123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531 |
- MODULE limwri
- !!======================================================================
- !! *** MODULE limwri ***
- !! Ice diagnostics : write ice output files
- !!======================================================================
- #if defined key_lim3
- !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
- !! 'key_lim3' LIM3 sea-ice model
- !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
- !! lim_wri : write of the diagnostics variables in ouput file
- !! lim_wri_state : write for initial state or/and abandon
- !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
- USE ioipsl
- USE dianam ! build name of file (routine)
- USE phycst
- USE dom_oce
- USE sbc_oce ! Surface boundary condition: ocean fields
- USE sbc_ice ! Surface boundary condition: ice fields
- USE ice
- USE dom_ice
- USE limvar
- USE in_out_manager
- USE lbclnk
- USE lib_mpp ! MPP library
- USE wrk_nemo ! work arrays
- USE iom
- USE timing ! Timing
- USE lib_fortran ! Fortran utilities
- PUBLIC lim_wri ! routine called by lim_step.F90
- PUBLIC lim_wri_state ! called by dia_wri_state
- !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
- !! NEMO/LIM3 4.0 , UCL - NEMO Consortium (2011)
- !! $Id: limwri.F90 8285 2017-07-06 06:40:51Z vancop $
- !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (NEMOGCM/NEMO_CeCILL.txt)
- !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
- SUBROUTINE lim_wri( kindic )
- !!-------------------------------------------------------------------
- !! This routine computes the average of some variables and write it
- !! on the ouput files.
- !! ATTENTION cette routine n'est valable que si le pas de temps est
- !! egale a une fraction entiere de 1 jours.
- !! Diff 1-D 3-D : suppress common also included in etat
- !! suppress cmoymo 11-18
- !! modif : 03/06/98
- !!-------------------------------------------------------------------
- INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: kindic ! if kindic < 0 there has been an error somewhere
- !
- INTEGER :: ii, ji, jj, jk, jl ! dummy loop indices
- REAL(wp) :: z2da, z2db, ztmp, zrho1, zrho2, zmiss_val, ztrpu, ztrpv
- REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: zswi2, zmiss2
- REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:) :: z2d, zswi, zmiss ! 2D workspace
- REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:) :: zfb ! ice freeboard
- REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:) :: zamask, zamask15 ! 15% concentration mask
- REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:) :: zatiu, zativ, zvtiu, zvtiv, zvtsu, zvtsv
- ! Global ice diagnostics (SIMIP)
- REAL(wp) :: zdiag_area_nh, & ! area, extent, volume
- & zdiag_extt_nh, &
- & zdiag_area_sh, &
- & zdiag_extt_sh, &
- & zdiag_volu_nh, &
- & zdiag_volu_sh
- !!-------------------------------------------------------------------
- IF( nn_timing == 1 ) CALL timing_start('limwri')
- CALL wrk_alloc( jpi, jpj, jpl, zswi2, zmiss2 )
- CALL wrk_alloc( jpi, jpj , z2d, zswi, zmiss )
- CALL wrk_alloc( jpi, jpj , zfb, zamask, zamask15 )
- !----------------------------------------
- ! Brine volume, switches, missing values
- !----------------------------------------
- ! brine volume
- CALL lim_var_bv
- ! tresholds for outputs
- DO jj = 1, jpj
- DO ji = 1, jpi
- zswi(ji,jj) = MAX( 0._wp , SIGN( 1._wp , at_i(ji,jj) - epsi06 ) ) ! 1 if ice, 0 if no ice
- DO jj = 1, jpj
- DO ji = 1, jpi
- zamask(ji,jj) = MAX( 0._wp , SIGN( 1._wp , at_i(ji,jj) - 0.05 ) ) ! 1 if 5% ice, 0 if less - required to mask thickness and snow depth
- zamask15(ji,jj) = MAX( 0._wp , SIGN( 1._wp , at_i(ji,jj) - 0.15 ) ) ! 1 if 15% ice, 0 if less
- DO jl = 1, jpl
- DO jj = 1, jpj
- DO ji = 1, jpi
- zswi2(ji,jj,jl) = MAX( 0._wp , SIGN( 1._wp , a_i(ji,jj,jl) - epsi06 ) )
- CALL iom_miss_val( "icethic", zmiss_val ) ! get missing value from xml
- zmiss(:,:) = zmiss_val * ( 1. - zswi(:,:) )
- zmiss2(:,:,:) = zmiss_val * ( 1. - zswi2(:,:,:) )
- !----------------------------------------
- ! Standard outputs
- !----------------------------------------
- ! fluxes
- ! pfrld is the lead fraction at the previous time step (actually between TRP and THD)
- IF( iom_use('qsr_oce') ) CALL iom_put( "qsr_oce" , qsr_oce(:,:) * pfrld(:,:) ) ! solar flux at ocean surface
- IF( iom_use('qns_oce') ) CALL iom_put( "qns_oce" , qns_oce(:,:) * pfrld(:,:) + qemp_oce(:,:) ) ! non-solar flux at ocean surface
- IF( iom_use('qsr_ice') ) CALL iom_put( "qsr_ice" , SUM( qsr_ice(:,:,:) * a_i_b(:,:,:), dim=3 ) ) ! solar flux at ice surface
- IF( iom_use('qns_ice') ) CALL iom_put( "qns_ice" , SUM( qns_ice(:,:,:) * a_i_b(:,:,:), dim=3 ) + qemp_ice(:,:) ) ! non-solar flux at ice surface
- IF( iom_use('qtr_ice') ) CALL iom_put( "qtr_ice" , SUM( ftr_ice(:,:,:) * a_i_b(:,:,:), dim=3 ) ) ! solar flux transmitted thru ice
- IF( iom_use('qt_oce' ) ) CALL iom_put( "qt_oce" , ( qsr_oce(:,:) + qns_oce(:,:) ) * pfrld(:,:) + qemp_oce(:,:) )
- IF( iom_use('qt_ice' ) ) CALL iom_put( "qt_ice" , SUM( ( qns_ice(:,:,:) + qsr_ice(:,:,:) ) &
- & * a_i_b(:,:,:),dim=3 ) + qemp_ice(:,:) )
- IF( iom_use('qemp_oce') ) CALL iom_put( "qemp_oce" , qemp_oce(:,:) )
- IF( iom_use('qemp_ice') ) CALL iom_put( "qemp_ice" , qemp_ice(:,:) )
- IF( iom_use('emp_oce' ) ) CALL iom_put( "emp_oce" , emp_oce(:,:) ) !emp over ocean (taking into account the snow blown away from the ice)
- IF( iom_use('emp_ice' ) ) CALL iom_put( "emp_ice" , emp_ice(:,:) ) !emp over ice (taking into account the snow blown away from the ice)
- ! velocity
- IF ( iom_use('uice_ipa') ) CALL iom_put( "uice_ipa" , u_ice ) ! ice velocity u component
- IF ( iom_use('vice_ipa') ) CALL iom_put( "vice_ipa" , v_ice ) ! ice velocity v component
- IF ( ( iom_use( "icevel" ) ) .OR. ( iom_use( "icevel_mv" ) ) ) THEN
- DO jj = 2 , jpjm1
- DO ji = 2 , jpim1
- z2da = ( u_ice(ji,jj) * umask(ji,jj,1) + u_ice(ji-1,jj) * umask(ji-1,jj,1) ) * 0.5_wp
- z2db = ( v_ice(ji,jj) * vmask(ji,jj,1) + v_ice(ji,jj-1) * vmask(ji,jj-1,1) ) * 0.5_wp
- z2d(ji,jj) = SQRT( z2da * z2da + z2db * z2db )
- CALL lbc_lnk( z2d, 'T', 1. )
- IF ( iom_use( "icevel" ) ) CALL iom_put( "icevel" , z2d ) ! ice velocity module
- IF ( iom_use( "icevel_mv" ) ) CALL iom_put( "icevel_mv" , z2d(:,:) * zswi(:,:) + zmiss(:,:) ) ! ice velocity module (missing value)
- ! other variables
- IF ( iom_use( "miceage" ) ) CALL iom_put( "miceage" , om_i * zswi * zamask15 ) ! mean ice age
- IF ( iom_use( "micet" ) ) CALL iom_put( "micet" , ( tm_i - rt0 ) * zswi ) ! ice mean temperature
- IF ( iom_use( "icest" ) ) CALL iom_put( "icest" , ( tm_su - rt0 ) * zswi ) ! ice surface temperature
- IF ( iom_use( "icecolf" ) ) CALL iom_put( "icecolf" , hicol ) ! frazil ice collection thickness
- !
- CALL iom_put( "isst" , sst_m ) ! sea surface temperature
- CALL iom_put( "isss" , sss_m ) ! sea surface salinity
- CALL iom_put( "iceconc" , at_i * zswi ) ! ice concentration
- CALL iom_put( "icevolu" , vt_i * zswi ) ! ice volume = mean ice thickness over the cellG
- CALL iom_put( "icehc" , et_i * zswi ) ! ice total heat content
- CALL iom_put( "isnowhc" , et_s * zswi ) ! snow total heat content
- CALL iom_put( "ibrinv" , bvm_i * zswi * 100. ) ! brine volume
- CALL iom_put( "snowpre" , sprecip * 86400. ) ! snow precipitation
- CALL iom_put( "micesalt" , smt_i * zswi ) ! mean ice salinity
- CALL iom_put( "snowvol" , vt_s * zswi ) ! snow volume
- CALL iom_put( "idive" , divu_i(:,:) * zswi(:,:) + zmiss(:,:) ) ! divergence
- CALL iom_put( "ishear" , shear_i(:,:) * zswi(:,:) + zmiss(:,:) ) ! shear
- CALL iom_put( "icetrp" , diag_trp_vi * rday ) ! ice volume transport
- CALL iom_put( "snwtrp" , diag_trp_vs * rday ) ! snw volume transport
- CALL iom_put( "saltrp" , diag_trp_smv * rday * rhoic ) ! salt content transport
- CALL iom_put( "deitrp" , diag_trp_ei ) ! advected ice enthalpy (W/m2)
- CALL iom_put( "destrp" , diag_trp_es ) ! advected snw enthalpy (W/m2)
- CALL iom_put( "sfxbog" , sfx_bog * rday ) ! salt flux from bottom growth
- CALL iom_put( "sfxbom" , sfx_bom * rday ) ! salt flux from bottom melting
- CALL iom_put( "sfxsum" , sfx_sum * rday ) ! salt flux from surface melting
- CALL iom_put( "sfxsni" , sfx_sni * rday ) ! salt flux from snow ice formation
- CALL iom_put( "sfxopw" , sfx_opw * rday ) ! salt flux from open water formation
- CALL iom_put( "sfxdyn" , sfx_dyn * rday ) ! salt flux from ridging rafting
- CALL iom_put( "sfxres" , sfx_res * rday ) ! salt flux from limupdate (resultant)
- CALL iom_put( "sfxbri" , sfx_bri * rday ) ! salt flux from brines
- CALL iom_put( "sfxsub" , sfx_sub * rday ) ! salt flux from sublimation
- CALL iom_put( "sfx" , sfx * rday ) ! total salt flux
- ztmp = rday / rhoic
- CALL iom_put( "vfxres" , wfx_res * ztmp ) ! daily prod./melting due to limupdate
- CALL iom_put( "vfxopw" , wfx_opw * ztmp ) ! daily lateral thermodynamic ice production
- CALL iom_put( "vfxsni" , wfx_sni * ztmp ) ! daily snowice ice production
- CALL iom_put( "vfxbog" , wfx_bog * ztmp ) ! daily bottom thermodynamic ice production
- CALL iom_put( "vfxdyn" , wfx_dyn * ztmp ) ! daily dynamic ice production (rid/raft)
- CALL iom_put( "vfxsum" , wfx_sum * ztmp ) ! surface melt
- CALL iom_put( "vfxbom" , wfx_bom * ztmp ) ! bottom melt
- CALL iom_put( "vfxice" , wfx_ice * ztmp ) ! total ice growth/melt
- IF ( iom_use( "vfxthin" ) ) THEN ! ice production for open water + thin ice (<20cm) => comparable to observations
- WHERE( htm_i(:,:) < 0.2 .AND. htm_i(:,:) > 0. ) ; z2d = wfx_bog
- ELSEWHERE ; z2d = 0._wp
- CALL iom_put( "vfxthin", ( wfx_opw + z2d ) * ztmp )
- ztmp = rday / rhosn
- CALL iom_put( "vfxspr" , wfx_spr * ztmp ) ! precip (snow)
- CALL iom_put( "vfxsnw" , wfx_snw * ztmp ) ! total snw growth/melt
- CALL iom_put( "vfxsub" , wfx_sub * ztmp ) ! sublimation (snow/ice)
- CALL iom_put( "vfxsub_err" , wfx_err_sub * ztmp ) ! "excess" of sublimation sent to ocean
- CALL iom_put( "afxtot" , afx_tot ) ! concentration tendency (total)
- CALL iom_put( "afxdyn" , afx_dyn ) ! concentration tendency (dynamics)
- CALL iom_put( "afxthd" , afx_thd ) ! concentration tendency (thermo)
- CALL iom_put ('hfxthd' , hfx_thd(:,:) ) !
- CALL iom_put ('hfxdyn' , hfx_dyn(:,:) ) !
- CALL iom_put ('hfxres' , hfx_res(:,:) ) !
- CALL iom_put ('hfxout' , hfx_out(:,:) ) !
- CALL iom_put ('hfxin' , hfx_in(:,:) ) !
- CALL iom_put ('hfxsnw' , hfx_snw(:,:) ) !
- CALL iom_put ('hfxsub' , hfx_sub(:,:) ) !
- CALL iom_put ('hfxerr' , hfx_err(:,:) ) !
- CALL iom_put ('hfxerr_rem' , hfx_err_rem(:,:) ) !
- CALL iom_put ('hfxsum' , hfx_sum(:,:) ) !
- CALL iom_put ('hfxbom' , hfx_bom(:,:) ) !
- CALL iom_put ('hfxbog' , hfx_bog(:,:) ) !
- CALL iom_put ('hfxdif' , hfx_dif(:,:) ) !
- CALL iom_put ('hfxopw' , hfx_opw(:,:) ) !
- CALL iom_put ('hfxtur' , fhtur(:,:) * SUM( a_i_b(:,:,:), dim=3 ) ) ! turbulent heat flux at ice base
- CALL iom_put ('hfxdhc' , diag_heat(:,:) ) ! Heat content variation in snow and ice
- CALL iom_put ('hfxspr' , hfx_spr(:,:) ) ! Heat content of snow precip
- !----------------------------------
- ! Output category-dependent fields
- !----------------------------------
- IF ( iom_use( "iceconc_cat" ) ) CALL iom_put( "iceconc_cat" , a_i * zswi2 ) ! area for categories
- IF ( iom_use( "icethic_cat" ) ) CALL iom_put( "icethic_cat" , ht_i * zswi2 ) ! thickness for categories
- IF ( iom_use( "snowthic_cat" ) ) CALL iom_put( "snowthic_cat" , ht_s * zswi2 ) ! snow depth for categories
- IF ( iom_use( "salinity_cat" ) ) CALL iom_put( "salinity_cat" , sm_i * zswi2 ) ! salinity for categories
- ! ice temperature
- IF ( iom_use( "icetemp_cat" ) ) CALL iom_put( "icetemp_cat", ( SUM( t_i(:,:,:,:), dim=3 ) * r1_nlay_i - rt0 ) * zswi2 )
- ! snow temperature
- IF ( iom_use( "snwtemp_cat" ) ) CALL iom_put( "snwtemp_cat", ( SUM( t_s(:,:,:,:), dim=3 ) * r1_nlay_s - rt0 ) * zswi2 )
- ! ice age
- IF ( iom_use( "iceage_cat" ) ) CALL iom_put( "iceage_cat" , o_i * zswi2 )
- ! brine volume
- IF ( iom_use( "brinevol_cat" ) ) CALL iom_put( "brinevol_cat", bv_i * 100. * zswi2 )
- !--------------------------------
- ! Add-ons for SIMIP
- !--------------------------------
- zrho1 = ( rau0 - rhoic ) / rau0; zrho2 = rhosn / rau0
- IF ( iom_use( "icepres" ) ) CALL iom_put( "icepres" , zswi(:,:) ) ! Ice presence (1 or 0)
- IF ( iom_use( "icemass" ) ) CALL iom_put( "icemass" , rhoic * vt_i(:,:) * zswi(:,:) ) ! Ice mass per cell area
- IF ( iom_use( "icethic" ) ) CALL iom_put( "icethic" , htm_i(:,:) * zamask(:,:) + ( 1. - zamask(:,:) ) * zmiss_val ) ! Ice thickness
- IF ( iom_use( "snomass" ) ) CALL iom_put( "snomass" , rhosn * vt_s(:,:) * zswi(:,:) + zmiss(:,:) ) ! Snow mass per cell area
- IF ( iom_use( "snothic" ) ) CALL iom_put( "snothic" , htm_s(:,:) * zamask(:,:) + ( 1. - zamask(:,:) ) * zmiss_val ) ! Snow thickness
- IF ( iom_use( "iceconc_cat_mv" ) ) CALL iom_put( "iceconc_cat_mv" , a_i(:,:,:) * zswi2(:,:,:) + zmiss2(:,:,:) ) ! Area for categories
- IF ( iom_use( "icethic_cat_mv" ) ) CALL iom_put( "icethic_cat_mv" , ht_i(:,:,:) * zswi2(:,:,:) + zmiss2(:,:,:) ) ! Thickness for categories
- IF ( iom_use( "snowthic_cat_mv" ) ) CALL iom_put( "snowthic_cat_mv", ht_s(:,:,:) * zswi2(:,:,:) + zmiss2(:,:,:) ) ! Snow depth for categories
- IF ( iom_use( "icestK" ) ) CALL iom_put( "icestK" , tm_su(:,:) * zswi(:,:) + zmiss(:,:) ) ! Ice surface temperature
- IF ( iom_use( "icesntK" ) ) CALL iom_put( "icesntK" , tm_si(:,:) * zswi(:,:) + zmiss(:,:) ) ! Snow-ice interface temperature
- IF ( iom_use( "icebotK" ) ) CALL iom_put( "icebotK" , t_bo(:,:) * zswi(:,:) + zmiss(:,:) ) ! Ice bottom temperature
- IF ( iom_use( "iceage" ) ) CALL iom_put( "iceage" , om_i(:,:) * zamask15(:,:) + ( 1. - zamask15(:,:) ) * zmiss_val ) ! Ice age
- IF ( iom_use( "icesmass" ) ) CALL iom_put( "icesmass" , SUM( smv_i, DIM = 3 ) * rhoic * 1.0e-3 * zswi(:,:) ) ! Mass of salt in sea ice per cell area
- IF ( iom_use( "icesal" ) ) CALL iom_put( "icesal" , smt_i(:,:) * zswi(:,:) + zmiss(:,:) ) ! Ice salinity
- IF ( iom_use( "icefb" ) ) THEN
- zfb(:,:) = ( zrho1 * htm_i(:,:) - zrho2 * htm_s(:,:) )
- WHERE( zfb < 0._wp ) ; zfb = 0._wp ; END WHERE
- CALL iom_put( "icefb" , zfb(:,:) * zswi(:,:) + zmiss(:,:) ) ! Ice freeboard
- IF ( iom_use( "isnhcneg" ) ) CALL iom_put( "isnhcneg" , - et_s(:,:) * zswi(:,:) + zmiss(:,:) ) ! Snow total heat content
- IF ( iom_use( "dmithd" ) ) CALL iom_put( "dmithd" , - wfx_bog - wfx_bom - wfx_sum & ! Sea-ice mass change from thermodynamics
- & - wfx_sni - wfx_opw - wfx_res )
- IF ( iom_use( "dmidyn" ) ) CALL iom_put( "dmidyn" , diag_dmi_dyn ) ! Sea-ice mass change from dynamics
- IF ( iom_use( "dmiopw" ) ) CALL iom_put( "dmiopw" , - wfx_opw ) ! Sea-ice mass change through growth in open water
- IF ( iom_use( "dmibog" ) ) CALL iom_put( "dmibog" , - wfx_bog ) ! Sea-ice mass change through basal growth
- IF ( iom_use( "dmisni" ) ) CALL iom_put( "dmisni" , - wfx_sni ) ! Sea-ice mass change through snow-to-ice conversion
- IF ( iom_use( "dmisum" ) ) CALL iom_put( "dmisum" , - wfx_sum ) ! Sea-ice mass change through surface melting
- IF ( iom_use( "dmibom" ) ) CALL iom_put( "dmibom" , - wfx_bom ) ! Sea-ice mass change through bottom melting
- IF ( iom_use( "dmtsub" ) ) CALL iom_put( "dmtsub" , - wfx_sub ) ! Sea-ice mass change through evaporation and sublimation
- IF ( iom_use( "dmssub" ) ) CALL iom_put( "dmssub" , - wfx_snw_sub ) ! Snow mass change through sublimation
- IF ( iom_use( "dmisub" ) ) CALL iom_put( "dmisub" , - wfx_ice_sub ) ! Sea-ice mass change through sublimation
- IF ( iom_use( "dmsspr" ) ) CALL iom_put( "dmsspr" , - wfx_spr ) ! Snow mass change through snow fall
- IF ( iom_use( "dmsssi" ) ) CALL iom_put( "dmsssi" , wfx_sni*rhosn/rhoic ) ! Snow mass change through snow-to-ice conversion
- IF ( iom_use( "dmsmel" ) ) CALL iom_put( "dmsmel" , - wfx_snw_sum ) ! Snow mass change through melt
- IF ( iom_use( "dmsdyn" ) ) CALL iom_put( "dmsdyn" , diag_dms_dyn ) ! Snow mass change through dynamics
- IF ( iom_use( "hfxsenso" ) ) CALL iom_put( "hfxsenso" , -fhtur(:,:) * zswi(:,:) + zmiss(:,:) ) ! Sensible oceanic heat flux
- IF ( iom_use( "hfxconbo" ) ) CALL iom_put( "hfxconbo" , diag_fc_bo * zswi(:,:) + zmiss(:,:) ) ! Bottom conduction flux
- IF ( iom_use( "hfxconsu" ) ) CALL iom_put( "hfxconsu" , diag_fc_su * zswi(:,:) + zmiss(:,:) ) ! Surface conduction flux
- IF ( iom_use( "wfxtot" ) ) CALL iom_put( "wfxtot" , wfx_ice(:,:) * zswi(:,:) + zmiss(:,:) ) ! Total freshwater flux from sea ice
- IF ( iom_use( "wfxsum" ) ) CALL iom_put( "wfxsum" , wfx_sum(:,:) * zswi(:,:) + zmiss(:,:) ) ! Freshwater flux from sea-ice surface
- IF ( iom_use( "sfx_mv" ) ) CALL iom_put( "sfx_mv" , sfx(:,:) * 0.001 * zswi(:,:) + zmiss(:,:) ) ! Total salt flux
- IF ( iom_use( "uice_mv" ) ) CALL iom_put( "uice_mv" , u_ice(:,:) * zswi(:,:) + zmiss(:,:) ) ! ice velocity u component
- IF ( iom_use( "vice_mv" ) ) CALL iom_put( "vice_mv" , v_ice(:,:) * zswi(:,:) + zmiss(:,:) ) ! ice velocity v component
- IF ( iom_use( "icestr" ) ) CALL iom_put( "icestr" , strength(:,:) * zswi(:,:) + zmiss(:,:) ) ! Ice strength
- !--------------------------------
- ! diagnostics for ice transport through straits (SIMIP)
- !--------------------------------
- IF( iom_use("atiu") .OR. iom_use("ativ") .OR. iom_use("vtiu") .OR. iom_use("vtiv") .OR. iom_use("vtsu") .OR. iom_use("vtsv")) THEN
- !
- CALL wrk_alloc( jpi, jpj, zatiu, zativ, zvtiu, zvtiv, zvtsu, zvtsv )
- !
- DO jj = 2, jpjm1
- DO ji = 2, jpim1
- !
- ztrpu = u_ice(ji,jj) * e2u(ji,jj) * umask(ji,jj,1)
- ztrpv = v_ice(ji,jj) * e1v(ji,jj) * vmask(ji,jj,1)
- !
- zatiu(ji,jj) = 0.5_wp * ( at_i(ji,jj) + at_i(ji+1,jj) ) * ztrpu
- zativ(ji,jj) = 0.5_wp * ( at_i(ji,jj) + at_i(ji,jj+1) ) * ztrpv
- !
- zvtiu(ji,jj) = 0.5_wp * ( vt_i(ji,jj) + vt_i(ji+1,jj) ) * ztrpu
- zvtiv(ji,jj) = 0.5_wp * ( vt_i(ji,jj) + vt_i(ji,jj+1) ) * ztrpv
- !
- zvtsu(ji,jj) = 0.5_wp * ( vt_s(ji,jj) + vt_s(ji+1,jj) ) * ztrpu
- zvtsv(ji,jj) = 0.5_wp * ( vt_s(ji,jj) + vt_s(ji,jj+1) ) * ztrpv
- !
- !
- CALL lbc_lnk( zatiu, 'U', 1. ) ; CALL lbc_lnk( zativ, 'V', 1. )
- CALL lbc_lnk( zvtiu, 'U', 1. ) ; CALL lbc_lnk( zvtiv, 'V', 1. )
- CALL lbc_lnk( zvtsu, 'U', 1. ) ; CALL lbc_lnk( zvtsv, 'V', 1. )
- !
- CALL iom_put( "atiu" , zatiu(:,:) * zswi(:,:) + zmiss(:,:) )
- CALL iom_put( "ativ" , zativ(:,:) * zswi(:,:) + zmiss(:,:) )
- CALL iom_put( "vtiu" , zvtiu(:,:) * zswi(:,:) + zmiss(:,:) )
- CALL iom_put( "vtiv" , zvtiv(:,:) * zswi(:,:) + zmiss(:,:) )
- CALL iom_put( "vtsu" , zvtsu(:,:) * zswi(:,:) + zmiss(:,:) )
- CALL iom_put( "vtsv" , zvtsv(:,:) * zswi(:,:) + zmiss(:,:) )
- !
- CALL wrk_dealloc( jpi, jpj, zatiu, zativ, zvtiu, zvtiv, zvtsu, zvtsv )
- !
- !--------------------------------
- ! Global ice diagnostics (SIMIP)
- !--------------------------------
- IF ( iom_use( "NH_icearea" ) .OR. iom_use( "NH_icevolu" ) .OR. iom_use( "NH_iceextt" ) ) THEN ! NH integrated diagnostics
- WHERE( fcor > 0._wp ); zswi(:,:) = 1.0e-12
- ELSEWHERE ; zswi(:,:) = 0.
- zdiag_area_nh = glob_sum( at_i(:,:) * zswi(:,:) * e12t(:,:) )
- zdiag_volu_nh = glob_sum( vt_i(:,:) * zswi(:,:) * e12t(:,:) )
- WHERE( fcor > 0._wp .AND. at_i > 0.15 ); zswi(:,:) = 1.0e-12
- ELSEWHERE ; zswi(:,:) = 0.
- zdiag_extt_nh = glob_sum( zswi(:,:) * e12t(:,:) )
- IF ( iom_use( "NH_icearea" ) ) CALL iom_put( "NH_icearea" , zdiag_area_nh )
- IF ( iom_use( "NH_icevolu" ) ) CALL iom_put( "NH_icevolu" , zdiag_volu_nh )
- IF ( iom_use( "NH_iceextt" ) ) CALL iom_put( "NH_iceextt" , zdiag_extt_nh )
- IF ( iom_use( "SH_icearea" ) .OR. iom_use( "SH_icevolu" ) .OR. iom_use( "SH_iceextt" ) ) THEN ! SH integrated diagnostics
- WHERE( fcor < 0._wp ); zswi(:,:) = 1.0e-12;
- ELSEWHERE ; zswi(:,:) = 0.
- zdiag_area_sh = glob_sum( at_i(:,:) * zswi(:,:) * e12t(:,:) )
- zdiag_volu_sh = glob_sum( vt_i(:,:) * zswi(:,:) * e12t(:,:) )
- WHERE( fcor < 0._wp .AND. at_i > 0.15 ); zswi(:,:) = 1.0e-12
- ELSEWHERE ; zswi(:,:) = 0.
- zdiag_extt_sh = glob_sum( zswi(:,:) * e12t(:,:) )
- IF ( iom_use( "SH_icearea" ) ) CALL iom_put( "SH_icearea", zdiag_area_sh )
- IF ( iom_use( "SH_icevolu" ) ) CALL iom_put( "SH_icevolu", zdiag_volu_sh )
- IF ( iom_use( "SH_iceextt" ) ) CALL iom_put( "SH_iceextt", zdiag_extt_sh )
- ! ! Create an output files (output.lim.abort.nc) if S < 0 or u > 20 m/s
- ! IF( kindic < 0 ) CALL lim_wri_state( 'output.abort' )
- ! not yet implemented
- CALL wrk_dealloc( jpi, jpj, jpl, zswi2, zmiss2 )
- CALL wrk_dealloc( jpi, jpj , z2d, zswi, zmiss )
- CALL wrk_dealloc( jpi, jpj , zfb, zamask, zamask15 )
- IF( nn_timing == 1 ) CALL timing_stop('limwri')
- SUBROUTINE lim_wri_state( kt, kid, kh_i )
- !!---------------------------------------------------------------------
- !! *** ROUTINE lim_wri_state ***
- !!
- !! ** Purpose : create a NetCDF file named cdfile_name which contains
- !! the instantaneous ice state and forcing fields for ice model
- !! Used to find errors in the initial state or save the last
- !! ocean state in case of abnormal end of a simulation
- !!
- !! History :
- !! 4.0 ! 2013-06 (C. Rousset)
- !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
- INTEGER, INTENT( in ) :: kt ! ocean time-step index)
- INTEGER, INTENT( in ) :: kid , kh_i
- INTEGER :: nz_i, jl
- REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpl) :: jcat
- !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
- DO jl = 1, jpl
- jcat(jl) = REAL(jl)
- CALL histvert( kid, "ncatice", "Ice Categories","", jpl, jcat, nz_i, "up")
- CALL histdef( kid, "sithic", "Ice thickness" , "m" , &
- & jpi, jpj, kh_i, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, "inst(x)", rdt, rdt )
- CALL histdef( kid, "siconc", "Ice concentration" , "%" , &
- & jpi, jpj, kh_i, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, "inst(x)", rdt, rdt )
- CALL histdef( kid, "sitemp", "Ice temperature" , "C" , &
- & jpi, jpj, kh_i, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, "inst(x)", rdt, rdt )
- CALL histdef( kid, "sivelu", "i-Ice speed " , "m/s" , &
- & jpi, jpj, kh_i, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, "inst(x)", rdt, rdt )
- CALL histdef( kid, "sivelv", "j-Ice speed " , "m/s" , &
- & jpi, jpj, kh_i, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, "inst(x)", rdt, rdt )
- CALL histdef( kid, "sistru", "i-Wind stress over ice " , "Pa" , &
- & jpi, jpj, kh_i, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, "inst(x)", rdt, rdt )
- CALL histdef( kid, "sistrv", "j-Wind stress over ice " , "Pa" , &
- & jpi, jpj, kh_i, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, "inst(x)", rdt, rdt )
- CALL histdef( kid, "sisflx", "Solar flux over ocean" , "w/m2" , &
- & jpi, jpj, kh_i, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, "inst(x)", rdt, rdt )
- CALL histdef( kid, "sinflx", "Non-solar flux over ocean" , "w/m2" , &
- & jpi, jpj, kh_i, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, "inst(x)", rdt, rdt )
- CALL histdef( kid, "isnowpre", "Snow precipitation" , "kg/m2/s", &
- & jpi, jpj, kh_i, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, "inst(x)", rdt, rdt )
- CALL histdef( kid, "sisali", "Ice salinity" , "PSU" , &
- & jpi, jpj, kh_i, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, "inst(x)", rdt, rdt )
- CALL histdef( kid, "sivolu", "Ice volume" , "m" , &
- & jpi, jpj, kh_i, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, "inst(x)", rdt, rdt )
- CALL histdef( kid, "sidive", "Ice divergence" , "10-8s-1", &
- & jpi, jpj, kh_i, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, "inst(x)", rdt, rdt )
- CALL histdef( kid, "vfxbog", "Ice bottom production" , "m/s" , &
- & jpi, jpj, kh_i, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, "inst(x)", rdt, rdt )
- CALL histdef( kid, "vfxdyn", "Ice dynamic production" , "m/s" , &
- & jpi, jpj, kh_i, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, "inst(x)", rdt, rdt )
- CALL histdef( kid, "vfxopw", "Ice open water prod" , "m/s" , &
- & jpi, jpj, kh_i, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, "inst(x)", rdt, rdt )
- CALL histdef( kid, "vfxsni", "Snow ice production " , "m/s" , &
- & jpi, jpj, kh_i, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, "inst(x)", rdt, rdt )
- CALL histdef( kid, "vfxres", "Ice prod from limupdate" , "m/s" , &
- & jpi, jpj, kh_i, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, "inst(x)", rdt, rdt )
- CALL histdef( kid, "vfxbom", "Ice bottom melt" , "m/s" , &
- & jpi, jpj, kh_i, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, "inst(x)", rdt, rdt )
- CALL histdef( kid, "vfxsum", "Ice surface melt" , "m/s" , &
- & jpi, jpj, kh_i, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, "inst(x)", rdt, rdt )
- CALL histdef( kid, "sithicat", "Ice thickness" , "m" , &
- & jpi, jpj, kh_i, jpl, 1, jpl, nz_i, 32, "inst(x)", rdt, rdt )
- CALL histdef( kid, "siconcat", "Ice concentration" , "%" , &
- & jpi, jpj, kh_i, jpl, 1, jpl, nz_i, 32, "inst(x)", rdt, rdt )
- CALL histdef( kid, "sisalcat", "Ice salinity" , "" , &
- & jpi, jpj, kh_i, jpl, 1, jpl, nz_i, 32, "inst(x)", rdt, rdt )
- CALL histdef( kid, "sitemcat", "Ice temperature" , "C" , &
- & jpi, jpj, kh_i, jpl, 1, jpl, nz_i, 32, "inst(x)", rdt, rdt )
- CALL histdef( kid, "snthicat", "Snw thickness" , "m" , &
- & jpi, jpj, kh_i, jpl, 1, jpl, nz_i, 32, "inst(x)", rdt, rdt )
- CALL histdef( kid, "sntemcat", "Snw temperature" , "C" , &
- & jpi, jpj, kh_i, jpl, 1, jpl, nz_i, 32, "inst(x)", rdt, rdt )
- CALL histend( kid, snc4set ) ! end of the file definition
- CALL histwrite( kid, "sithic", kt, htm_i , jpi*jpj, (/1/) )
- CALL histwrite( kid, "siconc", kt, at_i , jpi*jpj, (/1/) )
- CALL histwrite( kid, "sitemp", kt, tm_i - rt0 , jpi*jpj, (/1/) )
- CALL histwrite( kid, "sivelu", kt, u_ice , jpi*jpj, (/1/) )
- CALL histwrite( kid, "sivelv", kt, v_ice , jpi*jpj, (/1/) )
- CALL histwrite( kid, "sistru", kt, utau_ice , jpi*jpj, (/1/) )
- CALL histwrite( kid, "sistrv", kt, vtau_ice , jpi*jpj, (/1/) )
- CALL histwrite( kid, "sisflx", kt, qsr , jpi*jpj, (/1/) )
- CALL histwrite( kid, "sinflx", kt, qns , jpi*jpj, (/1/) )
- CALL histwrite( kid, "isnowpre", kt, sprecip , jpi*jpj, (/1/) )
- CALL histwrite( kid, "sisali", kt, smt_i , jpi*jpj, (/1/) )
- CALL histwrite( kid, "sivolu", kt, vt_i , jpi*jpj, (/1/) )
- CALL histwrite( kid, "sidive", kt, divu_i*1.0e8 , jpi*jpj, (/1/) )
- CALL histwrite( kid, "vfxbog", kt, wfx_bog , jpi*jpj, (/1/) )
- CALL histwrite( kid, "vfxdyn", kt, wfx_dyn , jpi*jpj, (/1/) )
- CALL histwrite( kid, "vfxopw", kt, wfx_opw , jpi*jpj, (/1/) )
- CALL histwrite( kid, "vfxsni", kt, wfx_sni , jpi*jpj, (/1/) )
- CALL histwrite( kid, "vfxres", kt, wfx_res , jpi*jpj, (/1/) )
- CALL histwrite( kid, "vfxbom", kt, wfx_bom , jpi*jpj, (/1/) )
- CALL histwrite( kid, "vfxsum", kt, wfx_sum , jpi*jpj, (/1/) )
- CALL histwrite( kid, "sithicat", kt, ht_i , jpi*jpj*jpl, (/1/) )
- CALL histwrite( kid, "siconcat", kt, a_i , jpi*jpj*jpl, (/1/) )
- CALL histwrite( kid, "sisalcat", kt, sm_i , jpi*jpj*jpl, (/1/) )
- CALL histwrite( kid, "sitemcat", kt, tm_i - rt0 , jpi*jpj*jpl, (/1/) )
- CALL histwrite( kid, "snthicat", kt, ht_s , jpi*jpj*jpl, (/1/) )
- CALL histwrite( kid, "sntemcat", kt, tm_su - rt0 , jpi*jpj*jpl, (/1/) )
- ! Close the file
- ! -----------------
- !CALL histclo( kid )
- END SUBROUTINE lim_wri_state
- #else
- !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
- !! Default option : Empty module NO LIM sea-ice model
- !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
- SUBROUTINE lim_wri ! Empty routine
- #endif
- !!======================================================================
- END MODULE limwri