expert-ecearth3-run.rc 3.9 KB

  1. ! ######################################################################
  2. ! ###
  3. ! ### TM5 Expert settings.
  4. ! ###
  5. ! ######################################################################
  6. ! ------------------------------------------------
  7. ! logging
  8. ! ------------------------------------------------
  9. ! Default setting for print debug messages (True|False) ? Passing '--verbose'
  10. ! or '-v' options to setup_tm5 script will set this value to 'True'
  11. verbose : False
  12. ! set log file for setup script:
  13. logfile : ${script}.0000.log
  14. ! ------------------------------------------------
  15. ! run directory (where submit script, executable, and settings are installed)
  16. ! ------------------------------------------------
  17. rundir : ${}
  18. ! ------------------------------------------------
  19. ! build source
  20. ! ------------------------------------------------
  21. ! prefix for source and script files
  22. #if "${co2only}" == '1'
  23. build.prefix : ${my.project.dir}/build-co2-${my.mlevs}
  24. #else
  25. build.prefix : ${my.project.dir}/build-cb05-${my.mlevs}
  26. #endif
  27. ! a link with the original name will be created to this extended name
  28. build.prefix.extend : False
  29. ! actual source codes will end up in ...
  30. build.sourcedir : ${build.prefix}
  31. ! Create a source
  32. ! copy a source code to the build prefix directory (True|False) ?
  33. build.copy : True
  34. ! configure source (True|False) ?
  35. build.configure : True
  36. ! ------------------------------------------------
  37. ! install executable and scripts
  38. ! ------------------------------------------------
  39. install.copy : ${build.prefix}/../bin/submit_tm5
  40. install.rc : tm5-run.rc
  41. ! ------------------------------------------------
  42. ! job script
  43. ! ------------------------------------------------
  44. : ${my.basename}
  45. job.steps : init run done
  46. : ${my.basename}.x
  47. ! ------------------------------------------------
  48. ! submit script
  49. ! ------------------------------------------------
  50. submit.script : submit_tm5
  51. submit.command : ./${submit.script} ${} ${install.rc}
  52. submit.relpaths : False
  53. : foreground
  54. submit.options :
  55. submit.debugger : False
  56. ! ------------------------------------------------
  57. ! horizontal grids
  58. ! ------------------------------------------------
  59. regions : ${my.region1}
  60. ! special: single cell global region:
  61. region.globe : globe
  62. ! special: global surface fields (unless region 1 is on the same grid)
  63. #if ("${my.region1}" == "glb100x100") or ("${my.region1}" == "glb050x050") :
  64. region.glbsfc :
  65. #else:
  66. region.glbsfc : glb100x100
  67. #endif
  68. ! parent regions for zoom; Must use 'globe' for the global region:
  69. region.${my.region1}.parent : ${region.globe}
  70. ! 'parent' region for global surface field; used to match surface
  71. ! pressures if necessary:
  72. #if ("${my.region1}" != "glb100x100") and ("${my.region1}" != "glb050x050") :
  73. region.${region.glbsfc}.parent : ${my.region1}
  74. #endif
  75. !=====================================================================!
  76. ! OpenMP keys, which are not an option yet !
  77. !=====================================================================!
  78. par.openmp : F
  79. par.nthread : 1
  80. !=====================================================================!
  81. ! Miscelleaneous (do not modify, unless you know what you're doing!) !
  82. !=====================================================================!
  83. output.types : timing settings
  84. jobstep : 0
  85. jobstep.timerange.start : ${timerange.start}
  86. jobstep.timerange.end : ${timerange.end}
  87. prev.output.dir :
  88. ! code source for levels definition
  89. #if "${my.levs}" == "all"
  90. my.source.levs : levels/${my.eclevs}
  91. #else
  92. my.source.levs : levels/${my.eclevs} levels/${my.eclevs}/${my.levs}
  93. #endif