloop(js:je,ls:le)))
- if (grid_reduced .and. npe_lon/=1) then
- if (nred(region)==0) then
- call Par_Reduce(l_nl, 'MAX', g_nl, test, all=.false., row=.true.)
- l_nl=g_nl
- end if
- if(isRowRoot)then
- call Par_Reduce(l_nl, 'MAX', g_nl, test, all=.false., col=.true.)
- endif
- else
- call Par_Reduce(l_nl, 'MAX', g_nl, test, all=.false.)
- endif
- if (grid_reduced .and. npe_lon/=1) then
- if (nred(region)==0) then
- call Par_Reduce(l_xi, 'MAX', g_xi, test, all=.false., row=.true.)
- l_xi=g_xi
- end if
- if(isRowRoot)then
- call Par_Reduce(l_xi, 'MAX', g_xi, test, all=.false., col=.true.)
- endif
- else
- call Par_Reduce(l_xi, 'MAX', g_xi, test, all=.false.)
- endif
- deallocate(f)
- deallocate(pf)
- deallocate(fy)
- deallocate(fz)
- deallocate(mnew)
- deallocate(mx, wrk2)
- deallocate(ie)
- if ( isRoot ) then
- nloop_max(region,1) = max (nloop_max(region,1), nint (g_nl))
- xi(region,1) = max (xi(region,1), g_xi)
- end if
- nullify(am)
- nullify(m)
- nullify(rm)
- nullify(rxm)
- nullify(rym)
- nullify(rzm)
- test=0
- !EOC