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- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// \file savestate.h
- /// \brief Help functions for serialization
- ///
- /// Contains a couple of functions for creating the serializer and deserializer
- /// objects. Takes care of for instance creating/finding a directory for the state
- /// files, corresponding to a base directory and a date.
- ///
- /// $Date$
- ///
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// ecev3 - copied from RCA branch. We assume that the state is always saved on Dec 31.
- /// Creates a serializer object for a given base directory and date
- /** It is up to the receiver to make sure that the object gets deleted. */
- GuessSerializer* create_serializer(xtring state_dir,
- xtring state_name,
- int calendar_year,
- //int month,
- //int dayofmonth,
- int instance,
- int num_processes);
- /// Creates a deserializer object for a given base directory and date
- GuessDeserializer* create_deserializer(xtring state_dir,
- xtring state_name,
- int calendar_year
- //int month,
- //int dayofmonth
- );