pycasso-machine-sara-cartesius-ei-nc.rc 7.7 KB

  1. !queue :
  2. !
  3. ! machine/compiler specific settings
  4. !
  5. ! The environment variables below are set by loading the proper modules into the environment!!!
  6. #include base/${my.branch}/rc/pycasso-queue-slurm-sara.rc
  7. intel.opt.base : ${SURFSARA_IMPI_ROOT}
  8. intel.usr.base : /Users/krol
  9. ! template settings for GNU Fortran compiler:
  10. !#include base/${my.branch}/rc/pycasso-compiler-gfortran-4.1.rc
  11. ! compilers with MPI enabled:
  12. ! o same compilers, flags defined in options:
  13. !mpi.compiler.fc : ${compiler.fc}
  14. !mpi.compiler.fc.openmp : ${compiler.fc.openmp}
  15. ! o use wrapper:
  16. !mpi.compiler.fc : openmpif90
  17. !mpi.compiler.fc.openmp : openmpif90
  18. ! template settings for Intel fortran compiler:
  19. #include base/${my.branch}/rc/pycasso-compiler-ifort-12.1.rc
  20. ! compilers with MPI enabled:
  21. ! o same compilers, flags defined in options:
  22. !mpi.compiler.fc : ${compiler.fc}
  23. !mpi.compiler.fc.openmp : ${compiler.fc.openmp}
  24. mpi.bin : ${intel.opt.base}/bin64/
  25. mpi.compiler.fc : ${mpi.bin}/mpiifort
  26. mpi.compiler.fc.openmp : ${mpi.bin}/mpiifort
  27. ! template settings for Intel Fortran compiler:
  28. !include base/branches/pycasso/rc/compiler.ifort-12.1.rc
  29. ! template settings for IBM xlf compiler:
  30. !include base/branches/pycasso/rc/compiler.xlf-12.1.rc
  31. !
  32. ! libraries
  33. !
  34. my.macports :
  35. ! Z library (used for compression in HDF4)
  36. compiler.lib.z.fflags :
  37. compiler.lib.z.libs : -lz
  38. ! JPEG library (used for compression in HDF4)
  39. JPEG_HOME : ${intel.usr.base}/jpegsrc.v6b/
  40. compiler.lib.jpeg.fflags :
  41. compiler.lib.jpeg.libs : -L${JPEG_HOME}/lib -ljpeg
  42. ! SZ library (used for compression in HDF4)
  43. SZIP_HOME : ${intel.usr.base}/szip-2.1/
  45. : -L${SURFSARA_SZIP_LIB} -lsz -Wl,-rpath -Wl,${SURFSARA_SZIP_LIB}/lib
  46. ! HDF4 library:
  47. HDF4_HOME : ${intel.usr.base}/hdf-4.2.5/
  48. compiler.lib.hdf4.fflags : -I${SURFSARA_HDF4_INCLUDE}
  49. compiler.lib.hdf4.libs : -L${SURFSARA_HDF4_LIB} -lmfhdf -ldf -ljpeg -lz
  50. ! HDF5 library:
  51. HDF5_HOME : ${intel.usr.base}/hdf5-1.8.5-patch1
  52. compiler.lib.hdf5.fflags : -I${SURFSARA_HDF5_INCLUDE}
  53. compiler.lib.hdf5.libs : -L${SURFSARA_HDF5_LIB} -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5_fortran -lhdf5 -Wl,-rpath -Wl,${HDF5_HOME}/lib
  54. ! HDF5 library with parallel features:
  55. HDF5_MPI_HOME : ${intel.usr.base}/mpich2-1.3.1/hdf5-1.8.5-patch1
  56. compiler.lib.hdf5_par.fflags : -I${SURFSARA_HDF5_INCLUDE}
  57. compiler.lib.hdf5_par.libs : -L${SURFSARA_HDF5_LIB} -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5_fortran -lhdf5 -Wl,-rpath -Wl,${SURFSARA_HDF5_LIB}
  58. ! NetCDF library:
  59. ! NOTE WP: This is the "classic" netcdf3 library compiled with gfortran
  60. !NETCDF_HOME : ${my.macports}
  61. NETCDF_HOME : ${intel.usr.base}/netcdf-4.1.1
  62. compiler.lib.netcdf.fflags : -I${SURFSARA_NETCDF_INCLUDE}
  63. compiler.lib.netcdf.libs : -L${SURFSARA_NETCDF_LIB} -lnetcdf -lnetcdff
  64. ! NetCDF4 library:
  65. NETCDF4_HOME : ${intel.usr.base}/netcdf4-4.1.1
  66. compiler.lib.netcdf4.fflags : -I${SURFSARA_NETCDF_INCLUDE}
  67. compiler.lib.netcdf4.libs : -L${SURFSARA_NETCDF_LIB} -lnetcdf -lnetcdff
  68. ! NetCDF4 library with parallel features:
  69. NETCDF4_MPI_HOME : ${intel.usr.base}/mpich2-1.3.1/netcdf4-4.1.1
  70. compiler.lib.netcdf4_par.fflags : -I${SURFSARA_NETCDF_INCLUDE}
  71. compiler.lib.netcdf4_par.libs : -L${SURFSARA_NETCDF_LIB} -lnetcdff -lnetcdf -lcurl -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 -lz !-lnetcdf -lnetcdff
  72. ! MPI library:
  73. !MPI_HOME : ${intel.usr.base}/mpich2-1.3.1/suite
  74. compiler.lib.mpi.fflags : -I${SURFSARA_IMPI_INCLUDE}
  75. compiler.lib.mpi.libs : -L${SURFSARA_IMPI_LIB} -lmpi
  76. ! GRIB library:
  77. GRIBEX_HOME : /usr
  78. compiler.lib.grib.fflags : -I${GRIBEX_HOME}/include
  79. compiler.lib.grib.libs : -L${GRIBEX_HOME}/lib -lgribex
  80. ! Lapack library: (note that MKL is an environment variable set through the module environment)
  81. !MKL : ${intel.opt.base}/Frameworks/mkl/
  82. !compiler.lib.lapack.fflags : -I${MKL_INC}
  83. !compiler.lib.lapack.libs : -L${MKL}/ -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_intel_thread -lmkl_core -lguide -lpthread
  84. !compiler.lib.lapack.libs : -L${MKL}/ -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_intel_thread -lmkl_core -lpthread
  85. !
  86. !
  87. ! UDUNITS version 1 library:
  88. UDUNITS_VERSION : udunits-1.12.11/
  89. UDUNITS_HOME : ${intel.usr.base}/${UDUNITS_VERSION}
  90. compiler.lib.udunits.fflags : -I/home/ivdvelde/local/udunits/include
  91. compiler.lib.udunits.libs : -L/home/ivdvelde/local/udunits/lib -ludunits
  92. !
  93. ! queue
  94. !
  95. ! template settings for LoadLeveler queue:
  96. !include base/branches/pycasso/rc/queue.loadleveler.rc
  97. ! template settings for BSUB queue:
  98. !include base/branches/pycasso/rc/queue.bsub.rc
  99. ! template settings for QSUB queue:
  100. !include base/branches/pycasso/rc/queue.qsub.rc
  101. !
  102. ! jobs
  103. !
  104. ! shell to use in job scripts:
  105. ! o python scripts:
  106. : /usr/bin/env python
  107. !
  108. ! maker
  109. !
  110. ! make command;
  111. ! the setup script will insert the '' specified in the expert.rc
  112. ! or passed as argument to the setup script:
  113. !
  114. maker : make -j %{}
  115. !
  116. ! MPI runner
  117. !
  118. ! command for running MPI parallel programs
  119. !
  120. ! o MPI run (part of MPI distribution)
  121. !
  122. ! command and arguments; no command file written, thus executable and arguments are added
  123. ! For gfortran
  124. mpirun.command : srun
  125. ! For ifort
  126. mpirun.args :
  127. !
  128. ! name of command file; if empty, then executable and arguments are added to the command line
  129. mpirun.cmdfile :
  130. !
  131. ! name of host file:
  132. mpirun.hostfile :
  133. !!
  134. !! o POE = Parallel Operating Environment (IBM machines on ECMWF, SARA)
  135. !!
  136. !! command and arguments; the call to executable is written to the command file:
  137. !mpirun.command : poe
  138. !mpirun.args : -labelio yes -procs ${par.ntask} -cmdfile ${mpirun.cmdfile} -hostfile ${mpirun.hostfile}
  139. !!
  140. !! name of command and host files (empty for not written):
  141. !mpirun.cmdfile : ${my.basename}.cmdfile
  142. !mpirun.hostfile : ${my.basename}.hostfile
  143. !
  144. ! debugger
  145. !
  146. ! debugger type: totalview | idb | kdbg
  147. debugger : kdbg
  148. ! command for debugger:
  149. ! o KDE debugger around gdb (Linux systems using gfortran)
  150. debugger.command : kdbg
  151. ! o Intel debugger (for systems with Intel compiler)
  152. !debugger.command : idb -gui
  153. ! o TotalView (IBM)
  154. !debugger.command : totalview -searchPath=${build.sourcedir}
  155. !
  156. ! model data
  157. !
  158. ! the user scratch directory:
  159. my.scratch : /scratch/shared/${USER}
  160. !my.scratch : ${TEMP}
  161. ! main archive:
  162. !my.archdir : /ms_perm/TM
  163. my.archdir : /Volumes/Storage/TM5
  164. ! base path to various data files:
  165. : ${my.archdir}/input
  166. ! local temporary meteo archive:
  167. my.meteo.dir : ${my.scratch}/meteo-buffer/
  168. ! permanent archives to search for meteo files:
  169. #if "${my.meteo.format}" == "tm5-nc"
  170. ! : /data/TM5/peters/NO-TAPE-YET/TM/meteo-nc/
  171. : /archive/ivdvelde/carbontracker/meteo-ei-nc
  172. #else
  173. ! : ${my.archdir}/METEO/
  174. : /archive/ivdvelde/carbontracker/meteo-ei-nc
  175. #endif
  176. ! extra install tasks:
  177. my.install.tasks :
  178. !my.install.tasks : meteo.cartesius
  179. !meteo.cartesius.install.dir : ${my.meteo.dir}
  180. !meteo.cartesius.install.arch : ${}
  181. !meteo.cartesius.install.files : glb600x400/
  182. !meteo.cartesius.install.rsync : glb600x400/\*<yyyy><mm>\*