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  1. @article{gaspari-1999a,
  2. author = "G.~Gaspari and S.~E.~Cohn",
  3. title = {{Construction of Correlation Functions in Two and Three Dimensions}},
  4. journal ={Quart.~J.~Roy.~Met.~Soc.},
  5. year = "1999",
  6. volume = "125",
  7. pages = "723--757",
  8. }
  9. @article{jones-1999,
  10. author = "P.~W.~Jones",
  11. title = {{First- and Second-order Conservative Remapping Schemes for Grids in Spherical Coordinates}},
  12. journal ={Monthly Weather Reveiw},
  13. year = "1999",
  14. volume = "127",
  15. pages = "2204-2210",
  16. }
  17. @Techreport{gaspari-1998,
  18. author = "G.~Gaspari and S.~E.~Cohn and D.~P.~Dee and J.~Guo and A.~M.~da~Silva",
  19. title = {{Construction of the PSAS Multi-level Forecast Error Covariance Models}},
  20. year = "1998",
  21. institution = "NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center",
  22. number = "DAO Office Note 98-06 {\bf}",
  23. address = "Greenbelt, Maryland."
  24. }
  25. @techreport{dasilva-1998a,
  26. author = "A.~da Silva and M.~Tippett and J.~Guo",
  27. title = {{The PSAS Users' Manual}},
  28. year = "1999",
  29. institution = "NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center",
  30. number = "To be published as DAO Office Note 99-XX",
  31. address = "Greenbelt, Maryland"
  32. }
  33. @Techreport{guo+al-1998a,
  34. author = "J.~Guo and J.~W.~Larson and G.~Gaspari and A.~da~Silva and P.~M.~Lyster",
  35. title = {{Documentation of the Physical-space Statistical Analysis System (PSAS) Part II: The Factored-Operator Formulation of Error Covariances}},
  36. year = "1998",
  37. institution = "NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center",
  38. number = "DAO Office Note 98-04 {\bf}",
  39. address = "Greenbelt, Maryland."
  40. }
  41. @techreport{ODS-95,
  42. author = "A.~M.~da Silva and C.~Redder",
  43. title = {{Documentation of the GEOS/DAS Observation Data Stream (ODS), Version 1.01}},
  44. year = "1995",
  45. institution = "NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center",
  46. number = "DAO Office Note 95-01",
  47. address = "Greenbelt, Maryland"
  48. }
  49. @techreport{farrell-1996a,
  50. author = "W.~E.~Farrell and A.~J.~Busalacchi and A.~Davis
  51. and W.~P.~Dannevik and G-R.~Hoffmann and M.~Kafatos and R.~W.~Moore
  52. and J.~Sloan and T.~Sterling",
  53. title = {{Report of the Data Assimilation Office Computer Advisory
  54. Panel to the Laboratory for Atmospheres}},
  55. year = "1996",
  56. institution = "NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center",
  57. address = "Greenbelt, Maryland"
  58. }
  59. @techreport{lam+daS-1996a,
  60. author = "D.~Lamich and A.~da~Silva",
  61. title = {{Architectural Design for the GEOS-2.1 Data Assimilation System Document Version 1}},
  62. year = "1996",
  63. institution = "NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center",
  64. number = "DAO Office Note 96-XX",
  65. address = "Greenbelt, Maryland"
  66. }
  67. @techreport{atbd-1996a,
  68. author = "D.~A.~O.~Staff",
  69. title = {{Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document, Version 1.01}},
  70. year = "1996",
  71. institution = "NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center",
  72. address = "Greenbelt, Maryland {\bf}"
  73. }
  74. @techreport{suarez-1995a,
  75. author = "M.~J.~Suarez and L.~L.~Takacs",
  76. title = {{Documentation of the Aries-GEOS Dynamical Core: Version 2}},
  77. year = "1995",
  78. institution = "NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center",
  79. number = "NASA Techinical Memorandum 104606, Vol. 5",
  80. address = "Greenbelt, Maryland"
  81. }
  82. @techreport{takacs-1994a,
  83. author = "L.~L.~Takacs and A.~Molod and T.~Wang",
  84. title = {{Documentation of the Goddard Earth Observing
  85. System (GEOS) General Circulation Model--Version 1}},
  86. year = "1994",
  87. institution = "NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center",
  88. number = "NASA Techinical Memorandum 104606, Vol. 1",
  89. address = "Greenbelt, Maryland"
  90. }
  91. @techreport{pfaendtner-1995a,
  92. author = "J.~W.~Pfaendtner and J.~S.~Bloom and D.~Lamich and
  93. and M.~Seablom and M.~Sienkiewicz and J.~Stobie and A.~da~Silva",
  94. title = {{Documentation of the Goddard Earth Observing System
  95. (GEOS) Data Assimilation System -- Version 1}},
  96. year = "1995",
  97. institution = "NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center",
  98. number = "Tech. Memo No. 104606, Vol. 4",
  99. address = "Greenbelt, Maryland."
  100. }
  101. @techreport{pfaendtner-1996a,
  102. author = "J.~W.~Pfaendtner",
  103. title = {{Notes on the Icosahedral Domain Decompostion in PSAS}},
  104. year = "1996",
  105. institution = "NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center",
  106. number = "DAO Office Note 96-04 {\bf}",
  107. address = "Greenbelt, Maryland."
  108. }
  109. @Conference{seablom-1991a,
  110. author = "M.~Seablom and J.~Pfaendtner and P.~E.~Piraino",
  111. title = {{Quality Control techniques for the interactive GLA
  112. retrieval/assimilation system}},
  113. year = "1991",
  114. pages="28-29",
  115. booktitle={{AMS Ninth Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction,
  116. Denver, Colorado, October 14-18, 1991}},
  117. }
  118. @Conference{daSilva-1995a,
  119. author = "A.~da Silva and J.~Pfaendtner and J.~Guo and
  120. M.~Sienkiewicz and S.~Cohn",
  121. title = {{Assessing the Effects of Data Selection with
  122. DAO's Physical-space Statistical Analysis System}},
  123. year = "1995",
  124. booktitle="Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on the
  125. Assimilation of Observations in Meteorology and Oceanography, Tokyo Japan"
  126. }
  127. @techreport{zero-1996a,
  128. author = "J.~Zero and R.~Lucchesi and R.~Rood",
  129. title = {{Data Assimilation Office (DAO) Strategy Statement:
  130. Evolution Towards the 1998 Computing Environment}},
  131. year = "1996",
  132. institution = "NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center",
  133. number = "Tech. Memo No. 104606, Vol. 4",
  134. address = "Greenbelt, Maryland"
  135. }
  136. @techreport{daSilva-1996a,
  137. author = "A.~da Silva and J.~Guo",
  138. title = {{Documentation of the Physical-space Statistical Analysis
  139. System (PSAS) Part I: The Conjugate Gradient Solver, Version
  140. PSAS-1.00}},
  141. year = "1996",
  142. institution = "NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center",
  143. number = "DAO Office Note No.~96-02 {\bf}",
  144. address = "Greenbelt, Maryland"
  145. }
  146. @techreport{stobie-1996a,
  147. author = "J.~Stobie",
  148. title = {{GEOS 3.0 System Requirements}},
  149. institution = "NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center",
  150. address = "Greenbelt, Maryland"
  151. }
  152. @Conference{ding-1995a,
  153. author = "C.~Ding and R.~D.~Ferraro",
  154. title = {{An 18 GFLOPS Parallel Data Assimilation PSAS Package}},
  155. year = "1995",
  156. pages="70",
  157. booktitle={{Proceedings of the Intel Supercomputer Users Group
  158. Conference}}
  159. }
  160. @Conference{ding-1995b,
  161. author = "C.~Ding and R.~D.~Ferraro",
  162. title = {{A General Purpose Parallel Sparse-Matrix Solver Package}},
  163. year = "1995",
  164. pages="70",
  165. booktitle={{Proceedings of the 9th International Parallel Processing Symposium}}
  166. }
  167. @Conference{ding-1996a,
  168. author = "C.~Ding and R.~D.~Ferraro",
  169. title = {{Climate Data Assimilation on a Massively Parallel Computer}},
  170. year = "1996",
  171. booktitle={{Proceedings of Supercomputing, 96}}
  172. }
  173. @techreport{hennecke-1996a,
  174. author = "M.~Hennecke",
  175. title = {{A Fortran 90 Interface to MPI Version 1.1}},
  176. institution = "RZ Universitat Karlsruhe",
  177. year = "1996",
  178. number = "Internal Report 63/96",
  179. address = "Karlsruhe, Germany"
  180. }
  181. @techreport{daSilva-1996b,
  182. author = "A.~da Silva and C.~Redder",
  183. title = {{Documentation of the GEOS/DAS Observation Data
  184. Stream (ODS) Version 1.01}},
  185. institution = "NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center",
  186. number = "DAO Office Note No. 96-01",
  187. address = "Greenbelt, Maryland"
  188. }
  189. @book{gol+vloan-1989,
  190. author = "G.~H.~Golub and C.~F.~van Loan",
  191. title = {Matrix Computations},
  192. edition = "second",
  193. publisher = "The John Hopkins University Press",
  194. year = "1989",
  195. pages = "642",
  196. address = "Baltimore"
  197. }
  198. @book{NumRec-1992,
  199. author = " W.~H.~Press and S.~A.~Teukolsky and W.~T.~Vetterling",
  200. title = {{Numerical Recipes in Fortran: The Art of Scientific
  201. Computing}},
  202. edition = "second",
  203. publisher = "Cambridge University Press",
  204. year = "1992",
  205. pages = "963",
  206. address = "Cambridge"
  207. }
  208. @book{daley-1991,
  209. author = "R.~Daley",
  210. title = {{Atmospheric Data Analysis}},
  211. publisher = "Cambridge Press",
  212. year = "1991",
  213. pages = "457",
  214. address = "Cambridge"
  215. }
  216. @phdthesis{vonlasz-1996a,
  217. author = "G.~ von Laszewski",
  218. title = {{The Parallel Data Assimilation System and its Implications on a Metacomputing Environment}},
  219. school = "Syracuse University",
  220. year = "1996",
  221. address = "Syracuse, New York"
  222. }
  223. @proposal{lyster-1995a,
  224. author = "P.~M.~Lyster",
  225. title = {{Four Dimensional Data Assimilation of the Atmosphere}},
  226. program = "NASA Cooperative Agreement for High Performance Computing
  227. and Communications (HPCC) initiative",
  228. agency = "National Aeronautics and Space Administration",
  229. address = "Washington, D.~C.~"
  230. }
  231. @book{arfken,
  232. author = "G.~Arfken",
  233. title = {{Mathematical Methods for Physicists}},
  234. publisher = "Academic Press",
  235. year = "1970",
  236. pages = "815",
  237. address = "New York"
  238. }
  239. @article{cohn-1998,
  240. author="S.~E.~Cohn and A.~da~Silva and J.~Guo and M.~Sienkiewicz and D.~Lamich",
  241. title={{Assessing the effects of data selection with the DAO Physical-space Statistical Analysis System}},
  242. journal={Mon.~Wea.~Rev.},
  243. volume="126",
  244. pages="2913--2926",
  245. year="1998"
  246. }
  247. @article{lyster-1998,
  248. author="P.~M.~Lyster",
  249. title={{The Computational Complexity of Atmospheric Data Assimilation}},
  250. journal="Submitted to {Int.~J.~Appl.~Sci.~Comp.}",
  251. note="Available on-line from {\bf\_people/lys/complexity}",
  252. year="1998"
  253. }