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- \begin_body
- \begin_layout Chapter
- Axis
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Like Domain, Axis is a sub-component of Grid but is one dimension.
- In meteorological applications, axis represents a vertical line with different
- levels.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Section
- Working with configuration file
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- The way to define an axis with configuration file is similar to define a
- domain.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsection
- Basic configuration
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Similar to domain, an axis is defined inside its definition part with the
- tag
- \series bold
- \color black
- axis_definition
- \series default
- \color inherit
- .
- \begin_inset listings
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- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- <axis_definition>
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- <axis id="axis_A" />
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- <axis axis_ref="axis_A" />
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- </axis_definition>
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- The first one is to specify explicitly identification of an axis with an
- id.
- \end_layout
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- <axis_definition>
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- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- <axis id="axis_A" />
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- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- </axis_definition>
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- In this way, with id, the axis can be processed, e.x modified its attributes,
- with Fortran interface; besides, it is only possible to reference to a
- axis whose id is explicitly defined.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- To make a reference to an axis, we use axis_ref
- \end_layout
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- <axis_definition>
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- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- <axis axis_ref="axis_A" />
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- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- </axis_definition>
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- An axis defined by axis_ref will inherit all attributes of the referenced
- one, except its id attribute.
- If there is no id specified, an implicit one is assigned to this new axis.
- The axis with implicit id can only be used inside the scope where it is
- defined, it can not be referenced, nor be processed.
- It is rare to define an axis without id inside axis_definition.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- To define a new axis inside a grid, we use the tag
- \series bold
- \color black
- axis.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
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- <grid id="grid_A">
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- <axis axis_ref="axis_A" />
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- </grid>
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- The xml lines above can be translated as: the grid_A composed of an axis_A
- that is defined somewhere else before.
- More precisely, the grid grid_A is constituted of a
- \begin_inset Quotes eld
- \end_inset
- unknown id
- \begin_inset Quotes erd
- \end_inset
- axis which has inherited all attributes (and their values) from axis A
- (name, long name, i_index, j_index, ...
- etc).
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsection
- Advanced configuration
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Like domain, there are several transformation which can be defined with
- configuration file.
- All transformations on an axis have form *_axis.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Till now, XIOS supports the following transformation on axis:
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Itemize
- zoom_axis: Like zoom functionality in XIOS 1.0, the destination grid is the
- zoomed region of the source grid.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Itemize
- interpolation_axis: Implement interpolation from an axis to one another.
- For now, only polynominal interpolation is available.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Itemize
- inverse_axis: Inverse an axis
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- It is not difficult to define a transformation: Include type of transformation
- inside axis definition, as the following
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
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- <axis_definition>
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- <axis id="axis_A" />
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- <axis id="axis_A_zoom" axis_ref="axis_A">
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- <zoom_axis zoom_begin="1" zoom_n="3"/>
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- </axis>
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- </axis_definition>
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- The concrete example is translated as: the axis named axis_A_zoom is transformed
- from axis name axis_A with a zoom activity.
- The detailed attributes of zoom_axis can be found in reference document,
- but simply it contains the begining and size of zoomed region.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- One remark is the transformed axis SHOULD have an id, in this case, it's
- axis_A_zoom.
- As mentioned before, a no-id axis or any no-id component of XIOS can only
- be used inside its definition scope.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- To make use of transformation, the grid must contain axis which references
- to transformed ones.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- \begin_inset listings
- lstparams "language=XML,breaklines=true,tabsize=2,frame=tb,postbreak={\raisebox{0ex}[0ex][0ex]{\ensuremath{\rcurvearrowse\space}}}"
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- status open
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- <grid id="grid_A">
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- <axis axis_ref="axis_A" />
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- </grid>
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- <grid id="grid_A_zoom">
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- <axis axis_ref="axis_A_zoom" />
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- </grid>
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- On defining this way, we tell XIOS to establish a connection between two
- grids by a transformation (zoom) with: grid source - grid_A, grid destination
- - grid_A_zoom.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- As mentioned in Grid Chapter, in order to use transformed grid, just reference
- to it in field_definition
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
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- <field_definition level="1" enabled=".TRUE." default_value="9.96921e+36">
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- <field id="field_A" operation="average" freq_op="3600s" grid_ref="grid_A"
- />
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- <field id="field_A_zoom" operation="average" freq_op="3600s" grid_ref="grid_A
- _zoom" />
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- </field_definition>
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Although xml is helpful to define several configurations, it can not be
- used to customize attributes of axis.
- So it's the turn of Fortran interface.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Section
- Working with FORTRAN code
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Although axis is not as complexe as domain, there are some mandatory attributes
- to define.
- Different from precedent version, XIOS 2.0 supports distribution of data
- on a axis.
- The followings describe the essential parts of axis.
- Details of its attributes and operations can be found in XIOS reference
- guide.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsection
- Local axis index
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Axis is often used with domain, which is broken into several distributed
- pieces, to make a 3 dimension grid.
- However, there are cases in which data on axis are distributed among processes.
- Following we consider a simple case: a axis with global size 9 and its
- data are distributed evenly among 3 client processes, each of which has
- size 3.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- \begin_inset Float figure
- placement !tbph
- wide false
- sideways false
- status open
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- \begin_inset Graphics
- filename ../images/Distributed_Axis.pdf
- lyxscale 50
- scale 60
- \end_inset
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- \begin_inset Caption Standard
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- Global axis data
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
- \begin_inset CommandInset label
- LatexCommand label
- name "globalAxis"
- \end_inset
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- The local axis can be described by the following way.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Specify the the beginning and size of local axis with:
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Itemize
- n_glo: global size of axis.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Itemize
- begin: global position where a local axis begin
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Itemize
- n: local size of axis on each process
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- For example, the local axis in the middle (the yellow one) can be specified
- with:
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- \begin_inset listings
- lstparams "language=XML,breaklines=true,tabsize=2,frame=tb,postbreak={\raisebox{0ex}[0ex][0ex]{\ensuremath{\rcurvearrowse\space}}}"
- inline false
- status open
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- CALL xios_set_axis_attr("axis_A",n_glo=9, begin=3, n=3)
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsection
- Local axis data
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Simpler than local domain data, data on axis is always on-dimension.
- Like local domain data, local axis data represent the data offset from
- local axis, and it can be defined in two ways.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Specify the begining and size of data on the local axis:
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Itemize
- data_begin: the local position of data on axis where data begins
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Itemize
- data_n: size of data on each local axis
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Or specify data with its position in the local axis:
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Itemize
- data_index: array of local position of data in the local axis.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Although the valid data must be inside a local axis, it is not neccessary
- for data to have same size.
- In fact, data can have larger size than local axis.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- \begin_inset listings
- lstparams "language=XML,breaklines=true,tabsize=2,frame=tb,postbreak={\raisebox{0ex}[0ex][0ex]{\ensuremath{\rcurvearrowse\space}}}"
- inline false
- status open
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- CALL xios_set_axis_attr("axis_A", data_begin=-1, data_n=n+2)
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- For local axis_A, the negative value of data_begin indicates that data is
- larger than local axis, the valid part of data needs extracted from the
- real data.
- If data_begin has a positive value, that means data size is smaller than
- local axis.
- The default value of data_begin is 0, which implies that local data fit
- into local axis properly.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Loal data can be defined with:
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- \begin_inset listings
- lstparams "language=XML,breaklines=true,tabsize=2,frame=tb,postbreak={\raisebox{0ex}[0ex][0ex]{\ensuremath{\rcurvearrowse\space}}}"
- inline false
- status open
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- CALL xios_set_axis_attr("axis_A",data_index=data)
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- with
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Itemize
- data = {-1,0,1,2,3}
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsection
- Value
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Value of axis plays a same role as longitude and latitude of domain.
- As local data, it can be distributed among processes.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- \begin_inset listings
- lstparams "language=XML,breaklines=true,tabsize=2,frame=tb,postbreak={\raisebox{0ex}[0ex][0ex]{\ensuremath{\rcurvearrowse\space}}}"
- inline false
- status open
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- CALL xios_set_axis_attr("axis_A", value=valueAxis)
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- with
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Itemize
- valueAxis = {30, 40, 50}
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Because there is a need of direction of an axis, then comes the attribute
- positive
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- \begin_inset listings
- lstparams "language=XML,breaklines=true,tabsize=2,frame=tb,postbreak={\raisebox{0ex}[0ex][0ex]{\ensuremath{\rcurvearrowse\space}}}"
- inline false
- status open
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- CALL xios_set_axis_attr("axis_A", positive='up')
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- All attributes of axis can be found in Reference Guide.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- \end_layout
- \end_body
- \end_document