dims_levels__ml60_tropo34.F90 1.3 KB

  1. #include "tm5.inc"
  2. !
  3. ! Levels.
  4. !
  5. module dims_levels
  6. use const_ec_v, only : lme, a_ec, b_ec
  7. use dims_grid, only : nregions_all
  8. implicit none
  9. ! --- in/out ------------------------------
  10. public
  11. ! --- const -------------------------------
  12. integer, parameter :: lm(0:nregions_all) = 34
  13. ! lmax_conv determines to what level the clouds and convection
  14. ! are stored in the meteo files...
  15. #ifdef without_lmax_conv
  16. ! don't bother about computation time and storage ...
  17. integer,parameter :: lmax_conv = 34
  18. #else
  19. ! Quote Michiel van Weele:
  20. ! "..., convectie kan wel tot ~70 hPa (19km) gaan in de tropen."
  21. integer,parameter :: lmax_conv = 28
  22. #endif
  23. integer,parameter :: echlevs(0:34) = (/ &
  24. 60, 58, &
  25. 56, 54, &
  26. 52, 50, &
  27. 48, 46, &
  28. 44, 42, &
  29. 40, 39, &
  30. 38, 37, &
  31. 36, 35, &
  32. 34, 33, &
  33. 32, 31, &
  34. 30, 29, &
  35. 28, 27, &
  36. 26, 25, &
  37. 24, 23, &
  38. 22, 20, &
  39. 16, &
  40. 12, &
  41. 8, &
  42. 4, &
  43. 0 /)
  44. ! values filled in module geometry ...
  45. real :: at(1:34+1)
  46. real :: bt(1:34+1)
  47. end module dims_levels